Solve quadratic equation using only 3 variables and arithmetic



Write function which solves equation of degree less than or equal to 2 (ax^2 + bx + c = 0).


Function should get 3 parameters - floating point numbers which are coefficients of this equation. Coefficients may be zero (that means function must able to solve bx + c = 0 and c = 0 too).
Coefficients are between -1000 and 1000 with 3 significant decimal digits but maximum 3 digits after comma, for example, 999. or 3.14 or 0.233 but not 1001 or 0.0123.


  • You may use only + - * / % & | xor ~ && || ! < > >= <= == != << >> operators
  • No built-in functions (that means no square root or power or similar functions)
  • No variables except 3 function parameters
  • You can't use complicated expressions - only statements of the form a = b @ c or a = @ b are allowed (@ - any allowed operator and a, b, c - any variables, may be same or constants)
  • No loops, recursion, goto's, custom types
  • Casts and type conversion between integral data types are allowed
  • Using features of dynamic typing (changing floating point number to array/object/something else that is not number) is not allowed
  • If's are allowed with one or none operators in condition (if (a) {...} else {...} or if (a==b) {...} else {...}). Note that if itself and its condition scores separately
  • You may use try{}catch{}


  • Output should be passed by reference to input variables, if your language doesn't have such feature, you anyway should put result to input variables and print their values
  • In variable a - number of real roots - 0, 1, 2, 3 (value greater than 2 stands for infinitely many roots)
  • In variables b and c - 1st and 2nd roots (if none or infinitely many roots than any values, if one root then c - any value)
  • Note that 2 equal roots is not the same as 1 root
  • Precision should be at least 3 significant decimal digits


  • Score is [number of operators] + [number of if's]. Assignment operators have score 0.
  • Answer with lowest score wins.
  • In case of same score answer with greater precision wins. If precision is same then first answer wins.
  • if(a != 0) and if(a == 0) has score 1 (instead of 2) because if(a) or if(a)else{} can be used, however not all languages support it.
  • For each catch{} +2 to score
  • Use of 1 temporary variable of numeric type is +20 to score.


Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 2 537

Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

– Doorknob – 2014-08-13T01:01:33.523

If I write an answer in Java, what is the score cost for catching exceptions? – durron597 – 2014-08-14T15:14:20.087

"Precision should be at least 3 significant decimal digits": what does this mean when the exact value of the root is 0? – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-14T17:12:15.060

@PeterTaylor 0.00. In this case, let first digit before comma be significant. – Somnium – 2014-08-14T18:20:38.213



C, 60

I happen to use the same square root algorithm (Newton) as Peter. However, I think we need to use two different starting values in order to get away with even 8 iterations. The maximum value of b²/4-c (the normalised discriminant) is for b = -c = 1000. The minimum value is for b = 0.001; c = 0 (in fact, there are smaller values but these would be beyond the significant digits of b and c). If we split the range of values at 20, we can use 0.1 as the starting guess for the lower range and 100 as the starting guess for the upper range and always converge in 8 steps. If I could be bothered to keep searching I think I could get this down to 7, and with a few more subdivisions probably even below 6 while still saving operations (but I can't be bothered right now).

void qe(&float a, &float b, &float c)
    float t; // 20
    if (a)   // 21
        b = b / a;  // 22
        c = c / a;  // 23
        b = b / -2; // 24
        t = b * b;  // 25
        c = t - c;  // 26
        if (c<0)    // 28
            a = 0;
            if (c<20)  // 30
                a = .1
                a = 100

            t = c / a; // 31
            a = a + t; // 32
            a = a / 2; // 33

            t = c / a; // 34
            a = a + t;
            a = a / 2;

            t = c / a; // 37
            a = a + t;
            a = a / 2;

            t = c / a; // 40
            a = a + t;
            a = a / 2;

            t = c / a; // 43
            a = a + t;
            a = a / 2;

            t = c / a; // 46
            t = a + t;
            t = t / 2;

            t = c / a; // 49
            t = a + t;
            t = t / 2;

            t = c / a; // 52
            t = a + t;
            t = t / 2;

            a = 2;
            c = b + t; // 55
            b = b - t; // 56
    else if (b) // 57
        a = 1;
        b = b / c; // 58
        b = -b;    // 59
    else if (c) // 60
        a = 0;
        a = 3;

Martin Ender

Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 184 808

How can you use variable t? – l4m2 – 2018-04-17T05:29:34.417

if (c<0) scores as 2 - if and operator. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:11:19.637

@user2992539, ah, I'm scoring that incorrectly too. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-12T17:13:11.577

Maybe it worth find better starting value instead of huge amount of iterations. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T18:32:13.817

@user2992539 good point – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T18:34:18.773

@user2992539 okay you can get it down to 7 – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T18:37:13.547

@user2992539 Actually no, because c could be arbitrarily small. Even if I used a different starting value for |c| < 1, there is no starting value that works decently for 0.01 and 1e-127. Not even 11 iterations are enough for that. – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T18:43:25.170

@MartinBüttner Specified tighter bounds. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T19:01:38.740

@user2992539 alright, I got it down to 8 iterations, and I think I could get it down a bit more, but I'll need to do that some other time. – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T19:11:01.430


Hybrid of iterative approaches; score: 62

I originally posted an answer which purely used Newton-Raphson; however, in the cases of large b and c this requires a lot of iterations. Consider only the most interesting quadratics: those which have two solutions. If we normalise them to the form x^2 + bx + c = 0 then we can plot the number of iterations required for various approaches as a function of b and c. For example, we can modify the continued fraction route to get the direct approach:

c = -c;
a = b * 0.5;
while (loopCount-- > 0) { // This loop would be unrolled in the final solution
    a = a + b;
    a = c / a;
// Roots are a and -c/a

That gives a loop count diagram of


where c is negative in the first row and increases downwards, b increases from left to right, * means negative discriminant, / means only one root was within tolerance in 62 iterations, . means no root was within tolerance in 62 iterations, and numbers are in base-62 with digits 0-9a-zA-Z. This is pretty decent for a certain range, but fails completely for another range.

bmarks' original implementation is similar to (but not the same; this is a reimplementation from the continued fraction):

a = b;
while (loopCount-- > 0) {
    a = c / a;
    a = b - a;
// Roots are -a, -c/a (which is better than a-b)

with loop count diagram


My naïve N-R was quite bad, but the really interesting thing to note about it is where the worst areas are:


So the thing to do is to hybridise. For the areas where it's good, I use the continued fraction; for the rest, I use N-R, but I've done some optimisation: I've experimentally found two cutoffs and three initial values which converge in 5 iterations to a worst-case mixed error abs(value - correct_value) / (1 + abs(correct_value) of 0.000052. (Thanks to Martin Büttner for the idea of doing a case split). The final loop count (mixing the two cases into one diagram) is:


and the code is

solve_quad(&float a, &float b, &float c) {
    float t; // 20 points
    if (a != 0) { // 21
        if (c == 0) {
            // x(x+b) = 0
            b = -b; // 22
            a = 2;
        else {
            // Normalise so that we're solving x^2 + bx + c = 0 and have `a` free to use
            // Hereon, mentions of b and c in comments refer to these normalised values.
            b = b / a; // 22
            c = c / a; // 23

            // Three cases:
            //   b^2 < 4c: negative determinant, no solutions
            //   b^2 < -4c: use Newton-Raphson
            //   Otherwise: use the continued fraction method that bmarks was the first to post

            a = b / 2; // 24
            a = a * a; // 25
            if (a < c) { // 26
                a = 0;
            else {
                t = a + c; // 27
                if (t < 0) { // 28
                    c = a - c; // 29, c holds the determinant

                    // Carefully optimised case split:
                    if (c < 0.05) // 30
                        a = 0.025;
                    else if (c < 250) // 31
                        a = 2;
                    else a = 193;

                    t = c / a; a = a + t; a = a / 2; // 34
                    t = c / a; a = a + t; a = a / 2; // 37
                    t = c / a; a = a + t; a = a / 2; // 40
                    t = c / a; a = a + t; a = a / 2; // 43
                    t = c / a; a = a + t; a = a / 2; // 46

                    // At this point a ~= sqrt(determinant)
                    t = b / 2; // 47
                    a = a + t; // 48
                    t = t * t; // 49
                    c = t - c; // 50
                    // At this point a ~= b/2 + sqrt(determinant) and c holds its original value
                else {
                    a = b;

                    a = c / a; a = b - a; // 52
                    a = c / a; a = b - a; // 54
                    a = c / a; a = b - a; // 56

                    // At this point a ~= b/2 + sqrt(determinant)

                b = -a; // 57
                c = c / b; // 58
                a = 2;
    else {
        // bx + c = 0
        if (b != 0) { // 59
            a = 1;
            c = -c; // 60
            b = c / b; // 61
        else {
            // c = 0
            if (c != 0) a = 0; // 62
            else a = 3;

Peter Taylor

Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 41 901

Where do you take care of negative or zero discriminants? – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T16:50:22.067

@user2992539, fixed. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-12T16:58:53.817

Advice: in the beginning you can divide b by -2 to avoid in future b = -b. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T16:58:58.600

@user2992539 ummm... I think I asked you about coercing unary operators into binary operations and you said I needed to separate them. – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T17:04:11.840

@MartinBüttner -b is unary operator, however -2 is constant, minus is not computed during runtime. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:05:31.767

I think that Newton method is following x' = (x + c/x) / 2. You are using x' = (x - c/x) / 2 don't know why. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:07:11.140

7Looks like my code had almost as many bugs as the question. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-12T17:11:08.100

I changed my submission to 11 iterations, which I think is necessary (see the justification in my answer). Please let me know if I went wrong with that somewhere. – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T18:27:12.543

@MartinBüttner, I agree. Irritating. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-12T18:49:18.390


C# (46)

Used a different way of computing sqrt(x) (continued fractions

It fails for b=0 due to large rounding errors. I'm not sure how to fix that, but I hope I can help fellow contestants with a new way of doing the square roots.

Edit: Thanks to @Peter Taylor for the suggestion on how to handle b=0.

Edit 2: Thanks to @steveverrill for pointing out that there are only >2 solutions if c is also 0, thus requiring an extra if check.

       public static void doStuff(ref double a, ref double b, ref double c)
        if (a == 0) //1
            if (b == 0) //2
                if (c == 0){ //3
                   a = 3;
                else {
                   a = 0;
                b = -1 / b;//4
                b = c * b;//5
                a = 1;
            b = b / a;//6
            c = c / a;//7
            if (b == 0) //8
                b = 1 + 1E-7;// still just one constant; since 0.001/1000>1E-7, b can never equal this value normally
                c = c + 0.25; //9
            a = 2 * c;//10
            a = a / b;//11
            a = b - a;//12
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//14
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//16
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//18
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//20
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//22
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//24
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//26
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//28
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//30
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//32
            a = c / a; a = b - a;//34
            a = 2 / a;//35
            a = c * a;//36
            a = b - a;//37
            if (b == 1 + 1E-7) //38
                b = 0;
                c = c - 0.25;//39
            if (a == 0) //40
                b = -1.0 / 2 * b;//41
                c = b;
                a = 2;
                if (a < 0) //42
                    a = 0;
                    b = -1.0 / 2 * b;//43
                    a = a / 2;//44
                    c = b - a;//45
                    b = b + a;//46
                    a = 2;


Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 2 114

I thought no one will find this method) It was the only method in my mind that uses only 3 variables without temporary. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T20:52:22.440

@MartinBüttner, for a=1, b = -c = 1000, I got a=2.0, b=0.9990019950139413, and c=-1000.9990019950139. for a=1, b= 0.001; c = 0, I got a=2.0, b=0.0, and c=-0.001. Since a just scales it, I don't think it matters too much here. My real problem is when b=0 and a,c!=0. – bmarks – 2014-08-12T21:43:02.383

When b=0 you should use other algorithm, or modification of continued fraction, because now there is division by zero. – Somnium – 2014-08-13T06:17:33.317

1b = -c / b should technically be split into two steps. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-13T08:42:52.030

@bmarks Ah you're right, the c = 0 case is rather uninteresting. I guess the actually interesting tests would be a = 1000; b = -c = 0.001 and a = 0.001; b = -c = 1000. – Martin Ender – 2014-08-13T10:37:04.877

@user2992539 C# can divide by 0 and not throw an error. I tried setting b to a really small nonzero number, but that didn't work too well either. – bmarks – 2014-08-13T10:47:30.293

2In the case b=0 the best thing to do might be to say that sqrt(0^2 - c) = sqrt(1^2 - c - 1^2) and set c = c + 1; b = 1 – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-13T10:50:35.480

@PeterTaylor Maybe larger value will work better (not tested)? – Somnium – 2014-08-13T12:09:56.807


C, 46 excluding handling a=0 cases, with "fast squareroot" (not "fast inverse squareroot")

I hope I've scored what I've done so far correctly. I don't know how much more I'll do on this because:

  1. I'm not sure if casting's legal, or how to score it (the union used in another answer is more efficient, but I've not used them before.)

  2. I'm a little unclear on the meaning of "2 equal roots are not the same as 1 root." I assume this means that a quadratic will always have either 0 o 2 real roots (which may or may not be equal) and a linear equation (a=0) will have 1 root. I would point out the only infinite case is a=b=c=0. If a=b=0 and c is nonzero, there are no roots.

Anyway, my main reason for posting is that I wanted to show that it's possible to define a "fast squareroot" (which is more suitable for the needs of this question than simply copying the famous "fast inverse squareroot" as per some other answers.) Instead of subtracting i>>1 from a constant, we add i>>1 to a constant.

The principle of the algorithm is as follows: Assume a float is stored in an imaginary little computer as 2^AAA*1.BBBB (the 2 and 1 are not stored. AAA is known as the exponent and BBBB as the fraction.)

Performing a rightshift on the number 2^100*1.0000=16 gives 2^010*1.0000=4 which is exactly the correct square root. Repeating the process gives 2^001*1.0000=2. So far we have seen perfectly accurate results.

Now we have an odd power of 2. When we try to calculate the square root of the number 2 by rightshifting, the odd digit of the exponent underflows into the fraction and we get 2^000*1.100 which in decimal is 1.5, an error of approximately +6% on the correct value of sqrt(2)=1.414.

Moving to practical implemenations the 32-bit IEEE float (and the 64-bit, 128 bit etc.) has a bias on the exponent, so we have to add a constant to the raw shifted value. Careful choice of this constant enables the error to be limited to a range of approximately +/-3% which is a pretty good starting guess for The Newton-Raphson method. I found the constant by trial and error (there is room for some improvement, on my test cases it is more likely to give a positive error than a negative error.)

Three iterations of Newton-Raphson cleans it up very well (and may be more than necessary.)

void quad(float &a, float &b, float &c) {
  printf("a=%f b=%f c=%f",a,b,c);

  int i;                             //score 20

  c=c/a;                              // c/a
  b=b/-2;                             // -b/2a
  a=a-c;                              // (b/2a)^2-c/a), score 25

  if (a<0) a=0; else{                 // score 27

    i  = * ( int * ) &a;                       
    i  = i >>1;
    i  = i+0x1FB90000;        
    c  = * ( float * ) &i;            //sqrt( (-b/2a)^2-c/a ) score 31

    i  = * ( long * ) &a;             //don't lose the value (b/2a)^2-c/a
    c  = * ( float * ) &i;            //second iteration
    c  = * ( float * ) &i;            //third iteration  
    a=a/2;                            //score 43 after 3 iteratations

    c=b-a;                            //-b/2a in each
    a=2;                              //score 46

Level River St

Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 22 049


C++ (29 45 44)

Note that each return can be removed, simply by using else branch.. it's just more readable. The same with if(!sth) can be simply changed using else and empty if branch....

edit: Now, with casts allowed, this answer should be correct.

void quadr(float &a, float &b, float &c) {  
    b = - b;                //1
    if(!(b && c)) {         //3
        if(!a) {            //4
            a = 3;          //
        a = 1;              //
    if(!a) {                //5
        a = 1;              //
        b = c / b;          //6

    b = b / a;              //7
    c = c / a;              //8
    c = c * 4;              //9
    a = b * b;              //10
    a = a - c;              //11
    c = a / 2;              //12

    int t = *(int*)&a;      //32
    t = t >> 1;             //33
    t = 0x5f3759df - t;     //34
    a = *(float*)&t;        //

    c = c * a;              //35
    c = c * a;              //36
    c = 1.5f - c;           //37
    a = a * c;              //38

    a = 1 / a;              //39
    if(!a) {                //40
        a = 0;              //
    c = b - a;              //41
    b = b + a;              //42
    c = c / 2;              //43
    b = b / 2;              //44
    a = 2;                  //

I might have missed some case, feel free to prove me wrong :)


Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 1 575

This way you are using 6 variables - 3 integers and 3 float. Change better to casts. Although cast are not allowed (as 6 vars) it will be more readable I think. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:28:24.360

@user2992539 Casts are not allowed? I don't see that in the spec? Or am I misunderstanding? – Digital Trauma – 2014-08-12T17:30:31.620

1@user2992539: Well, I'm using 3 variables, I only treat them differently. One union still takes only 4 bytes in the memory, not 8... – Jaa-c – 2014-08-12T17:34:30.817

@Jaa-c Maybe I misunderstood how union works. Never have used them. Let it be as it is. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:36:55.803

@DigitalTrauma Actually I can allow casts, however I thought it's unfair because many languages doesn't support them. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:38:57.143

@user2992539 Casts are implicit in most scripting languages. – core1024 – 2014-08-12T17:39:40.817

@core1024 I mean casts like used here which allows you to get not integer part of float but it's representation in memory. Don't know languages other than C/C++ that can do that. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T17:43:01.490

3I don't think this meets spec: the function is supposed to take three variables which are floating point numbers, not three variables of a type you created. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-12T17:45:29.363

Changed now with one temporary int variable... – Jaa-c – 2014-08-12T18:17:41.480

But you're still using reinterpreting casts. – Martin Ender – 2014-08-12T18:23:14.597

You can get rid of temp variable making casts together with computations like a = *(float*)&((*(int*)&a) >> 1);. However, it's ugly. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T18:23:27.043

@MartinBüttner This answer can't be accepted, however it shows other approach and is interesting. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T18:24:42.983

@user2992539: U can't use reference of an rvalue.. – Jaa-c – 2014-08-12T18:26:25.657

@Jaa-c Oh, too bad. Someone should write this in assembly) – Somnium – 2014-08-12T18:29:22.517

@user2992539: Well how about current version? No reinterpret cast, only one local variable... – Jaa-c – 2014-08-12T18:32:58.357

@Jaa-c It's ok, since I haven't specified type of temp variable. – Somnium – 2014-08-12T18:38:03.317

It's still using the . structure reference operator, which isn't in the whitelist of permitted operators. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-12T18:46:05.633


C - 50 48

I use the 32-bit float shortcut for getting a good initial seed for the square root. That allows me to get away with just a few iterations of Newton's method. I haven't found a set of coefficients yet that yield unacceptable results (outside the specified precision).

Also, I am not sure how the spec treats pointer operations. For all I know this is disallowed, but hey, I had fun!

void primitiveQuad(float *a, float *b, float *c) {
    if(0.0 == *a) { // 1
        if(0.0 != *b) { // 2
            *a = 1.0;
            *b = -1.0/(*b); // 3
            *b = (*b)*(*c); // 4
        else if(*c) // 5
            *a = 0.0; 
            *a = 3.0;
    else {
        *b = (*b)/(*a); // 6
        *c = (*c)/(*a); // 7
        *c = 4.0*(*c); // 8
        *a = (*b)*(*b); // 9
        *a = (*a) - (*c); // 10
        *c = *a; // store discriminant here for later
        if(0.0 > *a) // 11
            *a = 0.0;
        else {
            int x = *((int*)(a)); // 31
            x = x - (0x800000); // 32
            x = x >> 1; // 33
            x = x + (0x20000000); // 34
            *a = *((float*)(&x));
                // add precision here through iterations

                // iteration
                x = *((int*)(a));
                *a = (*c)/(*a); // 35
                *a = *a + *((float*)(&x)); // 36
                *a = 0.5*(*a); // 37

                // iteration
                x = *((int*)(a));
                *a = (*c)/(*a); // 38
                *a = *a + *((float*)(&x)); // 39
                *a = 0.5*(*a); // 40

                // iteration
                x = *((int*)(a));
                *a = (*c)/(*a); // 41
                *a = *a + *((float*)(&x)); // 42
                *a = 0.5*(*a); // 43

            *b = 0.0 - *b; // 44
            *c = *b;
            *b = *b + *a; // 45
            *c = *c - *a; // 46
            *b = 0.5*(*b); // 47
            *c = 0.5*(*c); // 48
            *a = 2.0;


Posted 2014-08-12T14:55:45.103

Reputation: 501

Nice, but doesn't the use of x break the three variables rule ? – Paul R – 2014-08-12T21:33:27.707

Oh, I thought it was just a 20-point penalty? – R.T. – 2014-08-12T21:41:57.930

You're right, sorry - I didn't see that in the scoring - have an up-vote. :-) – Paul R – 2014-08-13T05:52:34.510

Indirection (*) and casts are both operators and neither is in the whitelist. – Peter Taylor – 2014-08-13T08:37:27.203

2I still think that language constructs that don't do any arithmetic (cast, indirection, other language-specific stuff) should be allowed... Otherwise all the answers will be mostly the same... But that's not up to me... – Jaa-c – 2014-08-13T12:38:17.447

Question a bit updated. – Somnium – 2014-08-14T10:01:08.100