20 cards with no Set




Set is a card game. The deck consists of 81 unique cards that vary in four features: number of shapes (one, two, or three), shape (diamond, squiggle, oval), shading (solid, striped, or open), and color (red, green, or purple).

For convenience, let's write a card as a 4-tuple of numbers from 1 to 3, e.g.

  • 1111 = one red solid diamond
  • 1122 = one red striped squiggle
  • 1223 = one green striped oval
  • 2312 = two purple solid squiggle

Given several cards (usually 12), the objective of the game is to find a "set" of three cards such that

  • They all have the same number or have three different numbers.
  • They all have the same shape or have three different shapes.
  • They all have the same shading or have three different shadings.
  • They all have the same color or have three different colors.

i.e. the cards are either all the same or all different in each of the four features.

Here are some examples of sets:

1111, 1112, 1113
1111, 2222, 3333
2312, 3321, 1333

Here are some examples of non-sets:

1111, 1122, 1123
2131, 3221, 1213

A cap set is a collection of cards that doesn't contain any Set. It was proven in 1971 that the maximum number of cards without a Set is 20. Interestingly, finding the largest cap set for the generalized game of Set is still an open problem in mathematics.

The Wikipedia page shows an example of 20-cap set, and here is the 20 cards in the number notation:

1111, 1113, 1131, 1133,
1312, 1332, 1321, 1323,
3311, 3313, 3331, 3333,
3112, 3132, 3121, 3123,
1222, 2122, 2322, 3222

There are 682344 20-cap sets in total, but under affine transformations on 4-dimensional finite space, they all reduce to essentially one cap set.


Output any of the 20-cap sets in the game of Set.

Input and output

Your program/function is not allowed to take input.

The output is a collection (list, set, ...) of 20 cards which is a cap set. Each card should be represented as a 4-tuple (or equivalent ordered collection) whose elements are one of three distinct values (not necessarily 1, 2, 3). Flexible output applies in the following ways:

  • Nested or flattened list
  • Ordering of cards doesn't matter
  • You may choose to output the same set or different set across runs
  • For string/text output, it's fine as long as we can clearly identify the structure (20 chunks of four items) of the output

Verification script example in Python using the example shown above.

Scoring and winning criterion

Standard rules apply. The shortest valid code in bytes wins.


Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 16 616

3@Arnauld Neither. You can choose to output the same set or different set across runs. – Bubbler – 2019-11-11T09:16:59.873

6For anyone that wants to make use of it, we can specify a cap set as all (a,b,c,d) from {0,1,2}^4 with a*a+b*b+c*d=0 (mod 3) except for (0,0,0,0). – xnor – 2019-11-11T09:35:17.120


So I understand, would this count as a boring brute force solution? And so then the game becomes either "find a formula like xor's for generating one of these" or, perhaps, search the entire space of all of them for one that can be compactly represented with some packing function? If the latter, would a kolmogorov-complexity tag be in order?

– Jonah – 2019-11-11T16:45:29.633

I'm with Jonah. The task does not require computing, just compressing. – Mindwin – 2019-11-11T18:33:18.853

4@Jonah Yes, that is a valid solution, though it's arguably a boring one. And yes, it's a compression challenge. No, I don't think it's [tag:kolmogorov-complexity], since you can choose from 682344 * 20! / (some constant) possible outputs. Also, I can think of at least three approaches to this problem: 1) compress a cleverly chosen cap set 2) enumerate all 20-card sets and pick one that is a cap set 3) use math formula. – Bubbler – 2019-11-11T23:20:36.460

Fair enough, @Bubbler. Thanks for explaining. – Jonah – 2019-11-11T23:22:22.837



Haskell, 62 bytes


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Defines a cap-set as all \$(a,b,c,d)\$ from \$\{0,1,2\}^4\$ where $$a^2+b^2+cd=0\bmod3,$$ except not \$(0,0,0,0)\$.

I found this formula by looking at Wikipedia's example and coming up with progressively simpler formulas linking the allowed inner coordinates \$(a,b)\$ to the outer coordinates \$(c,d)\$.

Haskell, 46 bytes


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This uses a modified condition giving a different but equivalent cap set:

$$a^2+b^2+c^2 - d^2=0\bmod3,$$ still without \$(0,0,0,0)\$.

This is equivalent to \$a^2+b^2+c^2 + d^2 + d^2 =0\bmod3,\$, so we can duplicate an element and check that the give-element list of squares adds to zero modulo 3. Since squares modulo 3 are 0 or 1, this is further equivalent to this condition:

There are exactly \$2\$ zeroes among \$[a,b,c,d,d]\$.

This automatically excludes the all-zero point. Of course, duplicating $d$ was arbitrary -- choosing another element gives a different but equivalent cap-set.


Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 115 687

+1 for ruining 1/3 of the fun. – Bubbler – 2019-11-11T10:15:21.010

@Bubbler Did you know about this polynomial? I'm curious why it works and, from what you say in the challenge, gives a unique solution up to symmetries. flawr and I are discussing it in Primes and Squares. – xnor – 2019-11-14T02:54:31.287

1Nah. I tried to read the proof in the linked paper, but to no avail. And for the "unique solution up to symmetries", I just ripped off that part from the Wikipedia page. – Bubbler – 2019-11-14T03:15:04.403


05AB1E, 16 13 11 9 bytes


Port of the found formula of @xnor, as mentioned in his comment as well as his Haskell answer, so make sure to upvote him!
-2 bytes by using @xnor's updated formula (thanks for letting me know).
-2 bytes thanks to @xnor again by simply counting whether there are exactly 2 zeroes in \$[a,b,c,d,a]\$.

Also outputs a list of lists with values in the range \$[0,3]\$.

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Will leave quartets \$[a,b,c,d]\$ for which there are exactly 2 zeroes in the list \$[a,b,c,d,a]\$.

2Ý         # Push the list [0,1,2]
  4ã       # Create all possible quartets using the values in this list
           # by taking the cartesian power of 4
    ʒ      # Filter the remaining quartets by:
     Ć     #  Enclose the quartet; appending its own head: [a,b,c,d] → [a,b,c,d,a]
      0¢   #  Count the amount of 0s in this list
        <  #  And decrease it by one
           #  (Since only 1 is truthy in 05AB1E, the filter with count(0)-1 will only
           #   leave quartets where the [a,b,c,d,a].count(0) is exactly 2)
           # (after which the filtered list is output implicitly as result)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 67 575


This beats the simple compression-based approach, though not by much. A shame that handling leading zeroes costs so much.

– Grimmy – 2019-11-12T15:18:10.287

1@Grimmy Still a nice approach. Also, can something be saved by using the digits 1234 instead of 0123, so you won't have to deal with the leading 0s? I guess the extra bytes are then still there, but at other places instead? – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-12T15:32:26.777


Good idea, but it ends up worse by two bytes, unfortunately.

– Grimmy – 2019-11-12T15:52:24.653

@Grimmy Yeah, I was afraid that might be the case. Thanks for confirming, though. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-12T21:40:13.797

1I realized the formula a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - d^2 = 0 mod 3 also works. Maybe this would be shorter for your implementation via negating or duplicating top of element the stack before summing. – xnor – 2019-11-16T07:49:25.960

@xnor Thanks for letting me know. Using $a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2+a^2 = 0 \pmod 3$ with the enclose builtin actually saved 2 bytes. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-16T11:12:36.303

1Another formulation is that the list [a,b,c,d,a] has exactly two zeroes. Since you have a built-in to make that list, might that be yet shorter? – xnor – 2019-11-16T11:23:16.297

@xnor Ah, that indeed saves another byte, since only 1 is truthy in 05AB1E and we can use enclose.count(0)-1 == 1 (truthy). Thanks again. EDIT: Actually saves 2, since we also no longer need to remove the [0,0,0,0] first.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-16T12:04:20.467


JavaScript (ES6),  73  67 bytes


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Outputs the following set, as an array of integers:

1112, 1113, 1121, 1131, 1223, 1232, 1323, 1332, 2123, 2132,
2222, 2233, 2322, 2333, 3123, 3132, 3222, 3233, 3322, 3333

Test it online!


Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 111 334


Perl 6, 46 36 bytes

{grep *[0,^*].Bag{0}==2,[X] ^3 xx 4}

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Uses xnor's updated formula.


{                                  }  # Anonymous code block
 grep                                 # Filter from
                       ,[X]             # The cross product of
                            ^3 xx 4     # 0,1,2 four times
      *[0,^*]                         # Duplicating the first element
             .Bag{0}                  # Where the number of zeroes
                    ==2               # Is equal to 2

Jo King

Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 38 234


Ruby, 78..52 49 bytes

"U ".bytes{|r|p ($.+=r).to_s 4}

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The sequence can be DPCM-encoded.

If we consider a card as a single base-4 integer (1111 through 3333), we can take any sequence, sort it, and use a single ASCII character to encode the difference between successive elements. The first character represents the first value of the sequence. All values are relatively small, and the decoding is still simple enough to be golfed.

Thanks Value Ink for -3 bytes ("to print the unprintable")

In theory, with a different encoding, every value can be encoded as a single byte, and this would bring the byte count down to 43, but with UTF-8 it's impossible (or at least, I can't figure it out).


Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 11 099

Can't you just encode the string as unprintables to cut out the -34? 49 bytes

– Value Ink – 2019-11-11T22:24:17.803

Yes. In that case I could encode the values directly instead of the differences. 3333 base 4 is 255. – G B – 2019-11-12T04:27:09.427

Yes that is probably a good idea. – Value Ink – 2019-11-12T04:41:33.940


Jelly,  13  11 bytes

-2 using more of xnor's ideas


A niladic Link which yields a list of lists of integers.

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Cards being [a, b, c, d] where \$a,b,c,d \in [1,3]\$ this method picks cards for which there are exactly two 1s in [a, b, c, d, a].

3ṗ4ṁ5ỊS⁼ʋƇ2 - Link: no arguments
3           - literal three
  4         - literal four
 ṗ          - (implicit range(x)) Cartesian power -> [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,2],...,[3,3,3,3]]
          2 - set the right argument to two
         Ƈ  - filter keep if:
        ʋ   -   last four links as a dyad:
   ṁ5       -     mould like 5 ([a,b,c,d] -> [a,b,c,d,a])
     Ị      -     insignificant? (abs(x)<=1) (vectorises)
      S     -     sum
       ⁼    -     equals (2)?



A niladic Link which yields a list of lists of integers.

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A method which works in a similar vein as xnor's.
With cards being [a, b, c, d] where \$a,b,c,d \in [1,3]\$ this method picks cards for which \$3 \mid (a^2+b^2+2cd)\$ (except [3,3,3,3])

3ṗ4Ṗ2œ?ḋƊ3ḍƊƇ - Link: no arguments
3             - literal three
  4           - literal four
 ṗ            - (implicit range(x)) Cartesian power -> [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,2],...,[3,3,3,3]]
   Ṗ          - pop off the rightmost (remove [3,3,3,3])
            Ƈ - filter keep those for which:
           Ɗ  -   last three links as a monad:- i.e. f([a,b,c,d])
        Ɗ     -     last three links as a monad - i.e. g([a,b,c,d]):
    2         -       literal two                 2
     œ?       -       nth permutation             [a,b,d,c]
       ḋ      -       dot product                 a*a+b*b+c*d+d*c
         3    -     literal three               3
          ḍ   -     divides?                    (a*a+b*b+c*d+d*c)%3 == 0?

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 67 804

I realized the formula a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - d^2 = 0 mod 3 also works, in case this is shorter for you to write that the dot product with permutation. You can also write this with duplicating a square rather than negating it: a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 + d^2 = 0 mod 3. – xnor – 2019-11-16T07:52:10.780

Using the fact that squares are 0 or 1 mod 3 that saves at least a byte... think 11 is probably possible; hard on mobile! – Jonathan Allan – 2019-11-16T10:50:02.200

Yep 11 was possible - thanks! – Jonathan Allan – 2019-11-16T10:57:31.780


Python 2, 85 bytes

print eval('[[a,b,c,d]'+'for %s in 0,1,2'*4%tuple('abcd')+'if(a*a+b*b+c*d)%3<1]')[1:]

A full program which performs xnor's algorithm.

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Jonathan Allan

Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 67 804

1That's a nifty way to write the multiple for loops. – xnor – 2019-11-13T02:07:12.620


Python 2, 62 bytes

for c in"P}nF-Z>a9*)V=.Q":n=ord(c);print n/50,n%3,n%4,n%5

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Using ideas from Bubbler and Jo King, we can cut a few bytes from the below. The decompression method n/50,n%3,n%4,n%5 turns an ASCII value into a 4-tuple. While not every set can be obtained this way using n from 0 to 127, there's enough wiggle room in the choice of cap-set to find one within the obtainable subset. We also avoid problematic characters that need escaping such as \0 or \n, though unprintables can't be avoided.

Python 2, 65 bytes

for c in'RSTW_ahjq"(,15;=CGLP':print[ord(c)/B%3for B in 27,9,3,1]

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String compression looks like the way to go for Python. We compress each of the 20 elements as a value from 0 to 80, which we represent as a character. Since we only need the values to be correct modulo 81, we can keep the string within the printable ASCII range. Python 3 could save a few bytes using a bytestring.

An alternative compression method would be 81 bits marking which of the 81 cards are present. Even though the 81 bits needed for this are less than the \$20 \log_2(81)\approx 127\$ bits for the method used, the latter wins out easily for how concisely the string can be written and decoded.

For comparison, here's a solution using the formula I found.

79 bytes

while n:
 if(a*a+b*b+c*d)%3<1:print t

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Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 115 687

I found a string that works with for B in 1,3,7,9, so 64 bytes. Btw, the "wins out easily" link seems to be broken.

– Bubbler – 2019-11-13T02:12:21.587


In Python 3, you can skip the ord part with a bytestring for 57 bytes

– Jo King – 2019-11-13T03:49:56.233


Charcoal, 24 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs the given set, but with digits decremented and sorted in order of reverse of string. Explanation:


Pad all lines to the same length using 0.


Loop i from 0 to 19 and implicitly print each result on its own line.


Convert the digital sum of the ith prefix of the compressed string 8343834422244383438 to base 3 and print it backwards.


Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 95 035


Python 3, 108 104 100 bytes

Saved 4 bytes thanks to @JonathanAllan!
Saved 4 bytes thanks to @xnor!

Blatant rip of @xnor's algorithm:

lambda:[(a,b,c,d)for a,b,c,d in product(*[(0,1,2)]*4)if(a*a+b*b+c*d)%3<1][1:]
from itertools import*

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Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 2 776


Some single byte saves: (1) use (the generally bad)from itertools import* avoiding the t.; (2) use (0,1,2) rather than range(3); (3) unpack i immediately, allowing i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]*i[3] to become a*a+b*b+c*d; (4) test for ...%3<1 rather than ...%3==0. Try it online!

– Jonathan Allan – 2019-11-12T19:11:48.320

1@JonathanAllan Thanks, really interesting how you can squeeze those bytes out of, what looks like to me, a stone! :) – Noodle9 – 2019-11-12T21:48:56.537


You can also save a few bytes using product(*[(0,1,2)]*4). But almost always, you're better off not using itertools and finding way to do it manually that saves bytes over the lengthy import.

– xnor – 2019-11-13T01:46:57.703

@xnor Thanks! That makes a lot of sense. – Noodle9 – 2019-11-13T10:50:23.243


Scala, 68 bytes


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Just storing the 20-cap set as a 80-digit base-3 number (using 0, 1, 2 for notation - since it's stated in the question that it's not necessary to use exactly 1, 2, 3), constructing it from base-36 to save space, and splitting the string to 4-character slices, finally getting a list of 20 cards (represented as strings like "1111", "0222" etc.). A couple more bytes probably can be golfed, using a smaller number.


Posted 2019-11-11T08:49:09.817

Reputation: 225