List the Cases of Two Finnish Nouns



In this challenge, your task is to correctly list the cases of two Finnish nouns. The twist is that you may use one of the listings as a guide to produce the other.

The Nouns

We use the following two declination tables as our data. They list the cases of two nouns, one case per line in the same order as in the Wikipedia article linked above, in the form singular : plural where applicable.

Table 1: Cases of ovi ("door")

ovi : ovet
oven : ovien
oven : ovet
ovea : ovia
ovessa : ovissa
ovesta : ovista
oveen : oviin
ovella : ovilla
ovelta : ovilta
ovelle : oville
ovena : ovina
oveksi : oviksi
ovetta : ovitta

Table 2: Cases of jalka ("foot")

jalka : jalat
jalan : jalkojen
jalan : jalat
jalkaa : jalkoja
jalassa : jaloissa
jalasta : jaloista
jalkaan : jalkoihin
jalalla : jaloilla
jalalta : jaloilta
jalalle : jaloille
jalkana : jalkoina
jalaksi : jaloiksi
jalatta : jaloitta

The Task

Your task is to write two programs f and g (possibly with different names) that take one string as input, give one string as output, and have the following property. If Table 1 is given to f as input, it outputs Table 2, and if Table 2 is given to g, it outputs Table 1. All other inputs result in undefined behavior. The tables must appear exactly as above in both input and output. You may optionally assume that there is a trailing newline, but then it must be used in both tables, and in both input and output. There is no preceding newline.

Rules and Bonuses

You can write f and g as either functions or full programs, but they must be of the same type, and they must be completely separate (if you write a helper function for f, you must re-write it in g if you want to use it there). The lowest total byte count wins, and standard loopholes are disallowed.

There is a bonus of -25 % for not using regular expressions.

Some Clarifications

It is perfectly fine to write a function/program f that ignores its input and always returns Table 2, and a function/program g that always returns Table 1. It is only required that f(Table 1) == Table 2 and g(Table 2) == Table 1; the behavior of f and g on all other inputs is irrelevant.

The "completely separate" part means the following. Your answer provides two pieces of code, one for f and one for g, preferably in different code boxes. If I put the code for f in a file and run it, it works, and the same for g. Your score is the sum of the byte counts of the two pieces of code. Any duplicated code is counted twice.


Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 39 083

if Table 1 is given `f` as input How does one input a function into a table? I don't understand this part – None – 2015-02-24T16:15:13.647

@Reticality "If Table 1 is given to f as input" – Zgarb – 2015-02-24T16:34:36.530



Perl, 105 + 54 = 159

Program f (try me):

#!perl -p
s/vi /vka /;s/ve/va/g;s/en/an/;s/vi/voi/;s/ov/1&34960>>$.?jalk:jal/eg;s/ii/ihi/;s/loia/lkoje/;s/oia/oja/

Program g (try me):

#!perl -p
s/jalk?o?/ov/g;s/va /vi /;s/va/ve/g;s/an/en/;y/jh/i/d

An alternative version of f, only 2 bytes longer (this method can be also applied to g but it would be too long):

#!perl -p0

Technically this still uses a regexp (to decode the substitution string and then to apply them) so I cannot claim the bonus here.


Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 3 634

Wow, good work with s/jalk?o?/ov/g! That one's powerful. – Sp3000 – 2015-02-25T11:05:11.933


Perl, 131 + 74 = 205

Table 1 to Table 2

$_=join"",<>;s/ee/kaa/;s/ii/koihi/;s/i(e|a)/koj$1/g;s/i(na|ne)/koi$1/g;s/v[ie](.?a| )/vka$1/g;s/vi/voi/g;s/ve/va/g;s/ov/jal/g;print


s/v[ie](.?a| )/vka$1/g;

Table 2 to Table 1




(Thanks to @nutki for some Perl tips)

Despite the penalty on regexes, I decided to tackle it anyway and learn Perl while I was at it. I'm assuming there's some Perl tricks which might let me chain replacements, but I couldn't find any in my quick search online.

It's much harder to go from the ovi table to jalka table, which I'm guessing is because the jalka table has additional nuances to make words easier to pronounce.

Here's the replacement table I was working off:

i <-> ka
ov i               jal ka

e <-> ka
ov e a             jal ka a
ov e na            jal ka na

e <-> a
ov e t             jal a t
ov e n             jal a n
ov e ssa           jal a ssa
ov e sta           jal a sta
ov e lla           jal a lla
ov e lta           jal a lta
ov e lle           jal a lle
ov e ksi           jal a ksi
ov e tta           jal a tta

i <-> oi
ov i ssa           jal oi ssa
ov i sta           jal oi sta
ov i lla           jal oi lla
ov i lta           jal oi lta
ov i lle           jal oi lle
ov i ksi           jal oi ksi
ov i n             jal oi n
ov i tta           jal oi tta

i <-> koi
ov i na            jal koi na
ov i ne            jal koi ne

i <-> koj
ov i en            jal koj en
ov i a             jal koj a

i <-> koih
ov i in            jal koih in

ee <-> kaa
ov ee n            jal kaa n


Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 58 729


Python 2, 371 - 25% = 278

When table 1 is the input to function f, it returns table 2. If the input is not table 1, it's output is undefined (however likely but not guaranteed to return table 2). For example, calling f(9**9**9**9) will probably not return table 2.

f=lambda a:'jalkaBatAanBkojenAanBatAkaaBkojaAassaBoissaAastaBoistaAkaanBkoihinAallaBoillaAaltaBoiltaAalleBoilleAkanaBkoinaAaksiBoiksiAoinAattaBoittaAkoine'.replace('A','\njal').replace('B',' : jal')

The same logic is used with function g:

g=lambda a:'oviBetAenBienAenBetAeaBiaAessaBissaAestaBistaAeenBiinAellaBillaAeltaBiltaAelleBilleAenaBinaAeksiBiksiAinAettaBittaAine'.replace('A','\nov').replace('B',' : ov')

The functions are independent.

Logic Knight

Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 6 622


VBA 1204 (1605 - 25%) 1191 (1587 - 25%)

The direct approach.

Edit: Corrected bug and used replace trick from @Maltysen

Function f(s)
    If Replace(s, " : ", ":") = "ovi:ovet" & vbLf & "oven:ovien" & vbLf & "oven:ovet" & vbLf & "ovea:ovia" & vbLf & "ovessa:ovissa" & vbLf & "ovesta:ovista" & vbLf & "oveen:oviin" & vbLf & "ovella:ovilla" & vbLf & "ovelta:ovilta" & vbLf & "ovelle:oville" & vbLf & "ovena:ovina" & vbLf & "oveksi:oviksi" & vbLf & "ovin" & vbLf & "ovetta:ovitta" & vbLf & "ovine" Then f = Replace("jalka:jalat" & vbLf & "jalan:jalkojen" & vbLf & "jalan:jalat" & vbLf & "jalkaa:jalkoja" & vbLf & "jalassa:jaloissa" & vbLf & "jalasta:jaloista" & vbLf & "jalkaan:jalkoihin" & vbLf & "jalalla:jaloilla" & vbLf & "jalalta:jaloilta" & vbLf & "jalalle:jaloille" & vbLf & "jalkana:jalkoina" & vbLf & "jalaksi:jaloiksi" & vbLf & "jaloin" & vbLf & "jalatta:jaloitta" & vbLf & "jalkoine", ":", " : ")
End Function

Function g(s)
    If Replace(s, " : ", ":") = "jalka:jalat" & vbLf & "jalan:jalkojen" & vbLf & "jalan:jalat" & vbLf & "jalkaa:jalkoja" & vbLf & "jalassa:jaloissa" & vbLf & "jalasta:jaloista" & vbLf & "jalkaan:jalkoihin" & vbLf & "jalalla:jaloilla" & vbLf & "jalalta:jaloilta" & vbLf & "jalalle:jaloille" & vbLf & "jalkana:jalkoina" & vbLf & "jalaksi:jaloiksi" & vbLf & "jaloin" & vbLf & "jalatta:jaloitta" & vbLf & "jalkoine" Then f = Replace("ovi:ovet" & vbLf & "oven:ovien" & vbLf & "oven:ovet" & vbLf & "ovea:ovia" & vbLf & "ovessa:ovissa" & vbLf & "ovesta:ovista" & vbLf & "oveen:oviin" & vbLf & "ovella:ovilla" & vbLf & "ovelta:ovilta" & vbLf & "ovelle:oville" & vbLf & "ovena:ovina" & vbLf & "oveksi:oviksi" & vbLf & "ovin" & vbLf & "ovetta:ovitta" & vbLf & "ovine", ":", " : ")
End Function

Run from the Immediate window:

msgbox f("ovi : ovet" & vbLf & "oven : ovien" & vbLf & "oven : ovet" & vbLf & "ovea : ovia" & vbLf & "ovessa : ovissa" & vbLf & "ovesta : ovista" & vbLf & "oveen : oviin" & vbLf & "ovella : ovilla" & vbLf & "ovelta : ovilta" & vbLf & "ovelle : oville" & vbLf & "ovena : ovina" & vbLf & "oveksi : oviksi" & vbLf & "ovin" & vbLf & "ovetta : ovitta" & vbLf & "ovine")


Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 41

Wouldn't you only have to check if the first character is 'o' or 'j' ? – Claudiu – 2015-02-24T22:06:36.413

@Claudiu Actually, there's no need to check anything; functions that ignore their input and always return the same table are valid answers. I'll clarify that in the challenge. – Zgarb – 2015-02-25T08:49:23.893

@Claudiu I thought about that, but what if someone ran it by passing "o"? – phrebh – 2015-02-25T14:11:42.147

@Zgarb It seems like you think my functions are ignoring their input, which they're not (technically). There's no translation of characters, though. – phrebh – 2015-02-25T14:12:51.320

No, I'm just saying that they could simply ignore their inputs and still be valid. – Zgarb – 2015-02-25T14:17:43.217

@Zgarb While that would shorten my code significantly, I'll stick the the original spirit of the question. :) – phrebh – 2015-02-25T14:29:58.630


Python - 462 - 25% = 346.5

This program does the obvious, direct approach except for a few data golfing tricks. For the undefined behavior it print the table just like the defined behavior. What an amazing "coincidence"! :)

jalkoine""".replace(':',' : ').split('X')
f=lambda n:y
g=lambda n:x

Now, if one would consider this cheating (yeah right), I can follow the spirit of the rules for 20 more characters = 482 - 25%=361.5. Just replace the last two lines with:

f=lambda n:[x,y][n==x]
g=lambda n:[y,x][n==y]

This would make the undefined behavior return not the correct table but the input table.


Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 25 023

It's perfectly fine to always return the same table. However, the challenge states that all code used to define the functions must be separate (this may have been a little ambiguous, I'll try to clarify it). In particular, you can't define x and y in one expression, and use one in f and the other in y. – Zgarb – 2015-02-25T08:50:12.830

"in y" -> "in g" – Zgarb – 2015-02-25T09:03:06.103


JavaScript (ES6) 271 (165 + 196 -25%)

Starting simple. The functions ignore input parameter at all.
Using split/join instead of replace to avoid regular expressions.

.split(0).join('\nove').split(1).join(' : ov')
.split(0).join('\njal').split(1).join(' : jal')

Test in Firefox/FireBug console

console.log(f('ovi : ovet\noven : ovien\noven : ovet\novea : ovia\novessa : ovissa\novesta : ovista\noveen : oviin\novella : ovilla\novelta : ovilta\novelle : oville\novena : ovina\noveksi : oviksi\novin\novetta : ovitta\novine'))

jalka : jalat
jalan : jalkojen
jalan : jalat
jalkaa : jalkoja
jalassa : jaloissa
jalasta : jaloista
jalkaan : jalkoihin
jalalla : jaloilla
jalalta : jaloilta
jalalle : jaloille
jalkana : jalkoina
jalaksi : jaloiksi
jalatta : jaloitta

console.log(g("jalka : jalat\njalan : jalkojen\njalan : jalat\njalkaa : jalkoja\njalassa : jaloissa\njalasta : jaloista\njalkaan : jalkoihin\njalalla : jaloilla\njalalta : jaloilta\njalalle : jaloille\njalkana : jalkoina\njalaksi : jaloiksi\njaloin\njalatta : jaloitta\njalkoine"))

ovi : ovet
oven : ovien
oven : ovet
ovea : ovia
ovessa : ovissa
ovesta : ovista
oveen : oviin
ovella : ovilla
ovelta : ovilta
ovelle : oville
ovena : ovina
oveksi : oviksi
ovetta : ovitta


Posted 2015-02-24T13:34:14.953

Reputation: 31 086