Generate four type-4 GUIDs for me



The type 4 GUID is described by Wikipedia, quoth:

Version 4 UUIDs use a scheme relying only on random numbers. This algorithm sets the version number (4 bits) as well as two reserved bits. All other bits (the remaining 122 bits) are set using a random or pseudorandom data source. Version 4 UUIDs have the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is any hexadecimal digit and y is one of 8, 9, A, or B (e.g., f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479).

Write a program that loads 488 bits (61 bytes) of cryptographic quality randomness and output them as 4 GUIDs using the format quoted above.

  • Do not waste randomness.
    • All random bits must appear in the encoded output.
    • All encoded bits must be traceable to either a single random bit or one of the six fixed bits that must appear in each GUID.
  • Use the cryptographic quality random number generator supplied by your language's standard library.
  • Do not use a library or external resource that generates GUIDs.
  • The hyphens must appear in their correct positions.
  • The fixed bits of this form of GUID must appear in their correct positions.
  • You may use a standard library function designed to output a GUID from 128 bits.
  • Normal code-golf rules apply.

For example...

> gentype4

I asked for four GUIDs in order to allow a whole number of random bytes to be gathered without leaving any remainder. I also specified that none of the bits should be wasted in order to avoid the easy answer of getting 16 random bytes and dropping the 4 in. (No, shift the other bits along first.)

Update 2:
If your language's standard library doesn't have a cryptographic quality random byte generator, you may instead assume that there is a 61 byte file present with enough random bytes for you to use when the program starts. The file should be called "/dev/urandom" or another filename with 12 characters.


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 1 995

If my language doesn't have a way to request a certain number of random bits/bytes, but can get a random number from 0 to n-1 using something like random(n), can I just use random(1<<k) as a way to get k random bits? Also, is it ok to get them in small pieces (e.g. 4 or 2 bits at a time) through multiple calls? – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2014-06-23T16:48:53.723

I was hoping to see how different languages can access cryptographic quality randomness. I'll add an exception for those languages without such means. – billpg – 2014-06-23T16:52:48.200

Well, now you're assuming it can read external files :p What I could use is a sequence of numbers (separated by space) given through the standard input.. but maybe I'm asking too much and should just not participate (in that language). And an unrelated note: the wikipedia quote refers to UUIDs, not GUIDs. – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2014-06-23T17:07:28.670

A close duplicate:

– primo – 2014-06-24T11:37:09.353



PHP, 338 bytes

<?php $r=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(61);$b="";$s="substr";for($i=0;$i<61;)$b.=str_pad(decbin(ord($r[$i++])),8,0,0);function p($B,$L){return str_pad(dechex(bindec($B)),$L,0,0);}for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)echo p($s($b,$p=122*$i,32),8)."-".p($s($b,$p+32,16),4)."-4".p($s($b,$p+48,12),3)."-".p("10".$s($b,$p+60,14),4)."-".p($s($b,$p+74,48),12)."\n";

Some output

> php 32309.min.php
> php 32309.min.php
> php 32309.min.php
> php 32309.min.php


$r = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(61);
$b = "";
$s = "substr";
for($i=0 ; $i<61 ;) $b .= str_pad(decbin(ord($r[$i++])), 8, 0, 0);

function p($B, $L) {
    return str_pad(dechex(bindec($B)), $L, 0, 0);

for($i=0 ; $i<4 ; $i++) {
    echo p($s($b, 122*$i, 32), 8)."-";
    echo p($s($b, 122*$i+32, 16), 4)."-4";
    echo p($s($b, 122*$i+48, 12), 3)."-";
    echo p("10".$s($b, 122*$i+60, 14), 4)."-";
    echo p($s($b, 122*$i+74, 48), 12)."\n";


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 2 142

3openssl_random_pseudo_bytes? That's.. verbose. PHP keeps amazing me - in the wrong way. – seequ – 2014-06-23T17:26:35.003


J - 114 bytes

I took the simplest approach available. The function takes amount of GUID's required (you could replace the ] near the end with 4: to make it return 4 always) and outputs that many of them, separated by newlines.

Edit: I missed that no generated bits must go to waste... This answer doesn't comply and I don't know how to make it to.


If an extra newline is allowed after the output, this could be written in 111 bytes.



   f 4
   f 5


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 1 714

@billpg This version generates a 32-bit integer for each necessary hexadecimal digit (for everything but the 4, - and linefeed). Is that okay? – seequ – 2014-06-23T17:19:20.407


Golfscript, 75

Fixed now!


Output example:

>ruby golfscript.rb

>ruby golfscript.rb

You can test it yourself here.


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 156

That bug is pretty. – seequ – 2014-06-23T18:33:41.703

Was pretty atleast. – seequ – 2014-06-23T19:02:55.740

Is "rand" in GS a cryptographic quality random number generator? – billpg – 2014-06-27T08:22:24.697


Python (85)

import os,uuid
for i in [1]*4:print uuid.UUID(os.urandom(16).encode('hex'),version=4)

os.urandom(n): Return a string of n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use.

I assume generating more than 488 bits is ok?


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 35

1Standard library function is part of the library that comes with your language. os and uuid both are part of it. – seequ – 2014-06-23T15:48:44.923

1I added the "Don't waste any bits" rule because I wanted to see some bit fiddling. Just being able to drop in the 4 wiping out other bits seemed too simple a task. – billpg – 2014-06-23T16:25:42.853

That's also why I specified four GUIDs to be output, so you'd have a whole number of random bytes to deal with. – billpg – 2014-06-23T16:29:04.417


Python 2 - 188 / 182

This should obey the requirements faithfully:

import os
a=(ord(x)>>i&3for i in(0,2,4,6)for x in os.urandom(61))
h=lambda n:eval('"%X"%(*'*n+'"-"')
exec'print h(8)+h(4)+"4"+h(3)+"%X"%([:-1];'*4

If python's UUID is acceptable for outputting a nicely-formatted uuid from a 32-digit hex string, then this version has 182 bytes:

import os,uuid
a=(ord(x)>>i&3for i in(0,2,4,6)for x in os.urandom(61))
exec('s='+'"%X"%(*'*30+'"";print uuid.UUID(s[3:15]+"4"+s[:3]+"%X"%([15:]);')*4

a is a generator comprehension that gives 2 bits at a time from an initial source of 61 random bytes.

Thanks TheRare for tips

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 22 326

You don't need to set x in t, just return it. for i in range(n):s+="%X"%(t()*4+t()) could be written exec's+="%X"%(t()*4+t());'*n and thus function h could be written in one line. You can use the same trick in the following loop too, just replace n by 4. – seequ – 2014-06-23T19:01:03.293

Whoops, yes you do need to set it. Sorry! The rest still works though. – seequ – 2014-06-23T19:08:46.590

@TheRare exec also seems to interfere with global, but still there is something to gain, thanks for reminding me about it – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2014-06-23T19:10:54.903

Ah, sorry. I completely forgot that global causes it to break. What if you changed it to something like this (didn't check if it's shorted, but global s is not needed): def h(n):s='';exec's+="%X"%(t()*4+t());'*4;return s+'-'<LINEFEED HERE>print'\n'.join(h(8)+h(4)+'4'+h(3)+"%X"%(8+t())+h(3)+h(12)for _ in 1,2,3,4) – seequ – 2014-06-23T19:17:13.393

Or even h=lambda n:''.join("%X"%(t()*4+t())for _ in[0]*n)+'-';print'\n'.join(h(8)+h(4)+'4'+h(3)+"%X"%(8+t())+h(3)+h(12)for _ in[0]*4) (both are untested) – seequ – 2014-06-23T19:21:59.647

You could replace the 1,2,3,4 by [0]*4, come to think of it and remove the space in front of it. (I updated the comment above). – seequ – 2014-06-23T19:23:00.890


Javascript (ES6) - 177 163 158

Removed .toUpperCase(), replaced substring with substr and substr(0,3) to substr(1)

function f(){g=()=>(((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substr(1);for(i=0;i<4;i++)alert((g()+g()+"-"+g()+"-4"+g().substr(1)+"-"+g()+"-"+g()+g()+g()))}

EcmaScript 5 version of the above script:

function f(){function g(){return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substr(1)}for(i=0;i<4;i++)alert((g()+g()+"-"+g()+"-4"+g().substr(1)+"-"+g()+"-"+g()+g()+g()))}


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 159

Doesn't f=x=> work as the function definition? I've never used ES6 though. – seequ – 2014-06-24T11:51:10.733

@TheRare Nope.. – Spedwards – 2014-06-25T10:34:13.753


Common Lisp

SBCL, 223

int))(labels((g(n)(a(expt 2 n)))(h()(g 16)))(dotimes(i 4)(format
16384(g 12))(+ 32768(g 14))(h)(h)(h))))

CLISP, 299

(use-package :ffi)(def-call-out
a(:name"arc4random_uniform")(:arguments(u int))(:return-type
int)(:language :c)(:library :default))(labels((g(n)(a(expt 2
n)))(h()(g 16)))(dotimes(i 4)(format
16384(g 12))(+ 32768(g 14))(h)(h)(h))))

About arc4random_uniform(3)

Both of these call the C function arc4random_uniform(3) in BSD libc. Some systems do not have this function.

Beware that my declaration of arc4random_uniform(3) is wrong. The correct declaration is

u_int32_t arc4random_uniform(u_int32_t);

where u_int32_t is an old BSDism for an unsigned 32-bit integer. (The standard type in C99 is uint32_t without the first underscore.) My wrong declaration is

int arc4random_uniform(int);

where int is a signed 32-bit integer. (I know systems where int only has 16 bits, but I would not run Lisp there.) I am wrong to use signed for unsigned, but my program works because I only pass small non-negative integers. In code golf, int is shorter than unsigned-int in SBCL or uint in CLISP.

To use arc4random_uniform(3) in Lisp, I define a Lisp function a. Here it is in SBCL:

; (use-package :sb-alien)  ; SBCL does this by default!
(define-alien-routine ("arc4random_uniform" a)
  int       ; return type
  (u int))  ; argument named u

And in CLISP:

(use-package :ffi)
(def-call-out a
  (:name "arc4random_uniform")
  (:arguments (u int))
  (:return-type int)
  (:language :c)
  (:library :default))

CLISP has two languages, :c for traditional K&R C and :stdc for C89, but I find no difference, so I use the shorter name.

Now (a u) returns a random integer at least 0 and less than u. If u is 2n, then I get exactly n bits. For example, (a (expt 2 14) provides 14 bits. Because of my wrong declaration, u must be less than 231. If I want 32 bits, I may call (a 16) twice.

Rest of program

; after defining A
(labels ((g (n) (a (expt 2 n)))
         (h () (g 16)))
  (dotimes (i 4)
    (format t
            (h) (h) (h) (+ 16384 (g 12)) (+ 32768 (g 14)) (h) (h) (h))))

I define two local functions. (g n) generates n random bits. (expt 2 n) is much shorter than a left shift: 1<<n in C would become (let((v 0))(setf(ldb(byte 1 n)v)1)v) in Common Lisp!

(h) is an alias for (g 16). This alias costs 13 characters: 11 in (h()(g 16)), plus 2 to upgrade flet to labels, because h needs g in scope. Each call to (h) saves 3 characters, and I have 6 calls, so I save 18 after I spend 13.

When formatting each GUID, (+ 16384(g 12)) is shorter than (logior #x4000 (g 12) and (+ 32768(g 14)) is shorter than (logior #x8000 (g 14)).

One can generate the long format string "~4,'0X~4,'0X-~4,'0X-~4,'0X-~4,'0X-~4,'0X~4,'0X~4,'0X~%" (56 characters) with the expression (format()"~{~A~}~~%"(mapcar(lambda(e)(if e(format()"~~4,'0X")'-))'(t t()t()t()t()t t t))) (89 characters), but the literal string is shorter.


Posted 2014-06-23T12:51:51.803

Reputation: 2 615