Summing a sub-square of a quarter of an infinite chessboard



Description of the problem

Imagine a quarter of an infinite chessboard, as in a square grid, extending up and right, so that you can see the lower left corner. Place a 0 in there. Now for every other cell in position (x,y), you place the smallest non-negative integer that hasn't showed up in the column x or the row y.

It can be shown that the number in position (x, y) is x ^ y, if the rows and columns are 0-indexed and ^ represents bitwise xor.


Given a position (x, y), return the sum of all elements below that position and to the left of that position, inside the square with vertices (0, 0) and (x, y).

The input

Two non-negative integers in any sensible format. Due to the symmetry of the puzzle, you can assume the input is ordered if it helps you in any way.


The sum of all the elements in the square delimited by (0, 0) and (x, y).

Test cases

5, 46 -> 6501
0, 12 -> 78
25, 46 -> 30671
6, 11 -> 510
4, 23 -> 1380
17, 39 -> 14808
5, 27 -> 2300
32, 39 -> 29580
14, 49 -> 18571
0, 15 -> 120
11, 17 -> 1956
30, 49 -> 41755
8, 9 -> 501
7, 43 -> 7632
13, 33 -> 8022


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 5 047

vaguely related

– RGS – 2020-02-26T22:16:58.077

2Interesting, I'm curious if there's a bitwise way to express this without summing everything. – xnor – 2020-02-26T22:20:46.183

We'll see what you guys come up with :) – RGS – 2020-02-26T22:21:17.310


The main diagonal is A224923.

– Arnauld – 2020-02-26T22:56:01.173



Perl 6, 19 bytes

{sum [X+^] 0 X..@_}

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The sum of the bitwise xor between all numbers in the range 0 to all inputs.

Jo King

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 38 234

Thanks for your Perl answer +1 it is way shorter than what I imagined – RGS – 2020-02-26T23:46:15.920


Python 2, 49 bytes

lambda x,y:sum(k/-~x^k%-~x for k in range(~x*~y))

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The usual div-mod trick for iterating over two ranges. Unfortunately, since we want inclusive ranges, we need to raise each input by 1, which we do with -~. Thanks to Bubbler for saving 2 bytes by cancelling the minuses on -~x*-~y.

Python 3 would be a byte longer using //. I tried to use the 3.8 walrus operator to cut down on the -~x repetition, without success.

55 bytes

f=lambda m,n:m|n>0and(m^n)+f(m-1,n)+f(m,n-1)-f(m-1,n-1)

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A cute recursion, but unfortunately longer. This doesn't use anything particular about XOR -- this same method can be used to add up any two-variable function over a rectangle. The base case m|n>0 terminates with zero when either m or n becomes negative, or (harmlessly) when both are zero.

This will time out on larger test cases due to the huge degree of recursive branching.

52 bytes

f=lambda m,n,b=1:m|n>0and(m^n)+f(m,n-1)*b+f(m-1,n,0)

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A similar shorter recursion. The idea is that we can recursively travel left or down, but once we've gone left, we set to flag b to zero and ignore the results of any further travel down. The result is that we travel to each cell in the rectangle exactly one, like this:

O < O < O < O
O < O < O < O
O < O < O < O

Other ideas

Here are some partial ideas that didn't lead to decent golfs, but maybe someone can make use of them.

The one-dimensional summation (on a half-open range)

w=lambda i,n:sum(i^j for j in range(n))

can be expressed recursively as

w=lambda i,n:i+n and 4*w(i/2,n/2)+n%2*(n^i^1)+n/2

(Python 2 used for floor division.)

We also have an efficient formula

$$f(m-1,n-1) = \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} {\frac{m n - |m \odot 2^{i}||n \odot 2^{i}|}{2} 2^i}$$

where \$ \odot k\$ is the symmetric modulo-\$(2k)\$ operator mapping to the range from \$-k\$ to \$k\$. This summation can be truncated where \$2^i\$ is bigger than the inputs, since further terms will be zero.


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 115 687

2-~x*-~y can be ~x*~y. – Bubbler – 2020-02-27T02:51:35.893

Also, an attempt to remove some -~s turned out to be 53 bytes.

– Bubbler – 2020-02-27T02:53:27.487

@Bubbler Nice one, thanks. – xnor – 2020-02-27T03:01:05.150

Good work here! +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:18:43.120


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 28 bytes


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JungHwan Min

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 13 290

Nice use of the fourth argument! – Greg Martin – 2020-02-27T10:52:57.737

Wow, this is incredibly short for a Mathematica submission! +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:20:38.897

You can save three bytes by taking a list as input – Lukas Lang – 2020-02-28T14:47:49.957


Ruby, 36 bytes


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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 11 099

What is the |r| doing? – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:25:53.640

1@RGS It defines the name of the variable which is used inside the block, iterating over every value between 0 and y+x*y+=1. Kind of like for( r = 0; r <= y+x*(y+1); r = r + 1 ){ – Eric Duminil – 2020-02-28T11:26:07.530

@EricDuminil I understand now, thanks! – RGS – 2020-02-28T12:05:34.733


APL (Dyalog Extended), 15 bytes


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Full program.

How it works

              ⎕  ⍝ Take a pair [x y] from stdin
           ⍳1+   ⍝ Generate indices from [0 0] to [x y] inclusive
   {     }¨      ⍝ For each pair,
       ⊤⍵        ⍝   Convert two numbers into two-column bit matrix
                 ⍝   (each column is binary representation of each number)
     ≠/          ⍝   Reduce each row with not-equals (XOR)
    ⊥            ⍝   Convert the resulting binary representation back to integer
+/,              ⍝ Sum all elements and implicit print


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 16 616

Nice APL submission +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:19:49.820


05AB1E, 6 bytes


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Ý       # Push a list in the range [0,value] for each value in the (implicit) input-pair
 `      # Push both these lists separated to the stack
  δ     # Apply double-vectorized:
   ^    #  XOR them together
    ˜O  # And then take the flattened sum
        # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 67 575

Thanks for your submission! Was it after or before the morning meetings? ;) – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:19:19.063

1@RGS Uhh, dunno anymore haha. I think slightly before based on that '13 hours ago'. ;) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2020-02-27T21:13:22.833

Alright! I see you like golfing :D – RGS – 2020-02-27T21:55:51.993

1@RGS What makes you think that, haha. Is it my multiple answers a day? My 65k+ rep? My 7+ gold badges? Me joining 3.5 years ago, but still active today? xD But yes, I indeed like golfing while I'm waiting for things to compile/build at work. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2020-02-28T07:30:01.540

Oh man, I wish I was coding in a compiled language :P I am gonna propose that back at work, so that I can enjoy some code golf while everything builds... – RGS – 2020-02-28T08:20:26.187


J, 23 17 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to Bubbler!


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K (oK), 25 bytes


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Most probably can be golfed further.

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 13 815

J, 17 bytes using outer product instead of catalogue. – Bubbler – 2020-02-27T09:27:35.550

@Bubbler Of course! That's much, much better! – Galen Ivanov – 2020-02-27T09:29:55.353

Thanks for your two solutions +1 Why don't you have two different answers? – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:23:45.213

1@RGS Well, I'm not sure... They turned out to be quite different. – Galen Ivanov – 2020-02-28T07:29:12.547


Jelly, 7 bytes


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A monadic link taking a pair of integers and returning an integer.

A couple of alternative 7-byters:

Ż€^þ/SS ‘Ḷ^þ/SS

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 11 829

So short! Thanks for the alternatives +1 – RGS – 2020-02-26T23:48:13.157


Burlesque, 18 bytes


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ps   # Parse to arr of ints
qrz  # Boxed range [0,N]
MP   # Map push
cp   # Cartesian product
 q$$ # Boxed xor
 r[  # Reduce by
}ms  # Map sum


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 916

Nice solution +1 Do the several letters together represent a single function name? – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:23:02.520

1@RGS there's no such things as a function, it's all stack. The q is shorthand for putting it in a block. e.g. qrz = {rz}. Operations are elements of the stack too, and most operations are 2 chars. Some, like maps and reduce, take blocks of operations as an argument and apply them. – DeathIncarnate – 2020-02-27T19:33:04.990

I understand, thanks for the explanation! – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:37:12.077


C (gcc), 48 bytes


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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 361

Thanks for your C submission +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:20:58.753

Nice! How does this work? – S.S. Anne – 2020-03-01T02:49:19.233


Japt -x, 6 bytes

ô ï^Vô

Try it

ô ï^Vô     :Implicit input of integers U & V
ô          :Range [0,U]
  ï        :Cartesian product with
    Vô     :Range [0,V]
   ^       :Reduce each pair by XORing
           :Implicit output of sum of resulting array


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 24 623

I like the two eyes ô at the ends of the code +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:21:23.933


Clojure, 72 bytes

(defn s[x y](apply +(for[a(range(inc x))b(range(inc y))](bit-xor a b))))


(defn sumxy[x y]
  (apply + (for [a (range (inc x))
                 b (range (inc y)) ]
              (bit-xor a b))))


(println (s  5 46) " <-> "  6501)
(println (s  0 12) " <-> "    78)
(println (s 25 46) " <-> " 30671)
(println (s  6 11) " <-> "   510)
(println (s  4 23) " <-> "  1380)
(println (s 17 39) " <-> " 14808)
(println (s  5 27) " <-> "  2300)
(println (s 32 39) " <-> " 29580)
(println (s 14 49) " <-> " 18571)
(println (s  0 15) " <-> "   120)
(println (s 11 17) " <-> "  1956)
(println (s 30 49) " <-> " 41755)
(println (s  8  9) " <-> "   501)
(println (s  7 43) " <-> "  7632)
(println (s 13 33) " <-> "  8022)

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Bob Jarvis - Reinstate Monica

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 544

So many parenthesis :p +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:26:09.957


Lisp (of which Clojure is a variant) was one of the earliest high-level languages. It probably would have been more widely adopted were it not for the high costs incurred by the untimely post-war depletion of the Strategic Parenthesis Reserve. However, despite such setbacks, Lisp and its derivatives have been influential in key algorithmic techniques such as recursion and condescension. See the "...History of Programming Languages" page. :-)

– Bob Jarvis - Reinstate Monica – 2020-02-27T22:52:29.870

1I don't think I even understand all the jokes and references, but that blog post is making me laugh so much :D thanks for this! – RGS – 2020-02-27T22:56:15.360


JavaScript (ES6), 41 bytes

Takes input as (x)(y) (or the other way around). Computes the sum recursively, the obvious way.


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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 111 334

Good answer! I thought you were going to find some weird formula with the bits of x and y! Nothing came to mind? – RGS – 2020-02-26T23:47:31.853

1@RGS The carries implied by a sum usually doesn't mix well with bitwise operations. So I doubt a magic formula exists. (But I'd love to see one.) – Arnauld – 2020-02-26T23:56:08.407

If time efficiency were the goal, there are some simple formulas that come quite close (and can then be corrected by brute-forcing a much shorter list). – Brilliand – 2020-02-27T21:24:36.787


Python 3, 59 58 bytes

Saved a byte thanks to Neil and HyperNeutrino!!!

lambda x,y:sum(a^b for a in range(x+1)for b in range(y+1))

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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 2 776

1You have an extra space that you can remove after the ) in range(x+1) – HyperNeutrino – 2020-02-26T22:43:15.303


C (gcc), 61 52 bytes

Saved 9 bytes thanks to Arnauld!!!


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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 2 776

Do you really have to have the three variables before the f? Can't you stuff them somewhere else or something? :/ – RGS – 2020-02-26T23:50:10.547

@RGS Tried several variations and they had either more or the same byte count. :( – Noodle9 – 2020-02-26T23:51:21.630

52 bytes – Arnauld – 2020-02-26T23:51:51.243

@Arnauld That's diabolical - thanks! :-) – Noodle9 – 2020-02-26T23:57:42.210


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 33 bytes


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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 15 931

Thanks for this! Also, be sure to check out this Mathematica answer!

– RGS – 2020-02-27T19:24:44.913


Japt -x, 8 bytes


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Embodiment of Ignorance

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 7 014

8 bytes: ò@Vò^XÃc. – Shaggy – 2020-02-27T07:30:13.267

I also like the eyes and nose here: ò@ò – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:25:06.337


Zsh, 31 bytes

eval '<<<$[' +{0..$1}^{0..$2} ]

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Uses eval to expand the <<<$[ ] after expanding the lists. The TIO link adds set -x so you can see what the brace expansion looks like.


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 2 838

Thanks for your zsh submission! – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:24:04.767


Java 8, 58 bytes

(x,y)->{int t=++x*-~y;for(y=0;--t>0;)y+=t%x^t/x;return y;}

Port of @xibu's C answer, so make sure to upvote him!

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(x,y)->{        // Method with two integer parameters and integer return-type
  int t=++x     //  Increase `x` by 1 first with `++x`
        *-~y;   //  Create a temp integer `t`, with value `x*(y+1)`
  for(y=0;      //  Reset `y` to 0 to reuse as result-sum
      --t>0;)   //  Loop as long as `t-1` is larger than 0,
                //  decreasing it before every iteration with `--t`
    y+=         //   Increase the result-sum by:
       t%x      //    `t` modulo-`x`
          ^     //    Bitwise XOR-ed with:
           t/x; //    `t` integer-divided by `x`
  return y;}    //  And then return the result-sum `y`

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 67 575

Straightforward! Thanks +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T19:25:25.870


Perl 5 -pa, 36 bytes


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Takes in inputs on separate lines.


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 7 671

Thanks for your Perl 5 submission! Why did you go for Perl 5 and not any other version? Like a more recent version? – RGS – 2020-02-27T21:29:45.040

@RGS Perl 5 is very different from Perl 6, so much so that the latter has been renamed to Raku to prevent confusion. Perl 5 is what most people refer to as just Perl – Jo King – 2020-02-28T02:09:46.257


Oracle SQL, 126 bytes

This isn't a golfing language and it doesn't have a bitwise XOR operator but:


Assumes that there is a table T with columns X and Y containing one row that has the input values.

So for the inputs:


This outputs:

| SUM(X+Y-2*BITAND(X,Y)) |
| ---------------------: |
|                   6501 |

db<>fiddle here

As an aside, its only 81 characters in PostgreSQL:

SELECT sum(a#b)FROM t,generate_series(0,t.x)AS x(a),generate_series(0,t.y)AS y(b)

db<>fiddle here

But its less fun as that has a built-in XOR operator and series generation.


Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 3 373

Really cool solution! thanks for it +1 – RGS – 2020-02-27T21:29:19.570


Julia 1.0, 33 bytes

(x,y)->sum(i⊻j for i=0:x,j=0:y)

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Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 321


C (gcc), 51 bytes


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S.S. Anne

Posted 2020-02-26T22:16:36.947

Reputation: 1 161