This question brought to you by a game I like to play when stuck in long phone meetings.
Given any two times from a 24 hour clock (from 00:00 to 23:59), how many valid mathematical equations can be generated with all of the times in between using only basic arithmetic operations?
Input: two four digit strings (no colon) representing valid times in a 24 hours cycle.
For input=0000, 1300
03:26 produces: "0+3*2=6" and "03*2=6" etc.
11:10 produces quite a few, including: "1*1=1+0" and "1=1=1^0" and "1=11^0" etc.
12:24 produces: "1/2=2/4" and "1=(2*2)/4" etc.
Valid operations are:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division (floating point)
- exponentiation
- factorial
Other allowable symbols
- Parentheses
- Equal signs
Shortest code wins.
- The goal is to find the number of valid expressions between two times, not the number of times that contain a valid expression.
- The two times given as input are included in the range of times.
- You may group the digits in any way possible, so "1223" can be "12 23" or " 1 2 23" or "1 223" etc. etc.
- You may use as many parentheses as needed.
- You may use more than one
sign. For instance, the time11:11
has the valid expression1=1=1=1
. - If the first time occurs chronologically after the second time, the range of times should wrap as if crossing into the next day.
- The numbers must remain in their original order- you may not re-order the digits.
- When clustering numbers, zero's may absolutely be the front most digit, in which case, they are ignored ("0303" clustered as "03 03" is just two digits with the value of 3.)
- You MAY NOT use the minus sign as unary negation. Therefore, "12:01" does NOT produce "1-2=-(01)", but DOES produce "1-2=0-1".
- You MAY NOT add decimal points to digits. Therefore, "12:05" does NOT produce "1/2=0.5".
- No chaining of factorials- a digit may be followed by at most one "!", no more, otherwise, many times would have infinite solutions. Ex: "5!" is valid but "5!!" is not valid.
I changed "expression" to "equation" and some other things. Please tell me if these edits conflict with your intent. – lirtosiast – 2015-08-07T17:28:04.037
Looks good, thank you very much. – nobillygreen – 2015-08-07T17:30:11.663
2http://apps.getpebble.com/en_US/application/5309427924c4582908000046 – Beta Decay – 2015-08-07T17:32:19.273
It's not stated explicitly but it appears from the examples that reordering the digits is invalid / does not need to be considered. Is this correct? I assume decimal points are not required either, such as 1/2=0.5 – Level River St – 2015-08-07T17:37:31.293
"The numbers must remain in their original order." Should answer the first question. And you are correct on the second point, no decimal points. I have edited to make that explicit. – nobillygreen – 2015-08-07T17:38:56.617
4"Valid operations include" seems to prevent you from being able to add test cases. It would be a better question if you changed that to "Valid operations are" and added some test cases. It would also be useful to be precise about the endpoints: for input
0000 1300
should equations derived from0000
be included in the count? – Peter Taylor – 2015-08-07T17:45:08.6971Given digits "1423", do "1+4=2+3", "(1+4)=(2+3)", "(1+4)=2+3" and "1+4=(2+3)" count as one or four equations? And... what are all equations of "0000"? I think of about 100 possibilities, or even more... Could this be? – bobbel – 2015-08-07T22:05:23.417
+1 this is similar to a game my daughter plays :) albeit on a 12 hour clock. – MickyT – 2015-08-08T00:45:44.240
2Is there any restriction on the use of unary operators? Absent such a restriction in the rules, factorial can be applied repeatedly and thus a perfect solution may prove impossible. – Michael Stern – 2015-08-10T17:22:34.927
1Michael, that's a great observation. So for the sake of the puzzle, I think I'll limit it to one factorial per "digit", if that makes sense. Therefor, 5! is valid but 5!! is not valid. – nobillygreen – 2015-08-10T17:30:19.447
1You should post some examples with the number of solutions they generate. Your example doesn't have that. – mbomb007 – 2015-08-10T18:11:35.500
Because the current time only lasts for a minute, you need to write the smallest code possible. – wizzwizz4 – 2016-01-13T19:34:21.220