Stack Exchange Answerer



Oof! You've been coding the whole day and you even had no time for Stack Exchange!

Now, you just want to rest and answer some questions. You have T minutes of free time. You enter the site and see N new questions. To write an answer for each you'll need ti minutes. Of course, as a dedicated reputation gatherer, you want to answer as many questions as you can.

Can you write a program to calculate which questions do you have to answer to write maximum posts in T minutes?


First line of input consists T minutes you have for answering, and N, how many new questions are on the site.
The second line has N numbers: time you need to answer qi question.


Write either an array or numbers split with space: indexes of questions(counting from 0 or 1 - what is better for you) you should answer in order to write as many answers as you can. If you can't answer any questions, write nothing or anything to express that it's impossible. If there are several variants, write any.


Inputs               Possible outputs

60 5
30 5 10 20 3    0 1 2 4, 0 1 3 4 or 1 2 3 4

10 5
1 9 5 7 2         0 2 4 or 0 3 4

5 5
1 1 1 1 1         0 1 2 3 4

60 5
48 15 20 40 3  1 2 4 or 1 3 4

5 1

1 0

And of course it's , so the shortest code in bytes wins.

Ver Nick says Reinstate Monica

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 555



Python 3.8, 81, 79, 75 bytes

Using the walrus operator :=:

lambda k,l:[i for j,i in sorted((v,k)for k,v in enumerate(l))if(k:=k-j)>=0]

Try it online!

-2 bytes thanks to @JoKing

-4 bytes thanks to @justhalf

Python 3, 158, 137, 136, 130, 127, 117, 103, 95 bytes

def f(k,l):
 for j,i in sorted((v,k)for k,v in enumerate(l)):k-=j;q+=[i]*(k>=0)

Try it online!

-21 bytes thanks to @79037662 by limiting indentation to 1-space.

-14 bytes thanks to @ mypetlion

-8 bytes thanks to @justhalf

Both solutions ignore N parameter.


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 621

Wouldn't that be -7 bytes? – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-28T19:42:36.867

1@game0ver Oh, originally had -1 total in the message. I only counted -1 byte per indent level instead of -3. – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-28T20:11:11.103

You can replace dict(enumerate(l)).items() with just enumerate(l) to save 14 bytes. You're converting a list of tuples to a dict, then iterating over the dict_items, and converting each one back to a tuple, which is pretty roundabout. – mypetlion – 2019-11-28T21:52:45.683

@mypetlion Good point, thanks! – game0ver – 2019-11-28T22:01:04.270

@JoKing Thank you very much, that's better now! – game0ver – 2019-11-28T22:35:13.070

In the Python 3 answer, why is the function only taking two arguments instead of 3? – justhalf – 2019-11-29T10:42:03.817

@justhalf Simply because it doesn't need the 3rd parameter and as per the rules it can be omitted. Actually almost none of the answers provided use the 3rd parameter.

– game0ver – 2019-11-29T10:45:19.177

Cool, didn't know that. Here's -5 bytes for you by modifying the if into array multiplication :)

– justhalf – 2019-11-29T10:49:00.310

@justhalf Thanks! That's a cool trick! – game0ver – 2019-11-29T10:53:45.143


Another -3 bytes by modifying k instead of m. This trick can be applied to the Python 3.8 solution, too. Reducing it by 4 bytes by removing m.

– justhalf – 2019-11-29T11:00:10.877

Python 3.8 75 bytes – justhalf – 2019-11-29T11:04:13.727

1@justhalf That's brilliant, never crossed my mind to modify k instead :) Thank you! – game0ver – 2019-11-29T11:06:13.070


05AB1E, 9 13 12 bytes


Takes the inputs in the order: \$q_i\$, \$N\$ (which is mostly ignored, see explanation below), \$T\$.
Uses 0-based indexing.

+4 bytes as bug-fix for test case [1,1,1,1,1] resulting in [0,0,0,0,0] instead of [0,1,2,3,4] (and now switched from 0-based to 1-based indexing).
-1 byte thanks to @Grimmy (and back to 0-based indexing again).

Try it online or verify all test cases or get all possible outputs for the test cases instead of just one.


             # Take the (implicit) input-list qi
ā            # and push a list in the range [1, list-length] without popping the input itself
 <           # Decrease each by 1 to make it 0-based: [0, list-length)
  æ          # Get the powerset of this list of indices
             #  i.e. [0,1,2] → [[],[0],[1],[0,1],[2],[0,2],[1,2],[0,1,2]]
   ʒ         # Filter this list of lists by:
    ¹        #  Push the first input-list qi again
     s       #  Swap to put the current list of the filter at the top of the stack
      è      #  Index each into the list qi
       O     #  Sum these values
        @    #  Check if the (implicit) input-integer is >= this sum
             #  (The very first iteration it will use the second input, which is the length N;
             #   every other iteration it will use the third input, which is the total time T.
             #   Since the very first inner list of the powerset will be the empty list,
             #   this causes no problems; which is how we ignore the mandatory length N input)
         }é  # After the filter: sort all remaining inner lists by length
           θ # Pop and leave the last one, which is (one of) the list(s) with the most items
             # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 67 575

You can go back to 0-based indexing by using instead of āø. – Grimmy – 2019-11-29T13:25:04.447

2Here's a 12 – Grimmy – 2019-11-29T13:31:21.163

@Grimmy Thanks! And I had no idea we had the builtin . – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-29T13:54:13.847


Japt, 22 21 16 15 bytes

ð à ñÊÔæÈxgU <V

Try it

ð à                 combinations of indexes of 1st input
    ñÊÔ             sorted by length and reversed
       æ            get first element returning true when passed throug...
        ÈxgU        elements of input at X indexes reduced by addition
               <V   less than 2nd input

Takes input as [times...], time , amount

Saved 1 stealing from @Shaggy ÈxgU


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 2 441

Well, damn! Wrote my solution up hours ago but got distracted by work and only now, after posting it, do I see this, which can be golfed down to my exact solution. Sorry. One of these days I'll learn to reload before posting! – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T22:43:13.450

Your sorting method can be golfed to ñÊ but isn't actually necessary as à sorts by descending length. And r+ can be just x. – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T22:45:25.093

I regolfed a bit by myself to 16.. You still beaten me @Shaggy, thanks for the tips! – AZTECCO – 2019-11-28T23:16:56.113

@Shaggy it seems like à doesn't sort by length

– AZTECCO – 2019-11-28T23:20:03.037

:o Crap! You're right! Where did I get the idea that it does?! – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T23:23:18.097

I supposed it too! But when I tested with [48, 15, 20, 40, 3] 60 ... I realized that was something wrong – AZTECCO – 2019-11-28T23:31:41.070

1Ah, I think I might have been thinking of ã, which sorts by ascending length. – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T23:33:42.700

1@Embodiment of Ignorance it is valid too because we don't have to maximize the time, it was specified in the comments. – AZTECCO – 2019-11-29T07:23:49.587

Not that it matters, but the length input $N$ is mandatory for all answers (even if you ignore it..). If I understand Japt correctly, you can just input it at the end and not use it, since you use $U$ and $V$ explicitly in Japt programs anyway, so it won't change the code in any way. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-29T08:37:20.487

@Kevin Cruijssen you are right, sorry forgot to add 3rd input, anyway it won't change the code like you said, I fix now – AZTECCO – 2019-11-29T10:27:02.493


JavaScript (V8), 117 113 110 105 85 71 63 bytes

(-3 thanks to Ver Nick says Reinstate Monica)

(-20 thanks to Arnauld)

(-14 thanks to Shaggy)

(-8 thanks to tsh)


Try it online!

Could probably be golfed some more...a function which takes input in three arguments: time, number of questions (not actually used), and an array of question times.

It will repeatedly find the smallest element in the array, and set it to the time available, removing it from the possibilities for the next iteration. It puts the index of the value into the output array.

Thanks to everyone who's contributed to golfing this answer...54 bytes shorter than the original!

Redwolf Programs

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 2 561

You can replace true with 1 – Ver Nick says Reinstate Monica – 2019-11-28T19:29:06.883

@Arnauld Thanks! I forgot you could put variable assignments as arguments like that... – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-28T21:25:55.560

71 bytes. On my phone so can probably be golfed a bit further. – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T23:05:08.247


Maybe 63 bytes? I'm not sure if this is correct (since previous comments does not suggest this with no reason)

– tsh – 2019-11-29T10:04:41.680

Good shout, @tsh, completely missed that. – Shaggy – 2019-11-29T12:35:10.280


dzaima/APL, 15 14 13 bytes


Try it online!

+\∘<⍛≤+/⍛↑⍋⍤⊣  train; left arg = ⍺ = t, right arg = ⍵ = T
     ≤         ⍺ <= ⍵
    ⍛          with ⍺ modified to
   <             sorted
+\∘              and then, cumulative sum
               so, cumulativeSum(sort(q)) ≤ T

          ⍋    the indices required for sorting
           ⍤⊣  applied on ⍺
               so, the output, sorted by question time, if T=∞

         ↑     take first ⍺ elements from ⍵ (⍺ is `+\∘<⍛≤`, ⍵ is `⍋⍤⊣`)
      +/⍛        but summing ⍺ first


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 19 048


Jelly, 8 bytes


A dyadic Link accepting the question times on the left and the total time on the right which yields the 1-indexed indices.

Try it online! (footer calls the Link and prints a formatted version of its output.)

(If we must take the number of questions, this works as full program accepting: question times; total time; number of questions.)


ṢÄ>¬TịỤ{ - Link: ts; T        e.g. [1, 9, 5, 7, 2]; 10
Ṣ        - sort ts                 [1, 2, 5, 7, 9]
 Ä       - cumulative sums         [1, 3, 8,15,24]
  >      - greater than (T)?       [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
   ¬     - logical NOT             [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
    T    - truthy indices          [1, 2, 3]
       { - use left argument:
      Ụ  -   indices by value      [1, 5, 3, 4, 2]   (i.e index 4 has 2nd largest value)
     ị   - index into              [1, 5, 3]

Alternative 8:

ỤṁṢÄ>Ðḟɗ - indices-by-value moulded-like (cumulative-sums of sorted(ts) if not greater than T)

Try it online!

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 67 804

Does Jelly have a single byte operator for <=, which would allow you to skip the NOT? – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T23:11:47.683

No it does not. – Jonathan Allan – 2019-11-28T23:13:21.130

Shame. It looks like some solutions are assuming that the result must be strictly <T rather than <=T so it might be worth asking for clarification on that. – Shaggy – 2019-11-28T23:16:59.730

@tsh Ah yeah, that's a bug, I should use T not M (since if no cumulative sums are not greater than the right argument the zeros will be the maximal values. T will instead get truthy indices, so non-zeros). Thanks for spotting that. (FWIW the alternative 8 byte solution works as-is) – Jonathan Allan – 2019-11-29T10:49:10.590


R, 44 41 bytes


Try it online!

Takes input as Time, times. Returns numeric() for empty output.

Order the times, take cumulative sum and then select the times where the cumulative sum is less than or equal to total time.

-1 in the end to get 0-index

-1 byte thanks to Giuseppe
-2 bytes since 0-index is no longer needed

Bart-Jan van Rossum

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 111

The OP seems to indicate 0 or 1 indexing doesn’t matter. – cole – 2019-11-29T09:04:12.067

143 bytes – Giuseppe – 2019-11-29T15:49:13.500


Japt -h, 14 bytes

Assumes 0 is not a valid unit of time.

ð à ñÊfÈxgU §V

Try it

ð à ñÊfÈxgU §V     :Implicit input of array U=q and integer V=T
ð                  :0-based indices of U
  à                :Combinations, which, fortunately, includes the empty array, covering the last test case.
    ñ              :Sort by
     Ê             :  Length
      f            :Filter
       È           :By passing each throughout a function
        x          :  Reduce by addition
         gU        :    After indexing each back in to U
            §V     :  Less than or equal to V?
                   :Implicit output of last element

Or, if we have to take N as input (or 0 is a valid unit of time).

o à ñÊfÈxgV §W

Try it

Where U=N, V=q, W=T, o creates the range [0,U) and everything else is as above.


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 24 623


Ruby, 68 64 60 59 58 bytes

->t,q{{|x,|0>t-=x}.map &:last}

Try it online!


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 11 099


Red, 133 bytes

func[t b][s: 0 sort collect[foreach n sort collect[repeat i length? b[keep/only
reduce[b/:i i]]][if(u: s + n/1)<= t[s: u keep n/2]]]]

Try it online!

1-indexed. Ignores N

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 13 815


JavaScript (ES10),  78  75 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to @Neil

Takes input as (T)(list). Ignores N.


Try it online!


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 111 334

+1 for outgolfing me by 27 bytes...never would have thought of anything like this! – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-28T20:13:07.673

1-3 bytes: map((...x)=>x) – Neil – 2019-11-28T21:03:13.660

@Neil Nice one! Thanks. – Arnauld – 2019-11-28T21:44:22.303


Charcoal, 44 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Input T.


Input N and make a list of N questions with their original index.


Loop until there are no more questions that can be answered in the remaining time.


Get the shortest question and its original index.


Subtract the question's time from the time remaining.


Remove the question from the list of questions.


Print the question's original index.


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 95 035

You have 3000 posts by now, congrats :) – Ver Nick says Reinstate Monica – 2019-11-28T21:08:49.050

@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica wow, I'm actually first at something ;-) – Neil – 2019-11-29T01:26:10.467


Python 3, 72 bytes

recursive solution, generating line separated console output

def f(T,L):
 if L:M=min(L);I=L.index(M);L[I]=T;T<M or(print(I),f(T-M,L))

Try it online!

def f(T,L):
 if L:            # do nothing if input is empty
  L[I]=T          # set found list item to remaining time (item will be ignored next iteration)
  T<M or(print(I),f(T-M,L))   # if the found question can be answered in the given time output and find next


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 361


J, 16 bytes


Try it online!

Attempt at an explanation:

>:                create mask of left arg greater than or equal to...
  +/\@/:~         cummulative sum of sorted right arg
         #        copy where true
          /:@]    from permutation that sorts right arg


Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 331

any explanation? – Varad Mahashabde – 2019-12-01T17:15:31.580

1@Varad Mahashabde: Here is an attempt. If you need more context please let me know. – Traws – 2019-12-01T20:09:19.497


C++11, 293 221 219 bytes

Here to decimate the competition I am not.

Notes :

  1. g++ allows for variable-sized arrays. It saves bytes, so that what I did.
  2. the range-based for loops needs a reference to write correctly?!
void f(int t,int c,int*a){int m,i;int y[c];for(int&b:y)b=0;for(;;){for(m=-1;y[++m]&m<c;);for(i=-1;++i<c;)if(a[m]>=a[i]&!y[i])m=i;if(t>=a[m]&!y[m]){y[m]=1;t-=a[m];}else break;}for(i=-1;++i<c;)if(y[i])std::cout<<i<<' ';}

Expanded version :

#include <iostream>

void AnswerMostOfTheQuestions(int time_left, int question_count, int answer_times[]) {
  int minimum_term;
  bool is_answered[question_count];
  for(bool& b : is_answered) 
    b = 0 ; // No questions have been answered
  while (1) {
    // Find the first unanswered question
    for (minimum_term = 0; is_answered[minimum_term] and minimum_term < question_count; ++minimum_term);
    // Find unanswered question which takes least time to answer
    for (int i = 0; i < question_count; ++i) 
      if(answer_times[minimum_term] >= answer_times[i] && ! is_answered[i]) 
        minimum_term = i;
    if (time_left >= answer_times[minimum_term] &&  not is_answered[minimum_term]) {
      // Answer question (which consumes time)
      is_answered[minimum_term] = true;
      time_left -= answer_times[minimum_term];
    else break;
  // Print index of every answered question 
  // 'cause returning them is a waste of bytes to implement
  // Just echo it to a file or something
  for (int i = 0; i < question_count; ++i) 
      std::cout<<i<<' ';

int main(int c, char** v) {
  int question_count = atoi(v[2]), free_time = atoi(v[1]);
  int answer_times[question_count];
  for (int i = 0; i < question_count; ++i)
    answer_times[i] = atoi(v[i+3]);
  // Run solution
  AnswerMostOfTheQuestions(free_time, question_count, answer_times);

Try it online!

Varad Mahashabde

Posted 2019-11-28T18:36:29.830

Reputation: 171


Welcome to CG&CC! I can't really help you golf this program, as I am not a C++ golfer, but I suggest you to look at tips for golfing in C++. Additionally, submissions don't have to be full programs, they can be functions taking input and outputting through their return value, which may or may not save bytes in this case.

– Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-12-01T18:16:50.423


Also, while(1) can be for(;;). I suggest adding a Try it Online! link for future submissions

– Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-12-01T18:25:03.713

1for(i=3;i<c;++i) can be golfed to for(i=2;++i<c;) saving a byte. – Noodle9 – 2019-12-01T22:27:33.823

1if(t-atoi(v[m])>=0&&!y[i-3]) can be golfed to if(t>=atoi(v[m])&&!y[i-3]) saving 2 bytes. – Noodle9 – 2019-12-01T22:32:02.157

@Noodle9 Thanks for the tip! the second one was obvious tho – Varad Mahashabde – 2019-12-03T20:42:13.277

@EmbodimentofIgnorance Thanks for the tips! i might actually contribute to the link – Varad Mahashabde – 2019-12-03T20:42:55.390

1np :-) Also think you can golf bool y[c];for(bool&b:y)b=0; to int y[c];for(int&b:y)b=0; saving 2 bytes. – Noodle9 – 2019-12-03T20:51:02.303

@Noodle9 Really torn between the neatness of bools vs the golf.Gotta go with the golf tho :-) – Varad Mahashabde – 2019-12-03T20:53:56.423

190 bytes – ceilingcat – 2019-12-04T02:01:05.073