Generate me some appropriate license plates!



The scenario: You are a software designer working for a gov't-run company that designs license plates for cars and other vehicles. You've been asked to develop software that generates license plates. Before you got to work, your bosses laid down these ground rules.

A license plate cannot contain:

  • ASS
  • 666
  • 69<any number here>
  • <any number here>69
  • KKK
  • SHT

Rules and requirements:

  • License plate must be randomly generated.
  • Once a random license plate is generated, the same license plate cannot be generated again.
  • You must output at least 200 unique license plates. You can generate more if you want to.
  • You may store generated plates in a file to "remember" them.
  • The license plate contains 2 sections, one containing only three letters, and one containing only three numbers, separated by a dash, like this: 233-ADF or ADF-233.
  • You can only use numbers and capital letters.
  • License plates can be written to stdout, or a file.
  • Each "side" of a license plate will contain either three numbers or letters.
  • This is a , so shortest, most popular, answer wins. Winner will be chosen after seven days.

General rules

  • Answer should include, but not limited to, the following.
  • Language name.
  • Character count.
  • File size.
  • How the code is run.
  • The code itself.
  • Example: Python 234 chars or Python 23mb.

If I need to clarify any additional details, please mention it in the comments and I will add it to my post. Anyways, good luck, and generate me some appropriate license plates!

Update 1: Winner will be chosen slightly earlier.

Turns out I have to go on a trip soon, so I will be choosing a winner around 00:00 UTC, July 25. After the winner is chosen, you can still submit entires, just know that a winner has been chosen. Bai.

Update 2: Winners!

We have winners! Yay! Cheese and wine to everyone who participated! Here's who won.

  • 1st place: Àngel - Bash (95 characters)
  • 2nd place: Martin Büttner - Mathematica (182 bytes)
  • 2nd place: Emilio M Bumachar - Pyg (92 ?)
  • 2nd place: Peter Taylor - Golfscript (98 characters)
  • 3rd place: Mark Thomas - Ruby (127 characters)

Wow, three second place ties. Wow. The competition is over, but feel free to submit entries if you want to. Bai!


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 362

2"Once a random license plate is generated, the same license plate cannot be generated again." What about non-random licence plates? – Peter Taylor – 2014-07-19T18:33:15.783

@PeterTaylor I'm a bit confused, what do you mean by "non-random"? – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-19T18:34:15.527

4The obvious way to do this (and probably the way it works in real life) is to generate the numbers in order. – Peter Taylor – 2014-07-19T18:34:59.500

@PeterTaylor Sure, you can do that. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-19T18:36:42.573

Would suggest adding random requirement, else it is really trivial. – Vectorized – 2014-07-19T19:21:17.643

@bitpwner I did add that. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-19T19:21:47.113

5"Randomly generated" is imprecise. I presume you mean "uniformly selected at random from the unused legal licence plates" rather than, say, uniformly selected at random from the legal licence plates beginning AAA- – Peter Taylor – 2014-07-19T20:00:09.540

@PeterTaylor Yes, you are correct. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-19T20:27:35.567

1please tell how many digits should be in every plate, and what characters are valid - it varies from country to country – proud haskeller – 2014-07-20T17:55:38.937

@proudhaskeller Each section contains three letters and three numbers, separated by a -, like this: ADD-127 or 345-GHD. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-20T17:58:04.160

oh so its only 3 characters. it wasn't specified. thanks – proud haskeller – 2014-07-20T18:00:05.053

13I'm now somewhat tempted to write a program to generate random license plates that contain some obscene or otherwise inappropriate string not found in your list. – Ilmari Karonen – 2014-07-20T19:32:03.213

@IlmariKaronen Like what? Should what you're thinking of even be said aloud here? – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-20T19:33:49.410

I'm sure you could think of plenty, but just to name a few obvious variations, you seem to have disallowed SHT-___ but not SHI-7__, _SH-17_ or __5-HIT. – Ilmari Karonen – 2014-07-20T19:36:11.437

1@IlmariKaronen I think it might be a little late to add new "banned words" as there are already 14 answers. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-20T20:03:55.237


Similarly, A55-___ is allowed by these rules.

– dan04 – 2014-07-21T06:19:11.720

@dan04 If you read carefully, one side is letters, while the other side is numbers. Numbers and letters can't mix on the same side. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-21T13:50:56.357

The real government database of license plates is much larger. They are vanity plates in Georgia though

– Ming-Tang – 2014-07-22T06:39:49.097

I'm 16 and I don't think I'm immature enough to put the banned words in my code lol, yet we have to be told its forbidden, what is this world coming to lol – Serial – 2014-07-22T09:25:21.260

Is it ok if a program generates plates having digits only on the left side e.g. 233-ADF or only on the right side e.g. ADF-233? – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-23T22:19:52.463

@CristianCiupitu Yes, it is. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-24T00:19:57.883



bash (95 chars)

Save the script as m in a folder in your PATH with execute bit set.

Run as bash m. The plates are stored in file p

l(){ tr -dc $1</dev/urandom|head -c3;};egrep -ve"ASS|666|69|KKK|SHT" -fp>>p<<<`l 0-9`-`l A-Z`;m

This is equivalent to running the following:

# Print three random numbers and three random letters
echo $(tr -dc 0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c3)-$(tr -dc A-Z < /dev/urandom | head -c3) |

# Print only plates not matching the blacklist or any line of p
# Append the plates ton p
egrep -v -e "ASS|666|69|KKK|SHT" -f p >> p

# Execute itself again

Caveat: The final m should actually be exec m (+5 chars) in order to avoid leaving processes waiting for completion (but you can have thousands without much problem)

Credit goes to for the idea of using tr -dc


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 286

Is it to me or the uniqueness requirement is missing? – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-20T16:48:28.213

1@Cristian-Ciupitu: The grep -v is excluding both the blacklist and the list of plates we already generated (grep is expecting p to contain one pattern per line, but as the plates don't contain regular expression metacharacters, they only match themselves). We only generate one or zero plates per iteration, so after each iteration the full (updated) list of plates to exclude will be read by grep. :D – Ángel – 2014-07-20T18:03:33.710


PYG - 92

Pe(Se(Re.sub(".*(666|69|ASS|KKK|SHT).*","",J(RSm(STuc*3,3)+[j]+RSm(STd*3,3)))for j in'-'*K))

Now able to select uniformly from all unused plates, keeping to OP's specs, while being shorter by 1 more character.

It's theoretically possible that the list of 999 plates will contain enough repetitions so that the trimmed set will be less than 200. But the odds of that are infinitesimally small. In ten trials, the lowest length I got was 994.

EDIT: changed 999 to K (which is pyg for 1000), to save two chars at the advice of bitpwner.

Emilio M Bumachar

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 683

1Did you filter out the disallowed values? Don't see any KKK or 666 anywhere. – Vectorized – 2014-07-20T03:52:39.090

5@bitpwner: I use only the digits from 0 to 5 and letters from A to J, so the disallowed values cannot occur. – Emilio M Bumachar – 2014-07-20T09:54:44.730

Very clever! Nobody ever said those others had to be used. Nice. – Kjeld Schmidt – 2014-07-20T20:37:09.157

1OP agreed to the randomness being "uniformly selected at random from the unused legal licence plates". See comments in question. Unless your definition of uniform means uniform from any range. And you can change 999 to K, saving u 2 chars. – Vectorized – 2014-07-21T01:20:33.773

3Not sure I'd count output as random if there's valid plates that are impossible to generate... – Alconja – 2014-07-21T01:33:06.080


Mathematica, 182 bytes

Ugh, this is long



l = {};
    l = Union@
      Pick[l, StringFreeQ[l, "ASS" | "666" | "69" | "KKK" | "SHT"]]
  ] < 200,
      FromCharacterCode /@ {48 + 9~(r = RandomInteger)~3, 
        65 + 25~r~3}]~Riffle~"-" <> ""]

Pretty straight-forward. Generates random plates, and filters out duplicates and forbidden ones until 200 are found.

Martin Ender

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 184 808


GolfScript (98 chars)


This generates all possible licence plates in a random order using some ugly base conversion followed by filtering. There are a lot of them, so don't expect it to execute quickly, but the question didn't place any constraints on execution time.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 41 901


JavaScript (ES6) - 213

It can probably be improved. Tested on Firefox Console.

Change that alert to a console.log() if you want to test


William Barbosa

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 3 269

Wow, that has to be the longest single line of code I've ever seen. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-20T00:51:49.360

2@DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms you obviously haven't seen my 400+ char single-line JS regex ;) – Eric Lagergren – 2014-07-20T05:38:39.563

@eric_lagergren That sounds like it would have been a pain to write... – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-20T14:28:10.710

3@DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms You can write it over multiple lines then remove the unnecessary whitespaces. There are multiple online services who offer that + other shortening (replacing function /var etc. names) to reduce js file sizes and subsequently save bandwidth. – SBoss – 2014-07-21T09:04:02.700

@SBoss, I guess, whenever I do code-golf, I always try to write it in it's golfed form first, which never works. – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-21T13:52:21.043

1@DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms optimize afterwards. I figure out how to correctly solve the problem, then I try and find shortcuts, and then I finally optimize my code :P a lot simpler – Eric Lagergren – 2014-07-21T17:01:42.417


Ruby — 136 133 129 characters

Hideous. Think there's room for improvement, though. Just drop the code in irb or pry and hit enter to run:

g=->l{(a=f[*?A..?Z]+?-+f[*?0..?9];l|=[a]if/69|666|ASS|SHT|KKK/!~a)until l.size>199;l}
puts g[[]]


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 759


Python 2.7 - 258 chars

I'm not a professional programmer or anything, so I'd say I'm satisfied with the result.

import random as o
for i in range(200):
 while any(w in l for w in b):
  for i in range(3):
print "\n".join(set(t))

Filesize is 4.0 K, run with python !


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 143

Shouldn't that pass be a continue? You can also save some chars by indenting with a 1 space instead of 4. – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-20T16:36:40.030

Also for i in range(0,200): could be replaced with for i in range(200):. – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-20T16:53:45.040

@CristianCiupitu I couldn't get it to do the full 200 when using continue.. But pass did the trick. Plus, it's shorter. And when I tried for i in range(200), it only did 199 ^^ I counted them afterwards by making a duplicates variable and putting duplicates += 1 before pass and counting the occurrences for - in the list/string. – Adam – 2014-07-20T19:34:36.757

@CristianCiupitu range(200) worked after all - the 4 spaces in the code block are actually \t and replacing them by 1 space didn't change the character count... Thanks for the suggestions! – Adam – 2014-07-20T19:45:20.147

1A user suggested in a suggested edit to simply remove if k in t: pass, as it does nothing. – Doorknob – 2014-07-20T22:12:38.253

This user did. – Martin Ender – 2014-07-20T22:13:17.453

@Doorknob Does that mean duplicates weren't being removed? continue should work after all then... my apologies – Adam – 2014-07-20T23:08:26.263

There's also another issue: the plates have letters before digits every time, their order is not randomized. – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-20T23:53:31.527

@CristianCiupitu But... The license plate contains 2 sections, one containing only three letters, and one containing only three numbers, separated by a dash, like this: 233-ADF or ADF-233. – Adam – 2014-07-22T04:48:18.937

@Adam, your program generates only the second type of plates, it won't generate something like 233-ADF. – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-22T15:09:01.827

@CristianCiupitu I thought only one of two was required :/ – Adam – 2014-07-23T22:01:35.677

@Adam, that was also my first thought, but then I realized the order matters too. Though the best option would be to ask the OP to clarify this.

– Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-23T22:20:15.323


Ruby, 127 chars

My attempt at a "readable" Ruby version:

until a.size==200 do
  a<<p unless p=~/69|666|ASS|SHT|KKK/
puts a

Mark Thomas

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 305

Note that this generates compliant license plates, but won't generate the entire set of possible plates (as with most of these answers). That doesn't seem to be a requirement. – Mark Thomas – 2014-07-21T15:31:27.707


Python - 208

Hi heres my stab at license plate generation. This solution is similar to @bitpwner's solution but without the string module and instead of a list for the license plate I chose to use a set and its also allows numbers first.

import random as r,re
l=lambda x:chr(f(65, 90))if x else`f(0,9)`
while len(d)<200:
 if not("666|69|ASS|KKK|SHT",c)):d.add(c)

Sample output:

set(['DQJ-641', '086-QRY', '981-GAZ', 'UHN-718', '114-VMI', 'GLO-887',  ...


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 1 528


Python, 252 bytes

Here's my contribution. I'm impressed with it, but I know others have done better with python.

from random import randint as r
while len(f)<200:
 if not("666" in t or "69" in t):
  u=''.join(chr(r(65,90)) for _ in [1,2,3])
  if not("KKK" in u or "SHT" in u or "ASS" in u):f+=("%s-%s"%(t.zfill(3),u),)
print f


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 51


Python - 165

Those imports...

import random as r,re
while len(j)<2e3:
 if not,x):print x;j+='|'+x

If there is a need to begin randomly with either numbers or alphabets, which I don't think is really needed, then 190.

import random as r,re
while len(j)<2e3:
 if not,x):print x;j+='|'+x


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 3 486

Chars or bytes? – DatEpicCoderGuyWhoPrograms – 2014-07-19T23:19:34.450

May I suggest PYG?

– Emilio M Bumachar – 2014-07-20T01:28:55.970

I count 208 chars, and does your solution allow numbers first? – Willem – 2014-07-20T05:27:57.637

@willem The four spaces for indentation are actually tabs, and alphabets first only. – Vectorized – 2014-07-20T05:39:01.140


PHP 341 324 320

Was the best I could do.

<?$a="p";$b=fopen($a,'a+');while($c<200){$d=rand(100,999);$e='';for($f=0;$f<3;++$f)$e.=chr(rand(65,90));$g=(rand(1,2)==1)?"$d-$e":"$e-$d";$h=array('ASS','666','69','kkk','SHT');$i=1;foreach($h as $j)!preg_match("/$j/",$g)?:++$i;if($i==1){$k=fread($b,filesize($a));if(!strpos($k,$g)){fwrite($b,$g);echo"$g<br />";++$c;}}}

To run the code just save as a .php file and browse to it on any web server. It will attempt to create the blacklist file p.txt if it does not exist already. However you may need to define it with a full server path if you do not have root access.

The code itself is here pre golfification:

// create random plate
// check it does not break rules
// check is not on all time blacklist file
// Add to blacklist file
// Output to screen

// open file handle
$file = "p"; // filename and path if not root access
$fh = fopen($file, 'a+');

// do 200
while($x<200) {

    // get random number
    $rand_number = rand(100,999);

    // get random letters
    $letters = '';
    for($y=0; $y<3; ++$y) $letters .= chr(rand(65,90));

    // mix up combination
    $string = (rand(1,2)==1) ? "$rand_number-$letters" : "$letters-$rand_number";

    // assume is ok
    $ok = 1;

    // Set checks to be excluded on new plates.
    $checks = array('ASS','666','69','kkk','SHT');

    // do the exclusions
    foreach ($checks as $check) !preg_match("/$check/", $string) ? : ++$ok;

    // if all ok, check is not on the blacklist
    if($ok == 1) {

        // read blacklist
        $blacklist = fread($fh, filesize($file));

        // if not on blacklist, add it to file, echo it to output, increment counter
        if (!strpos($blacklist, $string)) {
            fwrite($fh, $string);
            echo "$string<br />";

Was as short as I could get it :-(

Sample Output

.... does exactly 200 new plates.

EDIT: tidied up a couple of if statements to use short form.

Paul Drewett

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 181

If the plates do not have to be mixed up - ie can be numbers then letters only, I could lose this line
$string = (rand(1,2)==1) ? "$rand_number-$letters" : "$letters-$rand_number";
– Paul Drewett – 2014-07-20T17:33:47.900

1You could use a single-character filename (e.g., p instead of p.txt) and save yourself 4 characters, too. – Mark – 2014-07-21T19:46:47.277

@Mark I didn't know you could do that. Tested it and it worked fine. Read up on file extensions and they do not work quite the way I thought they did. Thank you, that was very interesting. – Paul Drewett – 2014-07-22T08:47:13.587


Cobra - 198

class P
    def main
        while l.count<200
            for i in 3,b+='[,91)to char]'
            if not ('69'in'[a]'or 666==a or b in'ASS KKK SHT'),l+=['[a]-'+b]
        print l


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 7 916


Delphi, 161 bytes

Here is my take on this. It outputs license plates to stdout without line feed between them. If LF is needed (not specified in the rules), than that adds extra 4 bytes.

Golfed version:

var S,L:string;begin repeat Str(100+Random(69),S);S:=S+'-';while Length(S)<7do S:=S+Chr(65+Random(10));if Pos(S,L)=0then L:=L+S;until Length(L)>1393;Write(L)end.


  S, L: string;
    Str(100 + Random(69), S); // generate and add first three numbers
    S := S + '-'; // add dash
    while Length(S) < 7 do // generate and add last three letters
      S := S + Chr(65 + Random(10));
    if Pos(S, L) = 0 then // check if its not in the L string and add it
      L := L + S;
  until Length(L) > 1393; // exit loop once L string has more than 1393 chars (199 * 7 = 1393)
  Write(L); // output L to stdout

How to run:

app.exe > plates.txt

Marko Paunovic

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 131


Python3, 257 chars

import string as X,re,random as R
while len(s)<200:
 L=R.sample([[R.choice(X.digits) for i in I],[R.choice(X.ascii_uppercase) for i in I]],2);L=''.join(L[0]+['-']+L[1])
 if'ASS|KKK|SHT|69|666',L) or L in s:continue

Sample output:

# python3

Cristian Ciupitu

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 111

1You can save a byte by separating line 5 and 6 by ; instead of \n. – undergroundmonorail – 2014-07-21T08:17:56.437

@undergroundmonorail, you're right, thank you! – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-21T09:30:06.510


PHP, 267

This is about as short as I can get it.

<?php $g=file("p",2)?:[];$b=["ASS","666","KKK","SHT"];for($i=0;$i<200;){$m="A";$n=rand(702,18277);for($j=0;$j<$n;$j++){$m++;}$m.=-rand(100,999);if(!(strpos($m,"69")|in_array($m,$b)|in_array($m,$g))){$g[]=$m;echo"$m\n";$i++;}}file_put_contents("p",implode("\n",$g));?>

Plates are stored in file "p".

$g=file("p",2)?:[]; // Read existing plates
$b=["ASS","666","KKK","SHT"]; // Don't generate these
for($i=0;$i<200;){ // 200 plates
    $m="A"; // Base letter
    $n=rand(702,18277); // 3 random letters
    for($j=0;$j<$n;$j++){$m++;} // Increment until letters are reached (SLOW, but short)
    $m.=-rand(100,999); // Add a dash and three numbers
    if(!(strpos($m,"69")|in_array($m,$b)|in_array($m,$g))){ // Check that it's valid and unused
        $g[]=$m;echo"$m\n";$i++; // Echo it, add it to used array and increment counter
file_put_contents("p",implode("\n",$g)); // Save the plates


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 156


R, 229 characters

I'm sure this could be improved:

for(i in 1:200)while(any(sapply(c("ASS","666","69","KKK","SHT"),grepl,A[[i]]<-a()))|A[i]%in%A[-i])A[[i]]=a()

Run in the console, prints a list of license plates.


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 461


ECMAScript 6 - 155 168 158

Warning: 200 alert dialogs (change alert to console.log to test)


Edit: Oops. Original version printed duplicates...

Edit 2: Closer to the original score now - switched from a set to an associative array with some fugly duplicate checks allowing it to print as it goes

Tested in Firefox console.


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 647

Congratulations improving my solution – William Barbosa – 2014-07-21T01:37:11.223

I'm getting a "Syntax error" on: *`l=x=>String.fromCharCode(65+r()26);**. I guess I don't know what's happening with **l=x=>...`** – Kevin Fegan – 2014-07-21T02:32:38.480

@KevinFegan - I'm guessing you're not using Firefox... f=a=>b is an ES6 feature that's basically shorthand for function f(a) { b } and it's only(?) supported by Firefox at the moment. – Alconja – 2014-07-21T02:44:55.370

Yes, I'm using IE 9, and it definately doesn't work here. I'll try it on Firefox. Thanks. – Kevin Fegan – 2014-07-21T03:37:10.010


Javascript - 283 327 Characters


After implementing the suggestions from Alconja, here's my new version:

m=Math.random;function y(v){return "ASS|KKK|SHT|666".indexOf(v)<0&&v.indexOf("69")<0?0:!0}function c(){return String.fromCharCode(m()*26+65)}for(i=0;i<200;i++){do {do {n=(m()+"").slice(2,5)}while(y(n));do {l=c()+c()+c()}while(y(l));r=l+"-"+n}while(o.indexOf(r)>=0);o+=r+"\n"}alert(o)
/* 1 line - 283 Characters */

1) Remove Variable:s and use literal:"\n" [-4][323]
2) Remove "var o="",i,r,n,l," [-17][306]
3) Remove Variable:t and use literal:"ASS|KKK|SHT|666" [-4][302]
4) Set m=Math.random and use "m" instead [-7][296]
5) Use (m()+"") rather than m().toString() [-6][290]
6) Remove unneeded ";" [-7][283]

Old-version: Javascript - 327 Characters

I'm sure there's some room for improving... I'm pretty inexperienced at Code-golfing:

var o="",s="\n",i,r,n,l,t="ASS|KKK|SHT|666";function y(v){return t.indexOf(v)<0&&v.indexOf("69")<0?0:!0;}function c(){return String.fromCharCode(Math.random()*26+65);}for(i=0;i<200;i++){do {do {n=Math.random().toString().slice(2,5);}while(y(n));do {l=c()+c()+c();}while(y(l));r=l+"-"+n;}while(o.indexOf(r)>=0);o+=r+s;}alert(o);    
/* 1 line - 327 Characters */

Here is a formatted, "Ungolfed" version with "un-minified" variable/function names:

var outp="",lsep="\n",ndx,res,nbr,ltr,tbl="ASS|KKK|SHT|666";
function fnvfy(vinp){
  return tbl.indexOf(vinp)<0&&vinp.indexOf("69")<0?0:!0;
function fnchr(){
  return String.fromCharCode(Math.random()*26+65);
  do {
    do {
    do {

Here is a "debug" version that can be pasted into URL of browser favorite/bookmark. Output is placed in a "TEXTAREA" on a new "window" instead of "alert()":

javascript:(function(){var outp="",lsep="\n",ndx,res,nbr,ltr,tbl="ASS|KKK|SHT|666";function fnvfy(vinp){return tbl.indexOf(vinp)<0&&vinp.indexOf("69")<0?0:!0;}function fnchr(){return String.fromCharCode(Math.random()*26+65);}for(ndx=0;ndx<200;ndx++){do {do {nbr=Math.random().toString().slice(2,5);}while(fnvfy(nbr));do {ltr=fnchr()+fnchr()+fnchr();}while(fnvfy(ltr));res=ltr+"-"+nbr;}while(outp.indexOf(res)>=0);outp+=res+lsep;}var;x.document.write('<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<form name=sa><textarea name=t rows=25 cols=80 wrap>'+outp+'</textarea><br />\n</body>\n');x.document.close();})()
/* */

Here is the "debug" version, formatted:

  var outp="",lsep="\n",ndx,res,nbr,ltr,tbl="ASS|KKK|SHT|666";
  function fnvfy(vinp){
    return tbl.indexOf(vinp)<0&&vinp.indexOf("69")<0?0:!0;
  function fnchr(){
    return String.fromCharCode(Math.random()*26+65);
    do {
      do {
      do {
  x.document.write('<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<form name=sa><textarea name=t rows=25 cols=80 wrap>'+outp+'</textarea><br />\n</body>\n');

Kevin Fegan

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 121

2Without touching your actual algorithm, here's a few generic javascript golfing tips: Javascript is inherently forgiving with bad syntax, so you don't need to use var (just assigning will do, 323), you don't need ;s unless there's another statement following (eg. the last character in the line, or before a }, 316), watch for anything that takes more space to declare/use than just inline (eg. your s variable, 312), ditto for the reverse if something is used more than once (eg. Math.random(...) to r=Math.random ... r(...), 307, (x+"") is shorter than x.toString(), 300 – Alconja – 2014-07-21T05:03:31.317

@Alconja - Thanks for the help. I was able to reduce the size by 44 characters. – Kevin Fegan – 2014-07-30T01:52:31.890


JavaScript (ES6) 184

As usual, test in FireFox console and change alert to console.log or be prepared to press escape 200 times.



Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 31 086

I don't know about the console, but web pages are only allowed 5 free alerts before Firefox starts offering to disable them:

– Neil – 2014-07-21T23:34:47.880

@Neil of course, but offering to disable is not disabling. Shouldn't you enjoy 200 (or more popups?

– edc65 – 2014-07-22T07:39:12.547




that's 100 chars less than current PHP's best :)

    for(;++$y&3;) $c.=chr(rand(65,90));

hope you like it. In case it is allowed:


is only 141 chars but doesn't shuffle chars and numbers. Any suggestions wellcome :)


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 1 489


F#, 264 chars

Not really a language designed for golfing, but I'm sure this could be improved. Using Seq.exists with a lambda is pretty annoying, as are the many parens and lack of implicit conversion.

Uses recursion, keeps going forever.

let g=System.Random()
let c()=char(g.Next(65,90))
let k(i:string)l=Seq.exists(fun e->i.Contains(e))l
let rec p d:unit=
 let l=sprintf"%i-%c%c%c"(g.Next(100,999))(c())(c())(c())
 if k l d||k l ["ASS";"666";"69";"KKK";"SHT"]then p d else

Can be run in FSI.

Grant Crofton

Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 111


Python 203

I'm not sure if this technically counts, but I liked it so I'm posting it anyway. While I do generate the answers pseudo-randomly, as pretty much everyone else did, I strategically picked the random seed such that invalid answers wouldn't end up in the output. So, my answer isn't actually capable of generating the entire set of valid answers, without also generating the invalid ones.

from random import*;seed(1);L='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';D='0123456789';C=choice
for i in 'x'*200:s=randint(0,1);a=''.join(C(L)for _ in'000');b=''.join(C(D)for _ in'000');i=[a,b];print i[s-1]+'-'+i[s]


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 1 395


Perl - 123 Characters

while(@p<200){$l=(AAA..ZZZ)[int rand 999]."-".(100+int rand 899);@p=grep!/ASS|666|69|KKK|SHT|$l/,@p;push@p,$l}$,=$/;print@p


while(@p < 200){ # Repeat until we get 200 plates
    $l = (AAA..ZZZ)[int rand 999]."-".(100+int rand 899); # generate the license plate
    @p = grep !/ASS|666|69|KKK|SHT|$l/, @p; # remove disallowed license ones and duplicates
    push @p, $l # add a license plate
$,=$/; # so they print with newlines
print @p # print the plates

If anyone has ideas to golf it further, let me know, I am interested. If you want further explanation of part of the code, leave a comment and I'd be happy to explain more too.


Posted 2014-07-19T18:09:11.507

Reputation: 3 356