Plug it back in tonight or this weekend



This is my first code golf so please let me know if it's too broad or if I'm missing any information for a good puzzle!


In Ontario and possibly other areas of the world, electricity is billed using Time-Of-Use (TOU) pricing, which varies the cost per kilowatt-hour according to when you use power.

Given a date and time, I want to know whether I'm in an on-peak (red), mid-peak (yellow), or off-peak (green) time period.


Assume that input is provided in an acceptable timezone-less ISO 8601 date-time format with the minimum precision of hours: YYYY-MM-DDThh[:mm[:ss]] (the T is literal).


  • 2014-09-01T14
  • 2014-09-01T17:30
  • 2014-09-01T17:30:02


The output should be a string On, Mid, or Off.


  • Shortest code wins
  • For the purposes of this challenge, ignore statutory holidays
  • Assume the information found in this post. The actual rules of time-of-use pricing might change in the future by the Ontario Ministry of Energy.


Summer weekdays (May 1st to October 31st)

Time-of-use clock for summer weekdays

  • Off-peak: 19h00 - 07h00
  • Mid-peak: 07h00 - 11h00 and 17h00 - 19h00
  • On-peak: 11h00 - 17h00

Winter weekdays (November 1st to April 30th)

Time-of-use clock for winter weekdays

  • Off-peak: 19h00 - 07h00
  • Mid-peak: 11h00 - 17h00
  • On-peak: 07h00 - 11h00 and 17h00 - 19h00


Time-of-use clock on weekends

  • Off-peak: All day


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 2 776

Are you sure the winter weekdays don't have mid-peak / on-peak swapped? – John Dvorak – 2014-08-26T08:52:54.180

3@JanDvorak, in winter people use lights and heating in the morning and evening; in summer they use air-con at midday. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-26T08:53:41.877


This is borderline-duplicate of (parse a datetime and do a simple calculation based on whether it's a working day or not). I think the season dependency is just different enough, but others may disagree.

– Peter Taylor – 2014-08-26T08:55:16.213

@PeterTaylor the rules seem much simpler here than in the linked question. This doesn't have to handle leap years, for example. – John Dvorak – 2014-08-26T09:00:33.983

@JanDvorak you do need to consider leap years to correctly calculate the weekends in February and March. However it does seem simpler in its rules and output, and more rigid in its datetime format, so I don't think it's a duplicate. – Level River St – 2014-08-26T12:02:15.380

3Should the general date format be YYYY-MM-DDThh[:mm[:ss]] since seconds can only be applied if minutes are applied? – Cruncher – 2014-08-26T14:34:32.573

Buy two of these, plug them in, program them, and then move the plug from one to the next twice a year. Problem solved: unless you just want off-peak and don't care about mid peak. Then you only need one. If you don't care about weekends you can get a cheaper 24 hour timer.

– Adam Davis – 2014-08-26T18:45:41.443

Semi-on topic: I'm happy BC is fighting against those smart meters ;) – Canadian Luke – 2014-08-27T16:18:06.093



Ruby - 147 144 143 141 137 135

x=->s{y,m,d,h=s.scan(/\d+/).map &:to_i,m,d).wday%6<1?0:[0..11,4..9].count{|r|r===h-7}
%W{Off Mid On}[m<5||m>10?(3-g)%3:g]}

This represents a function which takes a string as a parameter and returns a string.

Here's an online demo with some test cases:

Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 8 369


Python 2 - 164

from datetime import*

If needed, below is a explanation of the logic in the final line:

The final line prints a slice of 'OMOfinfd' depending on the evaluation of its conditionals.

  • First, evaluate the operation 1+((10<t<17)==(4<m<11)).

    If the XNOR between the conditions 10<t<17 and 4<m<11 is False, this will evaluate to 1+False => 1+0 => 1. Otherwise, the operation will evaluate to 1+True => 1+1 => 2.

  • Finally, multiply that result of the above operation by whether the day is a weekday and whether the time is between 6am-7pm.

    If this is False, either the day is a weekend or the time is between 7pm-6am, and the result will be (1|2)*0 => 0. Otherwise the result will be (1|2)*1 => 1|2.

A result of 0 will print Off, 1 will print Mid, and 2 will print On.


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 442

Isn't the golfed version actually longer because you use semicolons? Or are newlines counted? – Beta Decay – 2014-08-26T14:59:08.663

Newlines are typically counted. In Notepad++ (where I typically get my counts) the ungolfed version is 4bytes longer at 168. – BeetDemGuise – 2014-08-26T15:54:39.250

3@BeetDemGuise Edit → EOL Conversion → UNIX/OSX Format. – Schism – 2014-08-26T16:20:24.917


Ruby - 135

Abuses the Time module. Input by command line argument.*$*[0].scan(/\d+/)[0..3])
o,m,f=%w{On Mid Off}
o,m=m,o if (d.mon-5)%10<6
p d.wday%6<1||(12>h=(d.hour+5)%24)?f:15<h&&h<22?m:o

Edit: Thanks w0lf for Time which helped shorten and solve a bug.


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 3 486

Your program is incorrect. For the input 2014-09-01T17:30 it correctly outputs "Mid", but for 2014-09-01T17 it outputs "Off". – Cristian Lupascu – 2014-08-28T13:51:25.073


C# - 240 220 chars

string x(string s){var d=DateTime.Parse((s+":00:00").Substring(0,19));int h=d.Hour,i=(int)d.DayOfWeek,x=d.Month;string o="off",m="mid",f="on";return i==6|i==0?o:x>=5&x<11?h>18|h<7?o:h>10&h<17?f:m:h>18|h<7?o:h>10&h<17?m:f;}

Nothing special. Straight forward coding.

Thanks to w0lf :)

Stephan Schinkel

Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 596

1I think you can shorten s.Length==13?s+":00:00":s.Length==16?s+":00":s to (s+":00:00").Substring(0,19) – Cristian Lupascu – 2014-08-26T15:41:42.280


Groovy - 621 534 524 491 chars

Some further golfing to do, but pretty simple when leveraging Joda-Time

f={p,a->org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat.forPattern(p).parseDateTime a}
g={p,a->def x=null;try{x=f p,a}catch(Exception e){}}
d=["",":mm",":mm:ss"].collect{g "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH$it",a}.find{it}
if(d.dayOfWeek<6){x=d.monthOfYear;if(x>4&&x<12){if(j(d,10,17))r="On";if(k(d))r=m}else if(x<5||x>10){if(j(d,10,17))r=m;if(k(d))r="On"}}
println r

sample runs:

bash-3.2$ ./ 
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-08-26T19
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-08-26T07:00
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-08-26T18:00:00
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-08-26T12:30:30
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-11-01T00
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-02-05T11:11:11
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-01-05T08:08
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-12-18T18:59:59
groovy Peak.groovy 2014-08-31T14



f = { p,a -> org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat.forPattern(p).parseDateTime a}
g = { p,a -> def x=null; try{x=f p,a} catch(Exception e) {} }

d = ["",":mm",":mm:ss"].collect{g "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH$it",a}.find{it}
r = "Off"
m = "Mid"

j = {d,a,b -> d.hourOfDay > a && d.hourOfDay < b}
k = { j(it,6,11) || (j(it,16,19)) }

if (d.dayOfWeek<6) {
    x = d.monthOfYear;
    if ( x>4 && x<12 ) {
        if (j(d,10,17)) r="On";
        if (k(d)) r=m
    } else if (x<5||x>10) {
        if (j(d,10,17)) r=m;
        if (k(d)) r="On"
println r

Michael Easter

Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 585

2Since Java 8, there's also java.time.*, which is very similar to Joda Time but is part of the JRE. Perhaps this could shorten the code a bit. – ntoskrnl – 2014-08-26T11:37:51.273

re: Java 8. excellent point – Michael Easter – 2014-08-26T12:15:22.607

In your 3rd-to-last example '2014-01-05T08:08', January 5th, 2014 is a Sunday. Thus, it should be 'Off' – BeetDemGuise – 2014-08-26T13:56:36.073

re: Jan 5, 2014. Quite right. The current code is correct, but the output run is wrong. Will fix. – Michael Easter – 2014-08-26T14:18:33.660

Tried java.time.*. failed miserably. The parser is too damn strict. Use DateParser from nashorn (also part of the JRE8) which is lenient, and with a bit of abusive hacking, even lenient enough to skip minutes&seconds. – Mark Jeronimus – 2014-08-27T19:40:04.767


R, 243 204 characters


Indented and commented:

b=strptime(scan(,""),"%Y-%m-%dT%H") #Takes stdin and converts into POSIXct
i=function(x)as.integer(format(b,x)) #Format the POSIXct and convert it to integer
h=i("%H")      #Format to hours
d=i("%m%d")    #Format to Month/Day
w=d>1100|d<430 #True if winter time, false if summer
cat(c("Off","Mid","On")[f(i("%u")%in%5:6|h<7|h>19, #If weekend or night
                          1,                       #Case 1
                          f(h>11&h<17,            #Else if mid-day
                             f(w,3,2),             #Case 2 in winter, case 3 in summer
                             f(w,2,3)))])          #else vice versa


> b=strptime(scan(,""),"%Y-%m-%dT%H");i=function(x)as.integer(format(b,x));h=i("%H");d=i("%m%d");w=d>1100|d<430;f=ifelse;cat(c("Off","Mid","On")[f(i("%u")%in%5:6|h<7|h>19,1,f(h>11&h<17,f(w,3,2),f(w,2,3)))])
1: 2014-08-26T15
Read 1 item
> b=strptime(scan(,""),"%Y-%m-%dT%H");i=function(x)as.integer(format(b,x));h=i("%H");d=i("%m%d");w=d>1100|d<430;f=ifelse;cat(c("Off","Mid","On")[f(i("%u")%in%5:6|h<7|h>19,1,f(h>11&h<17,f(w,3,2),f(w,2,3)))])
1: 2014-12-10T15
Read 1 item
> b=strptime(scan(,""),"%Y-%m-%dT%H");i=function(x)as.integer(format(b,x));h=i("%H");d=i("%m%d");w=d>1100|d<430;f=ifelse;cat(c("Off","Mid","On")[f(i("%u")%in%5:6|h<7|h>19,1,f(h>11&h<17,f(w,3,2),f(w,2,3)))])
1: 2014-08-26T23
Read 1 item


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 8 610


Bash, 286

this is a simple bash answer using the date program

d(){ date -d $1 +%$2; };D=$(echo $1|sed 's/\(T..\)$/\1:00/');H=$(d $D H);M=$(d $D m);if [ $(d $D u) -gt 5 ]||[ $H -lt 7 ]||[ $H -gt 18 ];then echo Off;exit;fi;if [ $M -gt 4 ]&&[ $M -lt 11 ];then I=On;O=Mid;else I=Mid;O=On;fi;if [ $H -gt 10 ]&&[ $H -lt 17 ];then echo $I;else echo $O;fi


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 309


Here goes another one!

JavaScript, 175 171

function f(x){d=new Date(x.slice(0,10));t=x.slice(11,13),m=(x.slice(5,7)+1)%12;return(t<8||t>18||!(d.getUTCDay()%6)?'off':((t<11||t>17)?(m<5?'on':'mid'):(m<5?'mid':'on'))}


function f(x) {
  d = new Date(x.slice(0, 10));
  t = x.slice(11, 13), m = (x.slice(5, 7) + 1) % 12;
  return (t < 8 || t > 18 || !(d.getUTCDay() % 6) ? 'off' : ((t < 11 || t > 17) ? (m < 5 ? 'on' : 'mid') : (m < 5 ? 'mid' : 'on'))

Only works on interpreters where an ISO8601 date string can be passed into the Date constructor.

CoffeeScript, 192 189

Surprisingly, it's longer in CoffeeScript because there's no ternary operator in that language (which as you can see from my JavaScript, I heavily relied on).

f=(x)->d=new Date(x.slice(0,10));t=x.slice(11,13);m=(x.slice(5,7)+1)%12;return'off'if(t<8||t>18||!(d.getUTCDay()%6));if(t<11||t>17)then(if m<5then'on'else'mid')else(if m<5then'mid'else'on')


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 2 776


Python 3 - 352 chars

import datetime as dt
if 5==d or 6==d:p(c)
elif h>=19 and h<7:p(c)
elif m<=10 and m>=4:
 if h>=7 and h<11:p(b)
 if h>=11 and h<17:p(a)
 if h>=17 and h<19:p(b)
 if h>=7 and h<11:p(a)
 if h>=11 and h<17:p(b)
 if h>=17 and h<19:p(a)

Beta Decay

Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 21 478

1You should change s=['high','mid','off'] to s=['on','mid','off'] - not only does this save 2 chars, but the spec says to output "on". – Sellyme – 2014-08-26T12:27:18.287


Java - 426 309 / 301? (see comments)

String z(String a){
    DateParser b=new DateParser(a);
    boolean c=b.parseEcmaDate();
    GregorianCalendar e=new GregorianCalendar(d[0],d[1]-(c?0:1),d[2]);
    e.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0,""));

Example output:

2014-03-02T00   Off
2014-03-02T06   Off
2014-03-02T07   Off
2014-03-02T10   Off
2014-03-02T11   Off
2014-03-02T16   Off
2014-03-02T17   Off
2014-03-02T18   Off
2014-03-02T19   Off
2014-03-02T23   Off
2014-04-02T00   Off
2014-04-02T06   Off
2014-04-02T07   On
2014-04-02T10   On
2014-04-02T11   Mid
2014-04-02T16   Mid
2014-04-02T17   On
2014-04-02T18   On
2014-04-02T19   Off
2014-04-02T23   Off
2014-05-02T00   Off
2014-05-02T06   Off
2014-05-02T07   Mid
2014-05-02T10   Mid
2014-05-02T11   On
2014-05-02T16   On
2014-05-02T17   Mid
2014-05-02T18   Mid
2014-05-02T19   Off
2014-05-02T23   Off

I used the same EXOR trick as the Python submission. I also used a + as an OR function, for when it's weekend OR night.

My other big trick: bit masks.

For example, to see if a number is between 2 and 6 (Monday to Friday), first create a bit pattern where the interesting values are 1:

  6   2 
0b1111100 = 124

Then, use bit shift to get the interesting bit to the LSB and extract it:

(124 >> day_of_week) & 1

Similarly, I made bit patterns for months and hours:

  9    4
0b1111110000 = 1008

      76          76
0b111110000000000001111111 = 16253055
0b000000011111100000000000 = 129024

Unfortunately, it turns out simply x>y&x<z is shorter in most cases, so I didn't use it in some places.

And finally, a bit of hackery (highly implementation dependent) with jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.DateParser: When parseEcmaDate() doesn't completely parse a date (like when it reads hour and hits end of string), it returns false.

  • When it finishes properly, the date is stored in an Integer[] (auto-unboxing ftw), with the month fixed to be base-0 (like other Java classes).
  • When it returns false, it aborted half-way and didn't do this fixing. It however still put whatever it parsed into the array, which is readily available. Hence the -(c?0:1).

Mark Jeronimus

Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 6 451

I think using just .parse() might also work (shaving off 8 characters), but I haven't tested it thoroughly with different inputs. parse internally calls parseEcmaDate and if it fails, calls parseLegacyDate. The latter may screw up the array, but this didn't happen with a few cases I tested. – Mark Jeronimus – 2014-08-27T20:48:22.440


ES6 - 146

This is in function form, uses a couple nasty hacks.

let y,m,d,h,c=s=>[y,m,d,h]=s.split(/[T:-]/g).map(i=>+i),new Date(y,m,d).getDay()in{0:1,6:1}||h<20||8>h?'Off':['Mid','On'][(10>h&&h>16)^(m>5||m<8)]


// These variables are declared outside of the function scope to save
// characters.
let y, // year
    m, // month
    d, // day
    h, // hour
    c = s => // c for check, called as c(isoString)
      [y, m, d, h] = // Assign to fields
        s.split(/[T:-]/g) // Split at delimiters
         .map(i => +i), // Convert all to numbers
                        // Comma used to keep it as a single statement.
      new Date(y, m, d).getDay() // Create Date to get day of week
        in {0:1, 6:1} // Check if it is good (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday). It
                      // is shorter to use an object literal than to
                      // do individual checks.
      h < 20 || 8 > h ? // h is between 7 and 19 (7pm)
       'Off' : // Return 'Off'
       ['Mid','On'][ // Two other outputs
        (10 > h && h > 16) ^ // Check if it is 11-16 (5pm)
        (m > 5 || m < 8)] // Invert that if the month is in summer/fall. Note
                          // that this returns a number, either 1 or 0. This
                          // is an ugly hack using the bitwise xor operator.

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 1 546


Nothing stops me from entering my own, and there's other shorter ones here anyways, so…

PHP 5.4+, 194

<?function f($x){$t=substr($x,11,2);$m=(substr($x,5,2)+1)%12;if($t<8||$t>18||(new DateTime(substr($x,0,10)))->format('N')>5)return'off';return($t<11||$t>17)?($m<5?'on':'mid'):($m<5?'mid':'on');}

Unminified and commented:

function f($x) {
  $t = substr($x,11,2); // hour
  $m = (substr($x,5,2) + 1) % 12; // month shifted up by 1

  if ($t < 8 || $t > 18 || (new DateTime(substr($x,0,10)))->format('N') > 5)
    return 'off'; // evenings and weekends

  return ($t < 11 || $t > 17)
    ? ($m < 5 ? 'on' : 'mid') // morning and mid-afternoon
    : ($m < 5 ? 'mid' : 'on'); // afternoon

Also note that the date.timezone directive in php.ini must be set, otherwise an Exception will be thrown.


Posted 2014-08-26T08:46:17.947

Reputation: 2 776