Write a C / C++ Polyglot



This challenge's concept is pretty simple. All you have to do is write a program that will compile as both valid C and valid C++! Well, there are some catches. The program must behave differently when compiled in each language. The program must have different output for each language in order to be considered "behaving differently".


  • The program must be both valid C and C++
  • The program must have different outputs based on the language it was compiled in.
  • #ifdef __cplusplus or other "easy" preprocessor tricks are discouraged! (Other preprocessor operations are perfectly fine, though.)
  • Try not to make it look completely obvious that the program does something different.

This is a , so whoever has the most interesting and surprising solution wins. Have fun!


I created my own program to see if this was even possible to do with out #ifdef tricks:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char *m="C++ rules!";

int t[11]={0,0,0,0,1,-1,-3,9,-8,82,0};

char tr(char c,int i)
    return c+((sizeof('!')+1)&1)*t[i];

int main()
    int i = 0;
    return 0;

This program outputs C++ rules! when compiled in C++ and C++ stinks when compiled in C.


What causes the difference between languages is the tr() function. It takes advantage of one of the differences between C and C++, specifically, how char literals are treated. In C, they are treated as integers, so sizeof('!') returns 4, as opposed to 1 in C++. The ((...+1)&1) part is just part of a simple bitwise operation that will return 1 if sizeof('!') returns 4, and 0 if it returns 1. That resulting number is multiplied by the ints in array t and then that product is finally added to the specific character being transformed. In C++ the product will always be zero, so the string C++ rules! remains unchanged. In C, the product will always be the value in t, and so the string changes to C++ stinks.


Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 389

5I'm sure this is a dupe of something... – Beta Decay – 2014-11-14T23:39:30.120

@BetaDecay Is it? I tried searching for something similar and I couldn't find anything. – Mewy – 2014-11-15T00:03:02.857

Can you please explain how your program works differently (if it doesn't spoil the challenge)? – A.L – 2014-11-15T02:48:57.840

@A.L I edited in an explanation to my post. – Mewy – 2014-11-15T03:11:11.347

All the ones from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038200/write-a-program-that-will-print-c-if-compiled-as-an-ansi-c-program-and-c/ could be used here - with a little obfuscation.

– Jerry Jeremiah – 2014-11-15T03:51:13.747



Is the cake a lie?

As there has been much debate over whether the cake is or is not a lie, I wrote this program to answer this contentious question.

#include <stdio.h>

// checks if two things are equal
#define EQUALS(a,b) (sizeof(a)==sizeof(b)) 

struct Cake{int Pie;}; // the cake is a pie!
typedef struct Cake Lie;
    struct CakeBox{
        struct Cake{ // the cake contains lies!
            Lie Lies[2];
    typedef struct Cake Cake;

    printf("The cake is ");
    if(EQUALS(Cake, Lie)){
        printf("a LIE!\n");
        printf("..not a lie?\n");
    return 0;

What will the outcome be?


The cake is ..not a lie?


The cake is a LIE!


Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 8 953

1This. I like this. – FUZxxl – 2015-02-28T18:38:38.727


Just some bools

#include <stdio.h>

int test(bool)
  return sizeof(bool) == sizeof(int);

int main(void)
  puts(test(0) ? "C" : "C++");
  return 0;



Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 2 697

bool is not part of C89 – malat – 2014-11-20T11:13:27.153

8@malat Yep, and exactly this fact is used in this solution. For c++ the function is int test(bool /unnamed boolean argument/); and for C it uses default int declaration wich means int test(int bool); so 'bool' is a name of integer variable. – Qwertiy – 2014-11-20T19:44:04.870


I could have done this with a 3 line program but then it would be obvious why it produces different results for C and C++. So instead I started writing a bigger program with some stegonography which gets different results in C and C++...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct product
    int quantity;
    char name[20];
    char desc[80];

struct _customer
    char name[80];
    struct product *products;
} customer;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

struct shipment
    char tracking_number[40];
    int quantity;
    struct product { int model; int serial; } sku;

struct _supplier
    char name[80];
    struct shipment *shipments;
} supplier;

/* now read the command line and allocate all the space we need */

    printf("Usage: %s <supplier name> <# of shipments> <customer name> <# of products> ",argv[0]);

int shipments_size = atoi(argv[2])*sizeof(struct shipment);
printf("Allocating %d bytes for %s shipments\n", shipments_size,supplier.name);
supplier.shipments=(struct shipment *)malloc(shipments_size);

int products_size = atoi(argv[4])*sizeof(struct product);
printf("Allocating %d bytes for %s products\n", products_size,customer.name);

/* ... TODO ... finish the rest of this program later */


return 0;

You need to specify a command line. When I run it on my copy of gcc I get this output:

>g++ x.cpp

>a.exe "Bob Supplier" 1 "Jane Customer" 1
Allocating 52 bytes for Bob Supplier shipments
Allocating 104 bytes for Jane Customer products

>gcc x.c

>a.exe "Bob Supplier" 1 "Jane Customer" 1
Allocating 52 bytes for Bob Supplier shipments
Allocating 8 bytes for Jane Customer products

How can things go so horribly wrong?

Jerry Jeremiah

Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 1 217

Although others did the same thing, you masked it pretty well. – kirbyfan64sos – 2015-04-22T15:54:40.500


#include <stdio.h>

int c[1]; 
int main() { 
   struct c { int cpp[2]; }; 
   printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof(c)/4);


Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 330


This one works with C++11 and newer and any C so far (before C11).

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    auto a = 'a';
    printf(sizeof(a) == sizeof(int) ? "C\n" : "C++\n");
    return 0;

See here: C++: http://ideone.com/9Gkg75 and C: http://ideone.com/eECSmr

It exploits the fact that in C++11 the auto keyword got a new meaning. So while a in C is of type int stored in an AUTOmatic location it is of type char in C++11.

EDIT: As FUZxxl said the implicit int was removed in C11.

Felix Bytow

Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 311

1Doesn't work with C11 as C11 has removed the implicit int rule. – FUZxxl – 2015-02-28T18:39:45.380

@FUZxxl Thanks, I adjusted my post. – Felix Bytow – 2015-03-01T12:41:38.090


Self-describing program

This will print "This program is written in C!" if compiled using a C compiler; otherwise, it'll print "This program is written in C++!". It needs a C99 compiler.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char str[] = "This program is written in C++ ";
#define S (sizeof(str)-sizeof(true)-sizeof(true)%4)
int main(){for(int i=S;i<=S+1;++i)str[i]=i==S?'!':'\0';puts(str);return 0;}

Most other posts take advantage of the difference of the size of a char in C vs C++; this one uses the fact that, in C99, true is defined to be a number. This inserts the exclamation point and null terminator based on the size of true.


Posted 2014-11-14T22:37:28.010

Reputation: 8 730