Create a chain of programs in different languages


Create a program in any language, which outputs the source code for a program in another language, which outputs the source code for a program in another language, and so on.

Please post at the top of your answer the languages, and the total number of them.

Example: 5: Python->GolfScript->Java->Piet->Ruby

This is a popularity contest, so try to be clever, and try to use completely different languages. In about a week, I'll accept the answer with the most votes, and if there's a tie, the one with the most languages.


Posted 2014-03-12T13:13:54.283

Reputation: 10 485

Question was closed 2014-03-12T14:26:17.673


– user12205 – 2014-03-12T13:27:29.597

How is this a duplicate of that? They're similar, but not the same. – Ypnypn – 2014-03-12T15:47:38.243

If the community's decision is that this is a duplicate of Golf a mutual quine, then I believe yours is a duplicate too.

– user12205 – 2014-03-12T16:19:31.200

Also somewhat a duplicate of (only diff is one is code golf the other pop con).

– plannapus – 2014-06-16T07:09:07.350

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