The challenge is to write an acrostic piece of code.
When read normally (horizontally), the code should take an input string and remove all but the first character on each line. For example, the input:
or and
bool var
foo bar
In addition to this, the code also must contain valid code when run vertically. Such that applying the horizontal code on itself yields a new piece of valid code in a different language.
- Each horizontal line must contain at least 2 non-whitespace characters
- The vertical code cannot use newlines.
- The vertical code must be in a different language from the horizontal language, preferably something entirely different
- The code does not have to be a complete program (doesn't need main function, etc)
What the vertical code does is up to you, although the goal is to have it do something interesting. Having it do nothing is not interesting.
Easy Mode:
- You may use the same language both horizontally and vertically
- No restrictions on language choice
Hard mode:
- No comments
- Both codes should compile and run (main function, etc)
- Horizontal code contains exactly 1 word per line
Wow, that looks hard. – PhiNotPi – 2011-12-29T00:59:46.923