Theatre Seating




A theatre has 10 rows, labelled A to J from front to back, and 15 seats in each row, numbered 1 to 15 from left to right.

The program uses the following rules to choose the best seats.

  • Rule 1: All seats in one booking must be in the same row, next to each other.
  • Rule 2: The seats must be as close to the front as possible, then as close to the left as possible (lowest letter, then lowest number)

Write a function which takes the number of tickets wanted as an integer input (n), and outputs the best seats available in a list of length n.

Your program should:

  • Output -1 if 1 > Input or Input > 15*
  • Output -1 if the seats aren't available*
  • Have a function B(n) that the user can use to input the desired number of seats.

*You can output the -1 in a list if it makes it easier



Calling B(5) on a new array should return [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]
Calling B(2) after that should then return [A6, A7]
Calling B(10) after that should then return [B1, B2, ... B9, B10]
Calling B(-1) should always return -1

Un-golfed Solution Python

Theatre = [ [False] * 16 ] * 11

def B(n):
    if 0 <= n <= 15:         
        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(15-n+1):
                    if not Theatre[i][j]:
                        if not Theatre[i][j + n]:
                            row = i
                            start = j
                            List = []
                            for q in range(n):
                                List.append(chr(row + 65) + str(start + q + 1))
                                Theatre[row][start + q] = True
                            return List
    return -1

Harry Beadle

Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 787

1Is "Have hardcoded a list of seats in a two dimensional array" necessary? There are numerous ways to do this without that; the requirement really restricts solutions. – Justin – 2014-05-23T01:42:34.990

2You say the 2-D array must be hard-coded, but your Python example doesn't even hard-code it, it uses a comprehension to create a new list at runtime. – Tony Ellis – 2014-05-23T01:53:06.570

Can I return ['-1'] instead of -1? – Οurous – 2014-05-23T01:55:33.520

You guys are right, amending now... – Harry Beadle – 2014-05-23T02:01:16.963

@Ourous Sure, that sounds reasonable :) – Harry Beadle – 2014-05-23T02:02:02.960

6Why even mention "a list of seats in a two dimensional array"? That sounds like an implementation detail and if somebody creates a program that satisfies the required output without using an array, there should be no problem with that. – Greg Hewgill – 2014-05-23T02:19:30.430

@GregHewgill Ammended – Harry Beadle – 2014-05-23T02:21:43.837

2what if input is 0? – edc65 – 2014-05-23T15:17:47.183

1@edc65 I always make my nonexistent movie theater patrons sit in the best spot of the theater, on another patron's lap if need be. They never notice. – Adam Davis – 2014-05-23T15:56:53.297

@edc65 As the rules say, output -1 – Harry Beadle – 2014-05-24T23:09:43.560

OK, I'll change my answer according to this. But that's not what the rules say. "-1 if 0 > Input ..." and 0 is not > 0. I suggest changing to if "-1: if input < 1 or input > 15." – edc65 – 2014-05-24T23:20:15.020

Does the returned list need to be sorted or is it okay to just have the correct seats? – nderscore – 2014-05-25T17:18:08.750

@nderscore Just a list, sorting doesn't matter – Harry Beadle – 2014-05-25T17:23:15.620



JavaScript - 172

Function itself is 172:

//build persistent seats

function b(z){for(i=0;i<m.length;i++)for(j=0,u=m[i].s.length;o=[],j<u;j++)if(u>=z&z>0){for(m[i].s=m[i].s.slice(z),p=m[i].s[0]||16;o[--z]=m[i].r+--p,z;);return o;}return-1;}




[ 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4' ]
[ 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9', 'B10', 'B11', 'B12', 'B13', 'B14', 'B15' ]
[ 'A5' ]


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 777


Javascript (ES6) - 130 127 107 101 98


Demo here:

Some ideas taken from @edc65


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 4 912

c[B[a]=b] instead of c[],B[a]=b is clever, but fails for n=0 – edc65 – 2014-05-24T07:25:14.910

@edc65 nice catch. I've now adjusted it to handle the case n=0 – nderscore – 2014-05-24T15:16:33.403

Awesome. That's something to remember to avoid 'return' - thanks for sharing (+1) – edc65 – 2014-05-25T21:41:13.327

@edc65 thanks! I thought it was interesting. MT0's got us both beat though! :P – nderscore – 2014-05-25T21:45:17.590


Haskell, 129

t=[[a:show s|s<-[1..15]]|a<-['A'..'J']]
b n=(n%).span((<n).length)
n%(j,(r:s))=let(t,u)=splitAt n r in(t,j++u:s)

Some adjustments had to be made to make this a function in Haskell: b returns a pair: the tickets (if possible), and the new state of the theater. t is the initial theater state, with all tickets unsold. Also, returning -1 was unnatural for Haskell, so if no tickets can be issued for a request, the empty list is returned for the tickets.

λ: let (k1,t1) = b 5 t
λ: k1

λ: let (k2,t2) = b 2 t1
λ: k2

λ: let (k3,t3) = b 10 t2
λ: k3

λ: let (k4,t4) = b (-1) t3
λ: k4

λ: let (k5,t5) = b 2 t4
λ: k5


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 4 779


Javascript (E6) 99 103 113 121

Really you just need to store a number for each row

B=n=>{for(r=i=[-1];n>0&i++<9;)if((a=~~B[i]+n)<16)for(B[i]=a;n--;)r[n]='ABCDEFGHIJ'[i]+a--;return r}




B = n => {
  for (r = i = [-1]; n > 0 & i++ < 9;)
    if ((a = ~~B[i] + n) < 16)
      for (B[i] = a; n--; ) r[n] = 'ABCDEFGHIJ'[i] + a--;
  return r;


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 31 086


APL (75)

T←10 15⍴0⋄B←{(⍵∊⍳15)∧∨/Z←,T⍷⍨⍵/0:+T[P]←{⎕A[⍺],⍕⍵}/¨P←(⊃Z/,⍳⍴T)∘+¨1-⍨⍳1⍵⋄¯1}


      B 5
  A1    A2    A3    A4    A5  
      B 2
  A6    A7  
      B 10
  B1    B2    B3    B4    B5    B6    B7    B8    B9    B10  
      B ¯1
      B 3
  A8    A9    A10  


  • T←10 15⍴0: T is a 15-by-10 matrix that holds the theater state (0 = free)
  • B←{...}: the function
    • (⍵∊⍳15): if is a member of the set of integers from 1 to 15,
    • ∨/Z←,T⍷⍨⍵/0: and T contains zeroes in a row (storing possible start points in Z),
    • :: then:
      • (⊃Z/,⍳⍴T): select possible start coordinates, and take the first one,
      • ∘+¨1-⍨⍳1⍵: add ⍵-1 more positions to the right of the start coordinate
      • P←: store the coordinates in P
      • {⎕A[⍺],⍕⍵}/¨: format the coordinates
      • T[P]←: store the formatted coordinates at their places in T. (any nonzero values in T will do)
      • +: return the result, which is the formatted coordinates (the result of an assignment is tacit by default)
    • ⋄¯1: otherwise, return ¯1.


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 30 224


JavaScript (ECMAScript 6 Draft) - 96 95 91 Characters

A recursive solution:

Version 1


Version 2:


(Thanks to nderscore for the inspiration for the 1 character saving)

Version 3:

B=(n,r=0)=>n<1|r>9?-1:(B[r]^=0)+n<16?[...Array(n)].map(_=>'ABCDEFGHIJ'[r]+ ++B[r]):B(n,r+1)

(Thanks to nderscore)


B = function(n,r=0)          // Create a function B with arguments:
                             // - n is the number of seats to book
                             // - r is the row number (defaults to 0)
  var k = ~~B[r];            // get the number of seats already booked in row r
  if (  n > 0                // ensure that n is a valid booking
     && k+n<16 )             // check that there are enough seats remaining in row r
    var P = new Array(n);    // Create an array with length n with no elements initialised
    var Q = [...P];          // Use P to create an array with every element
                             // initialised to undefined
    var R = 'ABCDEFGHIJ'[r]; // get the row ID.
    B[r] = k + n;            // Increment the number of seats booked in row r by n.
    var S =
        return R + (++k);    // Map each value of Q to the row ID concatenated with
                             // the seat number.
    return S;                // Return the array of seats.
  else if ( r < 9 )          // If there are more rows to check
    return B(n,r+1);         // Check the next row.
  else                       // Else (if n is invalid or we've run out of rows)
    return -1;               // Return -1.


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 3 373

Nice solution. I was working on something similar. Here's -1 byte: B=(n,r=0)=>n>0&r<9?(k=B[r]|0)+n<16?[...Array(n)].map(_=>'ABCDEFGHIJ'[r]+(B[r]=++k)):B(n,r+1):-1 – nderscore – 2014-05-25T21:42:56.140

Thanks, unfortunately that one doesn't quite work as you can't book row J but negating the first check to give B=(n,r=0)=>n<1|r>9?-1:(k=B[r]|0)+n<16?[...Array(n)].map(_=>'ABCDEFGHIJ'[r]+(B[r]=++k)):B(n,r+1) should work. – MT0 – 2014-05-25T22:16:12.633

Ah, good catch. – nderscore – 2014-05-25T22:24:24.970

And it keeps going lower... (91) B=(n,r=0)=>n<1|r>9?-1:(B[r]^=0)+n<16?[...Array(n)].map(_=>'ABCDEFGHIJ'[r]+ ++B[r]):B(n,r+1) – nderscore – 2014-05-26T06:59:20.543


GolfScript, 103 82 bytes



$ cat

5  B p  # Execute B(5), stringify and print.
2  B p
15 B p
17 B p
0  B p

{}:puts # Disable automatic output.
$ golfscript
["A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "A5"]
["A6" "A7"]
["B1" "B2" "B3" "B4" "B5" "B6" "B7" "B8" "B9" "B10" "B11" "B12" "B13" "B14" "B15"]

How it works

226,1>           # Push the array [ 1 … 225 ].
15/[0]*          # Split in chunks of 15 elements and join separating by zeros.
:T               # Save result in T.
{                #
  :&0>           # Save the function's argument in & and check if it's positive.
  {              # If it is:
    T[{          # For each seat S in T:
      ),         # Push [ 0 … S ].
      &~)>       # Reduce two [ S-(&-1) … S ].
      :|         # Save the result in |.
      T\/        # Split T around |.
      ,2=        # If there are two chunks, the seats are available.
    }?]          # Find the first S that satisfies the above condition.
    {            # If there was a match:
      T|-:T;     # Remove the seats in | from T.
      |{         # For each seat S in |:
        (.       # Push S+1 S+1.
        [15/65+] # Compute (S+1)/15+65; the ASCII character corresponding to the row.
        \15%)`+  # Compute (S+1)%15+1, stringify and concatenate. 
      }%         #
    }            #
    -1if         # If there was no match, push -1 instead.
  }              #
  -1if           # If the argument was non-positive, push -1 instead.


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 196 637


CoffeeScript - 171 150 149

I suspect Ruby or Perl will beat this out before long.

 if n<0 or n>15 or 150-c<n
 for i in[1..n]
  if c%15==0
  ++c;a.push String.fromCharCode(l)+k;++k

Equivalent JavaScript/Explanation:

For those unfamiliar with CoffeeScript.

var seats  = 0; //Occupied seats.
var letter = 64; //ASCII code for row letter.
var index  = 1;  //Index of seat in row.

function seats( count )
    if( count < 0 || count > 15 || ( 150 - seats ) < count )
        return -1;

    var assignedSeats = [];

    for( var i = 1; i <= count; ++i )
        if( ( seats % 15 ) === 0 )
            index = 1;

        ++seats; //Occupy a seat.
        assignedSeats.push( String.fromCharCode( letter ) + index );

    return assignedSeats;

Try it online.

Tony Ellis

Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 1 706

1This solution doesn't satisfy the rule All seats in one booking must be in the same row, next to each other. – nderscore – 2014-05-23T04:26:32.630


Cobra - 309

This should do it, but I can't actually get to a compiler for a few hours, so I'll update it later if needed.

class P
    var s=List<of List<of String>>()
    def main
        for l in 'ABCDEFGHIJ'
            for n in 1:16,t.insert(0,l.toString+n.toString)
    def b(n) as List<of String>
        for r in .s.count,if .s[r].count>=n
            for i in n,t.add(.s[r].pop)
        return if(n>0 and t<>[],t,['-1'])


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 7 916


C# - 289

First attempt at code golfing.

int[]s=new int[10];string[]B(int n){string[]x=new string[]{"-1"};if(n<1||n>15)return x;int m=(int)Math.Pow(2, n)-1;for(int i=0;i<10;++i){for(int j=0;j<15-n;++j){if((s[i] &m)==0){s[i]|=m;string[]r=new string[n];for(int k=0;k<n;++k)r[k]=(""+(char)(i+65)+(j+k+1));return r;}m<<=1;}}return x;}


int[] s = new int[10];
string[] B(int n)
    string[] x = new string[] { "-1" };
    if (n < 1 || n > 15) return x;
    int m = (int)Math.Pow(2, n) - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < 15 - n; ++j)
            if ((s[i] & m) == 0)
                s[i] |= m;
                string[] r = new string[n];
                for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
                    r[k] = ("" + (char)(i + 65) + (j+k+1));
                return r;
            m <<= 1;
    return x;

Golden Dragon

Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 101


K, 140

B:{if[(x<0)|x>15;:-1];$[^r:*&&/'~:^a:{(*&&/'{x(!1+(#x)-y)+\:!y}[d x;y])+!y}[;x]'!#d;-1;[.[`d;(r;a r);~:];(10#.Q.A)[r],/:$1+a r]]}

There are undoubtedly numerous improvements to be made here


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 3 917


C++ - 257

Also a first attempt at golfing.

static vector< int > t (10, 0);

vector<string> b(int n){
    vector<string> o;
    int i=0,j;
        if(15-t[i]<n) continue;
        char l='A'+i;
           o.push_back(l + toS(j + 1));
    if(o.empty()) o.push_back("-1");
    return o;

Because to_string wasn't working with my compiler, toS is defined as

string toS(int i){
    return static_cast<ostringstream*>( &(ostringstream() << i) )->str();

And as a little interface

int main(){
int input = 0;
bool done = false;
while (!done){
    cout << "how many seats would you like? (0 to exit)\n";
    cin >> input;
    vector<string> selection = b(input);
    for (auto s : selection){
        cout << s << ' ';
    cout << endl;
    if (input == 0) break;
return 0;


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 1

1Just removing unnecessary whitespace brings it down to 243 characters. – tomsmeding – 2014-05-23T15:30:40.700

More golfing to 236: vector<int> t(10,0);vector<string> b(int n){vector<string> o;for(int i=0,j;i<10&&16>n&&n>0;i++){if(15-t[i]<n)continue;char l='A'+i;for(j=0;j<n;j++)o.push_back(l+to_string(j+t[i]+1));t[i]+=n;n=0;}if(o.empty())o.push_back("-1");return o;} – tomsmeding – 2014-05-23T15:38:01.573


C# - 268 Bytes

Golfed code:

int[]s=new int[10];string[]B(int n){string[]x={"-1"};if(n<1||n>15)return x;int m=(int)Math.Pow(2,n)-1;for(int i=0;++i<10;){for(int j=0;++j<15-n;){if((s[i]&m)==0){s[i]|=m;var r=new string[n];for(int k=0;++k<n;)r[k]=(""+(char)(i+65)+(j+k+1));return r;}m<<=1;}}return x;}

Ungolfed code:

    int[] s = new int[10];
    string[] B(int n)
        string[] x = { "-1" };
        if (n < 1 || n > 15) return x;
        int m = (int)Math.Pow(2, n) - 1;
        for (int i = 0; ++i < 10;)
            for (int j = 0; ++j < 15 - n;)
                if ((s[i] & m) == 0)
                    s[i] |= m;
                    var r = new string[n];
                    for (int k = 0; ++k < n;)
                        r[k] = ("" + (char)(i + 65) + (j + k + 1));
                    return r;
                m <<= 1;
        return x;

I would have written some annotations into a comment on GoldenDragon's solution instead of making my own, but my reputation doesn't allow it.


Posted 2014-05-23T01:35:25.673

Reputation: 163