Evaluating Parentheses and Brackets as Integers



Write a program that takes in a string of the four characters ()[] that satisfies these points:

  • Every left parenthesis ( has a matching right parenthesis ).
  • Every left bracket [ has a matching right bracket ].
  • Matching pairs of parentheses and brackets won't overlap. e.g. [(]) is invalid because the matching brackets are not fully contained in the matching parentheses, nor vice-versa.
  • The first and last characters are a matching pair of parentheses or brackets. So ([]([])) and [[]([])] are valid but []([]) is not.

(A grammar for the input format is <input> ::= [<input>*] | (<input>*).)

Each pair of matching parentheses and brackets evaluates to a non-negative integer:

  • The values of pairs inside matching parentheses are all summed. The empty match () has value 0.
  • The values of pairs inside matching brackets are all multiplied. The empty match [] has value 1.

(The sum or product of one number is that same number.)

For example, ([](())([][])[()][([[][]][][])([][])]) can be broken down and evaluated as 9:

([](())([][])[()][([[][]][][])([][])])    <input>
(1 (0 )(1 1 )[0 ][([1 1 ]1 1 )(1 1 )])    <handle empty matches>
(1 0   2     0   [(1     1 1 )2     ])    <next level of matches>
(1 0   2     0   [3           2     ])    <and the next>
(1 0   2     0   6                   )    <and the next>
9                                         <final value to output>

Another example:

[([][][][][])([][][])([][][])(((((([][]))))))]    <input>
[(1 1 1 1 1 )(1 1 1 )(1 1 1 )((((((1 1 ))))))]
[5           3       3       (((((2     )))))]
[5           3       3       ((((2       ))))]
[5           3       3       (((2         )))]
[5           3       3       ((2           ))]
[5           3       3       (2             )]
[5           3       3       2               ]
90                                                <output>

Your program needs to evaluate and print the integer represented by the entire input string. You can assume the input is valid. The shortest code in bytes wins.

Instead of a program, you may write a function that takes in a string and prints or returns the integer.

Calvin's Hobbies

Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 84 000

Asking on behalf of the Python submission for clarification: Program only, or are functions/return value okay? – Sp3000 – 2015-06-06T04:59:56.570

Might be good to edit the question then. In a previous question, I was told that functions are not valid if it says "write a program" in the question. – Reto Koradi – 2015-06-06T05:38:29.467



CJam, 23


With BIG credits to Dennis! Try it online


The program converts the input to a CJam expression then evaluates it.
[…] becomes […1]:* (append 1 and multiply)
(…) becomes […0]:+ (append 0 and add)

q              read input
"])("          characters we want to replace
"1]:*0]:+["    replacement strings, concatenated
4/             split into strings of length 4: ["1]:*" "0]:+" "["]
er             replace (transliterate) the 3 characters with the 3 strings
s              convert the result (mixed characters and strings) to string
~              evaluate

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 22 326

1Transliteration saves 4 bytes: q"])(""1]:*0]:+["4/ers~ – Dennis – 2015-06-05T19:05:56.243

2@Dennis whaaa! That's insane, you can do that?? – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2015-06-05T20:13:26.757

3You are asking me? :P – Dennis – 2015-06-05T20:31:56.653

4@Dennis How would the creator of CJam know about such feature's existence?? – Optimizer – 2015-06-05T20:50:49.157


Common Lisp - 98

  1. Replace ( by (+
  2. Replace [ by (*
  3. Replace ] by )
  4. Read from string
  5. Eval

This requires cl-ppcre library to be loaded in current lisp image.


Functions * and + are variadic and return their neutral value when given no arguments. For your examples, the evaluated lisp form are the following ones:

(+ (*) (+ (+)) (+ (*) (*)) (* (+)) (* (+ (* (*) (*)) (*) (*)) (+ (*) (*))))
=> 9


(* (+ (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)) (+ (*) (*) (*)) (+ (*) (*) (*))
   (+ (+ (+ (+ (+ (+ (*) (*))))))))
=> 90

Without regexes - 183 bytes

(lambda(s)(do(r(x(coerce s'list))c)((not x)(eval(read-from-string(coerce(reverse r)'string))))(setq c(pop x))(push(case c(#\[ (push #\* r)#\()(#\] #\))(#\( (push #\+ r) #\()(t c))r)))

C'mon, Lisp - 16 bytes (experimental)


Other languages are so terse that I am tempted to make my own golfing language based on Common Lisp, for shorter string manipulations. Currently there is no spec, and the eval function is the following one:

(defun cmon-lisp (expr &rest args)
   (lambda (s)
     (let (p q)
       (loop for c across expr
             do (case c
                  (#\< (push (pop p) q))
                   (let ((a1 (coerce q 'string)) (a2 (coerce p 'string)))
                     (setf p nil
                           q nil
                              (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars a1) s a2))))
                   (setf s
                           (if (string= s "")
                               (read-from-string s))))
                  (#\E (setf s (eval s)))
                  (t (push c p))))


(cmon-lisp "+((<r*([<r)]<rRE" "([] [] ([] []))")
=> 4
  • there is an implicit argument called s and two stacks, p and q.
  • characters in source code are pushed to p.
  • < : pops from p and pushes to q.
  • r : replaces in s (must be a string) from characters in q to charactes in p; result is stored in s; p and q are emptied.
  • R : read from string s, store result in variable s.
  • E : eval form s, store result in s.


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 6 292

1Funyy how lisp is used to do something with brackets here. – Syd Kerckhove – 2015-06-06T22:04:01.107

@SydKerckhove You comment just make me think of an appropriate Clojure answer. Thanks alot! – coredump – 2015-06-07T05:24:22.767


Pyth, 35 34 33 bytes



1 byte thanks to @Jakube.

We start by parsing the input. The input format is close to Python, but not quite. We need commas after each parenthesized or bracketed group. The comma at the end of a bracketed group is unnecessary, but harmless. To accomplish this, we use this code:

  X               Translate
   z              in the input
     "])"         the characters "])"
    J             which we will save to J to
             J    J
         +R\,     with each character mapped to itself plus a ",".
 s                Combine the list to a string.
v                  Evaluate as a Python literal.

This will leave an extra , at the end of the string, which will wrap the whole object in a tuple, but this is harmless, because the tuple will be summed, and so have a value equal to its element.

Now that the string is parsed, we must find its value. This is done using a user defined function, y, which is called on the parsed object. the function is defined as follows:

L                     Define a function, y(b), which returns the following:
 ?       qb+Yb        We form a ternary whose condition is whether the input, b,
                      equals the inputplus the empty list, Y. This is true if
                      and only if b is a list.
      yMb             If so, we start by mapping y over every element of b.
  *F+1                We then take the product of these values. The +1 ensures
                      that the empty list will return 1.
                yMb   Otherwise, we start by mapping y over every element of b.
               s      Then, we sum the results.


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 39 268

@Jakube Right, the unary summation has no effect. – isaacg – 2015-06-05T07:10:57.193


Emacs lisp, 94

The format looks very lispy, so I thought a simple transformation might work:

(defun e()(format-replace-strings'(("("."(+")("["."(*")("]".")")))(eval(read(buffer-string))))

The intermediate format looks something like (for the example in the question):


We're helped by the fact that addition and multiplication already do what we want with an empty argument list.

Degolfed, and interactive, for you playing pleasure:

(defun paren_eval()
  (interactive "*")
  (format-replace-strings '(("(" . "(+")
                            ("[" . "(*")
                            ("]" . ")")))
  (eval (read (buffer-string)))

Toby Speight

Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 5 058

I should have read more closely - the Common Lisp solution takes exactly the same approach! – Toby Speight – 2015-06-05T13:49:17.833

1We need more Emacs Lisp answers!. Btw, I did not count but you could golf it a little more by using a lambda, taking a string as a parameter and removing interactive (instead of buffer-string, use read-from-string). – coredump – 2015-06-07T07:50:03.677


Retina, 111 bytes

<empty line>

Gives output in unary.

Each line should go to its own file but you can run the code as one file with the -s flag. E.g.:

> retina -s brackets <input_1

Explanation comes later.


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 19 909


Java, 349 characters

A simple recursive approach. Expects the string to be the first argument used to call the program.

import java.util.*;class K{int a=0,b;String c;public static void main(String[]a){K b=new K();b.c=a[0];System.out.print(b.a());}int a(){switch(c.charAt(a++)){case'(':b=0;for(int a:b())b+=a;break;case'[':b=1;for(int a:b())b*=a;}a++;return b;}List<Integer>b(){List d=new ArrayList();char c;while((c=this.c.charAt(a))!=']'&&c!=')')d.add(a());return d;}}


import java.util.*;

class K {
    int a =0, b;
    String c;
    public static void main(String[] a){
        K b = new K();
        b.c = a[0];
    int a(){
        switch (c.charAt(a++)){
            case '(':
                b =0;
                for (int a : b())
                    b += a;
            case '[':
                b =1;
                for (int a : b())
                    b *= a;
        return b;
    List<Integer> b(){
        List d = new ArrayList();
        char c;
        while ((c= this.c.charAt(a)) != ']' && c != ')')
        return d;


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 10 855


Perl 5, 108

Done as an interpreter rather than rewrite-and-eval. Not a great showing, but fun to write anyway.



# For each character in the first line of stdin
for (<> =~ /./g) {
    if ($_ eq '[' or $_ eq '(') {
        # If it's an opening...
        # ord('[') = 91 is odd, ord('(') = 40 is even
        push @stack, [ ( ord($_) & 1) x 2 ];
        # so we will push [1, 1] on the stack for brackets and [0, 0] for parens.
        # one of these is used as the flag for which operator the context is, and
        # the other is used as the initial (identity) value.
    } else {
        # otherwise, assume it's a closing
        ($top_value, $top_oper) = @{ pop @stack };
        ($next_value, $next_oper) = @{ pop @stack };
        # merge the top value with the next-to-top value according to the
        # next-to-top operator. The top operator is no longer used.
        $new_value = $next_oper
            ? $top_value * $next_value
            : $top_value + $next_value
        push @stack, [ $new_value, $next_oper ];

say $stack[0][0]; # print the value remaining on the stack.


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 2 403


Python, 99

I tried a variety of methods but the shortest I could get was basically just a replacement and eval. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could leave all the trailing ,s, as Python can parse [1,2,] and the final trailing comma just puts the whole thing in a tuple. The only other non-straightforward part would be the ord(c)%31%7 to seperate out the different characters (it evaluates to 2,3,1,0 for (,),[,] respectively)

F=lambda s:eval(''.join(["],1),","reduce(int.__mul__,[","sum([","]),"][ord(c)%31%7]for c in s))[0]


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 5 984

1This does not work as a program, does it? The question asks for a program, so I don't think providing a function meets the requirements. At least that's what people told me last time I submitted a function when it said "program" in the question. :) – Reto Koradi – 2015-06-06T04:33:57.110


Java, 301

a bit of a different approach than TheNumberOne's answer, although mine is also recursive in nature. Input is taken from the command line. The void method saves a few bytes when removing the characters that are no longer needed.

enum E{I;String n;public static void main(String[]r){I.n=r[0];System.out.print(I.e());}int e(){int v=0;if(n.charAt(0)=='('){for(s("(");n.charAt(0)!=')';)v+=e();s(")");}else if(n.charAt(0)=='['){v=1;for(s("[");n.charAt(0)!=']';)v*=e();s("]");}return v;}void s(String c){n=n.substring(1+n.indexOf(c));}}


enum EvaluatingParenthesesAndBrackets{
    String input;
    public static void main(String[]args){
    int evaluate(){
        int value=0;
        else if(input.charAt(0)=='['){
        return value;
    void substringAfterChar(String character){

Jack Ammo

Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 430


Python, 117 110 109 bytes

def C(s,p=[0]):
 while s[p[0]]in'[(':t=C(s,p);r=r*t*m+(r+t)*(1-m)
 p[0]+=1;return r

One aspect I was struggling with is that the function basically has two return values: the product/sum, and the new position in the string. But I need a function that returns only the result, so returning a tuple does not work. This version uses a "reference" argument (list with one element), to pass the position back from the function.

I have a shorter version (103 bytes) that uses a global variable for the position. But that will only work on the first call. And a function that only works once seems a bit fishy. Not sure if it would be acceptable for code golf.

The algorithm is straightforward recursion. I tried a number of variations for the expression that updates the product/sum. I came up with a few versions that were exactly the same length, but none of them shorter.

I sort of expected that the approach that turns this into an expression that gets evaluated would probably win. But as they say: "To iterate is human, to recurse divine."

Reto Koradi

Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 4 870

Functions now explicitly allowed :) – Calvin's Hobbies – 2015-06-06T05:57:55.077

@Calvin'sHobbies Got a rules question that I was generally wondering about, but that might come into play here: If a solution is implemented as a function, does this imply that the function can be called more than once in a single run? For example, if it used a global variable that is only initialized correctly on the first call, would that be... wrong? – Reto Koradi – 2015-06-06T06:36:31.593

@Retro I'd say yes, it is wrong. The function should work any number of times without reinterpreting it. – Calvin's Hobbies – 2015-06-06T07:21:28.697


Clojure - 66 bytes

Notice that ([] (()) ([] []) [()] [([[] []] [] []) ([] [])]) is a valid Clojure form. So:

#(letfn[(g[x](apply(if(list? x)+ *)(map g x)))](g(read-string %)))
  • This is an anonymous function taking a string, reading it and giving to g.
  • The local g function apply + or * to the result of the invocation of g on sub-elements of its arguments.
  • The base case of the recursion is a little subtle: it is reached when x in an empty sequence; (map g x) returns nil, and apply returns the neutral value for the operation.


Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 6 292


JavaScript (ES6), 116 bytes



Posted 2015-06-05T05:57:01.110

Reputation: 5 283