Fermat's Last Theorem, mod n



Fermat's Last Theorem, mod n

It is a well known fact that for all integers \$p>2\$, there exist no integers \$x, y, z>0\$ such that \$x^p+y^p=z^p\$. However, this statement is not true in general if we consider the integers modulo \$n\$.

You will be given \$n\$ and \$p\$, which are two positive integers with \$n>1\$. Your task will be to write a function or program to compute all positive integers \$x, y, z<n\$ such that \$(x^p+y^p)\$ and \$z^p\$ give the same remainder when divided by \$n\$.


Any reasonable method of input is allowed. E.g. two separate user inputs, ordered pair, two function parameters, etc.


Any reasonable method of output is valid, it may be produced by a function or output to the screen. The order the triples are listed does not matter. Triples such as (1, 2, 3) and (2, 1, 3) are considered distinct, and all distinct triples should be listed exactly once. No invalid/trivial triples such as (0, 0, 0) should be output.

The numbers \$x, y, z\$ may have any ordering within each of the triples, but that order should be consistent. For example if \$2^p+2^p\$ and \$3^p\$ have the same remainder when divided by \$n\$, you may list this triple as (2, 2, 3) or (3, 2, 2).


n p -> Possible Output
2 3 -> []
3 3 -> [(1,1,2),(2,2,1)]
3 4 -> []
4 3 -> [(1,2,1),(1,3,2),(2,1,1),(2,2,2),(2,3,3),(3,1,2),(3,2,3)]


Shortest code in bytes with no standard loopholes wins.


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 1 739

I guess we have to specify how triplets are ordered and be consistent.. E.g. All (x,y,z) or all (z,x,y) and so on – AZTECCO – 2019-11-04T17:06:26.477

@AZTECCO Good point, I will add that specification. – 79037662 – 2019-11-04T17:08:10.117

1I'm not convinced that solutions with z=0 are trivial. – Neil – 2019-11-04T21:22:26.993

1@Neil I didn't say they were, but they are invalid for the purposes of this question. – 79037662 – 2019-11-04T21:37:23.297

So (1 2 3) and (2 1 3) would be 2 different solution... – RosLuP – 2019-11-08T13:22:34.970

1@RosLuP Correct. – 79037662 – 2019-11-08T14:35:04.403



Julia 1.0, 61 bytes

f(n,p,q=1:n-1)=[(x,y,z) for x=q,y=q,z=q if(x^p+y^p)%n==z^p%n]

-1 thanks to Glen O

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Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 1 715

You can drop the space after if to save a byte. – Glen O – 2019-11-08T01:21:22.473


05AB1E, 15 10 bytes

-2 bytes by Kevin Cruijssen
-3 bytes by Grimmy


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Returns a triples in the format [z,y,x].


<L                | Push the interval [1,n)
  3ã              | Push the triple cartesian product [1,n) x [1,n) x [1,n)
                  | E.g. with n = 3, the list begins as follows:
                  | [[1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [2, 1, 3], ...]
    ʒ             | Filter the list:
     Im           | Take the p-th power of each input
                  | E.g. [1, 1, 2] --> [1^p, 1^p, 2^p]
       Æ          | Reduce by subtraction
                  | E.g. [1^p, 1^p, 2^p] -->  1^p - 1^p - 2^p
        ¹Ö        | Check if 1^p - 1^p - 2^p = 0 (mod n), and filter out if not.


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 554

1The specification says the order of the numbers in the triple does not matter (as long as it's consistent). Is the í necessary? – 79037662 – 2019-11-04T18:38:46.113

Ops! Yes, then it is not needed. Good catch, thanks. – Wisław – 2019-11-04T18:43:09.527

10Q can be _ to save a byte. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-05T12:37:22.967

213 bytes by outputting as triplets in the order [z,y,x]. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-05T12:46:08.983

210 bytes – Grimmy – 2019-11-05T15:50:05.663

Thanks a lot! Glad you found a way to got rid of that ugly Ðââ I had in my original solution. – Wisław – 2019-11-05T16:16:35.047

That's still 15 bytes in my book: echo -n '<L3ãʒImƹÖ' | wc -c – DomQ – 2019-11-07T15:49:57.363

It is 10 bytes; 05AB1E uses its own codepage

– Wisław – 2019-11-07T19:57:10.073


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 19 bytes


The triples are returned in the format x z y. Try it online!


{⍸0=⍵|-/¨⍺*⍨⍳3⍴⍵-1} ⍝ n is our right argument, ⍵, and p is our left, ⍺.

             3⍴⍵-1  ⍝ First, we get a triple of (n-1, n-1, n-1).
            ⍳       ⍝ Then we get the Cartesian product of three range[1, n-1).
                    ⍝ As you will see, this gives a list of (x z y) triples.
         ⍺*⍨        ⍝ We take each element of each triple to the power of p.
      -/¨           ⍝ Here we subtract over each triple, using (element - rest)
                    ⍝ This gives us (x^p - (z^p - y^p)) = x^p + y^p - z^p.
    0=              ⍝ Then we check which (x^p + y^p - z^p) equals 0.
   ⍸                ⍝ And use these results, a Boolean array,
                    ⍝ to find get the indices of the correct triples,
                    ⍝ which are our (x z y)s.


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 11 664


Jelly, 13 bytes


A full program accepting command line arguments n p which prints a list representation of the results (Do note that the empty list is represented as no output).

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*ŒH§%³E - Link 1: evaluate a triple: [x, y, z], p
*       - exponentiate               [x^p, y^p, z^p]
 ŒH     - split into halves          [[x^p, y^p], [z^p]]
   §    - sums                       [x^p+y^p, z^p]
     ³  - program's 1st argument     n
    %   - modulo                     [(x^p+y^p)%n, (z^p)%n]
      E - all equal?                 (x^p+y^p)%n == (z^p)%n

Ṗṗ3çƇ - Main Link: n, p
Ṗ     - pop (implicit range of n)    [1,2,3,...,n-1]
  3   - literal three                3
 ṗ    - Cartesian power              [[1,1,1],[1,1,2],...,[n-1,n-1,n-1]]
    Ƈ - filter keep those for which:
   ç  -   last Link (1) as a dyad    Link 1([[1,1,1],[1,1,2],...,[n-1,n-1,n-1]], p)
      - implicit print

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 67 804


GAP, 63 bytes

Filtered(Tuples([1..n-1],3),i->(i[1]^p+i[2]^p-i[3]^p) mod n=0);

For example:

gap> n:=4; p:=3;
gap> Filtered(Tuples([1..n-1],3),i->(i[1]^p+i[2]^p-i[3]^p) mod n=0);
[ [ 1, 2, 1 ], [ 1, 3, 2 ], [ 2, 1, 1 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ], 
  [ 3, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 2, 3 ] ]

Rebecca J. Stones

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 141


Octave, 74 72 bytes

2 bytes saved thanks to @79037662

@(n,p){[c,b,a]=ndgrid(1:n-1) [a(k=~mod(a.^p+b.^p-c.^p,n)) b(k) c(k)]}{2}

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Luis Mendo

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 87 464

Do you need the extra pair of parentheses in a((k=~mod(a.^p+b.^p-c.^p,n)))? – 79037662 – 2019-11-04T17:14:16.033

@79037662 No, they are not needed. They were a leftover from some (unsuccessful) tests to try to get rid of the cell array. Thanks! – Luis Mendo – 2019-11-04T17:22:04.927


JavaScript (ES7), 104 bytes

Takes input as (n)(p).


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Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 111 334


R, 67 bytes


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expand.grid creates all possible triplets of numbers. Annoyingly, the output of expand.grid is a data frame and not a matrix, so I transpose it to coerce to a matrix m. Take the matrix product of [1,1,-1] with m^p to get \$x^p+y^p-z^p\$, then keep only the rows for which we get \$ 0 \mod n\$.

Robin Ryder

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 6 625


nice, I tried a different approach and only got down to 68

– MickyT – 2019-11-04T17:58:46.053

@MickyT Nice idea using which with 3d indices! Here is a 65 byte version of yours, which you should post separately as it is substantially different.

– Robin Ryder – 2019-11-04T19:18:14.460


R, 65 bytes

3 btye's saved from my original idea by @robin-ryder by using subtraction, applying modulo the result.


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Makes use of outer to build a 3d array of the addition, then the subtraction. If the remainder of n is 0 output the array indices using which.


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 11 735


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 54 bytes


Named function taking the two inputs, like f[4,3]. The | symbol typed above needs to be replaced by the 3-byte character representing the "divides" relation; \[Divides] works as well, and is used in the TIO example.

Works by testing every possible triple {x,y,z}. The only detail of note is that the dot product {1,1,-1}.#^p&, when applied to {x,y,z}, calculates x^p+y^p-z^p.

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Greg Martin

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 13 940


Ruby, 67 66 bytes


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Thanks Chas Brown for -1 byte.


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 11 099

2Save a byte with (a**p+b**p-c**p)%n<1 – Chas Brown – 2019-11-05T21:29:40.657

I never knew you could pass multiple arrays to product! Very nice. – IMP1 – 2019-11-06T10:09:45.763


Jelly, 13 bytes


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-2 bytes thanks to caird coinheringaahing
-1 byte borrowing a clever trick from Jonathan Allan


*+_ƭ/³ḍ  Helper Link - given (x, y, z), determine if x^p + y^p = z^p (mod n)
*        (x^p, y^p, z^p)
    /    Reduce over
 +_ƭ     Tied operator: cycle between + and - (x^p + y^p - z^p)
     ³ḍ  Divisibility check by n (if x^p + y^p - z^p is divisible by n then x^p + y^p is congruent to z^p mod n)
Ṗṗ3çƇ    Main Link
Ṗ        Pop (remove last element) - on an integer, implicit range (1 to n-1)
 ṗ3      Cartesian power ^ 3
   çƇ    Filter: keep triples that are valid by the helper link


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 26 575

14 bytes – caird coinheringaahing – 2019-11-07T08:11:49.047

@cairdcoinheringaahing nice, thanks! – HyperNeutrino – 2019-11-08T13:15:12.113


Python 2, 94 bytes

print[(x,y,z)for x in R for y in R for z in R if(x**p+y**p-z**p)%n<1]

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Pretty basic.

Chas Brown

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 8 959


Icon, 95 bytes

procedure f(n,p)
x:=1to(t:=n-1)&y:=1to t&z:=1to t&(x^p+y^p-z^p)%n=0&write(x," ",y," ",z)&\q

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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 13 815


K (oK), 30 23 bytes

-7 bytes thanks to ngn!


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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 13 815

(*/y#)'' -> */y#, – ngn – 2019-11-10T09:28:04.063

using func#list as "filter": {(~x!-/*/y#)#+1+!3#x-1} – ngn – 2019-11-10T09:32:51.733

@ngn Filter, of course! Thanks! – Galen Ivanov – 2019-11-10T09:36:45.893


APL(NARS), chars 129, bytes 258

r←f w;n;p;a;v;i;j;b
(n p)←w⋄a←n∣p*⍨v←⍳n-1⋄r←⍬
:for i :in v⋄:for j :in v
:if a∊⍨b←n∣a[i]+a[j]⋄r←r,⊂i,j,a⍳b⋄:endif


  ⎕fmt f 2 3
│ 0│
  ⎕fmt f 3 3
│┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐│
││ 1 1 2│ │ 2 2 1││
│└~─────┘ └~─────┘2
  ⎕fmt f 3 4
│ 0│
  ⎕fmt f 4 3
│┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐ ┌3─────┐│
││ 1 2 1│ │ 1 3 2│ │ 2 1 1│ │ 2 2 2│ │ 2 3 3│ │ 3 1 2│ │ 3 2 3││
│└~─────┘ └~─────┘ └~─────┘ └~─────┘ └~─────┘ └~─────┘ └~─────┘2


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 3 036


Zsh, 90 bytes

l=({1..$[$1-1]}\ )
for x y z (${=${:-$^l$^l$^l}})(((x**$2+y**$2-z**$2)%$1))||<<<"$x $y $z"

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Creates the list l=('1 ' '2 ' '3 ' ... '(n-1) ' ), then ${=${:-$^l$^l$^l} gets the Cartesian product and splits on spaces.


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 2 838


Pyth, 17 bytes


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Displays a list of triplets, each as \$(z, x, y)\$.

AQ                 # Q = eval(input()), G = Q[0] (=n), H = Q[1] (=p)
            ^StG3  # Get the following: range(1, n) ^ 3 -> List of (z,x,y) tuples
  f                # filter that on the following condition: lambda T:
       ^RHT        # map(lambda x: x^H, T)  --> (z^p, x^p, y^p)
     -F            # reduce by subtraction -> z^p - x^p - y^p = z^p - (x^p + y^p)
    %      G       # modulo n  --> (z^p - (x^p + y^p)) mod n
   !               # not (check if == 0) --> z^p == x^p + y^p mod n


Posted 2019-11-04T16:33:10.583

Reputation: 531