Valid snakes on a plane



Inspired by one of Vi Hart's videos (which are a treasure trove full of potential challenge ideas)

A snake is made up of segments of same length and the connection between each segment can be straight or make a 90° turn.
We can encode such a snake (up to a rotation, which depends on the initial direction) by writing down a slither, the direction of turns (Straight/Left/Right) it takes. This one, starting in the top left and pointing to the right

-+    +--+    SR    RSSR
 |  +-+  |     S  RSL  S
 +--+  --+     LSSL  SSR

Would be represented by the slither SRSLSSLRLRSSRSRSS

And of course a planar snake cannot intersect itself (like in SSSSLLLSS), that would result in a horrible pixelated Game Over.

Your task is to determine whether a slither is valid or not (results in at least one self-intersection)

A string made from letters SLR with 2 < length < 10000
Something Truthy if it is a valid slither and something Falsey if its not.

Test cases



You can draw the slithers here (R and L are flipped, but it doesnt affect validity)


Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 2 811

Does input have to be done in the program or can it be read from a file? – M. I. Wright – 2015-05-07T00:31:29.363

1Should SRRR be True or False? It connects but doesn't intersect itself. – orlp – 2015-05-07T08:22:33.660

touching snakes challenge NSFW? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:39:07.450

3if you draw SRRR on a graph paper with one square per segment then it would overlap and is therefore invalid, simply RRR however, would occupy exactly a 2x2 square without overlaps (just like in the classic game) – DenDenDo – 2015-05-07T10:06:24.603

Similar but not a duplicate (due to different objective and different construction rules). – trichoplax – 2015-05-07T20:30:15.953

+1 for Vi Hart :)

– trichoplax – 2015-05-07T22:23:10.660



Pyth, 22 20 bytes


Try it yourself or run the testsuite.

Note the ASCII values of SRL, respectively 83, 76, 82. I abuse the fact that:

i 83 + 1 = 1
i 76 + 1 = i
i 82 + 1 = -i

From here I just keep a variable for the current position and current direction. For every character I multiply the current direction with the above complex number, then add it to the current position.

At the end I check if all the visited positions are unique.


Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 37 067

SRRR = true???? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:11:32.267

@Ewan On closer inspection - I'm not sure if that should be false or not. The head and tail connect, but do not intersect. – orlp – 2015-05-07T08:20:04.577

what about SRRRS? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:22:00.043

@Ewan Same story - connection but no intersection. The question isn't clear what should be returned for these. – orlp – 2015-05-07T08:23:20.323

hmm I can see why SRRR is true but surely SRRRS is def false? both Ss are at the same x,y coord? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:31:18.010

@Ewan They touch but do not intersect. – orlp – 2015-05-07T08:32:50.127

how do you define intersection? line 1 : SR line 2 RR : last S would be placed on same square as first S = interesection? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:36:24.177

@Ewan Intersection is when two lines cross, not when they touch. See this:

– orlp – 2015-05-07T08:42:43.120

1how would you draw SRRR? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:47:21.440

@Ewan As a square. – orlp – 2015-05-07T09:22:08.770

Yes, i see where you are coming from now. – Ewan – 2015-05-07T09:31:42.603


CJam, 30 bytes


Explanation to follow soon.

Try it online here or run the whole suite.


Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 25 836

Damn, that was fast. I didnt even think of an algorithm to solve it myself yet. – DenDenDo – 2015-05-06T23:16:53.083

SRRRS = true??? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T08:13:25.120

@Ewan umm, are we assuming that 0 is initially filled up and counts ? – Optimizer – 2015-05-07T09:12:39.177

1I guess I am interpreting it like a game of snake, where moves take up blocks of space. and some of you guys are interpreting it as a zero width line – Ewan – 2015-05-07T09:16:19.603

@Ewan My question is a bit different though. When we have a single move, say S, does it mean that the snake has already occupied both (0,0) and (1,0) ? – Optimizer – 2015-05-07T09:18:07.927

If you are using lines then can you 'occupy' any coord? – Ewan – 2015-05-07T10:58:15.493

As i said, my question is not in the terms of line vs block. So lets assume, for sake of my question, these are all blocks. – Optimizer – 2015-05-07T10:59:20.907


JavaScript (ES6), 84 89

Run snippet in Firefox to test.

Some notes:

  • the snake moves inside the f array. Unvisited cells have value undefined. On first visit, the tilde operator change it to -1 that is a truthy. Eventually, on a second visit the value change to 0 that is falsy and the every loop terminates returning false.
  • in JS, array elements with non canonic indices (not numeric or negative) are somehow 'hidden', but they do exist. Here I use negative indices with no problem.


$('#S').on('keyup mouseup change', Draw);

function Draw(){
  var s = S.value.toUpperCase();
  if (!s) {
    C.width = C.height = 0;
  C.width = 600;
  C.height = 400;
  var ctx = C.getContext("2d");  
  var px, py, int=0;
  ctx.strokeStyle = '#008';
  ctx.lineWidth = 2;
    ? 1 
    : (++int)
    if (int==1) ctx.stroke(), ctx.strokeStyle = '#800', ctx.beginPath(), ctx.moveTo(10*px,10*py);
    py = (p / 1e4 | 0) - 5e3;
    px = (p % 1e4) -5e3
    ctx.lineTo(10*px, 10*py);
  }, d=0,p=50005000,f=[]);

<script src=""></script>
Type to check and draw <input id=S>
(better full page)<br>
<canvas id=C width=1 height=1 ></canvas><br>
Valid<pre id=V></pre>
Invalid<pre id=I></pre>


Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 31 086


TI-BASIC, 49 56 53 51 bytes


Similar to orlp's method, this creates a list of all points in the complex plane visited by the snake, starting at the origin. If the list has no duplicate elements, the code returns some positive value. Note that on a string of more than 999 elements, the calculator will be unable to generate a sufficiently long list, and will error.

EDIT: Saved two bytes at the cost of ugliness as no two lattice points on the complex plane can be the same distance away from e^i.


Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 20 331


TI-BASIC, 60 58 bytes

Edit: Ignore everything below: a working ti-basic solution is here, by thomas-kwa. Go upvote that!

is the [(-)] key, and Ans is [2ND]->[(-)]. Run it by enclosing the snake's instructions in quotes ([ALPHA]->[+]) followed by a colon then the program's name. For instance, if you name the program "SNAKE", you'd run the test case in the OP as "SRSLSSLRLRSSRSRSS":prgmSNAKE.

Disp 0<sum(⁻1+2seq(Ans(I)≠(Ans(I-1),I,2,dim(Ans

Edit: Fails on SRRLSLLRRRS. I have a revised version at 61 bytes, but it fails on the first invalid test case:

Disp 0<Ans(dim(Ans

I'll try to fix tomorrow.

Update: so the problem is actually that my algorithm is flawed. If I had used a For( loop as opposed to seq( (to achieve the same thing) it (both algorithms above, actually) could be described as this:

  1. Initialize the counter variable to 1.
  2. Read the string. If the symbol changes, increment the counter variable. If the symbol repeats, decrement it.
  3. If the counter variable is greater than 0, display 1 (valid). Otherwise, display 0 (invalid).

However, this fails on invalid slithers like SRLRLRLRLRRRSS. I will now try to come up with a better algorithm... or steal from another answer.

I'm 90% sure that this can be replaced with a single seq( command, actually, but for now this is as small as I can get it. If you intend to build this to an 8xp using Sourcecoder as opposed to actually typing it out, note that should be replaced with != and the ⁻1+ bit should be replaced with ~1+.

M. I. Wright

Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 849


Ruby 87 89


Online test:

Ungolfed version:

F = -> input {
  # Coordinates are expressed using one number,
  # that is computed using the formula `y + x*max_x`.
  # Assume max horizontal field width (max_x) to be 10000,
  # since that's the max length of the input.
  position = max_x = 1e4

  # These are possible directions to move to (coordinate deltas).
  # The current direction is always the first in the array.
  directions = [1,max_x,-1,-max_x]

  visited = [position]

  visited +={|c|
    # adjust current direction...
    directions.rotate! case c
    when ?L
    when ?R
    when ?S

    # ...and move there
    position += directions[0]

  # Return `true` if `visited` only contains distinct elements, `false` otherwise
  visited == visited & visited

Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 8 369


Golfscript 48 49 50

[10.4?:z-10z~)]z*z@{'R L S'?@>(@+.`n}%n/@;\;..&=

Expects the string to exist on the stack and returns either 0 or 1.

You can try it online with tests for valid and invalid snakes.

This is basically the same idea as in my Ruby answer. Just the direction array is dealt with differently, because AFAIK Golfscript does not have an arary rotate function. In this case, I build a sufficiently large directions array, by multiplying it 10000 times and then trimming from its start 0, 1, or 3 elements, depending on the current command (S, R, or L). The current "direction" to move to is always the first item in the array.

Here it is with comments:

# Build the direction array and set current position
[1 10000:z-1z~)]z*z

  # For each character in the input:

  # set current direction by cutting 0, 1 or 3 elements 
  # from the beginning of the directions array
  'SR L'?

  # move to current direction

  # format as number and addd newline

# split by newlines

# cleanup

# return 1 if array contains distinct elements, 0 otherwise


Saved 1 char by modifying how the "directions" array is consumed.


saved 1 char by moving increments of 10 instead of 1 to make use of the ? (power) syntax.

Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2015-05-06T22:45:18.927

Reputation: 8 369