Compute the Resistance of a 4 Band Color Coded Resistor



Resistors commonly have color coded bands that are used to identify their resistance in Ohms. In this challenge we'll only consider the normal 4-band, tan, axial-lead resistors. We'll express them as:


Where x is the first band for the first significant figure, y is the second band for the second significant figure, z the third band for the multiplier, and t is the fourth band for the tolerance.

Each of xyzt represents a letter that abbreviates the color of the band:

K = Black
N = Brown
R = Red
O = Orange
Y = Yellow
G = Green
B = Blue
V = Violet
A = Gray
W = White
g = Gold
s = Silver
_ = None

So, for example, NKOg is some particular resistor.

The resistance can be calculated with the help of this table:

Resistor color code table

As the table suggests:

  • x and y can be any letters except g, s, and _.
  • z can be anything except _.
  • We'll restrict t to only be g, s, or _.

(Here's a handy resistance calculator that deals with exact same set of resistors we are.)

The resistance is 10 * x + y times the z multiplier, to a tolerance of the t percentage.

For example, to calculate the resistance of NKOg, we see that:

  1. N means Brown for 1.
  2. K means Black for 0.
  3. O means Orange for 103.
  4. g means Gold for ±5%.

So the resistance is (10*1 + 0)*10^310000 Ω ±5%.


Write a program or function that takes in a 4 character string of the form xyzt and prints or returns the resistance in the form [resistance] Ω ±[tolerance]%.

  • The resistor may be "upside-down", i.e. in the reverse order tzyx. For example, both NKOg and gOKN should produce 10000 Ω ±5%.
  • The resistance is always in plain ohms, never kilohms, megohms, etc.
  • Ω may be replaced with ohms, e.g. 10000 ohms ±5%.
  • ± may be replaced with +/-, e.g. 10000 Ω +/-5%.
  • Having trailing zeros to the right of a decimal point is fine. (e.g. 10000.0 Ω +/-5%)
  • You can assume input is always valid (x and y never gs_; z never _; t only gs_).
  • All 10×10×12×3 = 3600 possible resistors (2×3600 possible inputs) need to be supported even if some color band combinations aren't produced in real life.

The shortest code in bytes wins.


  1. gOKN10000 ohms +/-5%
  2. KKR_0 Ω +/-20%
  3. ggKN1 ohms ±5%
  4. ggGO3.5 Ω ±5%
  5. ssGO0.350 Ω ±10%
  6. GOOs53000 ohms +/-10%
  7. YAK_48.0 ohms +/-20%
  8. _WAV78000000000 Ω ±20%
  9. gBBB66000000.000 ohms ±5%
  10. _RYR2400.00 ohms ±20%

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Calvin's Hobbies

Posted 2015-05-26T02:45:58.373

Reputation: 84 000



CJam, 59 58 56 50 bytes

r_W%e>"sgKNROYGBVAW"f#2f-~A*+A@#*" Ω ±"@[KA5]='%

Try it online in the CJam interpreter.


Posted 2015-05-26T02:45:58.373

Reputation: 196 637


CJam, 53 51 50 bytes

" Ω ±"l_W%e<)iB%5*F-'%@"gKNROYGBVAW"f#:(2/'e*s~o

Try it online.

(Thanks to @user23013 for a byte)

I started out in Python, but

eval("%d%de%d"%tuple("gKNROYGBVAW".find(x)-1for x in L))

was too expensive...


Posted 2015-05-26T02:45:58.373

Reputation: 58 729

2:(2/'e*s~ saves the [. – jimmy23013 – 2015-05-26T05:35:53.000

@user23013 Ah thanks, I've been trying a bunch of ways of inserting the e where it's necessary, but I never thought of / and * – Sp3000 – 2015-05-26T05:39:56.570


Python 3, 130 114 bytes

def f(v):
 a,b,c,d=["_sgKNROYGBVAW".index(x)-3for x in v[::(1,-1)[v[0]in'sg_']]]
 return "%s Ω ±%s%%"%((10*a+b)*10**c,2.5*2**-d)

edit: @Sp3000 points out that the ordering can be better detected with min(v,v[::-1]) rather than v[::(1,-1)[v[0]in'sg_']] (saving 10 bytes), not check the index of _ and remove some unnecessary whitespace.

def f(v):a,b,c,d=["sgKNROYGBVAW".find(x)-2for x in min(v,v[::-1])];return"%s Ω ±%s%%"%((10*a+b)*10**c,2.5*2**-d)


Posted 2015-05-26T02:45:58.373

Reputation: 141

Thanks - I realised about concatenating the lines, but I missed the trick of using min() to detect the correct ordering - nice. – chronitis – 2015-05-26T15:04:51.450


Perl, 93 bytes

#!perl -lp
ord>90and$_=reverse;s/./-3+index zsgKNROYGBVAW,$&/ge;$_=s/..\K/e/*$_." Ω ±"./.$/*5*$&."%"


Posted 2015-05-26T02:45:58.373

Reputation: 3 634


Haskell, 135 132 130 bytes

r y|y<"["=p[k|j<-y,(c,k)<-zip"_ sgKNROYGBVAW"[-4..],c==j]
r y=r.reverse$y
p[a,b,c,d]=show((a*10+b)*10**c)++" Ω ±"++show(-5*d)++"%"


r y|y<"["=            If first letter of argument is a capital
p[..]                 Call p on the list created
[k|                   Make a list of all k
   j<-y               Draw character j from input
       ,(c,k)<-       With (c,k) being a pair from
               zip    A list of pairs of corresponding elements from the lists:
"_ sgKNROYGBVAW"       The space at 2nd position is to match '_' with -4, but 's' with -2
[-4..]                 An infinite list starting at -4
,c==j]                Only use element k if j equals the character c

r y=r.reverse$y       If first call fails, call again with reversed argument.

p[a,b,c,d]=           Assign the first four elements of the argument to a,b,c,d respectively.
show                  Turn (number) into string
10**c                 10 to the power of c
++                    Concatenate strings
-5*d                  This works for the tolerance because '_' makes d=-4

Thanks to nimi, I shaved off another 2 bytes.


Posted 2015-05-26T02:45:58.373

Reputation: 171