Construct a polynomial with given roots


The challenge is to write the shortest function/program to find a polynomial given the roots. The function or program should take valid input; that is, a list of integers representing the roots of the polynomial, and return valid output.

Output should return a sequence of numbers representing the polynomial. For example:

2, 3 represents 2x^1 - 3x^0 = 0

1, 6, 1, 8, 0, 3, 3 represents 1x^6 + 6x^5 + 1x^4 + 8x^3 + 0x^2 + 3x^1 + 3x^0 = 0

-1 0 5, -3 represents -1x^3 + 0x^2 + 5x^1 + -3x^0 = 0

I hope you get the idea.

Example Usage

For an input of 1, 2, the output should be 1, -3, 2, which represents the equation 1x^2 + -3x^1 + 2x^0 = 0, or x^2 - 3x + 2 = 0.

For an input of 1, -1, 0, the output should be 1, 0, -1, 0.

For the input, duplicate values should be removed and order does not matter. For example, the result with input 3, 3, 6 should be the same as the result with input 6, 3.

Float arguments are optional.

As this is code golf, the shortest entry in characters wins. Good luck!

The Turtle

Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

Reputation: 858


  • "duplicate values should be removed" interesting. I would have said the roots 3,3,6 correspond to the cubic (x-3)(x-3)(x-6) and the roots 3,6 to the quadratic (x-6)(x-3) 2. What does "float arguments are optional" mean? that we can support them only if we want to? Or that they definitely may occur? 3. (in practice only applicable to float arguments) It seems the simplest way to output is to express in monic form (that is, with the term of highest x having a coefficient of 1)
  • < – Level River St – 2015-08-20T00:26:02.930

    1@ steveverrill What I intended was to find the smallest polynomial given a set of solutions, and (x-3)(x-3)(x-6) is larger than (x-6)(x-3). I do see your argument though. – The Turtle – 2015-08-20T00:37:37.083


    Most [tag:code-golf] contests are scored by bytes and not characters. I would advise the former. The latter encourages weird base256/unicode compression of the source, which IMO don't really add anything to the contest, and merely serve to obfuscate the code, making less accessible answers, thus decreasing the overall quality of the site.

    – Digital Trauma – 2015-08-20T01:35:54.723

    You speak of input and output, and represent them as comma separated strings... is this the format we must use, or can we use, for instance, arrays? [1,2,3] rather than "1, 2, 3"? – Glen O – 2015-08-20T04:15:32.913

    what is the size of the largest integer that may appear? otherwise I guess all these answers don't live up to the spec unless they are using big integers – Chris Beck – 2015-08-20T05:39:56.973

    @DigitalTrauma Okay. I'll do so for next time. – The Turtle – 2015-08-20T21:29:43.920

    @GlenO As long as the data type can be easily interpreted by humans as solutions, I would say that would be fine. – The Turtle – 2015-08-20T21:31:34.823



    J, 8 bytes

    A series of verbs:


    Call it like this:

       |.p.1;~. 1 2
    1 _3 2

    J has a built-in verb p. (Roots). It converts between polynomials like 2 _3 1 (reverse order from the problem) and a multiplier/root pair like (1; 1 2).

    From right-to-left, ~. takes the unique elements, 1; pairs the list with 1, meaning we want the smallest integer polynomial, p. does the actual work, and |. reverses the resulting list.


    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 55 648


    Python 2, 71

    for r in set(input()):P=map(lambda a,b:a-r*b,P+[0],[0]+P)
    print P

    Iteratively updates the polynomial P to add one root at a time. Adding the root r multiplies the polynomial as P*(x-r). This requires shifting the polynomial list P by one index to represent multiplication by x, the subtracting r times the original list. This is handled by shifting a copy of the list, padding with zeroes, and mapping the function a,b -> a-r*b.

    To remove duplicate roots, the input is made into a set.

    Using reduce turned out one char longer (72):

    lambda R:reduce(lambda P,r:map(lambda a,b:a-r*b,P+[0],[0]+P),set(R),[1])

    Three lambdas though!


    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 115 687

    1{input()} saves a few chars – gnibbler – 2015-08-20T06:45:55.080

    2@gnibbler I don't think that works; it makes a singleton set of the list or tuple of input elements. Python 3.5 would allow {*_}, but the characters saved are lost in needing to unpack the map. – xnor – 2015-08-20T16:59:20.073

    right I was thinking of Python3, but then you'd also need to eval input anyway. – gnibbler – 2015-08-20T23:36:19.300


    Matlab, 56 bytes

    Polynomial multiplication is convolution of their coefficients:

    function y=f(R)
    y=1;for r=unique(R);y=conv(y,[1 -r]);end

    Floating-point roots are supported.


    >> f([1 2])
    ans =
         1    -3     2
    >> f([1 2 1])
    ans =
         1    -3     2
    >> f([1 2.1 -3.2])
    ans =
        1.0000    0.1000   -7.8200    6.7200

    Luis Mendo

    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 87 464


    Haskell, 70

    Basically a port of the reduce version of my Python solution.

    import Data.List
    foldr(\x p->zipWith(\a b->a-b*x)(p++[0])(0:p))[1].nub

    I tried to shorten the lambda expression \a b->a-b*x by making it point-free, but best I have is (+).(*(-x)) on switched inputs (thanks to @isaacg), which is the same length.

    The lengthy import for nub is for the requirement to ignore duplicate roots. Without it, we'd have 49:

    foldr(\x p->zipWith(\a b->a-b*x)(p++[0])(0:p))[1]


    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 115 687


    Julia, 41 bytes

    Note: this is assuming the list is what matters, not the input/output format.


    Glen O

    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 2 548


    Pyth, 17 bytes


    17 bytes. A reduce over the input set. +G0 is essentially *x, and *LH+0G is essentially *r, and -V performs element by element subtraction to perform *(x-r).



    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 39 268


    CJam, 24 21 bytes


    Input format is a list in square brackets (e.g. [1 2]). Output format is the same. This is a full program. It might get slightly shorter if I package it as an anonymous function.

    The approach is fairly straightforward: It starts out with 1 for the polynom, which is described by a coefficient array of [1]. It then multiplies it with x - a for each root a. This results in two arrays of coefficients:

    • One from the multiplication with -a, which simply multiplies each previous coefficient by this value.
    • One from the multiplication with x, which shifts the array of coefficients by 1, padding the open position with 0.

    The two are then combined with a vector addition. I actually don't have to do anything for the second array, since CJam uses remaining array elements of the longer array unchanged if the other array is shorter, so padding the second array with a 0 is redundant.

    Try it online


    1a      Put starting coefficient array [1] on stack.
    l~      Get and interpret input.
    _&      Uniquify input array, using setwise and with itself.
    {       Loop over roots given in input.
      W*      Negate value.
      1$      Get a copy of current coefficient array to top.
      f*      Multiply all values with root.
      0\+     Add a leading zero to align it for vector addition.
      .+      Vector add for the two coefficient array.
    }/      End loop over roots.
    `       Convert array to string for output.

    Reto Koradi

    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 4 870


    Husk, 13 bytes


    Try it online!


    The idea is to generate the polynomials (x-r0),…,(x-rN) for the roots r0,…,rN and simply multiply them out:

    F(mΣ∂Ṫ*)m(e1_)u  -- accepts a list of roots, example: [-1,1,-1]
                  u  -- remove duplicates: [-1,1]
            m(   )   -- map the following (eg. on 1):
                _    --   negate: -1
              e1     --   create list together with 1: [1,-1]
    F(     )         -- fold the following function (which does polynomial multiplication),
                     -- one step with [1,-1] and [1,1]:
         Ṫ*          --   compute outer product: [[1,1],[-1,-1]]
        ∂            --   diagonals: [[1],[1,-1],[-1]]
      mΣ             --   map sum: [1,0,1]


    Posted 2015-08-19T23:40:16.293

    Reputation: 15 345