Tetris, Here We Go Again



Code Golfed Tetris

Inspired by a (Re)Implementing Tetris and a challenge on SO 3 years ago when PCG did not yet exist, the classy tetris has yet to live again in the art-work of PCG's golfers. So here are the features:


  • Game must be playable.
  • Playfield or blocks are 10 in width and 20 in height
  • Complete 7 tetrominoes are involved
  • Controls on the current tetromino: Right and Left Navigator, Tetromino rotator (Can be only clockwise), & Hard drop.


  • -50 Distinguished color for each tetromino
  • -50 Distinguished texture for each tetromino enter image description here

Provide a photo of the output for those who can't emulate it


Posted 2014-03-07T15:34:04.593

Reputation: 329

Question was closed 2016-01-25T02:20:35.553

1Is this challenge still available? Or has it just been abandoned? – ASCIIThenANSI – 2015-05-02T16:51:23.920

1There's potential for a really good question here, but as it stands the spec is way too loose. Your bonuses aren't worth the effort because, for example, adding a menu will cost more than 35 characters in any language so it's cheaper to leave it out. I think it would be better to be more strict about what you do and do not want in the entries, and skip the bonuses. – Gareth – 2014-03-07T15:41:39.817

4It's always better to be strict about what you do and don't want and skip the bonuses. – Peter Taylor – 2014-03-07T15:51:08.563

1must have a reasonable distribution of tetrimnoes What does this mean? Is this just protecting against http://xkcd.com/221/ ? – Cruncher – 2014-03-07T15:56:06.597

nope, reasonable in a way that it's variation is supplied for the player to have all 7 tetromino at least every 14 distribution. – Dadan – 2014-03-07T16:01:06.277

1@Daniel Are you saying that you want the program to skew the random results to FORCE a distribution? If so that should seriously be put into the question. (NVM, I see that you did). This leads to the question, is this the only restriction on producing tetriminos? If I assign them an ID and pick it with (++curID)%7 would that be valid? – Cruncher – 2014-03-07T16:06:34.090

yes, that's my point, but I think that requirement is just way to obvious or normal for tetris game, I'm gonna remove it – Dadan – 2014-03-07T16:13:42.667

3"different texture for every tetromino" : Since most answers will be ASCII art, I assume this is just using a different symbol for every tetromino. – Level River St – 2014-03-07T21:04:41.767

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