Print a non-clashing binary search tree




  • Print an ASCII representation of a binary search tree.
  • You should write your own minimum implementation logic of a BST (node, left, right, insert)
(50,30,70,20,80,40,75,90) gives:

   |       |
   |       |__75

Detailed requirements

  • Items are inserted into the tree in the order in which they are in the list
  • All node values are right aligned in columns.
  • Right nodes are joined using __
  • Right nodes are represented along the horizontal and appear directly to the right of the parent node
  • Right nodes are separated by a minimum of 2 underscores (__)
  • Left nodes are joined using | and |__ on the next line
  • Left nodes are represented along the vertical and appear under and to the right of the parent (ie, next column).
  • Left nodes are separated by a a minimum of a blank line (discounting pipes (|) linking child to parent)
  • The vertical pipes joining 2 left nodes should be in the column directly under the last character of the parent node (see samples)
  • Column width is determined using something like max(col_values[]).toString().length() + 2
  • Branching left always adds a new row to the tree diagram
  • 2 separate (left) branches never appear on the same line (right__right__right is OK)
  • The root node may optionally be prefixed with __ (Removing it just about doubled my test code!)
  • Input is a set of positive and/or negative integers
  • You do not need to deal with duplicate values (drop/ignore them)
  • I'm not placing many restrictions on trailing whitespaces:
    • You may have trailing whitespaces after the last node on a line
    • You may have trailing whitespace after a | on the empty lines
    • No whitespace between nodes when when branching right
  • Standard loopholes and T&Cs apply
  • This is . Shortest code in bytes wins!

I'm aware that this is a potential duplicate, but I think I've been specific enough in my requirements that it should pose new challenges.

Sample Input/Output

  • Input

  • Output

  • Input

  • Output

  • Input

  • Output

       |    |              |
       |    |              |__870
       |    |
       |    |___60__500

Denham Coote

Posted 2015-08-12T15:58:40.053

Reputation: 1 397

2Related. – Martin Ender – 2015-08-12T16:07:43.443

@MartinBüttner yup, that's the one I was trying to be different enough from! – Denham Coote – 2015-08-12T16:29:19.710

Is this challenge too simple? Boring? Trivial? Uninteresting? Would appreciate some feedback so I can pose better challenges. – Denham Coote – 2015-09-21T13:18:55.397

1I don't think it's any of those. If anything the challenge is fairly hard. That's not a bad thing though, but it can mean that it receives less attention. – Martin Ender – 2015-09-21T13:30:39.847

Hmm. Didn't think it was too hard - perhaps it's the nature of the problem. Some challenges seem (to me, at least) to be far more complicated and they receive a few answers. No problem though. I enjoyed writing it and having to solve it too. Good exercise for myself. – Denham Coote – 2015-09-21T13:34:57.720



Java 1286 1106 1100 bytes

Here's an easy entry to beat ;-)

Pretty messy. I traverse the tree, populating a 2d array with the node values (and left branch pipes), and a size array with the maximum column widths. Then print the node array using size array to determine correct horizontal spacing. I look forward to seeing a better way of doing this.

class N{N l,r;int v,i,h,g,b,e,c,j;String[][]a=new String[10][10];int[]w=new int[10];String o="",p="";N(int x){v=x;}void i(int n){if(n>v)if(r==null)r=new N(n);else r.i(n);else if(n<v)if(l==null)l=new N(n);else l.i(n);}void p(N node){a[b][h]=""+node.v;if(w[h]<a[b][h].length())w[h]=a[b][h].length();if(node.r!=null){h++;p(node.r);h--;}if(node.l!=null){b++;while(g<b)a[++g][h]="|";h++;p(node.l);if(a[--g][--h].equals("|"))g--;}}void d(){for(e=-1;++e<a.length;){o="";for(j=-1;++j<a[0].length;){p=a[e][j];if(p!=null)if(p.equals("|")){for(i=0;i++<w[j]-p.length()+2;)o+=" "; o+=p;}else for(i=0;i++<w[j]+2;)o+=" ";else for(i=0;i++<=w[j]+1;)o+=" ";}if(!o.trim().equals(""))System.out.println(o);o="";for(c=-1;++c<a[0].length;){p=a[e][c];if(p!=null)if(p.equals("|")){for(i=0;i++<w[c]-p.length()+2;)o+=" ";o+=p;}else{for(i=0;i++<w[c]-p.length()+2;)o+="_"; o+=p; }else for(i=0;i++<=w[c]+1;)o+=" ";}if(!o.trim().equals(""))System.out.println(o);}}public static void main(String[]a){String[]q=a[0].split(",");N t=new N(Integer.parseInt(q[0]));for(int i=0;i++<q.length-1;)t.i(Integer.parseInt(q[i]));t.p(t);t.d();}}
   |    |              |             
   |    |              |__870        
   |    |                            
   |    |___60__500                  


class N {
    N leftNode, rightNode;
    int index, loop, curRight, curDown, maxDown, row,col;
    String[][] nodes = new String[10][10]; 
    int[] colWidths = new int[10];
    String line = "", node="";

N(int index) { this.index = index; } void i(int newValue) { if (newValue > index) { if (rightNode == null) { rightNode = new N(newValue); } else { rightNode.i(newValue); } } else if (newValue < index) { if (leftNode == null) { leftNode = new N(newValue); } else { leftNode.i(newValue); } } } void p(N node) { // Push current node nodes[maxDown][curRight] = ""+node.index; // Keep track of max column widths if (colWidths[curRight] < nodes[maxDown][curRight].length()) { colWidths[curRight] = nodes[maxDown][curRight].length(); } // Branch right if (node.rightNode != null) { curRight++; p(node.rightNode); curRight--; } // Branch left if (node.leftNode != null) { maxDown++; while (curDown<maxDown){ nodes[++curDown][curRight] = "|"; } curRight++; p(node.leftNode); if (nodes[--curDown][--curRight].equals("|")) { //following the ladder back up curDown--; } } } void d() { for ( row = -1; ++row < nodes.length;) { // Sloppy. Inject extra rows to extend pipes (double spacing) line = ""; for (int col = -1; ++col < nodes[0].length;) { node = nodes[row][col]; if (node!=null){ if (node.equals("|")) { for (loop=0; loop++< colWidths[col] - node.length() + 2; ){ line+=" "; } line+=node; } else { for (loop=0; loop++< colWidths[col] + 2;){ line+=" "; } } } else { for (loop=0; loop++<=colWidths[col]+1;){ line+=" "; } } } if (!line.trim().equals("")){ System.out.println(line); } line=""; for ( col = -1; ++col < nodes[0].length;) { node = nodes[row][col]; if (node!=null){ if (node.equals("|")) { for (loop=0; loop++< colWidths[col] - node.length() + 2;){ line+=" "; } line+=node; } else { for (loop=0; loop++< colWidths[col] - node.length() + 2;){ line+="_"; } line+=node; } } else { for (loop=0; loop++<=colWidths[col]+1;){ line+=" "; } } } if (!line.trim().equals("")){ System.out.println(line); } } } public static void main(String[]a){ String[] values = a[0].split(","); N t=new N(Integer.parseInt(values[0])); for (int i=0;i++<values.length-1;) t.i(Integer.parseInt(values[i])); t.p(t); t.d(); } }

Denham Coote

Posted 2015-08-12T15:58:40.053

Reputation: 1 397