C, 53 distinct chars
This uses "#%&()*+,-./01234569;<=>BKQR[\]acdefghilmnoprstu{|}
, space and newline, distributed as follows: 24×\n
, 33×
, 20×"
, 2×#
, 3×%
, 16×&
, 46×(
, 46×)
, 13×*
, 12×+
, 35×,
, 10×-
, 2×.
, 2×/
, 18×0
, 9×1
, 4×2
, 4×3
, 4×4
, 4×5
, 3×6
, 3×9
, 34×;
, 6×<
, 46×=
, 2×>
, 2×B
, 2×K
, 3×Q
, 2×R
, 8×[
, 1×\
, 8×]
, 39×a
, 23×c
, 5×d
, 19×e
, 15×f
, 1×g
, 22×h
, 36×i
, 5×l
, 1×m
, 35×n
, 9×o
, 33×p
, 44×r
, 20×s
, 43×t
, 15×u
, 8×{
, 14×|
, 8×}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int n(char*a,char*e,int i)
{int c=0;for(;a<e;)c+=*a++=="\n"[0];return c==i;}
int p(char *t, int r, int u)
{char h[]=" RBQK";char*p=t+r;char*a;int c=0;
for(int i=0;i<=3;++i,p+=u){char*s=strchr(h,*p);if(s&&s==h==0){++c;*s=" "[0];}else{a=p;}}
if(c-3)return 0;
char o=h[strspn(h, " ")];
p=strchr(t, o);
if(p==0)return*a==" "[0];
if((p-a)%5==0||n(a,p,0))return (int)strchr("RQ", o);
int f(char *t)
{for(int i=0;i<4;++i)if(p(t,i,5)||p(t,i*5,1))return 1;
return p(t,0,6)||p(t,3,4);}
int main()
{char t[20];fread(t,19,1,stdin);t[19]=0;
if(f(t))puts("true");else puts("false");}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* count newlines */
int n(char *a, char *e)
int c = 0;
for (;a<e;) c += *a++=='\n';
return c;
/* check a single row, column or diagonal */
int p(char *t, int start, int stride)
char h[] = " RBQK"; /* pieces not in line */
char *p = t+start;
char *a;
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i, p+=stride) {
char *s = strchr(h, *p);
if (s && s == h == 0) {
/* a white piece */
*s = " "[0];
} else {
/* candidate target square */
a = p;
/* did we find three white pieces in this line? */
if (c != 3)
return 0;
char o = h[strspn(h, " ")];
p = strchr(t, o);
if (p==0)
return *a == " "[0];
/* ensure a < p */
if (p < a) {
char *s = p;
p = a;
a = s;
/* knight moves */
if (o == 'K')
return (p-a)==3 && n(a,p)==1
|| (p-a)==7 && n(a,p)==1
|| (p-a)==9 && n(a,p)==2
|| (p-a)==11 && n(a,p)==2;
/* rook moves */
if ((p-a)%5 == 0 || n(a,p)==0)
return 0==strchr("RQ", o)==0;
/* bishop moves */
((p-a)%4==0 && n(a,p)==(p-a)/4 ||
(p-a)%6==0 && n(a,p)==(p-a)/6)
&& strchr("BQ", o);
/* main predicate function */
int f(char *t)
/* try rows and columns */
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (p(t, i, 5) || p(t, i*5, 1))
return 1;
/* try diagonals */
return p(t, 0, 6) || p(t, 3, 4);
int main()
char t[20];
fread(t, 19, 1, stdin);
if (f(t)) puts("true"); else puts("false");
It works by looking for a row, column or diagonal containing three of the white pieces; a
points to the target position (not already containing a white piece). Then the missing piece (o
) is identified - it's the one we didn't remove from string h
as we saw it.
If the piece is not on the board, it must be in the hand, and it can only be played into a space. Otherwise (if we found it on the board), it must be in a position where it can move into the target square. Since moves are reversible, we swap if necessary, so that a < p
We test knight moves first - there are four legal downwards moves, and we avoid wrapping around the left/right edges of the board by verifying the number of newlines we pass.
After that, we test rook moves, and then bishop moves, using a similar algorithm (and a queen can use either of these moves).
Test program
int expect_true(char *board)
if (strlen(board) != 19) {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrong length board:\n%s\n\n", board);
return 1;
if (!f(board)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected true, but got false, for\n%s\n\n", board);
return 1;
return 0;
int expect_false(char *board)
if (strlen(board) != 19) {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrong length board:\n%s\n\n", board);
return 1;
if (f(board)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected false, but got true, for\n%s\n\n", board);
return 1;
return 0;
int main()
+ expect_true("rkb \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"RB Q")
+ expect_false("rk \n"
" \n"
" \n"
+ expect_true("rk \n"
" K \n"
" \n"
+ expect_true("rk \n"
" \n"
"K \n"
+ expect_true("rkRB\n"
" \n"
" Qb \n"
"K ")
+ expect_true("rk \n"
" \n"
"K \n"
Counting program (in C++)
int main()
std::map<char,int> m;
for (int c; (c = getchar()) != EOF; )
for (auto e: m)
std::cout << e.first;
std::cout << "\n distributed as follows: ";
for (auto e: m)
std::cout << e.second << "×`" << e.first << "`, ";
The repeated confusion about the winning criterion is due to the misleading title. it sounds like you are scoring based on least ___duplication___ of characters, but the title still states fewest ___distinct___ characters. – trichoplax – 2015-01-26T15:42:43.880
So oOo code is going to win?
– kennytm – 2014-11-09T19:07:53.970@KennyTM No char may appear more than X times will render oOo useless – Optimizer – 2014-11-09T19:09:22.863
@Optimizer OK sorry misread the rules. – kennytm – 2014-11-09T19:43:51.780
2Could the examples be put into a more legible format, it is quite difficult to see what the positions of the pieces are and to which colour they belong. – Tally – 2014-11-09T19:44:12.777
Is whitespace allowed? – None – 2014-11-09T20:53:56.530
Are you OK with things like
is a ginormous string of spaces, more than there are atoms in the universe? – xnor – 2014-11-09T21:15:12.617@xnor Sure, but that won't win, since "no character may appear more than X times" – Ypnypn – 2014-11-09T22:03:38.250
@MartinBüttner I've allowed using letters instead of Unicode symbols. – Ypnypn – 2014-11-09T22:09:13.427
@Tally See above comment. – Ypnypn – 2014-11-09T22:10:05.867
@ciuak Wwhitespace characters are treated like any other kind of character. – Ypnypn – 2014-11-09T22:10:31.760
I've made some 4×4 boards based on the examples given. If they need to be changed, you can edit the markup here and paste into the Wikipedia sandbox to see the results. – r3mainer – 2014-11-10T02:56:03.600
@squeamish Thanks. The
stands for knight, not king. And the fourth example has the queen and bishop in the center columns, not the rightmost ones. – Ypnypn – 2014-11-10T02:59:05.107