Can you cast the spell?



In Magic: the Gathering, mages (known as "planeswalkers") battle each other by casting spells. Spells cost mana. Five colors of mana exist: White, Blue, Black, Red, and Green, represented as {W}, {U}, {B}, {R}, and {G}, respectively.

A spell's cost is slightly more complex. The cost can be any combination of the following:

  • One or more colors
  • One or more colorless, represented as {X}, where X is a positive integer
  • One or more hybrids, represented as {Y/Z}, where Y and Z are either a color (represented by one of the five letters) or colorless, represented by a positive integer

The following rules apply when attempting to cast a spell:

  • A color in a cost must be satisfied by one mana of that color
  • A colorless cost {X} may be satisfied by X mana of any color
  • A hybrid cost {Y/Z} may be satisfied by satisfying either Y or Z
    • Note that braces are not nested
    • Y and Z are not hybrid

Write a program or function that, given a pool of mana and a cost, prints or returns true (or some truthy value) if and only if the mana in that pool can satisfy the cost, else false (or some falsy value).

A mana pool is a non-empty string of the format:


A cost is a non-empty string of the format:



In the format Pool Cost -> ExpectedOutput (with a space between Pool and Cost):

{R},{R},{G},{B},{R} {4},{R} -> True
{G},{G},{G},{G},{W},{W},{W} {2/W},{2/U},{2/B},{2/R},{2/G} -> False
{G},{G},{R} {R/G},{G/B},{B/R} -> True
{R},{R},{R},{G} {1},{G},{2/G}-> True
{R} {R},{R},{R},{R},{R} -> False
{W},{R},{R} {2/W},{W/B} -> True
{U},{U} {1} -> True
{W},{R},{G} {1},{2} -> True


Posted 2015-05-06T13:14:43.150

Reputation: 6 176

Is it possible to have colorless mana in the pool? – nutki – 2015-05-06T14:56:31.453

@nutki In the real game, yes. In the challenge, no. Only the five colors defined in the challenge exist for the purposes of the challenge. – Rainbolt – 2015-05-06T14:59:24.883

I've been away from magic too long. Hybrid costs?!? – Sparr – 2015-05-06T17:38:51.613

2@Sparr They were introduced in Ravnica, back in 2005 – murgatroid99 – 2015-05-06T17:41:24.673

@murgatroid99 I quit when 6E came out. None of my friends were willing to adapt to the new rules :( – Sparr – 2015-05-06T18:08:50.483



Pyth, 55 53 52 50 bytes


Try it online: Demonstration or Test harness

Notice that the time and memory complexity is really bad. So the second example doesn't work. I allocates about 1.6 GB of Ram before it crashes on my machine.


The explanation is for the 53 solution. The only difference is, that the initial parsing happens in the middle instead of the beginning.


So here's the initial parsing.

   rz0     convert input() to lowercase
  -   `H   remove all curly brackets (`H = "{}")
 c      d  split at the space
K          assign to K

So the input "{W},{R},{R} {2/W},{W/B}" gets converted into ['w,r,r', '2/w,w/b'].

m               ceK\,    map each cost d of the costs split by "," to:
 s                         the sum of
  m         cd\/           map each value k of cost split by "/" to:
    k                        k
   ? }kG                     if k in "" else
        ^Gvk                 Cartesian product with "abc...yz" of int(k) repeats

So what does this do? The cost input '2/w,w/b' gets converted into:

[['aa', 'ab', 'ac', ..., 'zx', 'zy', 'zz', 'w'], 'wb']

Every string in ['aa', 'ab', 'ac', ..., 'zx', 'zy', 'zz', 'w'] satisfies {2/W} and every char in 'wb' satisfies {w/b}.

Now we generate the Cartesian product of these lists (or strings) and see, if any combination can be produced with the mana-pool.

FN*F...              )      for N in Cartesian product of ...:
       #   )                   while 1:
        =sN                      N = sum(N)
                               this flattens N
            I!.-NhK            if not (subtract mana pool from N):
                   1             print 1 (True)
                    B            break
                      E      else:
                       0       print 0 (False)


Posted 2015-05-06T13:14:43.150

Reputation: 21 462

1truthy and falsy values are allowed, not just True and False. – isaacg – 2015-05-06T21:54:57.703

You can save a character by inling the assignment to K. Put Kc-rz0"{}") where K is first used, and remove the initial assignment to K. – isaacg – 2015-05-06T23:27:46.630

@isaacg Oh, should have seen that. Thanks. – Jakube – 2015-05-06T23:58:27.697

@Rainbolt You accepted a non-working solution. Well it worked when I posted it, but Pyth changed a lot. I updated it and also saved 2 more bytes. – Jakube – 2015-06-18T18:10:06.847

@Jakube Thanks, but this answer needs to work using an interpreter that was available at the time the challenge was posted, not some new updated interpreter. – Rainbolt – 2015-06-18T19:22:43.020

Actually, after looking through some other old Pyth answers, it looks like editing after the fact has become acceptable practice. Seems cheaty to me, but whatever. – Rainbolt – 2015-06-18T19:28:01.303


Python 2.7, 412 characters

import re,collections as C
def g(m,h,c,v):
 try:return t(m,h,c+int(v))
  if m[v]:return t(m-C({v:1}),h,c)
def t(m,h,c):return any(g(m,h[1:],c,v)for v in h[0].split('/'))if h else sum(m.values())>=c
def f(m,c):m=C(r(r'\w',m));c=[filter(None, x)for x in zip(*r(r'(\w+/\w+)|(\d+)|(\w)',c))];m.subtract(C(c[2]));print all(x>=0 for x in m.values())*t(m,c[0],sum(int(x)for x in c[1]))

The function f is the one that does the check. It takes the mana pool and cost as string arguments, and prints 1 when the mana satisfies the cost and 0 otherwise. For example, f('{R},{R},{G},{B},{R}', '{4},{R}') prints 1.

Ungolfed, it basically looks like this

import re
from collections import Counter
def helper(mana, hybrids, colorless, option):
    option = int(option) # See if option is an integer
    # For colorless hybrid, just add the value to the colorless amount
    # to check at the end.
    return check_hybrids(mana, hybrids, colorless + option)
  except ValueError: # Option is a mana letter
    # For colored hybrid costs, check if any of that color is
    # available, then try to pay the rest of the cost with 1 less
    # of that color.
    if mana[option] >= 0:
      return check_hybrids(mana - Counter({option: 1}), hybrids, colorless)
      return False
def check_hybrids(mana, hybrids, colorless):
  '''Check whether the given mana pool can pay the given hybrid costs and colorless costs'''
  if hybrids:
    # For each option in the first hybrid cost, check whether the
    # rest of the cost can be paid after paying that cost
    return any(helper(mana, hybrids[1:], colorless, option) for option in hybrids[0].split('/'))
    # When there are no remaining hybrid costs, if there is enough
    # remaining mana to pay the colorless costs, we have success
    return sum(m.values()) > colorless
def can_cast(mana_str, cost_str):
  mana = Counter(re.findall(r'\w', mana_str))
  # transpose to get separate lists of hybrid, colorless, and colored symbols
  cost = zip(*re.findall(r'(\w+/\w+)|(\d+)|(\w)',cost_str))
  cost = [filter(None, sublist) for sublist in cost] # Remove unfound symbols
  # After subtracting the single-colored cost from the mana pool, if
  # anything in the mana pool is negative, we didn't have enough to
  # pay for that color.
  if any(x <=0 for x in mana.values()):
    return False
  return check_hybrids(mana, cost[0], sum(int(x)for x in cost[1]))


Posted 2015-05-06T13:14:43.150

Reputation: 121