Reversing and Shifting




Adapted from exercise 8 of 100 little Keg exercises

String manipulation is a very important part of any programming language. Consequently, that is what this challenge is about.

The Challenge

I want you to write a program that:

  • Takes a series of characters as input and,
  • Then takes another input (integer/letter) (we'll call this instruction) and,
  • Takes a single integer (we'll call this times) as the last input and then,
  • If instruction is equal to the letter R:
    • Reverse the string times times.
  • Otherwise, if instruction is equal to the letter l:
    • Shift the string left times times
  • Otherwise, for all other values of instruction:
    • Shift the string right times times

Test Cases

String, Instruction, Times -> Output
"Howdy!", R, 1 -> "!ydwoH"
"elloH", r, 1 -> "Hello"
"tedShif", l, 3 -> "Shifted"
"sn't it?Amazing, i", l, 8 -> "Amazing, isn't it?"


  • Input can be taken as any convenient format... if a list of three items works best for you, take the input as a list. If newline-separated input is how you choose to work, go ahead and use newline-separated input.
  • The string, instruction and times integer can be taken in any order
  • Output is also to be given in any convenient format.
  • The input string will not contain newlines, nor unprintable ascii characters.
  • You can substitute R and l for any other two characters, as long as you specify what the two characters are
  • All instructions are case sensitive. In other words, only input of R should reverse the string, not r.
  • The magnitude of a shift will always be less than the length of the string
  • The times integer is a positive integer (i.e. \$ n > 0 \$)


This is , so the answer with the fewest bytes wins.


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 5 253

1May we assume the magnitude of a shift is less than the length of the string? – FlipTack – 2019-12-24T20:40:19.260

1Yes, you may indeed make that assumption. – Lyxal – 2019-12-24T20:42:10.983

1And that the integer given will always be non-negative? – FlipTack – 2019-12-24T21:06:01.247

reverse the stack you mean string, right? – Luis Mendo – 2019-12-24T21:13:09.500

May the input requires Reverse the string 2 times? – tsh – 2019-12-25T02:27:14.383

@tsh yes, the input could possibly be reversed 2 times – Lyxal – 2019-12-25T02:28:21.043



Python 3.8 (pre-release), 65 bytes

lambda s,i,t:[s[(n:=[-t,t][i=='l']):]+s[:n],s[::(-1)**t]][i=='R']

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Abuses the de-facto ternary statement [a,b][condition].

  • If i=='R':
    • Return the string, read with step (-1)**t. This is -1 (reversed) for odd t and 1 (not reversed) for even t.
  • Else:
    • Let n be [-t,t][i=='l']. This is t when left-shifting and -t otherwise (right-shifting).
    • Return the string, spliced accordingly: s[n:] + s[:n]. Thanks to Python's negative indexing, this works like a charm for both cases.


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 13 242


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 20 bytesSBCS

Full program. Prompts for the string, then times, then instruction:

  • + for reversal
  • 1 for left shift
  • any other character for right shift

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 prompt for string

on that, do the following:

 prompt for times

()⌽⍣ apply the function that many times, with the following to its left:

∩'+1' intersection of the following and "+1":

 prompt for instruction

¯1,⍨ append negative one

 pick the first one


 evaluate (gives 1 or -1 or the complex conjugate function +)

The function does a:

  • left shift if it has 1 on its left
  • right shift if it has -1 on its left
  • reversal if it has any function on its left

+ negates the imaginary part of its argument but strings have no imaginary parts, so it does nothing


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 37 779


Python 2, 67 bytes

lambda s,t,i:[s[t:]+s[:t],s[::1-t%2*2],s[-t:]+s[:-t]]['lR'.find(i)]

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Chas Brown

Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 8 959


Ruby, 63 bytes


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An anonymous lambda that takes 3 arguments. If the instruction is R, it returns the original or the reversed version based on whether n is even or odd. Otherwise, it converts the string into a character array and rotates that left or right based on the instruction specified (Ruby rotates left if the argument provided is positive) the joins the char array back together into a string using *''.

Value Ink

Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 10 608


05AB1E, 16 bytes


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1 instead of R, 0 instead of l.

I'm new to this language, would appreciate if anyone could give me tips.

²³               # Push the second and third inputs.
  F              # Do the following [third input] times:
   1¹Qi          # If the first input is equal to 1,
       R         # Reverse (at this point, the second input will be at the top of the stack).
        ë0¹Qi    # Else-if the first input is equal to 0,
             À   # Shift left.
              ëÁ # Else shift right.


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 1 739

F²iRë²_iÀëÁ (11 bytes) with the input-order changed a bit. Some tips: 1) Input is implicitly if nothing is on the stack, so you can take advantage of that. This is what I did with the initial F without explicitly using the first input, and I do the same with the R/À/Á and the third implicit input-string. 2) Only 1 is truthy in 05AB1E, so no need to explicitly do the 1Q check. Simply ²i is therefore enough to check if this second input-integer is exactly 1. As for the ²_i, the _ is a builtin to check if an integer is exactly 0. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2020-01-03T09:04:24.307


C (clang), 72 bytes


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Input as: char* , length, instruction(r=-1 , R=0 , l =1), times

Loop into input string using a shifted index with modulo i?(z+t*i+j)%z or a length - index -1 for reverse


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 2 441


Burlesque, 32 bytes


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Takes arguments as: "StringToMod" N "Op" Where op is a reverse ordered string for reverse, a string in order for rotate right and anything else for rotate left, other short options or op could be space character, alpha character, other. If those are unacceptable input add 4 bytes for {'R==} & {'r==} as conditions.

pe         # Push inputs to stack
 {so} {<-} # If sorted push reverse
 {SO} {rt} # If reverse-sorted push rotate right
 {1}  {RT} # Else push rotate left
}cn        # Condition on op
jE!        # Evaluate N times


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 916


Jelly, 18 bytes


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A dyadic link taking a Jelly string prepended with the instruction as its left argument (e.g. RHello world) and the integer as its right argument. Returns a Jely string.

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 11 829


Charcoal, 27 25 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Convert the third input to integer, then multiply it by the index of the second input in Rr. This leaves it zero if the second input is R and unchanged if it is r but it negates the third input if the second input is anything else.


If the third input is now zero then reverse the first input the original number of times.


Shift the first input rightwards by the third input.


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 95 035


Pyth, 38 bytes


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This is a quite naive strategy but it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Input is taken on three lines: the first is the input, second is the operation, third is the count.

Substitute R for (space). Substitute l for " (double quote).


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 11


JavaScript (Node.js), 74 bytes


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Input i (instruction, 1 = Reverse, 2 = Left, 3 = Right), n (times), a (array of characters).

Output array of characters.


Posted 2019-12-24T20:13:58.770

Reputation: 13 072