Implement an 8 bit adder



The Challenge

Implement a function which accepts two integers whose values range from 0 - 255 and returns the sum of those integers mod 256. You may only use bitwise negation (~), bitwise or (|), bit shifting operators (>>,<<), and assignment (=).

Things you cannot use include (but are not limited to)

  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Loops
  • Conditional statements
  • Function calls

Fewest uses of binary or, binary negation, and bit shift operations wins. In the event of a tie, the most popular solution wins. As always, standard loopholes apply.

Here is an example of a simple 2-bit adder. It uses 77 binary negations, 28 binary ors, and 2 bit-shifts for a total score of 107 (this can be seen by running the C preprocessor with gcc -E). It could be made much more efficient by removing the #defines and simplifying the resulting expressions, but I've left them in for clarity.

#include <stdio.h>

#define and(a, b) (~((~a)|(~b)))
#define xor(a, b) (and(~a,b) | and(a,~b))

int adder(int a, int b)
    int x, carry;
    x = xor(and(a, 1), and(b, 1));
    carry = and(and(a, 1), and(b, 1));
    carry = xor(xor(and(a, 2), and(b, 2)), (carry << 1));
    x = x | carry;
    return x;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            if (adder(i, j) != (i + j) % 4) {
                printf("Failed on %d + %d = %d\n", i, j, adder(i, j));

Update: Added example and changed scoring critera


Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843

Reputation: 844

2why not bitwise "and"? – rdans – 2014-08-30T00:05:28.703

@Ryan Most people are more familiar with NAND gates than NOR gates :) – Orby – 2014-08-30T00:08:10.260

1does recursion count as a loop? – rdans – 2014-08-30T01:21:56.937

@Ryan Recursion does count as a loop, though I'm not sure how you'd implement it without a conditional statement. – Orby – 2014-08-30T01:25:38.727

Is overflow defined or can I just output anything if it overflows? – Comintern – 2014-08-30T02:51:53.510

@Comintern Your solution should wrap around, i.e. 255 + 3 should be equal to 2. – Orby – 2014-08-30T02:53:37.287

Is x<<3 one operation or three? – xnor – 2014-08-30T06:08:45.747

@xnor x<<3 is one operation. – Orby – 2014-08-30T06:15:38.470

Does (ab)using LEA counts as loophole? – PTwr – 2014-08-30T20:30:06.877

@PTwr That would depend on how you use it. If you're using it to perform addition of two registers, then yes. – Orby – 2014-08-30T20:55:18.857

@Orby then loophole it is. As this problem could be solved with single LEA it would be kinda cheating. – PTwr – 2014-08-30T21:46:47.623



Python, 36 operations

A methods that's logarithmic in the parameter "8"!

def add(a,b):
    H = a&b   #4 for AND
    L = a|b   #1 
    NX = H | (~L) #2
    K = NX 

    H = H | ~(K | ~(H<<1)) #5
    K = K | (K<<1) #2

    H = H | ~(K | ~(H<<2)) #5
    K = K | (K<<2) #2

    H = H | ~(K | ~(H<<4)) #5

    carry = H<<1 #1

    neg_res = NX ^ carry  #7 for XOR
    res_mod_256 = ~(neg_res|-256) #2
    return res_mod_256

The idea is to figure out which indices overflow and cause carries. Initially, this is just the places where both a andd b have a 1. But since carried bits can cause further overlows, this needs to be determined iteratively.

Rather than overflowing each index into the next one, we speed up the process by moving 1 index, then 2 indices, then 4 indices, being sure to remember places where an overflow happened (H) and where an overflow cannot happen any more (K).

A simpler iterative solution with 47 operations:

def add(a,b):
    H = a&b   #4 for AND
    L = a|b   #1 
    NX = H | (~L) #2

    c=H<<1  #1

    for _ in range(6): #6*5
        d = (~c)|NX
        e = ~d
        c = c|(e<<1)

    res = c ^ NX  #7 for XOR

    res_mod_256 = ~(res|-256) #2
    return res_mod_256

Test rig, for anyone who wants to copy it.

for a in range(256):
    for b in range(256):
        res = add(a,b)
        if res!=(a+b)%256: errors+=[(a,b,res)]



Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843

Reputation: 115 687


C - 0

It does use operators outside of ~, |, >>, <<, and =, but I see solutions using casting and comma operators, so I guess the rule isn't too strict provided it isn't using the forbidden operators.

unsigned char sum(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
    static unsigned char z[] = {

    return (&z[x])[y];


Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843


This is obviously a loophole, but +1 for pointing it out. – Orby – 2014-09-02T20:56:09.103


python, score = 83 80

def g(x,y):
    for i in xrange(7):
        nx = ~x
        ny = ~y
        x,y = ~(x|ny)|~(nx|y), (~(nx|ny))<<1
    x = ~(x|~y)|~(~x|y)
    return ~(~x|256)

Unroll the loop. It's 10 ops per loop times 7 loops, 7 for the last xor, and 3 to squash the 9th bit at the end.

Implements the equation x+y = x^y + 2*(x&y) by repeating it 8 times. Each time there is one more zero bit at the bottom of y.

Keith Randall

Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843

Reputation: 19 865


C, Score: 77 60

Golfed just for the hell of it, 206 169 131 bytes:

#define F c=((~(~c|~m))|n)<<1;
a(x,y){int m=(~(x|~y))|~(~x|y),n=~(~x|~y),c;F F F F F F F return (unsigned char)(~(m|~c))|~(~m|c);}


int add(x,y)
    int m=(~(x|~y))|~(~x|y);
    int n=~(~x|~y);
    int c = 0;
    return (int)((unsigned char)(~(m|~c))|~(~m|c));

Essentially the same solution (mathematically) that @KeithRandall @JuanICarrano came up with, but takes advantage of C's ability to play fast and loose with variable types and pointers to wipe everything after the first 8 bits without using any more operators.

Depends on the endian-ness of the machine and the sizeof() an int and a char, but should be able to be ported to most machine specific applications with the proper pointer math.

EDIT: This is a challenge that C (or other low level languages) will have a distinct upper hand at -- unless somebody comes up with an algorithm that doesn't have to carry.


Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843

Reputation: 3 632

If you're going to handle the wrap around that way, you could just cast to unsigned char. It's cleaner and more portable. – Orby – 2014-08-30T18:57:56.397

@Orby - I guess typing out unsigned doesn't come naturally to me in code golf. You're right of course - updated. – Comintern – 2014-08-30T23:41:54.413


Python - Score 66 64

def xand(a,b):
    return ~(~a|~b) #4

def xxor(a,b):
    return (~(a|~b))|~(~a|b) #7

def s(a,b):
    axb = xxor(a,b)   #7
    ayb = xand(a,b)   #4

    C = 0
    for i in range(1,8):
        C = ((xand(C,axb))|ayb)<<1    #(1+1+4)x7=6x7=42

    return xxor(axb,xand(C,255))    #7 + 4 = 11
    #total: 7+4+42+11 = 64

It is the equation for a ripple adder. C is the carry. It is computed one bit at a time: in each iteration the carry is propagated left. As pointed out by @Orby, the original version did not make a modular addition. I fixed it and also saved a cycle in the iteration, as the first carry-in is always zero.

Juan I Carrano

Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843

Reputation: 71

3Nice job, but your code does not wrap around properly (i.e. s(255,2) returns 257 rather than 1). You can correct this by changing your last line to return ~(~xxor(axb,C)|256) which adds 3 points. – Orby – 2014-08-30T06:59:10.667


C++ - score: 113

#define ands(x, y) ~(~x | ~y) << 1
#define xorm(x, y) ~(y | ~(x | y)) | ~(x | ~(x | y))

int add(int x, int y)
int x1 = xorm(x, y);
int y1 = ands(x, y);

int x2 = xorm(x1, y1);
int y2 = ands(x1, y1);

int x3 = xorm(x2, y2);
int y3 = ands(x2, y2);

int x4 = xorm(x3, y3);
int y4 = ands(x3, y3);

int x5 = xorm(x4, y4);
int y5 = ands(x4, y4);

int x6 = xorm(x5, y5);
int y6 = ands(x5, y5);

int x7 = xorm(x6, y6);
int y7 = ands(x6, y6);

int x8 = xorm(x7, y7);
int y8 = ands(x7, y7);

return (x8 | y8) % 256;


Posted 2014-08-30T00:00:51.843

Reputation: 995

add(1, 255) is returning 128 for me, @Ryan. – Orby – 2014-08-30T02:02:39.017

@Orby its fixed now – rdans – 2014-08-30T02:08:54.167

% is not on the list of permitted operators, namely ~, |, >>, and <<. Maybe replace it with ands(x8|y8, 255)>>1? – Orby – 2014-08-30T02:11:35.513

Actually, ~(~x8 | y8 | 0xFFFFFF00) would do the trick nicely with only 4+ to your score. – Orby – 2014-08-30T02:21:28.687

2But wouldn't making the type byte instead of int would make it overflow automatically? – proud haskeller – 2014-08-30T10:54:15.087

@proudhaskeller unsigned char, but yes. I hadn't really anticipated this when I considered the challenge. Definitely gives an unfair advantage to C / C++. – Orby – 2014-08-30T18:59:33.910