Generate excel column name from index



This one comes from a real life problem. We solved it, of course, but it keeps feeling like it could have be done better, that it's too lengthy and roundabout solution. However none of my colleagues can think of a more succinct way of writing it. Hence I present it as code-golf.

The goal is to convert a nonnegative integer into a string the same way Excel presents its column headers. Thus:

0 -> A
1 -> B
25 -> Z
26 -> AA
27 -> AB
51 -> AZ
52 -> BA
16,383 -> XFD

It has to work at least up to 16,383, but beyond is acceptable too (no bonus points though). I'm looking forward most to the C# solution, but, as per traditions of code-golf, any real programming language is welcome.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 1 509

r1c1 notation is allowed? – tuskiomi – 2016-10-21T20:15:08.957

That would be too easy :) – Vilx- – 2016-10-22T14:07:30.730

This is a super old challenge, but I'm a bit flummoxed why you've specified a 0-based index, since Excel itself uses a 1-based index.=ADDRESS(1,1) returns $A$1. See Dr. belisarius' Excel answer. – BradC – 2018-05-01T16:44:57.900

@BradC - You know, I don't really remember anymore. :) It could be that I'm just used to 0-based indexing. Or maybe we did use that result as an index in a 0-based array (we used C#). Or maybe that's how it appears internally in the XLSX files. Anyways, converting from 0-based to 1-based is just a +1, so it doesn't matter much. :) – Vilx- – 2018-05-01T17:26:20.310

Are you sure that 16383 should be XFD? What do you get for 676 and 702? – Peter Taylor – 2011-11-24T23:29:41.677

Well, that's what Excel shows, and I found it on the web that it has 16384 columns. I'll test it tomorrow with our (known to work) code (is late night right now where I live). – Vilx- – 2011-11-24T23:56:50.883

Also, testing with Excel itself reveals that 676=ZA and 702=AAA. – Vilx- – 2011-11-24T23:59:05.673

1The reason I ask is that I wrote some straightforward base-26 code, got results which fit yours precisely, but broke on 676 and 702. – Peter Taylor – 2011-11-25T08:21:45.280

1Yup. It's not Base-26. That's the problem. ;) – Vilx- – 2011-11-25T08:44:15.797

If your numbering started from 1 it would be base-27 (A-Z and the empty string representing the 0), I think. As it is, the rightmost column has 26 possible values and the rest have 27. Which is awkward. – Gareth – 2011-11-25T09:28:43.493

@Gareth, it's more complicated than that, because e.g. the 2nd least significant column only has 27 possible values if the 3rd least significant column is ''. Otherwise it's restricted to 'A'..'Z'. – Peter Taylor – 2011-11-25T10:24:23.277

@PeterTaylor True. I know it took a good half hour or so of fiddling to get my version to give the correct result. – Gareth – 2011-11-25T10:59:07.433



Perl 6, 16 14 bytes


Works even beyond XFD. Thanks to infinite lists in Perl 6, this doesn't take forever (and a half) to execute.

Try it online!

Konrad Borowski

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 11 185


Excel Formula:), 36 chars



enter image description here

Sorry, couldn't resist ...

Dr. belisarius

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 5 345

4You can drop 2 bytes by replacing "1" with 1 – Taylor Scott – 2017-07-12T09:47:30.647

Arghh! I had actually thought of prohibiting this, but forgot to mention it in the post! :D Still, Excel formulas are not a programming language (and yes, Excel VBA is off limits too). :P – Vilx- – 2011-11-25T08:42:09.463

@Vilx- Thanks God someone came up with a shorter solution. I don't want to enter history being the only person who won a golf contest using Excel formulas :) – Dr. belisarius – 2011-11-26T01:30:44.950

I still might accept your answer. >:D – Vilx- – 2011-11-26T13:30:28.733

@Vilx- That would be slightly sadistic on your part :) – Dr. belisarius – 2011-11-26T13:36:50.277

3<laughter type="evil">Muhahahahaha!</laughter> – Vilx- – 2011-11-26T22:31:14.707


Perl, 17 characters


The .. operator does the same thing as the magical auto-increment, but without the need for the temporary variable and loop. Unless strict subs is in scope, the barewords A and XFD are interpreted as strings.

(This answer was suggested by an anonymous user as an edit to an existing answer. I felt it deserves to be a separate answer, and have made it one. Since it wouldn't be fair for me to gain rep from it, I've made it Community Wiki.)

Ilmari Karonen

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 19 513

Sorry how should this be run? With perl 5.18 it prints nothing when given as the argument to -E. – Ed Avis – 2015-07-29T13:33:48.060

@EdAvis: It's waiting for you to type in a number. Or you could put the number in a file and do perl -E 'say[A..XFD]->[<>]' < number.txt. Or, in shells that support it, just give the input on the command line with perl -E 'say[A..XFD]->[<>]' <<< 123. – Ilmari Karonen – 2015-07-29T13:45:59.893

Since it's the shortest answer so far, I guess it deserves to be marked as "accepted" until a shorter solution is found (probably only available in JonSkeetScript) :P Ironic. – Vilx- – 2012-09-24T07:55:13.603

1Since the question is vague on how input and output are done, that actually allows shortening this considerably. For example, if input is in $_ and the output is the value of the expression, then (A..XFD)[$_] solves the challenge with only 12 chars. – Ilmari Karonen – 2012-09-24T13:46:49.417

1I think this can be optimized to say+(A..XFD)[<>] – Konrad Borowski – 2018-10-23T05:57:11.640


C, 53 characters

It's like playing golf with a hammer...

char b[4],*p=b+3;f(i){i<0||(*--p=i%26+65,f(i/26-1));}

Normal version:

char b[4];
char *p = b+3;
void f(int i) {
    if (i >= 0) {
        *p = i%26 + 65;

And the usage is like that:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("%s\n", p);
    return 0;

Alexander Bakulin

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 389


Haskell, 48


Less golfed:

f n = (concatMap sequence $ tail $ iterate (['A'..'Z'] :) []) !! n


Haskell's sequence combinator takes a list of actions and performs them, returning the result of each action in a list. For example:

sequence [getChar, getChar, getChar]

is equivalent to:

    a <- getChar
    b <- getChar
    c <- getChar
    return [a,b,c]

In Haskell, actions are treated like values, and are glued together using the >>= (bind) and return primitives. Any type can be an "action" if it implements these operators by having a Monad instance.

Incidentally, the list type has a monad instance. For example:

    a <- [1,2,3]
    b <- [4,5,6]
    return (a,b)

This equals [(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(2,4),(2,5),(2,6),(3,4),(3,5),(3,6)] . Notice how the list comprehension is strikingly similar:

[(a,b) | a <- [1,2,3], b <- [4,5,6]]

Because lists are a type of "action", we can use sequence with lists. The above can be expressed as:

sequence [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]

Thus, sequence gives us combinations for free!

Thus, to build the list:


I just need to build lists to pass to sequence


Then use concatMap to both apply sequence to the lists, and concatenate the resulting lists. Coincidentally, concatMap is the =<< function for lists, so the list monad lets me shave a few characters here, too.

Joey Adams

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 9 929


Perl, 26 characters



Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 909


Ruby, 35 characters



puts e[16383]   # XFD

Note: There is also a shorter version (30 characters) using recursion.


But using this function you might have to increase the stack size for large numbers depending on your ruby interpreter.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 23 109


Groovy, 47


        16383:'XFD'].collect {k,v-> assert v == m(k);m(k) }


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 499


Python 45 51

f=lambda i:i>=0and f(i/26-1)+chr(65+i%26)or''


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 1 801

you can remove 2 parentheses by pulling +chr(65+i%26) inside and testing for i>=0, saving you 1 character :) – quasimodo – 2012-09-23T15:02:33.213

You could also shave 4 characters off by using f=lambda i: rather than def f(i):return – Strigoides – 2012-09-25T03:39:18.483

actually that doesn't work well for numbers 37 and above. I had to update this code a bit: f = lambda i: i >= 0 and f(math.floor(i / 26 - 1)) + chr(int(round(65 + i % 26))) or '' – user007 – 2017-10-11T21:51:02.620


Excel VBA, 31 Bytes

Anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes input from cell [A1] and outputs to the VBE immediate window


Taylor Scott

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 6 709


JavaScript (Node.js), 50 bytes


Try it online!

Seeing that a lot of people started answering this I answered too.

Note :

This is basically a rip off of @kevinCruijssen's answer in Java shortened thanks to this being JS.

Muhammad Salman

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 2 361


PHP, 30 bytes


Run as pipe with `-nr' or try it online.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 13 814

I'm pretty sure this doesn't do what is required. After Z it would go [ rather than AA. – Vilx- – 2018-10-20T21:34:44.043

@Vilx- I take that as proof that You don´t know a lot PHP. I added a TiO; see for yourself. – Titus – 2018-10-22T08:47:30.517

Holy... you're right! I do know PHP fairly well, but it's so full of weird stuff, that it's impossible to know it all. This particular oddity threw me off. Here, have an upvote and my apologies! – Vilx- – 2018-10-22T09:28:23.880


Scala, 62 characters

def f(i:Int):String=if(i<0)""else f((i/26)-1)+(i%26+65).toChar





You can try this on Simply scala. Copy and paste the function and use f(some integer) to see the result.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 11 678

You don't need the ""+ on the else case. – Peter Taylor – 2011-11-25T11:26:11.070


VBA/VB6/VBScript (non-Excel), 73 bytes

Function s(i):While i:i=i-1:s=Chr(i Mod 26+65)&s:i=i\26:Wend:End Function

Calling s(16383) will return XFC.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 111

Welcome to PPCG! Can you add an explanation for users unfamiliar with VB? – AdmBorkBork – 2017-10-17T15:52:49.827

1@AdmBorkBork Not much to add to previous answers, just language bind! – LS_ᴅᴇᴠ – 2017-10-17T15:59:08.130

This appears to fail on all cases where i>675 - s(676)=A@@(expected YZ), s(677)=A@A (expected ZA) – Taylor Scott – 2017-10-19T23:07:56.207

1@TaylorScott You're right. Working on it... – LS_ᴅᴇᴠ – 2017-10-20T08:07:25.270

1@TaylorScott Corrected, +6 bytes... Thanks. – LS_ᴅᴇᴠ – 2017-10-20T08:25:44.617


Javascript, 147 bytes

I had a similar problem. This is the golf of the solution. Excel columns are bijective base-26.

n=>{f=Math.floor;m=Math.max;x=m(0,f((n-24)/676));y=m(0,f(n/26-x*26));return String.fromCharCode(...[x,y,n+1-x*676-y*26].filter(d=>d).map(d=>d+64))}

Expanded, except using 1-indices:

function getColName(colNum){ // example: 16384 => "XFD"
    let mostSig = Math.max(0, Math.floor((colNum - 26 - 1)/26**2));
    let midSig = Math.max(0, Math.floor((colNum - mostSig*26**2 - 1)/26));
    let leastSig = colNum - mostSig*26**2 - midSig*26;

    return String.fromCharCode(...[mostSig,midSig,leastSig].filter(d=>d).map(d=>d+64));


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 171

1You could add a TIO link. Other than that a great first answer. Also welcome to PPCG. – Muhammad Salman – 2018-05-01T14:59:50.197

Also answering a question asked 7 years ago is not really a great idea. – Muhammad Salman – 2018-05-01T15:01:37.823

Ok , nvm this is wrong on so many levels how did I ever not see this – Muhammad Salman – 2018-05-01T15:08:17.670

I wanted to ask this question but it was a duplicate. I'm not sure what you're getting at @MuhammadSalman – MattH – 2018-05-01T15:11:17.220

I will get back to you in a minute, Anyways welcome to PPCG. nice answer. Plz note that when writing an answer you must provide a full program or a function – Muhammad Salman – 2018-05-01T15:15:27.770

Here is an updated and one that is acceptable according to rules : Try it online!

– Muhammad Salman – 2018-05-01T15:28:48.420


Java, 57 bytes (recursive)

String f(int n){return n<0?"":f(n/26-1)+(char)(n%26+65);}

Try it online.


String f(int n){        // Recursive method with integer parameter and String return-type
  return n<0?           //  If `n` is negative:
    ""                  //   Return an empty String
   :                    //  Else:
    f(n/26-1)           //   Recursive call with `n` integer-divided by 26, minus 1
    +(char)(n%26+65);}  //   And append `n%26+65` as character

Java 10, 62 bytes (iterative)

n->{var r="";for(;n>=0;n=n/26-1)r=(char)(n%26+65)+r;return r;}

Try it online.


n->{                      // Method with integer parameter and String return-type
  var r="";               //  Result-String, starting empty
  for(;n>=0;              //  Loop as long as `n` is not negative
      n=n/26-1)           //    After every iteration: divide `n` by 26, and subtract 1
    r=(char)(n%26+65)+r;  //   Prepend `n%26+65` as character to the result-String
  return r;}              //  Return the result-String

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 67 575

Hi. Sorry but I stole your code : Here. :)

– Muhammad Salman – 2018-05-01T15:46:03.907

@MuhammadSalman Hehe, no problem. I actually got mine from the Scala answer. ;)

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-05-01T20:05:55.897


Forth (gforth), 59 bytes

: f dup 0< if drop else 26 /mod 1- recurse 65 + emit then ;

Try it online!


dup 0<            \ duplicate the top of the stack and check if negative
if drop           \ if negative, drop the top of the stack
else              \ otherwise
   26 /mod        \ divide by 26 and get the quotient and remainder
   1- recurse     \ subtract one from quotient and recurse on result
   65 + emit      \ add 65 to remainder and output ascii char
then              \ exit if statement


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 1 361


R, 65 bytes

Recursive answer as are many previous answers.


Try it online!


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 2 655


Powershell, 68 bytes


Alternative recursive version, 68 bytes:

filter g{if($_-ge0){(($_-($r=$_%26))/26-1|f)+[char]($r+65)}else{''}}

Test script:

$f = {



filter g{if($_-ge0){(($_-($r=$_%26))/26-1|f)+[char]($r+65)}else{''}}

    ,(0 , "A")
    ,(1 , "B")
    ,(25 , "Z")
    ,(26 , "AA")
    ,(27 , "AB")
    ,(51 , "AZ")
    ,(52 , "BA")
    ,(676 , "ZA")
    ,(702 , "AAA")
    ,(16383 , "XFD")
) | % {
    $n, $expected = $_
    $result = &$f $n
    # $result = $n|g      # Alternative
    "$($result-eq$expected): $result"


True: A
True: B
True: Z
True: AA
True: AB
True: AZ
True: BA
True: ZA
True: AAA
True: XFD

Note: Powershell does not provide a div operator.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 4 832


Jq 1.5, 71 bytes


Expects input in N. e.g.

def N:16383;


[                       # create array with
   range(1;4) as $l     #  for each length 1,2,3
 | [65+range(26)]       #   list of ordinal values A-Z
 | implode/""           #   converted to list of strings ["A", "B", ...]
 | combinations($l)     #   generate combinations of length $l
| map(add)[N]           # return specified element as a string

Try it online!


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 411


><>, 29 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 50 798


Icon, 58 bytes

procedure f(n);return(n<0&"")|f(n/26-1)||char(65+n%26);end

Try it online!

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 13 815


Haskell, 48

I really thought that I would be able beat the other Haskell entry, but alas...

f n=f(div n 26-1)++[toEnum$mod n 26+65]

I am certain it is possible to shave a couple of characters off this, but I haven't coded in Haskell for nearly a year, so I am quite rusty.

It's not exactly what you would call elegant.


Posted 2011-11-24T21:51:14.080

Reputation: 3 020

Not bad! :) But Ha - after more than 3 years, still no C# solution. :D – Vilx- – 2015-04-05T18:20:56.933

Haha, indeed. But a C# solution is trivial to write using this same method. string f(int n){return n<0?"":f(n/26-1)+(char)(n%26+65);} 57 characters, so I would almost feel bad by posting it as an answer. – Fors – 2015-04-06T09:38:18.107