Shortest way to get an EOF Error



It's simple, simply output text to STDERR containing the string EOF.


Your input will be none; however, you should output the message to STDERR.


  • Since this is , the shortest answer wins.
  • No standard loopholes please.
  • Any method approved by Standard I/O is allowed.
  • Your code may not contain the "EOF" that you will output as-is in your error.
  • Outputting "EOI" is technically allowed, because the input can also be considered as a separate file.


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177


Question was closed 2019-10-06T16:18:19.457

Not a duplicate of this one because the TypeError challenge is only defined for one specific language.

– None – 2019-10-04T08:58:32.363

2What are compiled languages supposed to do? Do we have to write a program that makes the compiler output "EOF" among other things? – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2019-10-04T09:16:12.657

@someone output text to STDERR containing the string EOF (…), you should also exit the program with a 1 value. – Adám – 2019-10-04T09:27:46.723

Error messages are usually a feature of the compiler, not the language itself. The given example id( throws a syntax error when using PyPy instead of CPython. I suggest to include the compiler/interpreter in the answer header, e.g. "Python using CPython". – nimi – 2019-10-04T09:32:22.803

7Is this valid? – nimi – 2019-10-04T09:35:46.757

1@nimi Invalidated. – None – 2019-10-04T10:00:01.300


This feels like a more boring version of with built-in easier to be applied.

– user202729 – 2019-10-04T10:32:02.117

1btw there are some answers that have "end of input" instead of "EOF" in the output. – user202729 – 2019-10-04T10:32:31.863

I don't think it's a duplicate. The "HelloWorld error" challenge asks to output a specific string to stderr, this one asks to trigger a specific compiler/interpreter condition. Theses are different tasks, even if some programs may work in both scenarios. – nimi – 2019-10-04T11:05:24.633

3Seeing as several answers output end of input or end of file instead of EOF, you should clarify explicitly whether this is allowed. – Grimmy – 2019-10-04T11:14:02.027

Is there a requirement for it to be a valid program? Several answers here assume there is not. – Grzegorz Oledzki – 2019-10-05T05:32:52.827

@A_ wait, what? How can a program be syntactically valid if some part is missing and EOF is thrown? – Eric Duminil – 2019-10-05T10:29:20.093

3voting to close as unclear. First sentence says to raise an EOF error. Next sentence says to output text to stderr containing EOF. I/O section says you should output a message to STDERR that proves that the program generates an EOFError. All three are asking different things. – qwr – 2019-10-06T03:02:48.470

Can we include 'FOE' in our program? – S.S. Anne – 2019-10-06T14:07:56.060

Yes, because the program outputs 'EOF' but not 'FOE'. – None – 2019-10-06T14:16:25.860



APL (Dyalog Unicode) 17.0, 0 bytes

Dyalog 17.0 expects programs to terminate themselves cleanly and will throw an EOF INTERRUPT (and exit with a code 2) if they don't: Try it online!

In contrast, here is the minimal program which does terminate itself cleanly, causing no error (and code 0 upon exit): Try it online!


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 37 779


Python 3, 1 byte


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A plain opening bracket is interpreted as the start of a tuple. Just having one bracket is enough to raise an EOF error. Also works with [ and {.


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 3 566


Keg, 1 byte


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When there's no input, an EOF is raised:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/opt/keg/", line 500, in <module>
   exec(header + code + footer)
 File "<string>", line 6, in <module>
 File "/opt/keg/", line 119, in Input
   item = input()
 EOFError: EOF when reading a line

Also works with ¿


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 5 253


JavaScript, 1 byte / 7 solutions

The following tokens trigger SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input, or a similar message depending on the JS engine.


Or to summarize:

  • unary operators
  • opening parenthesis / bracket / brace

Exhaustive test on all ASCII characters

for(n = 0; n < 127; n++) {
  code = String.fromCharCode(n);
  res = false;

  try {
  catch(e) {
    res = e.toString() == 'SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input';
  if(res) {

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Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 111 334


Turbo Assembler, 0 bytes

Borland Turbo Assembler will print an "Unexpected end of file" when assembling a zero-byte file.

peter ferrie

Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 804


For the python users; the ones posting one character code, technically that is a SyntaxError which happens to read as an EOFERROR. (FYI, here's an example of all printable single characters that would cause this same error I'm getting a total of 34:)

from string import printable

chars = []
for c in printable:
    try: eval(c)
    except Exception as e:
        if 'EOF' in str(e):
            chars += [c]

This prints:

['!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~', ' ','\t', '\n', '\r', '\x0b', '\x0c']

I'm not sure if raise EOFError would be considered an answer as unfortunately that's the shortest code I can think of to raise a legitimate EOFError in Python 3:

Python 3, 14 bytes

raise EOFError

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Without implicitly raising the error in Python 2 you could use this at the expense of an extra byte:

Python 2, 15 bytes


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Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 141

1raise EOFError is considered invalid because the output contains the exact text EOFError that appears in the source code. – None – 2019-10-04T22:56:31.473

Why does it not count as an EOF error if it only “happens to read as” one? It does not matter where the EOF comes from, so long as it is an EOF — in the case of single brackets, a source input EOF. – Dúthomhas – 2019-10-04T23:05:25.127

Because I am avoiding the trivial answer: hard-coding the EOF error output like the program EOF.

– None – 2019-10-04T23:07:17.163

Either way I was simply stating that the one char method doesn’t technically produce a real EOFError but in py2 the input method does – Jab – 2019-10-06T03:45:09.403


PHP, 1 byte


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Run like this: php -r 1

Error: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in ...

Any other characters apart from ;, #, space and new line should cause a similar error. So PHP probably has ASCII characters count - 4 single byte solutions.


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 5 484


Haskell using hugs, 1 byte


The error message contains unexpected end of input.

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Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 34 639


Japt v2.0a0, 1 byte

Each throws: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input


Test it (Errors are displayed below the output field)

There are also a number of other possibilities, not specific to Japt, that are covered in Arnauld's JS solution, such as:



Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 24 623


R, 1 byte, 10 solutions

Any of these characters alone will trigger Error: unexpected end of input.



Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 3 689

3You missed ~ to bring it to an even 10 :-) – Giuseppe – 2019-10-04T21:56:55.300

@Giuseppe Thanks! – rturnbull – 2019-10-07T18:51:39.153


Python 3, 1 byte

Sorry for the edit, misunderstood the question at first :P. We can do [ or ( or { to get unexpected EOF error. In first case, it expects a list, in second a tuple and so on.


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Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 51


Perl, 1 byte


Try it with

 perl -e "("
 syntax error at -e line 1, at EOF
 Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 21


T-SQL, 21 bytes



Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 41


Bash, 1



.code.tio: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
.code.tio: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file

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Digital Trauma

Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 64 644


Ruby, 1 byte


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Any of ["!", "(", "*", "+", "-", ":", "[", "{", "~"] will work depending on the environment.


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 20 600

You could add ["\"", "%", "'", "/", "\"]`. It depends on the exact requirement, though. Some will raise SyntaxError mentioning "end of file" or "end-of-input", but I couldn't find any which includes "EOF". – Eric Duminil – 2019-10-06T13:39:30.363


Ruby, 1 byte


Outputs unterminated regexp meets end of file

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Eric Duminil

Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 701


Perl 5, 1 byte


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Not very inspired, but it is the shortest possible in the language.

Outputs Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at .code.tio line 1.


Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 1 313


Go, 0 bytes

All Go files must begin with package [identifier]. The error message is:

can't load package: package main: 
src/test.go:1:1: expected 'package', found 'EOF'

Purple P

Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 919


Java, 1 byte


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Old method that's more fun :]

void a()throws Exception{new;}

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Posted 2019-10-04T08:51:39.177

Reputation: 3 075

I was expecting a one-byte solution... Clever encoding of EOFException though. – None – 2019-10-06T01:10:49.627

I'll find one for ya. – Poke – 2019-10-06T01:11:35.037

@A_ turns out many single characters yield an EOF, haha. At least I've got a runtime version as well :P – Poke – 2019-10-06T01:13:44.450