Largest monetary amount impossible to make with two types of coin



Suppose we have two different types of coin which are worth relatively prime positive integer amounts. In this case, it is possible to make change for all but finitely many quantities. Your job is to find the largest amount that cannot be made with these two types of coin.


Input: A pair of relatively prime integers \$(a,b)\$ such that \$1<a<b\$.

Output: The largest integer that cannot be expressed as \$ax+by\$ where \$x\$ and \$y\$ are nonnegative integers.


This is code golf so shortest answer in bytes wins.


Input \$(3,11)\$

\$4\cdot 3- 1\cdot 11=1\$, so if \$n\geq 22\$ we can write \$n=q\cdot 3 + 2\cdot 11 +r\$ where \$q\$ is the quotient and \$r\in\{0,1,2\}\$ the remainder after dividing \$n-22\$ by \$3\$. The combination \$(q+4r)\cdot 3 + (2-r)\cdot 11 = n\$ is a nonnegative combination equal to \$n\$. Thus the answer is less than \$22\$. We can make \$21=7\cdot 3\$ and \$20=3\cdot 3 + 1\cdot 11\$ but it's impossible to make \$19\$ so the output should be \$19\$.

Test Cases:

[ 2,  3] => 1

[ 2,  7] => 5

[ 3,  7] => 11

[ 3, 11] => 19

[ 5,  8] => 27

[ 7, 12] => 65

[19, 23] => 395

[19, 27] => 467

[29, 39] => 1063

[ 1,  7] => error / undefined behavior (inputs not greater than one)

[ 6, 15] => error / undefined behavior (not relatively prime).

[ 3,  2] => error / undefined behavior (3 > 2)

[-3,  7] => error / undefined behavior (-3 < 0)


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 1 437

2I remember seeing this challenge before, but I'm not coming up with it on searching. – xnor – 2020-01-11T03:13:58.420

@xnor I thought there was a good chance it would be a duplicate but I also failed to find it when I searched. – Hood – 2020-01-11T03:39:58.717

2There is a problem for any number of coins. But I don't think it is a duplicate, because most answers here do not work for the case with more than 2 coins. – alephalpha – 2020-01-11T04:26:44.903

Are you the same Hood that has written poker software? – Jonah – 2020-01-11T05:39:51.067

2Here's a proof for the formula by one of the diamond mods of Math.SE. – Jyrki Lahtonen – 2020-01-12T15:11:27.753

2@Jonah I am not. I am a mathematician (I study algebra, specifically homotopy theory) and hobbyist programmer. – Hood – 2020-01-12T18:30:46.670

shouldn't your "reasoning" contain 21= 73 instead of 21=83 which is obviously false – eagle275 – 2020-01-13T14:07:31.773

@eagle275 Oops fixed. – Hood – 2020-01-13T19:40:20.320



J, 7,6 3 bytes

-1 byte thanks to FrownyFrog !

-3 bytes thanks to Grimmy!


Try it online!

     -    subtract
      +   the sum of the arguments
    *     from their product

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 13 815


3 bytes with *-+

– Grimmy – 2020-01-11T11:10:13.707

@Grimmy Great - this is much better! Thanks! – Galen Ivanov – 2020-01-11T11:57:09.087

2Seeing answers like this in J make me glad to lurk. – cole – 2020-01-12T20:38:23.677

2fails on the "not relative prime"-Example 6 f 15 which results in 69 – eagle275 – 2020-01-13T14:12:13.907

and 69 is wrong as it is 64+153 ^^ – eagle275 – 2020-01-13T14:23:58.400

1@@eagle275 it is undefined behavior, as stated in the OP – Galen Ivanov – 2020-01-13T14:50:24.763

well shouldn't J then show this - if you try the 05AB1E example - likewise 3 bytes , its working "correctly" by not giving a result for the 6,15 pair – eagle275 – 2020-01-13T15:36:45.810

@eagle275 6,15

– Galen Ivanov – 2020-01-13T15:42:53.500


Husk, 4 bytes


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As proved in lots of places, the answer for inputs a and b is ab-a-b = (a-1)(b-1)-1. ¤ is the 'combine' combinator, so ¤*← is a function that applies (decrement) to each argument and 'combines' the results by multiplication. Then I decrement the result to get the final output.

Sophia Lechner

Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 1 200



Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 23 988

9Because of course there's a builtin for that. – randomdude999 – 2020-01-11T10:36:32.557

6Is there a language that just has all the Mathematica builtins but as single characters? – Sam Dean – 2020-01-13T09:04:41.383

@SamDeann How would that be possible, assuming that the number of builtins is more than the number of characters? – Acccumulation – 2020-01-14T06:39:12.937


05AB1E, 3 bytes


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<         # decrement both inputs
 P        # product
  <       # decrement


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 12 521


Perl 6, 43 13 bytes


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Turns out there's a much shorter way to calculate the answer.

Perl 6, 43 bytes

->\a,\b{max ^(a*b)∖((a X*^b)X+(^a X*b)):}

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Jo King

Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 38 234


Python 3, 18 bytes

lambda a,b:a*b-a-b

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Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 1 188


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 3 bytes


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Dyadic train where a f b computes (a×b)-(a+b).

Jelly, 3 bytes


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Dyadic link that takes two numbers a and b as left and right arguments. Works the same as the APL version, just with the symbol _ instead of - to represent subtraction.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 16 616


C (clang), 31 22 bytes


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Saved 9 bytes thanks to ceilingcat!!!


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 2 776


Jelly, 3 bytes


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A monadic link taking a pair of integers. Same method as most other answers (product minus sum).

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 11 829


Pyth, 5 bytes


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Product minus sum.


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a,b -> (a-1)*(b-1)-1


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 39 268


Pyth, 8 7 bytes


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Uses the formula (a-1)(b-1) - 1. Takes input as a Python array of 2 integers.

-1 by using implicit appended Q


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 789

@FryAmTheEggman: isaacg already posted that as a separate solution, so I don't think it's worth editing this one, given how it's a rather different approach. – randomdude999 – 2020-01-13T17:58:04.650

Ah, didn't see that, sorry! – FryAmTheEggman – 2020-01-13T19:04:26.620


C (gcc), 18 bytes


Noodle9's answer except using a= instead of return.

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Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 391


Java 8, 13 bytes


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Similar as most other answers, it calculate the product minus the sum:

a->b->         // Method with two integer parameters and integer return-type
      a*b      //  Return the two parameters multiplied by each other,
         -a-b  //  after we've also subtracted both parameters from this product

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 67 575


Whitespace, 59 bytes

[S S S N
_Push_0][S N
S _Duplicate_0][T   N
T   T   _Read_STDIN_as_integer][T   T   T   _Retrieve_input][S N
S _Duplicate_input][S N
S _Duplicate_input][T   N
T   T   _Read_STDIN_as_integer][T   T   T   _Retrieve_input][S N
S _Duplicate_input][S T S S T   S N
_Copy_0-based_2nd][T    S S N
_Multiply_top_two][S N
T   _Swap_top_two][T    S S T   _Subtract_top_two][S N
T   _Swap_top_two][T    S S T   _Subtract_top_two][T    N
S T _Print_as_integer_to_STDOUT]

Letters S (space), T (tab), and N (new-line) added as highlighting only.
[..._some_action] added as explanation only.

Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).

Explanation in pseudo-code:

Integer a = STDIN as integer
Integer b = STDIN as integer
Integer c = a * b
c = c - a - b
Print c as integer to STDOUT

Not much golfing involved, except for using the first input as heap-address for the second input, since it's guaranteed to be positive and we push it to stack right away.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 67 575



Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 24 623


Keg, 5 bytes


Simply a port of other answers. Uses latest github interpreter.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 5 253


Excel, 12 bytes


Same approach as other answers.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 2 534


JavaScript (V8), 13 bytes


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Same solution as other answers, I almost didn't post it but for once I found a question without a JS answer, so may as well. In fact this is the exact same as Kevin Cruijssen's answer, replacing Java's lambda -> with Javascript's =>. I've included a very basic testing framework in my TIO link so it does all the test cases. Most invalid inputs still execute.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 81


Brainf*ck, 36 bytes

Cell layout: cells 1 and 2 are input, cell 3 is where the final answer is built, cell 4 is auxiliary


Or, with words:

,-               read a and decrement
>                move to cell 2
,-               read b and decrement
<                move back to a
 [-              while a isn't 0, decrement once and
  >              move to b (to add b to cells 3 and 4)
  [-             decrement b
   >+>+<<        add 1 to cells 3 and 4, go back to b
  >>             move to cell 4
  [-<<+>>]       copy cell 4 to cell 2 (i.e. put b again in cell 2
 <<<             move back to a
>>-.             go to cell 3, decrement and output

Try it online - this is not a link to In this site I linked I was able to give input as \02\05 so that I could try smaller test cases, and I also get a "memory dump" to check the weird characters that were printed actually correspond to the answer.

Here, have a link as well.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 5 047


AWK, 14 bytes


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Assumes input in the form of x y.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 111


R, 11 7 bytes


Where a and b are the 2 numbers.

Thanks to Jo King for pointing out my error.


Posted 2020-01-11T00:46:56.077

Reputation: 109

2Is this actually taking input, or is a a predefined variable (which is not allowed)? – Jo King – 2020-01-12T23:06:29.313

Ah good point @JoKing. I sometimes get confused with how to input the values on CG. Changed! – Sam – 2020-01-19T20:05:36.870

...I don't think this is any better is it? Now you're using two predefined variables? It should be prefixed with function(a,b) or something like that – Jo King – 2020-01-19T20:47:58.807