Escape the labyrinth!



You are trapped in this 5x5 labyrinth - each room is labelled from 1 to 25 and the exit is in room 1.

enter image description here

You are given as input the room you are currently in. Your task is to output the shortest sequence of moves (north, east, south, west) needed to reach room 1.

Moves can be output in any format you wish (list, string, array...) as long as you use the characters n,w,e,s.

Here are all the test cases:

1 => empty string/list
2 => w
3 => ww
4 => swwnw
5 => wswwnw
6 => seenwnw
7 => nw
8 => wnw
9 => wwnw
10 => swwnwnw
11 => eenwnw
12 => enwnw
13 => nwnw
14 => wnwnw
15 => wwnwnw
16 => enenwnw
17 => nenwnw
18 => wnenwnw
19 => nwnwnw
20 => wnwnwnw
21 => nenenwnw
22 => enwnenwnw
23 => nwnenwnw
24 => wnwnenwnw
25 => nwnwnwnw

Shortest answer in bytes wins!


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 8 231

Do we have to work with differents labyrinths ? If yes, how do we get the walls as input ? – The random guy – 2019-09-17T06:55:27.807

3How flexible is the room labeling / input? Can we 0-index instead of 1-index? Can we take the room number as a character (thinking, as in base 36)? – Chas Brown – 2019-09-17T07:04:16.557

2@Therandomguy no, you need to handle this specific labyrinth. – Arnaud – 2019-09-17T07:12:57.163

hence, the [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] tag – Unrelated String – 2019-09-17T07:14:30.833

6Since it is possible, I think all possible cases should be included in the test cases. – Jonathan Frech – 2019-09-17T07:27:28.083

This is what I've come up with, but haven't rigorously verified – Unrelated String – 2019-09-17T07:29:38.300

1@UnrelatedString This question take 1 input, and output different path based on its input. I believe this requirement does not fit the [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] tag. – tsh – 2019-09-17T08:06:00.220

@JonathanFrech Shaggy done! – Arnaud – 2019-09-17T10:11:16.473

Could you address @ChasBrown's questions, please? – Shaggy – 2019-09-17T10:12:40.407

@Shaggy the room number has to be an integer and starts at 1 - no 0-indexing. – Arnaud – 2019-09-17T10:19:30.900


Someone needs to provide an answer in Labyrinth.

– Draco18s no longer trusts SE – 2019-09-18T15:09:44.987

I can't see the image. – S.S. Anne – 2019-09-19T15:43:00.433



Python 2, 64 bytes

def f(n):d=0x1211252b5375>>2*n-4&3;print"nwes"[d];f(n+d*3+d%2-5)

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A function that prints one direction per line, terminating with error.

The constant 0x1211252b5375 encodes in base 4 the direction d we travel from each room number as a number 0 through 3. The extraction digit >>2*n-4&3 is also designed to give a negative shift error when n=1, terminating the code. We update the room number n via an offset that's computed from the direction d as d*3+d%2-5, which maps:

d   d*3+d%2-5
0  -> -5
1  -> -1
2  ->  1
3  ->  5 


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 115 687

1I'm not sure if this is valid as-is, functions have to be reusable, and you need error trapping (try/except) to be able to continue execution after calling this function. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2019-09-17T22:38:55.427


Python 2, 95 93 bytes

f=lambda n:n>1and Q[n]+f(n+[-5,5,1,-1]['nsew'.find(Q[n])])or''
Q='  wwswsnwwseenwwenwnwnenwn'

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Could shave off 3 2 bytes if 0-indexed room labeling is allowed.

Chas Brown

Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 8 959

89 bytes – Arnauld – 2019-09-17T13:04:09.333


05AB1E, 30 29 bytes

-1 byte thanks to a miraculous coincidence with prime numbers


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[                      }    # infinite loop:
 Ð                          #  triplicate the room number (initially, the input)
  #                         #  break if room number == 1
   •θzƶ‰`Ó•4в               #  compressed list 202232302231102210202010
             sè             #  use the room number to index into that list
               <            #  decrement
                Dˆ          #  add a copy to the global array
                  Ø         #  nth prime (-1 => 0, 0 => 2, 1 => 3, 2 => 5)
                   ·        #  double
                    5-      #  subtract 5
                      +     #  add that to the room number
'‹™                         # dictionary string "western"
   ¯                        # push the global array
    è                       # index (wraps around, so -1 => n, 0 => w, 1 => e, 2 => s)


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 12 521

1This outputs 1 for input 1, instead of an empty string (easy fix would be to add a leading õ?). Apart from that, nice answer! – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-09-17T11:39:10.833

1@KevinCruijssen thanks for pointing out that mistake! I found a single-byte fix. – Grimmy – 2019-09-17T11:55:35.200


Ruby, 72 62 bytes

f=->n{n<2?'':' en  sw'[x=4*18139004[n]+6*4267088[n]-5]+f[n+x]}

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The trick here is to use 2 constants to build the next step for each cell, then recursively solve the problem.

The 2 constants 18139004 and 4267088 are binary strings giving the direction of the next move, by extracting a single bit from both for each cell, we can get:

"n" = 4*0+6*0-5 = -5
"w" = 4*1+6*0-5 = -1
"e" = 4*0+6*1-5 = +1
"s" = 4*1+6*1-5 = +5

Easier than shifting around and masking a single big binary number IMHO.

When we get the direction, we extract the corresponding letter from the string " en sw":

  1   5
  |   |
" en  sw"
   |   |
  -5  -1

And proceed recursively on the cell [n+x]


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 11 099


JavaScript (ES7),  62  58 bytes

Port of xnor's answer.


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Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 111 334


Perl 5 (-n), 94 bytes

-5 bytes thanks to Grimy



Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 5 582

-8 – Grimmy – 2019-09-17T08:01:58.683

-2 – Grimmy – 2019-09-17T08:03:14.807

-5 – Grimmy – 2019-09-17T08:06:22.777

thanks for all optimizations, the final answer is different enough from the first – Nahuel Fouilleul – 2019-09-17T08:06:37.650

1Do you mean I should post it as a separate answer? – Grimmy – 2019-09-17T08:08:32.040

1yes because it seems you did the most of the work, it was interesting to see how we can always save space – Nahuel Fouilleul – 2019-09-17T08:10:47.133


Perl 5, 79 bytes

say$,while$_+={n,-5,s=>5,e,1,w,-1}->{$,=substr _wwwswsnwwseenwwenwnwnenwn,$_,1}

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Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 12 521


JavaScript, 80 73 71 bytes

Adapted from Chas' Python solution so please +1 him, too.

f=n=>--n?(d=" wwswsnwwseenwwenwnwnenwn"[n])+f(n+~~{n:-4,s:6,e:2}[d]):``

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1 byte saved thanks to Arnauld.


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 24 623

Thanks, @Arnauld :) Had just spotted that myself, too. – Shaggy – 2019-09-17T10:10:03.153


PHP, 110 bytes

A solution which isn't a port of Chas Brown's great answer or xnor's great answer. I know this is longer but I wanted to have a different solution!

for($n=$argn;$n>1;$n=ord($s[$n*2+1])%30)echo($s='0000w<w sEw"s)n w%w&s-e*e+n&w+w,e/n*w/n,w1n.e5n0w5n2')[$n*2];

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I have created a mapping string which has 2 characters for every cell in the board. First character for each cell is a move (n/e/s/w) or 0 and the second character's ASCII code mod 30 will return another cell number which we should follow its move in recursive mode until we get to exit cell (cell < 2).

For example for input of 8:

  • 2 characters for cell 8 are: w%
  • It means print w and continue with moves for cell of %
  • ASCII code of % is 37 which mod 30 will be 7, so next cell to follow is 7.
  • 2 characters for cell 7 are: n (last character is space, ASCII code = 32)
  • It means print n and continue with moves for cell of 32 mod 30 which is 2.
  • 2 characters for cell 2 are: w< (last character ASCII code = 60)
  • It means print w and continue with moves for cell of 60 mod 30 which is 0.
  • If cell number is less than 2, loop stops!
  • Final printed result: wnw

PHP, 75 bytes

This version is written by Grimy, it is 35 bytes shorter than my original answer because he/she is smarter! Grimy's comment: "4 * 25 < 256, so you only need 1 byte per cell, not 2"

for($n=$argn;$n=ord("0\0~f;6o4R:s%ql&rup*@^tIDbx"[$n%25]);)echo news[$n%4];

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PHP, 71 bytes

This port of Arnauld's answer which is port of xnor's answer, but as a loop instead of recursive function, since it turns out to be shorter in PHP.

for($n=$argn;--$n;$n+=$d*3+$d%2-4)echo nwes[$d=79459389361621/4**$n&3];

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Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 5 484


4 * 25 < 256, so you only need 1 byte per cell, not 2: Try it online!

– Grimmy – 2019-09-17T15:33:19.113

1@Grimy, amazing, I think you have to post it as a separate answer, it is different enough. – Night2 – 2019-09-17T15:55:44.600

1I'm not gonna do that, so you choose whether to incorporate it in your answer or leave it as just a comment. – Grimmy – 2019-09-17T16:07:12.080

1@Grimy, added your version with your name. Thanks anyways. – Night2 – 2019-09-18T06:52:55.067


Charcoal, 43 40 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Based on both @ChasBrown's and @xnor's answers. Explanation:


Input the room.


Set the loop variable i to one less than the room number and repeat while it is non-zero.


Extract the direction from the compressed string 0113130113220112010102010. (The leading 0 is just a filler digit.)


Print the direction.


Use @xnor's formula to calculate the new room number.


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 95 035


Jelly, 30 29 bytes


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A monadic link taking the starting cell and returning a string with the directions.

I love the fact that Jelly’s dictionary has a word like ‘Kennesaw’ (a city northwest of Atlanta, Georgia), used here because indexing into it with [5, 1, -5, -1] + 1 gives nesw!


“þ...e’                    | Base-250 integer 1962789844189344852  
       b6                  | Convert to base 6 (2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 0, 2, 2, 5, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0)
         Ḥ                 | Double
          _5               | Subtract 5
            Ż              | Prepend 0
             ⁸  ¥Ƭ         | Using this as the right argument and the original link argument as the left argument, loop the following as a dyad until there is no change, collecting up results
              +            | - Add the left argument to:
               ị           |   - The left argument indexed into the right argument
                  I        | Differences between consecutive numbers
                   ‘       | Increment by 1
                    ị“®ȯẹ» | Index into "Kennesaw"

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 11 829


C (clang), 81 bytes


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Thanks to @Tommylee2k suggestion -8! + recursive call

C (clang), 90 bytes


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Similar to all not compressed solutions.


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 2 441

1can be shortened: v;f(p){for(;p-1;p+=v%5?6-v%8:v%2?5:-5)putchar(v="00wwswsnwwseenwwenwnwnenwn"[p]);} – Tommylee2k – 2019-09-18T12:55:41.303


05AB1E, 45 43 bytes


Port of @ChasBrown's Python 2 answer.

Try it online or verify all test cases.


õ?               # Output an empty string
                 # (to overwrite the implicit output if the input is 1)
[                # Start an infinite loop:
 Ð               #  Triplicate the top of the stack
                 #  (which is the (implicit) input in the first iteration)
  #              #  If it's exactly 1: stop the infinite loop
                 #  Push compressed string "a  wwswsnwwseenwwenwnwnenwn"
   ¦             #  Remove the first character
    sè           #  Swap to get the number, and use it to index into the string
      ©          #  Store it in variable `®` (without popping)
       ?         #  Print it without trailing newline
  Ž₁9            #  Push compressed integer 22449
     ₂в          #  Convert to base-26 as list: [1,7,5,11]
       6-        #  Subtract 6 from each: [-5,1,-1,5]
         '€Ã    '#  Push dictionary string "news"
            ®k   #  Get the index in this string of character `®`
              è  #  And use that to index into the integer-list
               + #  And add it to the originally triplicated integer

See this 05AB1E tip of mine (all four sections) to understand why .•DUo¢ê`Ω÷‰₂¡)R€ûK• is "a wwswsnwwseenwwenwnwnenwn"; Ž₁9 is 22449; Ž₁9₂в is [1,7,5,11]; and '€Ã is "news".

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 67 575

1That convenient dictionary string must have been good news! – Neil – 2019-09-17T15:22:21.233

@Neil Definitely. :) Although apparently the dictionary string western is better. ;p

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-09-17T15:23:30.583


Bash, 120 bytes

for((i=$1;$i>1;i+=$j)){ d=${S:$i:1};j=${N:`expr index $N $d`:2};printf $d; }

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I toyed for a while with trying to bit-pack the string as nibbles, but the decoding would require more characters than the number saved.

How it works:


String $S holds a single character (n,w,s,e) for each room showing which direction to take to move one room towards the exit, skipping rooms 0 and 1.


String $N has the delta to add to/subtract from the current room number for each direction change (n: -5, w: -1, s: +5, e: +1)

for((i=$1;$i>1;i+=$j)){ d=${S:$i:1};j=${N:`expr index $N $d`:2};printf $d; }

Start with $i equal to the room number given on the command line ($1). Assign the character at index $i in string $S to $d. Retrieve the delta value from $N for the direction to take to the next room, assigning it to $j.

Print the next direction to take in $d.

Add/subtract the delta in $j to/from $i.

Loop until we leave room #2 (while $i>1).


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 649


Stax, 31 bytes


Run and debug it


Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 8 616


Kotlin, 112 bytes

val d="  113130113220112010102010"
fun p(r:Int):String=if(r>1)"nwes"[d[r]-'0']+p("046:"[d[r]-'0']-'5'+r)
else ""

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Posted 2019-09-17T06:08:03.437

Reputation: 611