This challenge is about the game Tic Tac Toe, but it's played on a torus.
How to play
To create the necessary game board, you start out with a regular Tic Tac Toe game board. First fold it into a cylinder by joining the left and the right edge. Then fold it into torus by joining the top and the bottom edge. Here's a simple visualization of such a game board with a few moves played (Sick Paint skills!).
The rules of Tic Tac Toe on a torus are the same as regular Tic Tac Toe. Each Player place alternating Xs and Os. The first one with 3 same symbols in a row, a column or a in a diagonal wins.
Since a torus is quite hard to visualize, we simply project the board back onto a paper. Now we can play the game as regular Tic Tac Toe. The only difference is, that you can also win with 3 same symbols in a broken diagonal. For instance Player 1 (X) wins the following board. You can see this easily by changing the view on the torus a little bit.
If your interested, you can play Tic Tac Toe on a Torus at Torus Games. There's a Windows, Mac and Android version.
Optimal Games
In this challenge were interested in optimal games. An optimal game is a game, where both players play an optimal strategy. On a regular Tic Tac Toe board optimal games always end in a draw. Fascinatingly on a torus board always the first player wins. In fact a game on a torus board can never end in a draw (also if the players play not optimal).
The optimal strategy is really easy:
- If you can win by placing your symbol, do it.
- Otherwise if your opponent has two symbols in one row/column/điagonal, try to block him. Otherwise, do what you want.
- Otherwise do what you want.
Every optimal game consists of exactly 7 moves and these moves can be described in the following way:
- Player 1 places a X anywhere on the board (9 choices)
- Player 2 places an O anywhere on the board (8 choices)
- Player 1 places a X anywhere on the board (7 choices)
- Player 2's move may be forced (1 choice), if not, he places the O anywhere (6 choices)
- Player 1's move is forced (1 choice)
- Player 2 is caught in a fork (Player 1 can win in two different ways), so Player 2 has to block Player 1 in one way (2 choices)
- Player 1 places the his last move and wins (1 choice)
There are 9*8*1*6*1*2*1 + 9*8*6*1*1*2*1 = 1728 different optimal games on our projected board. Here you can see one typical optimal game:
If we label each cell of the board with the digits 0-8
, we can describe this game by the digits 3518207
. First a X is places in the cell 3 (middle row, left column), than an O in cell 5 (middle row, right column), than a X in cell 1 (upper row, middle column), ...
Using this digit notation we automatically generated an order. Now we can sort all of the 1728 optimal games and we get the list:
Game 0000: 0123845
Game 0001: 0123854
Game 0002: 0124735
Game 0003: 0124753
Game 0004: 0125634
Game 0674: 3518207
Game 1000: 5167423
Game 1001: 5167432
Game 1002: 5168304
Game 1726: 8765034
Game 1727: 8765043
This list is part of your job. You will receive one number k
between 0 and 1727 and you have to return the k
th game in digit notation of that sorted list.
Write a function or a program, that receives the number k
(integer) computes the correspondent game. You can read the input via STDIN, command-line argument, prompt or function argument and print the result (7 digits) in a readable format (e.g. 0123845
or [0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 4, 5]
) or return it using an string (human readable format) or an integer (containing all digits in base 10), or in any array/list format.
The challenge type is code-golf. Therefore the shortest code wins.
Why does player 2's first move have to be in the same row or column as player 1's first move? I've played out a few games in my head where player 2's first move is in one of the same diagonals instead and they follow the same optimal game pattern. It seems to me that one of the aspects of the toroidal board is that rows, columns, and diagonals have symmetric effects on the game. – Runer112 – 2015-04-14T12:49:42.827
@Runer112 Simplified the optimal strategy a lot. The only rule now is block your opponent if you can, otherwise do what you want. – Jakube – 2015-04-14T13:24:33.297
7Just a side comment: actually there are much fewer unique games possible here. Translational symmetry makes the position of the first move irrelevant (because you can always center your view), so divide by 9... and rotation of the board makes for only 2 different second moves (diagonal or adjacent square)... so at most 48 distinct games. If you take into account reflection symmetry, it goes down even further. This torus version is much more boring than the regular one. Golf away. – orion – 2015-04-15T10:31:19.577
@orion Actually the fact that torus wraps, does not forbid us to think of '0' as the 'first' rect on the torus board and distinguish all nine fields in general... Yet we agree upon "meridian 0" being at Greenwich, while on the opposite of the Earth we can be one leg in place where it's Thursday, one leg in place it's Wednesday (24h difference in local time!) - and all in spite of the fact that the Earth is round and does not have a "starting point"... – pawel.boczarski – 2015-04-15T20:22:48.737
@Rodney Nope, it's a one, not a seven. Try calculating it. – Jakube – 2015-04-21T20:54:57.797
@Jakube Step three says there's 7 choices. I have no idea what you're telling me to calculate. Good luck with your puzzle. – r12 – 2015-04-21T21:01:22.587
@Rodney Yep, there are 7 choices. 6 of them forces the next move of Player 2 => (61) and 1 of them doesn't force the next move so Player 2 has 6 choices => (16). Sorry If I wasn't clear in the question. – Jakube – 2015-04-21T21:03:25.610