The Gray area of n-ary codes



Write a program or function that takes a base n and a number x, and returns or outputs the n-ary Gray code of x.


  • n is an integer in the range 2 <= n <= 16.
  • x is an integer in the range 0 <= n < 2**32.
  • The inputted numbers can either be two integer arguments if you write a function, or two arguments to ARGV or a space separated pair to STDIN if you write a program.
  • The output should be a string, either returned or printed to STDOUT.
  • If n is 10 or more, use hex digits to represent digits with a value greater than 9. The case of the digits does not matter.
  • If the n-ary Gray code of x is zero, '0' must be printed or returned.
  • Code length is in bytes, and standard loopholes are not permitted.
  • You do not need to use the same algorithm as below, but if you use a different one, make sure it produces valid Gray codes.


Example code adapted from Wikipedia:

>>> import string
>>> def nary_gray_code(base, num):
...     base_num = []
...     # Convert to num to base base
...     while num:
...         base_num.append(num % base)
...         num = num // base
...     # Convert base base number to base-ary Gray code
...     shift = 0
...     gray = []
...     for b in reversed(base_num):
...         gray.insert(0, (b + shift) % base)
...         shift += base - gray[0]
...     return "".join(string.hexdigits[i] for i in reversed(gray)) or "0"
>>> nary_gray_code(2, 100)
>>> nary_gray_code(2, 1)
>>> nary_gray_code(2, 0)
>>> nary_gray_code(10, 23)
>>> nary_gray_code(10, 100)
>>> nary_gray_code(3, 26)
>>> nary_gray_code(3, 27)
>>> for i in range(2, 17):
...     print(i, nary_gray_code(i, 2**32 - 1))
2 10000000000000000000000000000000
3 122102120011102000122
4 3000000000000000
5 34020102231331
6 1401154214013
7 260241350125
8 34000000000
9 11762782617
10 4875571576
11 1824007509
12 92b627446
13 5b25a2c00
14 2ac96ab2b
15 197dde1a7
16 f0000000


Posted 2015-04-15T08:46:24.317

Reputation: 1 319

Keep in mind that there are many different gray codes, so you can't test through equality with some test set. – orlp – 2015-04-15T21:15:42.343



Pyth, 20 bytes


This defines a function g which takes two integers as parameters. Take a look at this online demonstration: Pyth Compiler/Executor.


M                     def g(G, H): return _
                jHG      convert H to base G
         u      jHGY     reduce(lambda G, H: _, jHG, [])
          +G-HsG            G + [H - sum(G)]
  m                      map each number d to:
   e.H%dG                   hex-representation(d % G)[-1]
 s                       sum (join all digits)

This code is a little bit confusing. There are 4 function parameters in this code: two of them are called G and two of them are called H. The G in +G-HsG is different from the G in jHG or %dG.


Posted 2015-04-15T08:46:24.317

Reputation: 21 462

I don't think the problem description allows newline as a separator. – isaacg – 2015-04-15T10:23:46.783

1@isaacg Your right. Changed it into a function, still 20 bytes. – Jakube – 2015-04-15T11:08:59.693