Extract all keys from an object (json)




Given an object (json), write code to extract all the keys from it. This is a question that I really wanted to ask everybody for a long time ago but I did not have time to write it up. It can be helpful in some cases in your daily work.


  • You can use any parse function to get the JSON object, it does not cost you any bytes
  • Since a JSON object is a data structure that is not available in some languages, you can use any kind of data that has a similar structure in your favorite language.
  • To be clear, the input to your function should be a JSON object if it can.
  • The object can have nested keys.
  • The object can contain arrays and if it contains an array you will use the index of each element as a key.
  • Output can be a list with any format but it is preferred to be line by line.
  • The output keys can be arranged in any order, it does not matter.
  • Shortest bytes for each language will be win.
  • You can use any delimiter between each child key and its parent. Here I use . (please see the sample output for more detail).
  • The key can be a special character. For example: The input I got from @tsh

But this is a special case and it is not required to handle it. You are better to avoid it.


Given an object:

A = {
"name" : {
  "first": "jane",
  "last": "doe"
"lang" : ["html", "css"]

Then the output should be:


The index key (0 and 1) are a little tricky here, so for some languages like Javascript, it can be [0] and [1] instead.

So the example below is also correct:


A Sample test case:


    "quiz": {
        "sport": {
            "q1": {
                "question": "Which one is a correct team name in the NBA?",
                "options": [
                    "New York Bulls",
                    "Los Angeles Kings",
                    "Golden State Warriors",
                    "Houston Rockets"
                "answer": "Houston Rockets"
        "maths": {
            "q1": {
                "question": "5 + 7 = ?",
                "options": [
                "answer": "12"
            "q2": {
                "question": "12 - 8 = ?",
                "options": [
                "answer": "4"



This is my solution using jq:

jq -r '[paths|map(.|tostring)|join(".")]'

Full code:

jq -r '[paths|map(.|tostring)|join(".")]' file.json

The content of file.json is an object from input

chau giang

Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 725



JavaScript (V8), 72 bytes

An edited version to support literal false, true and null values.


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JavaScript (V8), 69 bytes

Takes a native JSON object as input. Prints the results, using a comma as the delimiter.


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This is a recursive function walking through the keys at the root level and then in each sub-tree of the structure.

We need to process recursive calls on objects and arrays and to stop on strings and numbers. This is achieved with [o]==o||Object.keys(o):

 type of o | [o]==o    | Object.keys(o)  | string coercion example
 array     | false     | 0-based indices | ['foo', 'bar'] -> 'foo,bar'
 object    | false     | native keys     | {abc: 'xyz'}   -> '[object Object]'
 string    | true      | n/a             | 'hello'        -> 'hello'
 number    | true      | n/a             | 123            -> '123'


Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 111 334

fantastic, your answer beats @tsh, I am just curious what o.big is, could you please tell me about it? – chau giang – 2019-11-08T08:24:35.033

awesome, you rock! – chau giang – 2019-11-08T08:33:44.697

@tsh I've asked the OP if we need to support that kind of input. (Your solution has the same problem.) – Arnauld – 2019-11-08T10:02:09.833


Ruby, 108 146 115 92 bytes

+38 bytes to fix test cases for objects inside arrays.....

-31 bytes because we can take a parsed JSON object as input now.

-17 bytes by removing the duplicated flat_map usage.

f=->j,x=''{z=j==[*j]?[*0...j.size]:j.keys rescue[];z.flat_map{|k|[r=x+k.to_s]+f[j[k],r+?.]}}

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Value Ink

Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 10 608


JavaScript (Node.js), 75 bytes


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Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 13 072


Python 2, 122 135 122 119 bytes

f=lambda d:`d`[0]in'{['and sum([[str(k)]+['%s.'%k+q for q in f(v)]for k,v in(enumerate,dict.items)['{'<`d`](d)],[])or[]

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Now handles an even broader class of inputs, including lists of dicts.

Chas Brown

Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 8 959


Red, 159 bytes

func[s][r: :rejoin g: func[s m][foreach k keys-of m[print p:
r[s k]if map? t: m/:k[g r[p"."]t]if block? t[repeat n length?
t[print r[p"."n]]]]]g ""load-json s]

Doesn't work in TIO since load-json was introduced recently, but works fine in the Red console: enter image description here

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 13 815


R, 114 bytes


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Defines a recursive function which takes an R list, possibly named, and returns the list of names using space as a separator. Here, a named list (or sub list) corresponds to an object in JSON, and an unnamed list corresponds to an array in JSON.

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 11 829


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 39 27 bytes


Try it online! This function represents JSON arrays as Lists and objects as Associations. The function takes a JSON object as input and prints a set of part specifications to the standard output, each on their own line and preceded by >> . A part specification is a list of indices, where each index is a 1-based number or a string wrapped in Key. The index of a parent object is printed after those of its children. The output for the first example is:

>> {Key[name], Key[first]}
>> {Key[name], Key[last]}
>> {Key[name]}
>> {Key[lang], 1}
>> {Key[lang], 2}
>> {Key[lang]}

If the Key wrapper is undesirable, it can be removed using a 36-byte function:

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 36 bytes


The original challenge's formatting can be achieved with a 54-byte function:

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 54 bytes



Posted 2019-11-08T02:29:12.913

Reputation: 15 731