Through the bases


Through the bases

In this challenge, you will be taking a number through all the bases of the rainbow

Given an input, n, you will output n in every base from 9 to 2, and back up to 9. That's 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.


>>> 16


  • You input can be a string or a number.
  • Your output may be separated by new lines, spaces, commas, or tabs.
  • You may use built in functions.
  • Shortest code wins!


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 2 540

Can the output be comma-separated? – Downgoat – 2015-07-23T23:21:08.310

@vihan1086 yes. – phase – 2015-07-23T23:21:29.500

I'm really late on this but can each line be surrounded by quotes? e.g. "17"\n"20" – Piccolo – 2015-08-05T05:05:15.503



CJam, 14 bytes


Try it online in the CJam interpreter.

How it works

ri             e# Read an integer I from STDIN.
  F,           e# Push [0 ... 14].
    f{       } e# For each B in that range, push I and B; then:
      7-z2+    e#   Compute abs(B - 7) + 2.
               e#   This maps [0 ... 14] to [9 ... 2 ... 9].
           b   e#   Perform base conversion.
            N  e#   Push a linefeed.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 196 637

Just when I thought I had a chance at winning with Pyth. :P – Alex A. – 2015-07-24T00:03:44.190

1@AlexA. I'm here to save your hope! – orlp – 2015-07-24T00:05:57.740


Pyth, 14 bytes


Needs more work, most code is spent generating 9..2..9.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 37 067


Pyth, 18 15 14 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to Dennis and 1 thanks to Jakube!

V+r9 1r3TjkjQN


V                     For N in
 +r9 1r3T             the list [9,8,...3,2,3,...,8,9],
           jQN        convert the input to base N (returns a list),
         jk           join the list into a string, implicitly printed.

Try it online.

Alex A.

Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 23 761

"" is just k, p already appends a linefeed and printing is implicit anyway, so FN+r9 1r3TjkjQN is 3 bytes shorter and looks a bit better. – Dennis – 2015-07-23T23:54:39.890

@Dennis You're the man. – Alex A. – 2015-07-23T23:57:45.780


Haskell, 59

k%b=div k b%b*10+mod k b
g n=map(n%)$[9,8..3]++[2..9]

First, recursively defines a binary operator % to do base conversion, representing the output as a decimal number rather than a string. The function g converts the input n to each base from 9 to 2 and back up.

There's probably a shorter approach, advice is welcome. Saved 2 chars on parens thanks to nimi.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 115 687

2Out of curiosity, why does [9,8...3] work but [9..3] doesn't? (the latter seems to return an empty list) – Sp3000 – 2015-07-24T00:57:21.937

1@Sp3000 It defaults to a step size of +1, so [9..3] is empty because 9>3. Putting the second terms fixes the step size. It general, you can do range(a,b,s) as [a,a+s..b]. – xnor – 2015-07-24T01:27:55.543


Julia, 43 bytes

n->for i=[9:-1:2,3:9] println(base(i,n))end

This creates an unnamed function that accepts and integer and prints to STDOUT on separate lines. The base function takes two integers: a base (i) and a number (n) and returns the string representation of the number in the given base. Here we just loop through the required bases and print.

Alex A.

Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 23 761


Bash + dc, 27

echo {{9..2},{3..9}}o$1p|dc

Digital Trauma

Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 64 644

1Slightly shorter: echo {{9..2},{3..9}}o$1p|dc – Dennis – 2015-07-24T04:45:26.550

@Dennis very good - I didn't know brace expansions could be nested like that! – Digital Trauma – 2015-07-24T04:49:06.787


JavaScript (ES6), 57 bytes

f=n=>[...`987654323456789`].map(v=>n.toString(v)).join` `

CoffeeScript, 57 bytes

Different approach:

f=(n)->[-7..7].map((v)->n.toString 2+Math.abs v).join ' '

JavaScript (ES5), 97 bytes

function f(n){return'987654323456789'.split('').map(function(v){return n.toString(v)}).join(' ')}


function f(n) {
  return '987654323456789'.split('').map(function(v) {
    return n.toString(v)
  }).join(' ')

document.body.innerHTML = f(16)


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 2 776


Python 2, 79

g=lambda b,k=input():k and g(b,k/b)*10+k%b
c=7;exec"print g(abs(c)+2);c-=1;"*15

The function g converts a number k to a base b. We can take k as the program input because Python initializes default arguments when the function is defined, not each time it's called. We get the desired sequence of bases by taking the range [-7, -6, ..., 6, 7], taking the absolute value, and adding 2.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 115 687


JavaScript SpiderMonkey 31 (1.8), 47 bytes

n=>[for(i of`987654323456789`)n.toString(i)]+''

It doesn't get simpler than this.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 27 116

Nice, but array comprehensions have been dropped from ES7.

– Chiru – 2015-08-05T05:26:44.290

@Chiru Hm, I'll update it – Downgoat – 2015-08-05T05:30:39.187


Pip, 14 = 13 + 1 bytes

Uses the -n flag.


GitHub repository for Pip

Takes the number as a command-line argument.

        -7,8   Range containing integers from -7 through 7
     AB(    )  Absolute value of each
   2+          Add 2 to each
aTB            Convert command-line arg to each base
               Print resulting list, newline-separated (-n flag)

It's amazing how all the golfing languages are getting the same score here.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 21 213

Those list formatting switches look really useful. – Dennis – 2015-08-05T05:25:33.150

@Dennis Yes, the main reason I thought of them was so I wouldn't have to wrap the whole program in (...)Jn (4 bytes vs. 1 with -n) when the program consisted of a map expression (parentheses needed since Map is lower precedence than Join). – DLosc – 2015-08-05T05:56:10.253


JavaScript (ES5), 69 66 65 bytes

function f(o){for(i=15;i--;)console.log(o.toString(i>7?i-5:9-i))}


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 111


Ruby, 44 bytes

a=->n{(0..14).map{|j|p n.to_s((j-7).abs+2)}}

Call the lambda with This prints out with quotes around each line because p is shorter than puts. I'm assuming this is allowed.


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 261

but n=ARGV[0].to_i;(0..14).map{|j|puts n.to_s((j-7).abs+2)} is 56 bytes and is complete (could be 54 if used p instead of puts – rdnewman – 2015-08-05T16:39:17.003

Oh, gotcha, thanks, I'll fix that. Edit: Fixed. Also, defining a function is slightly shorter than getting the parameters passed to the code @rdnewman – Piccolo – 2015-08-05T16:53:21.863

But not sure that requiring in IRB would be considered a complete program by others. If it is, then I'd agree with you. Actually, might be able to just do (0..14)map{|j|p ARGV[0]((j-7).abs+2)} and remove the n altogether (didn't test). – rdnewman – 2015-08-05T18:31:34.570

@rdnewman I saw a lambda solution like this on an answer with 6 upvotes here so I assumed it was ok. In fact, they didn't even assign it to a variable and just put ->s..

– Piccolo – 2015-08-05T18:33:18.570

1Ah, ok. Here's the corrected version of the last one I tried: (0..14).map{|j|p ARGV[0].to_i.to_s((j-7).abs+2)}; will run, but 48 bytes to your 44, so if they'll accept it, yours is better. – rdnewman – 2015-08-05T18:36:17.000


APL, 52 bytes

I'll admit, this could use more golfing.

{n←⍵⋄⊃{⍺,' ',⍵}/{⊃,/⍕¨(~∧\0=e)/e←(10⍴⍵)⊤n}¨2+|8-⍨⍳15}

it is limited to at most 10 digits output

suggestions for improvement welcome

output for 16 looks like

17 20 22 24 31 100 121 10000 121 100 31 24 22 20 17


Posted 2015-07-23T23:12:00.777

Reputation: 570