Golf Lathe Machine



You probably know what a Turing Machine is but do you know what is a Turning Machine (lathe)? Ok you already know.. and what about a Golf Turning Machine ??

Ok I tell you..

A Golf Turning Machine is a full program or function taking a list/array (or any convenient method) representing the Profile (P) of a turned piece and producing an ascii turned shape.

An ascii turned shape has square rotated by 45° cutting section instead of a circle so that we only need '/' and '\' characters to draw it. And it has '_' characters for the profiles: upper, lower and median.(like the one of this challenge : ASCII TURNED SHAPE ) for simple and nice drawing purpose.

     /\        \
    /  \________\
    \  /        /

A Profile P is a container of positive integers values in the range 0 <= value < 26(minimum)
- Every value represents the radius of a 1 long character section, so the length of the container is the length of the piece obtained.
- Alphabet are also valid [a to z] or [A to Z] they must correspond to a [0 to 25] value.

  • 0 values at the beginning and at the end of the profile input can not be considered.

Test cases:

[2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,4,4,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,2] or
            /\    \ 
        ___/_ \    \__ 
       /\    \ \    \ \ 
   ___/_ \    \ \    \ \__ 
  /\    \ \    \ \    \ \ \ 
 /  \____\ \____\ \____\_\_\ 
 \  /    / /    / /    / / / 
  \/____/ /    / /    / /_/ 
      \  /    / /    / / 
       \/____/ /    /_/ 
           \  /    / 


[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,1] or   
        /\ \   
  _    /  \ \_    
 /\\  /    \_\\       
 \//  \    / //              
       \  / /        



           __      __
          /\ \    /\ \
         /  \ \__/_ \ \
        /    \ \   \ \ \
       /      \ \   \ \ \
      /        \ \   \ \ \
     /          \ \   \ \ \
    /            \ \   \ \ \
   /  _           \ \   \ \ \
  /  /\\___        \ \   \ \ \
 /  /  \\__\        \_\___\ \_\
 \  \  //__/        / /   / / /   
  \  \//           / /   / / /  
   \              / /   / / /  
    \            / /   / / /  
     \          / /   / / /  
      \        / /   / / /  
       \      / /   / / /  
        \    / /___/ / /  
         \  / /  \  / /  
          \/_/    \/_/  

Rules :
- Margins are not specified.
- Standard loopholes are forbidden.
- Standard input/output methods.
- Shortest answer in bytes wins.



Posted 2019-11-03T19:36:37.147

Reputation: 2 441

Can we choose the number of trailing and leading zeroes? (inferring from test case 2) If so, we can require a amount of zeroes that happens to be the output converted from ASCII to unary. – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2019-11-04T05:08:59.693

1@someone if you refer to the input nope – AZTECCO – 2019-11-04T06:49:53.277



JavaScript (ES6),  259 249  246 bytes

Takes input as an array of integers. Returns a matrix of characters.

a=>{for(m=[],i=a.length,X=i+25;i--;r[X]>' '|!w?0:r[X]='_',X--)for(y=w=a[i];y>=-w;y--)for(r=m[Y=y+25]=m[Y]||Array(X).fill` `,W=w+(y>0?1-y:y),k=2;k--;)for(x=-W;x<W;x++)r[X+x+k]='/\\  _'[w^a[i+k]|w^a[i+k-1]?(x+W&&2-!(~x+W))^y>0:y&&y-w?2:4];return m}

Try it online! (with leading and trailing empty lines removed for readability)


We are 'drawing' in a matrix \$m[\:]\$, from right to left. The code essentially consists of 4 nested for loops, followed by the matrix update.

First loop: input values

for(                            // initialization:
  m = [],                       //   m[] = output matrix
  i = a.length,                 //   i   = length of input
  X = i + 25;                   //   X   = center x-coordinate
                                // condition:
  i--;                          //   stop when i = 0; decrement i
                                // final expression:
  r[X] > ' ' | !w ? 0           //   unless w = 0 or there's already a character other
                  : r[X] = '_', //   than a space here, append the top '_'
  X--                           //   decrement X
)                               //

Second loop: rows

for(                            // initialization:
  y = w = a[i];                 //   y = w = next width, taken from the input list,
                                //   read in reverse order
                                // condition:
  y >= -w;                      //   stop when y = -w-1
                                // final expression:
  y--                           //   decrement y
)                               //

Third loop: slices

for(                            // initialization:
  r = m[Y = y + 25] =           //   r[] = row to update
      m[Y] || Array(X).fill` `, //   if undefined, initialize it with X leading spaces
  W = w + (y > 0 ? 1 - y : y),  //   W = width of the pattern at this row
  k = 2;                        //   k = counter to draw two consecutive slices
                                // condition:
  k--;                          //   stop when k = 0; decrement k
)                               //

Fourth loop: columns

for(                            // initialization:
  x = -W;                       //   start with x = -W
                                // condition:
  x < W;                        //   stop when x = W
                                // final expression:
  x++                           //   increment x
)                               //

Matrix update

r[X + x + k] =                  // set the character at the current position:
  '/\\  _'[                     //   0 = '/', 1 = '\', 2 or 3 = space, 4 = '_'
    w ^ a[i + k] |              //   if a[i] is different from a[i + k]
    w ^ a[i + k - 1] ?          //   or different from a[i + k - 1]:
      ( x + W &&                //     append a '/' if x = -W
        2 - !(~x + W)           //     append a '\' if x = W - 1, or a space otherwise
      ) ^ y > 0                 //     invert '/' and '\' if we're below the middle row
    :                           //   else:
      y && y - w ? 2 : 4        //     append a '_' if y = 0 or y = w,
  ];                            //     or a space otherwise


Posted 2019-11-03T19:36:37.147

Reputation: 111 334

Suggest 32 for ' ' – ceilingcat – 2019-11-04T02:52:55.760

4@ceilingcat This is not C. That would not work in JS. – Arnauld – 2019-11-04T06:57:11.287


Charcoal, 68 bytes

FLθ«≔⌕α§⮌θιηFη«J±⁺ιη⁰G↘η↗⊕η↖η ↘η←↙η↑↖η→↗η↘§_/⁼/KK≔⎇⁼ηζ◧_ηηδ↘δ←↙δ»≔ηζ

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes a string of uppercase letters as input. Explanation:


Loop once for each input letter.


Calculate the previous letter's value, since the drawing is done from end to start.


Loop that many times; this is slightly golfier than an if since it doesn't need an else.

J±⁺ιη⁰G↘η↗⊕η↖η ↘η←↙η↑↖η→↗η

Erase and draw the main diamond of the section.


Draw the _ profile at the top if there isn't already a / there.


Draw the right side of the back of the section if this is a new section, otherwise erase the right side of the front diamond we drew last time (the left side was already erased earlier) leaving just two _s for the profiles.


Save the size of the section for the next loop.


Posted 2019-11-03T19:36:37.147

Reputation: 95 035