Tips for golfing in Befunge 93


What general tips do you have for golfing in Befunge 93? I'm looking for ideas that can be applied to code golf problems in general that are at least somewhat specific to Befunge 93 (e.g. "remove comments" is not an answer). Please post one tip per answer.


Posted 2015-05-09T18:20:10.417

Reputation: 7 357

Question was closed 2015-05-10T02:13:33.777

There's already a Befunge 98 topic

– Sp3000 – 2015-05-09T18:34:53.197



As little white space as possible.

If you have a 10x5 (50) code, can you make it into a 6x8 (48):

some code 
goes here 
and it is 
exactly 50

goes to

put a bi
t of cod
e here a
nd count
all of 4
0 chars!


Posted 2015-05-09T18:20:10.417

Reputation: 2 789