Square of the number of ones



I'm solving problem: in file "a.in" given the number N - length of the number consists of ones. Need to gets square of it, and put this in file "a.out". This is my shortest solution(150 bytes):

char s[1<<27];j;main(i,n){for(fscanf(fopen("a.in","r"),"%d",&n),i=n*=2;--i;j+=i<n/2?i:n-i,s[i-1]=48+j%10,j/=10);fprintf(fopen("a.out","w"),"%s\n",s);}

This is formated copy:

char s[1<<27];j;
        j+=i < n/2 ? i: n-i,
        s[i - 1] = 48 + j % 10,
        j /= 10

The best solution of this problem has size 131 bytes, how? Valid languages: C, C#, C++, Pascal, Java.


Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

Reputation: 1

3Maybe I'm a bit slow, but it took me a long time just to get what the program should do. If the number is 3, you want to print 111*111, which is 12321. Right? – ugoren – 2012-02-26T21:12:28.943

3What's the source of this puzzle? – Peter Taylor – 2012-02-27T15:45:22.417

8Why the restriction to such a few languages? – user unknown – 2012-03-15T03:26:03.300



without changing your logic, you can save 9 characters by using fputs (instead of fprintf).


you can also save one character by not doubling n at first step, thus removing divide by two:



Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

Reputation: 1 241

I need write breakline(\n), but fputs no do this. – Maxim – 2012-02-26T11:02:50.307

fputs works nice, 140 bytes – Maxim – 2012-02-26T11:45:16.137

fputs doesn't add a newline (unlike puts). – ugoren – 2012-02-27T15:04:18.280


You can save another character, by doing j/=10 after for - for(...)j/=10;

My best so far, 145 characters:

char s[1<<27];j;


Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

Reputation: 16 527


C, 104 chars

(Assuming ugoren's comment is correct)


Note that I needed to compile it with -m32 on OSX to keep it from crashing. Probably something to do with the implicit prototypes brought about by not including stdio.h.

Keith Randall

Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

Reputation: 19 865

N may be in range [1, 5*10^7] – Maxim – 2012-03-02T14:40:18.297

2@Maxim: then that should be part of the question. – Keith Randall – 2012-03-02T17:00:35.137


  • C's implicit prototype assume functions return int. When they return a pointer, and it's larger than int, things go bad. 2. You can avoid initializing k if you switch it with n (and run the program without parameters). Saves 4 characters (if you also move fscanf into for. Or you can initialize k with fscanf's return value.
  • < – ugoren – 2012-03-03T21:02:36.613


    J, 17 characters

    Invalid answer and not really of any use to the OP, but I was bored and this occupied a few minutes.


    1!:1[1 take input from the keyboard,

    1$~ creates a list of 1s of the length specified by the input,

    10#. converts to a base 10 number,

    *: squares it.


    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 11 678


    GolfScript 7

    Another answer in an illegal language, for the same reason as the one invoked by Gareth.



    • takes a number as command line parameter
    • ~ evaluates the number
    • 1` pushes the '1' string on the stack
    • * multiplies the character '1' by the number specified as input (results in a string)
    • ~ evaluates the string of 1s, thus storing the equivalent numeric value on the stack
    • .* squares the existing value

    In order to get the expected output, the program should be called like this:

     more a.in | ruby golfscript.rb program.gs > a.out # :-)

    Cristian Lupascu

    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 8 369


    Jelly, 4 bytes (feedback welcome!)


    Try it online!

    Repeat '1' a number of times equal to the input (x), concatenate and eValuate the result, and square it.

    Old solution:


    Try it online!

    As per @ugoren's explanation. Make a range from 1 to N, then bounce it (mirror except the last element) with ŒB and use V to concatenate the digits.


    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 1 189

    1This is wrong for inputs larger than 9. – Nit – 2018-05-04T08:03:21.067

    2Just wondering, why are you answering a bunch of questions that were last active in 2012? – Jo King – 2018-05-04T09:20:31.597

    @Nit Thank you! I missed that but found another more literal solution in the same amount of bytes. This one should work for larger inputs! – Harry – 2018-05-04T14:58:51.907

    1@JoKing Just trying to practice, and I figure might as well contribute to the site where other people can see. I'm just choosing questions I think that I can answer without considering the date. Hope it helps! – Harry – 2018-05-04T15:04:02.613


    Wren, 55 bytes

    Just do an invalid answer in case file manipulation doesn't work.


    Try it online!


    Takes input as string:

    Fn.new{|x|                                            } // New anonymous function
                                 Num.fromString(x)          // Convert input into a number
              Num.fromString("1"*                 )         // Evaluate 1 with that number times
                                                   .pow(2)  // Square the resulting value


    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833



    Just for fun a 'dc' solution. It read/writes from stdin/stdout, because of its limitations

    $ dc -e '?0sn[lnA*1+sn1-d0<x]dsxxlnd*p' <<< 3

    Dan Andreatta

    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 211


    Keg, -hr, 5 bytes


    Try it online!

    Another illegal answer, but hey, as far as I know, there ain't any CGCC jail y'all can throw me into.


    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 5 253


    C#, 172 chars

    namespace System{class P{static void Main(){var b=Numerics.BigInteger.Parse(new String('1',int.Parse(IO.File.ReadAllText("a.in"))));IO.File.WriteAllText("a.out",b*b+"");}}}

    Best I could do with a language with big integers. Unless you're willing to add Python to the language list...

    Keith Randall

    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 19 865


    Java, 198 chars

    Saw you mention Java, thought I'd give it a try. This is the best I can get using the standard runtime:

    import java.io.*;enum F{F;System s;{try{s.setOut(new PrintStream("a.out"));s.out.print((int)Math.pow(1/(9/Math.pow(10,new java.util.Scanner(new File("a.in")).nextInt())),2));}catch(Exception e){}}}

    Chad Retz

    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 131


    bash: 69 chars:

    w=$(for i in $(seq 1 `<a.in`)
    echo -n 1
    echo $((w**2))>a.out

    a.out - really? :)

    The only problem: invalid language.

    user unknown

    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 4 210


    K, 13

    Another invalid answer but what the hell.



    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 3 917


    C, 130 chars

    char s[1<<27];main(i,n,j){for(read(open("a.in",0),s),n=atoi(s);j=j/10+n-abs(n-i);s[n*2-++i]=48+j%10);fputs(s,fopen("a.out","w"));}


    Posted 2012-02-26T07:14:07.833

    Reputation: 1

    1Since you are actually willing to make the effort, would you please clarify your question? 3 people asked about some fine points; and got no answer. Also, you did some more clarifications in comments; they belong in the question itself. – anatolyg – 2014-11-02T19:08:13.793