A question wanted to solve a problem in a way that made it unreasonably complex: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31551257/29347
The problem in the original question is:
Take a list of (key, value) and produce a dict such that {key: sum(value)}
My Problem
I want to use dict compression with list.count
or str.count
but constructing the iterable, iterating and referencing it in one motion has me stumped.
a = [("a",1), ("b",3), ("a",5)]
# b = "abbbaaaaa"
b = "".join(b[0] * b[1] for b in a)
# dict_a = {'a': 6, 'b': 3}
dict_a = {e[0]: b.count(e) for e in b}
Remove the need for the variable b thus merging the two lines whilst staying true to the solution.
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– Martin Ender – 2015-07-23T19:51:30.597