Is there a shorter way to express this haskell idiom?


Every so often I have a function of type a -> b and a function of type b -> b -> c and I would like a function of type a -> a -> c. For example if I wanted to check the second element of each two tuples were equal

snd :: (a , b) -> b
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

And I want something of type

Eq b => (a, b) -> (c, b) -> Bool

The best way I have found to do this so far is

f g z=(.g).z.g

Which is ok, but it feels unneccessarily complex for something that is this simple. The pointfree representation is even worse:


Additionally it feels like this idiom should be representable with some sort of abstraction (it feels a lot like (<*>)). I attempted to find a replacement by abstracting our functions to functors, the result is not very enlightening

flip=<<(fmap.).fmap.flip fmap ::
  Functor f => f a -> (a -> a -> b) -> f (f b)

Is there a shorter way to express this idea? Particularly the pointfree version?

Post Rock Garf Hunter

Posted 2019-12-22T17:37:55.933

Reputation: 55 382


There is on but you need to import Data.Function.

– flawr – 2019-12-22T18:02:58.810



I think eta-reduction is severely overrated. I see a lot more attempts at eta-reduction in the wild than I think is reasonable.

So it is in this case: eta-reducing this function is not helpful, I think. It's much more readable and elegant in its full form:

f :: (a -> a -> c) -> (a -> b) -> b -> b -> c
f g h a b = g (h a) (h b)

On a related note, such function exists in the standard libraries. It's called on, and the idea is to use it in infix form, so that it almost reads like English:

eqAmounts = (==) `on` amount
cmpNames = compare `on` name

Fyodor Soikin

Posted 2019-12-22T17:37:55.933

Reputation: 111

5Welcome to the site. I will say that "readability" and "elegance" are not worth a whole lot here. The reason eta reduction is popular for golfing is that point free functions don't require costly declarations. The on function that you and flawr pointed out is nice and short though. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2019-12-22T18:44:46.440

2I see. Thank you for pointing out. I will unsubscribe from this site. – Fyodor Soikin – 2019-12-22T20:08:59.990