One source, lots of Brainfuck



Write a Brainfuck interpreter that can interpret multiple Brainfuck programs embedded within the same source. The syntax is the same except that the instructions must be prefixxed with the number/ID of the targetted program. Example:

1st program


2nd program




What is required:

  • That it is theoretically able to interpret an unlimited number programs embedded within the same source.
  • That the instruction order does not matter.
  • That the code does not use features of a language that would natively solve this problem or natively interpret Brainfuck. Pretty much, don't cheat. I'll leave this to your discretion.

What is not:

  • Unlimited Brainfuck storage. Only a minimum of 1000 Brainfuck cells per is imposed.
  • It is not required that the input and output specify which bf program is doing the io. It'd be a cool feature tho, so if you do implement this you get -15 bytes.

You can do postfix if you want, just specify in that case. This is code-golf, so the smallest source in bytes (after the the -15 byte bonus) wins.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 99

Question was closed 10 years ago

Could you be more specific as to how input/output is handled? – Shelvacu – 10 years ago

shelvacu: It's the brainfuck io that I was referring to. – user2958652 – 10 years ago

How will answers be scored? [tag:code-golf], [tag:popularity-context], or [tag:code-challenge]? Based on the mention of byte-count bonuses, I'm guessing [tag:code-golf], but please tag it as such. – Bob – 10 years ago

Are the ID's only numeric? – Οurous – 10 years ago

This is a relatively minor transformation of Interpret Brainfuck, and in my opinion is close enough to count as a duplicate.

– Peter Taylor – 10 years ago

I agree with @PeterTaylor. In practice, you only need to split the input into the groups. The rest is a normal interpreter. Not sure this is really that much of a difference. – Ingo Bürk – 10 years ago

1I thought it was distinct enough, but fair enough. – user2958652 – 10 years ago

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