Give me the first day of next month


Simple question!

Given a string that contains a date in ISO8601 format, print the first of the next month in ISO8601 format.

Example inputs:



Their respective outputs:



The rules:

  • Imports are free and don't count towards your score.
  • The date will be stored in a string called s.
  • The solution with the least characters, wins


Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 1 122


Please avoid creating new tags unless they're really missing. We already have date and parsing. The beginner tag is an interesting idea, but I think that should be discussed in meta. On the other hand, you must include a tag telling what's the winning criterion. Is this code-golf?

– Arnauld – 2019-12-13T10:27:41.697

10I suggest removing The date will be stored in a string called s. and leave it up to the answerers to use any of the default I/O methods. Btw, reading from a pre-defined variable is not among those defaults. Also, not all languages have strings, and not all languages have variables. – Adám – 2019-12-13T10:31:15.813

1Do you mean the output should be stored in s, or that the input would be stored in s? – Kobe – 2019-12-13T11:00:17.800


@Arnauld There was discussion around that topic (a "beginner" or "easy" tag) quite a while ago with no clear consensus. IMO that's still the case because it's very subjective.

– AdmBorkBork – 2019-12-13T14:40:57.940

Within a day of posting this, 5 people flocked to close it as off-topic because it didn't contain an objective primary winning criterion. I thought "the least characters" was the default winning criterion? Isn't it quite petty to shut this down like that? – ToonAlfrink – 2019-12-19T14:26:28.503

1I'd say, the newly-added The solution with the least characters, wins could count as the winning criteria, but we prefer not to specify a variable that the input/output have to be stored inside – Shieru Asakoto – 2019-12-20T01:19:09.063



JavaScript (V8), 67, 57, 56 bytes

-10 thanks to Arnauld,
-1 joining template string and ternary


Test cases:




Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 189

57 bytes (without assuming that the input is stored in s, as this unusual requirement will hopefully be removed) – Arnauld – 2019-12-13T11:12:03.600

I never knew you could do that with split, thanks for the input. Might I also ask what's happening with the -~b part? @Arnauld – Kobe – 2019-12-13T11:25:24.787

-~b is -(-b-1) and works on non-numeric values. But since b is already coerced to a number by the modulo, you can actually just use b+1 here. – Arnauld – 2019-12-13T11:28:06.677

@Kobe -~b is basically b+1 (or actually -(-b-1)). It can be useful to skip parenthesis sometimes, although it's not really necessary in this case, so you could change it to b+1 being more readable if you'd prefer. Relevant tip. You might also find Tips for golfing in JavaScript and Tips for golfing in <all languages> interesting to read through. Welcome to CGCC!

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-12-13T11:29:56.113

@KevinCruijssen Thanks for the comment and links, I'll definitely take a look at those soon :) – Kobe – 2019-12-13T11:31:59.757


Bash, 31, 24 bytes

7 bytes saved thanks to @manatwork and @nwellnhof

date -d${1%??}1month +%F

Try it online!

Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 5 582

Wow! date's parsing ability keeps amazing me. BTW, I think you can skip the “0”. – manatwork – 2019-12-13T10:57:02.730


Ruby 49 bytes


Online repl


Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 121


PHP, 57 bytes

[$y,$m]=explode('-', $s);$m=++$m%13?:!!++$y;$d="$y-$m-1";

Test cases:

function next_month($s) {
    [$y,$m]=explode('-', $s);
    return "$y-$m-1";

$s = "2018-05-06";
echo next_month($s); // Gives 2018-6-1

$s = "2019-12-20";
echo next_month($s); // Gives 2020-1-1


Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 111

Consider using Try it online! to demonstrate your code.

– Neil – 2019-12-21T20:42:13.613


Red, 39 bytes

t: load s
t/month: t/month + t/day: 1


Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 11


Retina 0.8.2, 33 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test cases. Explanation:


Increment with wrap-around...


... the last non-9 digit, plus trailing 9s, in either the year or the month, depending on whether the month is 12. (Digits in the following date parts also get incremented.)


Replace the day with 01. Also, if the month was 12 before, it will be 23 now, and also needs to be reset to 01.


Posted 2019-12-13T10:24:28.483

Reputation: 95 035