Groundhog Day Open


Its for Groundhogs day (No, not the movie with Bill Murray), lets celebrate with this challenge!

The Objective:
Create a program that echoes If I see my shadow, there will be another six weeks of winter, but if I don't, the weather will be good. without using the characters "E", "A", or "O".

Good Luck!


Posted 2014-01-23T03:02:59.273

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2014-01-23T04:10:49.600

6No...characters? – histocrat – 2014-01-23T03:10:53.980

1This question appears to be off-topic because it is impossible (excpect for maybe in Whitespace). – None – 2014-01-23T03:30:23.643

@LegoStormtroopr Impossible in Whitespace, but not Piet! – Kendall Frey – 2014-01-23T03:49:02.707

3Actually this is extremely easy (now). Here is a valid GolfScript program: "If I see my shadow, there will be another six weeks of winter, but if I don't, the weather will be good.". It does not contain the characters E, A, or O. – Justin – 2014-01-23T04:39:09.067

sh a dow b e a nother w e e ks o f wint e r etc etc – javaboy – 2014-01-25T03:54:22.910



Here's my answer involving no characters. You just know he's thinking it!

Groundhog Day


Posted 2014-01-23T03:02:59.273

Reputation: 7 912

Ah, crud. I didn't see the watermark in the top-left corner. – Hand-E-Food – 2014-01-23T03:27:45.470