Am I being run backwards?



Your task is to write a program, function, or snippet that will output one value if run forward, and another if run backward. The program must run without errors.

The output can be any two distinct values, of the same data type. For example, 1 and 3, true and false, or 't' and 'f'. In languages without a concept of data types, such as brainf*** or text, any distinct values are allowed.

This is a code golf challenge, shortest answer per language wins. Note that snippets are allowed (so something like 1-2 is valid, but don't expect any upvotes).

Redwolf Programs

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 2 561

Related but IMO not a duplicate:

– Value Ink – 2019-11-09T03:29:43.520

3Is it just me, or does this seem like it would be an interesting candidate for [tag:code-bowling]? – Xcali – 2019-11-10T06:50:17.383

@Xcali There'd have to be something a like a pristine program rule

– Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-10T15:06:21.950

1Does backwards mean character by character or line by line? – Captain Man – 2019-11-11T17:16:04.533

1@CaptainMan Character by character – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-11T20:07:03.087



Python 3, no comments or string literals, 106 bytes


I've never liked how comments and string literals let you "turn off" most of your language's syntax in challenges like this, so I wanted to see how far I could golf things without using either comments or string literals. This is what I came up with.

Since I don't have any way to disable the syntactical significance of parentheses, I cannot use the function call operator. Any attempt to do so would result in the reversed code having a closing parenthesis before the first opening parenthesis, which is invalid outside a comment or string literal. I also can't use def or container literals (aside from unparenthesized tuples), and my access to language features is in general extremely restricted.

One thing I can do is take advantage of Python's operator overloading to call functions implicitly. My ability to define any classes or functions is extremely limited, but fortunately, there are enough tools lying around in the built-in namespace for me to use. Most built-ins don't let me perform the attribute assignment I need to redefine their operator overloads, but (unless Python is run with one of the flags that disables site importing) the auto-imported site module adds quit and exit objects to the built-ins. These objects are instances of non-C classes, so I can reassign their operator overloads.

Setting __add__ to print lets me use addition to print things, and setting __pos__ to quit or exit lets me use the unary + operator to abort the program before the rest of the code runs. Without setting __pos__, I would need a bunch of additional code to make sure the "backwards" part of the code can find all the variables and attributes it needs to not fail. With __pos__, I only need to make sure the "backwards" code is still syntactically valid.

Forward, the code prints

Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit

Backward, the code prints

Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit

(The messages are slightly different on Windows.)

I also tried to figure out a way to do this by defining my own class instead of messing with quit.__class__. I got as far as the following:

class ton:adbmal

class ton:adbmal is one of the very few combinations of class name and class body such that the class statement is syntactically valid backward. tressa, led, labolg, tropmi, and esiar would also have been valid class names (with a different class body, such as not fi), but ton is the only one where the reversed name can be part of an expression, giving the most flexibility.

if.1j:adbmal=1j assigns a value to adbmal to make the class body succeed, while still being syntactically valid backward.

The stuff with a and j1 lets me use j1.ton to refer to my ton class, which is still a valid expression backward.

At this point, I got stuck. I couldn't figure out how to get my class out of j1.ton and into a more useful variable. I can't assign attributes on j1.ton and still have valid syntax backward, so I can't set operator overloads. I also wanted to set builtins.__build_class__ to my class so I could abuse the class statement to construct instances without the function call operator, but trying to put j1.ton on the right side of an assignment produces invalid syntax backward.

If I had been able to name my class something like fi or tpecxe, I could have used tricks like to get the class into an annotation and then a.__dict__=__annotations__ to get it into a.b, but I couldn't find any way to get the class statement and the annotation tricks to hook up. Anything that was compatible with the class statement was incompatible with the annotation tricks.

(You might wonder why I didn't abuse builtins.__build_class__ to call an existing function directly, like print. I couldn't figure out a way to do that and have the output be deterministic, and I wanted deterministic output.)

user2357112 supports Monica

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 1 483

4+1, this is awesome. – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-09T15:06:08.347


JavaScript, 19 bytes

Returns true because of the assignment at the end, since JS treats that as defining a global variable. The first part is an arrow function, which is ignored. When run backwards, eurt is set to NaN (not a number), and since NaN is not greater than true (or equal), it returns false.


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JavaScript, 3 bytes

A snippet which outputs 1, or -1 in reverse. Very simple.


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JavaScript, 7 bytes

Abuses the not equal to operator and the not operator, will output false, or true in reverse. JavaScript uses NaN as not-a-number.


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JavaScript, 18 bytes

Another boring solution, with comments instead of subtraction. Returns 1, or 2 in reverse. I included the print statements in these.


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JavaScript, 7 bytes

Similar to the previous answer, but with assignment instead of equal-to. Uses the atob variable, which is a builtin in browser Javascript (decodes base64). Since TIO doesn't include browser builtins, I defined it just to keep it from erroring. Works as expected in console. Return true, or false in reverse.


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Redwolf Programs

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 2 561

1Why do you have to use NaN in the second snippet? That can be absolutely anything but 5, as far as I see. – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2019-11-09T08:24:52.633

@someone IDK, didn't think about it I guess. I kinda like the NaN being symmetrical trick, so I'll keep it – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-09T15:07:10.923

1I was thinking of 0||1 – Bergi – 2019-11-10T23:02:39.653

@Bergi That would work too, there're a huge number of 3-5 character solutions possible – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-11T04:12:26.500

@Bergi I just realized, that would be 1 every time... – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-11T23:38:34.513

@RedwolfPrograms Ouch. Looks like I was not thinking. || can still be used, but as you say there's a lot of boring 3-5 character solutions. – Bergi – 2019-11-11T23:43:51.047


J, 3 bytes


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one or infinity...

  • 1"_ is the constant 1, turned into a verb of rank " infinity _. Hence always returns 1.
  • _"1 is the constant infinity _, turned into a verb of rank `. Hence always returns infinity.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 8 729

How does the ranking work? I've never seen anything like that in a programming language. – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-09T15:16:07.077

@RedwolfPrograms It's rank in the dimensional sense of linear algebra, rather than the colloquial sense of "a ranking." The basic idea is simple enough, but understanding it thoroughly is a serious undertaking.

– Jonah – 2019-11-09T15:41:05.980


Jelly, 2 bytes


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Prints 1.

Jelly, 2 bytes


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Prints 2.

The reason for this is that Jelly's dyad-nilad structure chains differently on either side. +1 becomes a monad meaning "plus one", which is applied to the Left Argument, which defaults to zero. 1+ does not become a monadic chain here (if I remember correctly - correct me if my Jelly theory is off; I'm a bit rusty on the structural component), but rather is seen as 1 set as the Left Argument, and then + is applied as a dyad to (left, left) in the default case of no Right Argument, giving 1 + 1.

Great challenge; I almost feel like this is a cheese. I don't know if I should be happy with this solution or feel bad for having such a short and trivial solution >_<.

This uses Jelly's structure to be fancy. A more boring answer would just be 01 (prints 1) and 10 (prints 10), or any other two-digit number and its reverse (that isn't a palindrome).


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 26 575

1Cool solution! The higher level languages might be interesting to see, as well. +1 – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-08T23:26:21.183


bash, 12 bytes (no comments or string literals)

echo 0$ ohce

Prints "0$ ohce"

echo $0 ohce

Prints "bash ohce"

bash, 11 bytes (no comments or string literals)

echo ftnirp

Prints "ftnirp"

printf ohce

Prints "ohce"


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 211


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 10 bytes


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Prints ohcE.


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Prints >> tnirP.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 3 495


R, 2 bytes


Prints 0.1.


Prints 1.

Both numeric (double).


Less trivial? and for an explicit true/false





Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 143

Shouldn't 1.<1 be 1.>1? – Adám – 2019-11-10T07:57:11.897

@Adám: Yes. Got my eyes crossed. – AkselA – 2019-11-10T09:43:35.307

@AkselA That seems to happen a lot in this challenge...(-: – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-10T15:15:35.947

@RedwolfPrograms Is that a reversed sad smiley face? ;-) – Robin Ryder – 2019-11-10T18:36:18.037

@RobinRyder No, just a sideways one. I always forget which side the eyes are supposed to be on (;;;) – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-11T01:53:20.937


Keg, 2 bytes


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Keg, 2 bytes


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When run forwards, it prints 10. When run backwards, it prints 01.

I might try to create a non-trivial answer soon, as this seems like a really great challenge!


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 5 253

5Also works in pretty much every language REPL. – Adám – 2019-11-10T07:54:59.407


Actually, 2 bytes

Decrement empty value & push 1.


Reversed program decrements 1, outputting 0.


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05AB1E, 2 bytes

The exact same answer ported to a different language.


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Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973



Perl 5, 11 bytes


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Outputs 0 when run forward. Outputs the current process number followed by 0 when run backwards.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 7 671


Poetic, 15 13 bytes


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Prints ASCII character 1 (SOH).


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Prints ASCII character 0 (NUL).

The previous answer ends with an "Unexpected EOF" error forwards because the END command (any ten-letter word) is omitted, and a "Mismatched IF/EIF" error backwards because EOF is encountered before an IF/EIF loop can end. The following answer terminates properly.

Poetic, 51 bytes

the difference between I and certain ridiculous men

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Prints a newline.

nem suolucidir niatrec dna I neewteb ecnereffid eht

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Prints a newline and a "vertical tab" character.

(I really wanted to be able to make the programs make sense both backwards and forwards, but I'm not sure that's possible in English, and I don't know any other languages to try that out with.)


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 2 600

The only thing I can think of that makes sense forward and backward (actually, neither) is tacocat racecar wow. – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-11T16:28:10.787

4TIS A NAMETAG -> a person getting excited about a nametag. GATEMAN A SIT A command unto Gateman A; he must sit. – Reinstate Monica – 2019-11-11T16:40:13.247

@ReinstateMonica Good one! – JosiahRyanW – 2019-11-11T16:40:53.740


Haskell, 52 bytes

--b tnirp=b#a
main=print a

==> prints "1"

a tnirp=niam
a#b=print b--

==> prints "0"


-- FWD: define constant "a" to be 0 / BWD: No-op                                 --

--b tnirp=b#a
-- FWD: No-op / BWD: define a function "#" in two arguments and prints the       --
-- second                                                                        --

-- FWD & BWD: define constant "niam" to be the same as "main"                    --

-- FWD: define a function "#" in two arguments that produces "main" if the first --
-- argument is 1 / BWD: define constant "main" to be the result of the function  --
-- "#" applied to the arguments "a" and 1                                        --

main=print a
-- FWD: define constant "main" to be an IO action that prints the value of "a" / --
-- BWD: define a function "a" in one argument that always produces the value     --
-- of "niam"                                                                     --

Of course, there is also the shorter item:

Haskell, 29 bytes

main=print 1--
--0 tnirp=niam

which is much less interesting.

Andrew Ray

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 101


Pyth, 2 bytes


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Returns the string ' " ' (one set of double quotes)

Pyth, 2 bytes


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Returns "\"

Oops, my earlier answer missed that they had to be the same data type. This answer returns two different strings, and relies on the fact that '\' makes a one character string of the input and that Pyth closes strings implicitly


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 941

Oh, smart, using \" to escape a quote – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-10T15:14:29.097


Python 3, 17 bytes


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I promise this is the last trivial/cheese one I post; I'm trying to think of a more interesting solution. If I remember I'll see where I can get with this.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 26 575

5At this point, Python devs should add tnirp as a function just to mess with y'all. – Don Thousand – 2019-11-09T17:12:54.113

@DonThousand haha that would be funny :P – HyperNeutrino – 2019-11-09T17:13:53.730

3I keep reading tnirp as turnip – legrojan – 2019-11-11T16:59:28.543


Japt, 2 bytes


Returns 1. Reverse returns -1.

g is the sign function when it has no arguments, and returns the sign of the argument minus the caller if called with an argument. So g1 would be the sign of zero minus one because the default input is 0

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Embodiment of Ignorance

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 7 014


Wren, 32 bytes

Basically just a port of the Python answer.


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Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973


4I think you mean System.write(1)//)0(etirw.metsyS. Remember that orientation of brackets is preserved when the code is reversed – frank – 2019-11-09T08:16:02.620

Thank you for noting that. – None – 2019-11-09T12:59:19.200


05AB1E, 2 bytes

Push 1 onto the stack & negates. (This results in -1)


Negate empty value & push 1. Output 1 implicitly.


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Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973


1 would also work. Try it online! – facepalm42 – 2019-11-09T04:03:24.400


brainf*** 2 bytes


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Outputs 1 forwards, 0 backwards. Really randomdude999's answer


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 603

1Doesn't simply +. also work? It would output a 1 if run forwards and 0 if run backwards. – randomdude999 – 2019-11-09T06:33:06.493

@randomdude999 Whoops, yeah it does. Man I'm bad at this so far – HiddenBabel – 2019-11-09T06:37:43.700


Ruby, 6 bytes




Reversed output


Neil Slater

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 261


Ceylon (Snippet), 20

The same trivial thing as in many other languages:


Outputs 1.


Outputs 2.

Given that parentheses need to be in the right order and you need print for output, I don't think this can be improved.

A full program or function needs even more braces/parentheses mirrored, so no chance of getting it better.

Ceylon (anonymous function), 17

If we don't need to output anything, but just return it from an anonymous function, then this is enough:


A function which returns 1.2 (a floating point value).


A function which returns 2.1 (a floating point value).

Ceylon (expression with return value), 3

If we accept just an expression (which then can be printed), then we don't even need any comments:


Gives 2.1 (a floating point value).


Gives 1.2 (a floating point value).

Try all of them online

Paŭlo Ebermann

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 1 010


MathGolf, 2 bytes

This one does not have any nilads or dyads inside the program. Just monads.


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±  Find absolute value of the implicit 0
 ( Decrement 0, resulting -1.


(  Decrement 0, resulting -1.
 ± Find absolute value of -1, which results in 1.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973


Interesting, using absolute value. +1 – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-09T15:13:19.013


Turing Machine Code, no comments or string literals, 19 bytes

0 * 0 * 0
0 * 1 * 0


0 * 1 * 0
0 * 0 * 0

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The code runs without errors, but does loop forever. Prints '0' forward, prints '1' reversed.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 925


Befunge-98 (PyFunge), 2 bytes


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Prints nothing by default, prints a null byte if reversed


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 3 987


POSIX sh (Dash, Bash, Zsh, ...), 3 bytes

: !

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The builtin : discards its arguments and exits 0 (true). Reversed, ! negates the exit code of : and exits 1 (false).


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 2 838


HolyC, 12 bytes

Like the C version, except using the implicit print in HolyC

"0"; // ;"1"

Prints 0

"1"; // ;"0"

Prints 1

Spaces required by the compiler :)


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 161


MarioLANG, 3 bytes


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Prints 0


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Prints 1

MarioLANG, 10 bytes


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Prints 0


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Prints 1


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 272


Deadfish~, 2 bytes


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Boy, if that fruit hanged any lower, it'd be underground I tell you.

Reinstate Monica

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 1 382


TI-BASIC Non-trivial, 4 5 bytes

Disp "Disp :

This outputs 'Disp :'

Since TI-BASIC is token based, reversing it gives

:Disp "Disp

which outputs 'Disp'

Let me explain. 'Disp ' is one token which prints the given string to the home screen. First we are giving it a string of 'Disp :', so simple there. When reversed, since each 'Disp ' is one byte, we get the reversed code above. This reversed code starts with a ':', which ends the line, and means nothing here. The remaining code is 'Disp "Disp ', which runs and outputs 'Disp ' to the home screen.

TI-BASIC Trivial, 2 bytes

If a program ends with a values, then it outputs it. This lets us do


which outputs 12, and reversed is


which outputs 21.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 211

I was waiting for a TI-Basic answer, +1 – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-11T20:11:45.777


Bitwise Cyclic Tag, 2 bits (0.25 bytes)

With an input of 1 this should either set the data string to a null string or a string of length 2 in its next iteration.



0  Delete the leftmost data bit.
   Halt. No more instructions executed.
 1 Not executed


1  If the left-most data-bit is 1,
 0 Append a 0 to the data-string.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973



Japt, 2 bytes


Return x rounded up to nearest multiple of N => output 0

Test it


x default to 1 => output 1

Test it


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 2 441


PHP, 2 bytes


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Prints 12 ...


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Prints 21 ...

Looking for non-trivial solution?

PHP, 11 bytes


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Prints 1 ...


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Prints 2 ...

Don't like comment abuse?

PHP, 13 bytes


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Prints 1 ...


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Prints -1 ...

Note: this one is an exact copy of my answer here:


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 5 484

The definition of "reversed" is ambiguous in the question, and could be byte-reversed, as you have, line-reversed... or bit-reversed, which means you can get it down to one byte (eg J is binary 0100 1010, which reversed is 01010 0010, or R). I don't think you can get shorter than that, though, as I don't think sub-byte sizes are valid input to the parser. – Dewi Morgan – 2019-11-09T15:41:13.080

@DewiMorgan Reversed in terms of characters – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-10T15:16:16.073

@RedwolfPrograms I get that it's what you meant, but since it was left ambiguous, it makes that aspect of the request fair game for golfing, too. All three could give interesting results, though I think the bitwise reverse would be the most trivial in many languages, and impossible in others, and the winner would likely be any language which allowed sub-byte inputs; while the command-wise reversal would for once give no advantage to golfing languages, if the number of operators is being counted, rather than number of characters. – Dewi Morgan – 2019-11-11T17:47:13.467


C (gcc), 21 bytes


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!enilno ti yrT

S.S. Anne

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 1 161


Runic Enchantments, 3 bytes


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Prints 0 forwards and 1 backwards.

If no output is allowed, then @1 saves a byte.

Draco18s no longer trusts SE

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 3 053

Never realized you made this language...seems pretty cool! – Redwolf Programs – 2019-11-10T01:49:44.783

1@RedwolfPrograms Yep! Its almost the only language Igolf in because of that. – Draco18s no longer trusts SE – 2019-11-10T16:56:32.503


Rebol, 2 bytes


Prints #1


Prints ##

Bent Fork

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 11


Whitespace, 20 bytes

T   N
T   S N
T   N
T   T   S S 

Letters S (space), T (tab), and N (new-line) added as highlighting only.

Outputs 0/-1.

Try it online or try it online reversed (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).


Very minor modification of my answer here (outputting 0 is 1 byte shorter than 1), so I'm just gonna copy-paste the explanation:

Utilizing the Exit Program builtin being a short palindrome NNN (also note that without an exit, every Whitespace program would result in an error, making it invalid for this challenge).
The regular program will:

SSSN   # Push 0 to the stack
TNST   # Pop and print the top of the stack as number
NNN    # Exit the program, making everything after it no-ops

The reverse program will:

SSTTN  # Push -1 to the stack
TNST   # Pop and print the top of the stack as number
NNN    # Exit the program, making everything after it no-ops

Small additional explanation of pushing a number:

  • First S: Enable Stack Manipulation
  • Second S: Push a number to the stack
  • S or T: Positive/negative respectively
  • Some S/T followed by a trailing N: number in binary, where S=0 and T=1

I.e. SSTTSTSN pushes -10. Only the first three and trailing N are mandatory, so SSSN/SSTN will both push 0.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 67 575


Java, 14 bytes


Simple function that uses comments to exclude the other part. Outputs 1, and reversed outputs 0.


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 15 025


SimpleTemplate, 10 bytes

This was actually hard to optimize, without going into the trivial answer.


Outputs the string "1".

When reversing, you get the following:


Outputs the string }"1"ohce@{.

As stated in the question: "The output can be any two distinct values, of the same data type.", and both solutions output a distinct string.

You can test this on
(On line 960, change between the $code and $reversed variables)

SimpleTemplate, 2 bytes

This one is extremelly trivial:

<any 2 different bytes>

Reversing them will output whatever is reversed.

Ismael Miguel

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 6 797


Ahead, 4 bytes


Prints 0 forward and 1 backward.


O     pop stack and print number
 @    end
  j1  not reached


1     push 1
 j    jump next cell
   O  pop stack and print number
  @   end

Control flow is more interesting backward because I tried to reduce the amount of redundant characters.

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Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 1 982


GolfScript, 2 bytes

Simply prints 1 because the duplicate instruction duplicates the null string.



Outputs 11 because that is the value 1 duplicated.


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GolfScript, 4 bytes

Outputs 0 because 1 - 1 is 0.

1 1-


Outputs -11 due to concatenation.

-1 1

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GolfScript, 2 bytes (Am I allowed to use the null string?)

Outputs the null string, because the null string from the input minus 1 is still the null string.



Pushes -1 onto the stack.


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Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973



SmileBASIC, 4 bytes


prints 12\n\n forwards and 21\n\n backwards


Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 6 110


Triangular, 3 bytes


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Prints 1.

%.i prints 0.

If it weren't invalid to do an integer and a character, %# would've been a nice 2-byter.

Reinstate Monica

Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973

Reputation: 1 382


@, 2 bytes

Outputs \n1, where \n represents a literal newline.



Returns 1, the expression after 1 is ignored.


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Posted 2019-11-08T23:18:36.973
