I see your BIDMAS and raise you a BADMIS


I see your BIDMAS and raise you a BADMIS


Given a set of numbers with operators between them: "5 + 4 * 9 / 3 - 8", return all the possible results of the expression for every permutation of the order of basic operations: [/, *, +, -].


  • Standard loopholes forbidden
  • I/O
    • Input must be ordered with infix operations, but however that is easiest (string or array)
    • You are not required to support unary operators (e.g. "-3 * 8 / +2")
    • Integers can be replaced by floats for languages that implicitly parse type (e.g. 45 ⟶ 45.0)
    • Output must be all of the possible results of the expression, no specified format or order
  • All of the inputs are valid (e.g. do not need to deal with "7 / 3 + *"). This also means that you will never need to divide by zero.
  • Operators are all left-associative so "20 / 4 / 2" = "(20 / 4) / 2"
  • This is Code Golf so fewest number of bytes wins

Test Cases (With explanation)

  • "2 + 3 * 4" = [14, 20]
    • 2 + (3 * 4) ⟶ 2 + (12) ⟶ 14
    • (2 + 3) * 4 ⟶ (5) * 4 ⟶ 20
  • "18 / 3 * 2 - 1" = [11, 2, 6]
    • ((18 / 3) * 2) - 1 ⟶ ((6) * 2) - 1 ⟶ (12) - 1 ⟶ 11
    • (18 / 3) * (2 - 1) ⟶ (6) * (1) ⟶ 6
    • (18 / (3 * 2)) - 1 ⟶ (18 / (6)) - 1 ⟶ (3) - 1 ⟶ 2
    • 18 / (3 * (2 - 1)) ⟶ 18 / (3 * (1)) ⟶ 6
    • 18 / ((3 * 2) - 1) ⟶ 18 / 5 ⟶ 3.6

Test Cases (Without explanation)

  • "45 / 8 + 19 / 45 * 3" = [6.891666666666667, 18.141666666666666, 0.11111111111111113, 0.01234567901234568, 0.01234567901234568, 5.765740740740741]
  • "2 + 6 * 7 * 2 + 6 / 4" = [112 196 23 87.5]

Freddie R

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 321

2Nice first challenge, though, by the way. – Shaggy – 2019-09-08T22:31:45.443

Closely related – Arnauld – 2019-09-09T16:12:40.540

Suggested test case 2 - 3 + 4 => [-5, 3] – Jo King – 2019-09-10T02:26:40.797

Suggested test case: 2*3-6+2-9/6*8+5/2-9, giving 24 distinct results. – Arnauld – 2019-09-10T09:56:21.887



JavaScript (V8),  118  112 bytes

Prints the results.


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Or see the deduplicated results.


Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 111 334


C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 285 bytes

x=>{int c=0,j,t=1,i;for(;c++<25;t=c){var r="*+-/".ToList();for(i=j=1;j++<4;t=t/j+1)(r[j-1],r[t%j])=(r[t%j],r[j-1]);float k(float z,int p=4){char d;int l;float m;return i<x.Count&&(l=r.IndexOf(d=x[i][0]))<p?k((m=k(x[(i+=2)-1],l))*0+d<43?z*m:d<44?z+m:d<46?z-m:z/m,p):z;}Print(k(x[0]));}}

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x=>{                                          //Lambda taking in a List<dynamic>
  int c=0,j,t=1,i;                            //A bunch of delcarations jammed together to save bytes
  for(;c++<25;t=c){                           //Loop 24 times (amount of permutations a set of length 4 can have)
    var r="/+*-".ToList();                    //Initialize r as list of operators
    for(i=j=1;j++<4;t=t/j+1)                    //Create the Tth permutation, saving result in r, also reset i to 1
    float k(float z,int p=4) {                //Define local function 'k', with z as current value accumalated and p as current precedence
      char d;int l;float m;                   //Some helper variables
      return i<x.Count                        //If this is not the last number
        &&(l=r.IndexOf(d=x[i][0]))<p?         //  And the current operator's precedence is higher than the current precedence
      k(                                      //  Recursive call with the accumalative value as
        (m=k(x[(i+=2)-1],l))                  //    Another recursive call with the next number following the current operator as seed value,
                                              //    And the next operator's precedence as the precedence value, and store that in variable 'm'
        *0+d<43?z*m:d<44?z+m:d<46?z-m:z/m,    //    And doing the appropriate operation to m and current value ('z')
        p)                                    //  Passing in the current precedence
    :z;                                       //Else just return the current number
    Print(k(x[0]));                           //Print the result of calling k with the first number as starting value

Embodiment of Ignorance

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 7 014

I have fixed it so you do not need to omit duplicates as it is not a fundamental part of the problem as pointed out. – Freddie R – 2019-09-09T13:05:56.023

1@Arnauld Fixed at the cost of 4 bytes, it was because my permutations algorithm was a bit wrong – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-09-11T04:56:32.587


JavaScript (Node.js), 132 bytes

a=>(w=[],F=(b,a)=>b?[...b].map(q=>F(b.replace(q,""),a.replace(eval(`/[\\d.-]+( \\${q} [\\d.-]+)+/g`),eval))):w.push(a))("+-*/",a)&&w

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This allows duplicated outputs.

JavaScript (Node.js), 165 161 155 153 152 137 bytes

a=>Object.keys((F=(b,a)=>b?[...b].map(q=>F(b.replace(q,""),a.replace(eval(`/[\\d.-]+( \\${q} [\\d.-]+)+/g`),eval))):F[a]=1)("+-*/",a)&&F)

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Takes a string with spaces between operators and numbers.

a=>                                             // Main function:
 Object.keys(                                   //  Return the keys of the -
   F=(                                          //   Index container (helper function):
    b,                                          //    Operators
    a                                           //    The expression
    b                                           //    If there are operators left:
    ?[...b].map(                                //     For each operator:
      F(                                        //      Recur the helper function - 
       b.replace(q,""),                         //       With the operator deleted
       a.replace(                               //       And all -
        eval(`/[\\d.-]+( \\${q} [\\d.-]+)+/g`), //        Expressions using the operator
        eval                                    //        Replaced with the evaluated result
    :F[a]=1                                     //     Otherwise - set the result flag.
   "+-*/",                                      //    Starting with the four operators
   a                                            //    And the expression

Shieru Asakoto

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 4 445

@JoKing Implemented the fix I've stated before, should output [3, -5] now. – Shieru Asakoto – 2019-09-10T03:42:36.137


Perl 6, 92 90 88 bytes

{map {[o](@_)($_)},<* / + ->>>.&{$^a;&{S:g{[\-?<[\d.]>+]+%"$a "}=$/.EVAL}}.permutations}

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Takes a string with a space after any operators and returns a set of numbers. This mostly works by substituting all instances of n op n with the eval'ed result for all permutations of the operators.


{                                                                                   }  # Anonymous code block
                    <* / + ->>>.&{                                    } # Map the operators to:
                                  $^a;&{                             }  # Functions that:
                                        S:g{                }      # Substitute all matches of:
                                            \-?<[\d.]>+]+        # Numbers
                                                         %$a     # Joined by the operator
                                                              =$/.EVAL   # With the match EVAL'd
 map {           },                                                    .permutations   # Map each of the permutations of these operators
      [o](@_)        # Join the functions
             ($_)    # And apply it to the input

Jo King

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 38 234

You can remove the set, as the condition to eliminate duplicates has been removed. Nice code. – Freddie R – 2019-09-09T13:12:35.650


Python 3, 108 bytes

f=lambda e,s={*"+-*/"}:[str(eval(p.join(g)))for p in s for g in zip(*map(f,e.split(p),[s-{p}]*len(e)))]or[e]

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The function takes a single string as input and returns a list of possible results.


def get_all_eval_results(expr, operators={*"+-*/"}):
    results = []
    for operator in operators:
        remaining_operators = operators - {operator}

        # Split expression with the current operator and recursively evaluate each subexpression with remaining operators
        sub_expr_results = (get_all_eval_results(sub_expr, remaining_operators) for sub_expr in expr.split(operator))

        for result_group in zip(*sub_expr_results):   # Iterate over each group of subexpression evaluation outcomes
            expr_to_eval = operator.join(result_group)  # Join subexpression outcomes with current operator
            results.append(str(eval(expr_to_eval)))   # Evaluate and append outcome to result list of expr
    return results or [expr]  # If results is empty (no operators), return [expr]

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Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 1 691


Jelly, 30 bytes


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A pair of links. The second one is the main link, and takes as its argument a Jelly list of floats/integers interspersed with the operators as characters. This is a flattened version of the way Jelly takes its input when run as a full program with command line arguments. The return value of the link is a list of list of single member lists, each of which is a possible value for the expression.


Helper link

Takes a list of floats/integers alternating with operators (as characters) as its left argument and an operator as a character as its right argument; returns the input list after evaluating numbers separated by the relevant operator, working left to right.

œṡ⁹                  | Split once by the right argument (the operator currently being processed)
                   ? | If:
                  $  | - Following as a monad
                L    |   - Length
                 ’   |   - Decremented by 1
              ʋ      | Then, following as a dyad:
   ¹                 | - Identity function (used because of Jelly’s ordering of dyadic links at the start of a dyadic chain)
    j       ɗ        | - Join with the following as a dyad, using the original left and right arguments for this chain:
     ṪḢƭ€            |   - Tail of first item (popping from list) and head from second item (again popping from list); extracts the numbers that were either side of the operator, while removing them from the split list
         j           |   - Joined with the operator
          ŒV         |   - Evaluate as Python (rather than V because of Jelly’s handling of decimals with a leading zero)
            ß        | - Recursive call to this helper link (in case there are further of the same operator)
               F     | Else: Flatten

Main link

Takes a list of floats/integers alternating with operators (as characters)

Ḋ         | Remove first item (which will be a number)
 m2       | Every 2nd item, starting with the first (i.e. the operators)
   Q      | Uniquify
    Œ!    | Permutations
      烀 | For each permuted list of operators, reduce using the helper link and with the input list as the starting point

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 11 829


Python 2, 182 172 bytes

import re
def f(s,P=set('+-/*')):
 for p in P:
	while p+' 'in t:t=re.sub(r'[-\d.]+ \%s [-\d.]+'%p,lambda m:`eval(m.group())`,t,1)
 return S

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Takes input with ints formatted as floats, as per "Integers can be replaced by floats for languages that implicitly parse type".

Chas Brown

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 8 959


Julia 1.2, 88 (82) bytes

f(t)=get(t,(),[f.([t[1:i-1];t[i+1](t[i],t[i+2]);t[i+3:end]] for i=1:2:length(t)-2)...;])
julia> f([2, +, 3, *, 4])
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> f([18, /, 3, *, 2, -, 1])
6-element Array{Float64,1}:

Takes a tape in the form of a vector of numbers and infix functions, evaluates each single function call and recursively passes each resulting tape back to itself until only a single number is left. Unfortunately, get(t, (), ...) doesn't work properly in Julia 1.0, so a newer version is needed.

Six bytes can be saved, if a bunch of nested arrays is acceptable as an output:

f(t)=get(t,(),f.([t[1:i-1];t[i+1](t[i],t[i+2]);t[i+3:end]] for i=1:2:length(t)-2))


julia> f([18, /, 3, *, 2, -, 1])
3-element Array{Array{Array{Float64,1},1},1}:
 [[11.0], [6.0]]
 [[2.0], [3.6]] 
 [[6.0], [6.0]] 


Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 381


Perl 5 (-alp), 89 bytes



or unique values, 99 bytes


Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2019-09-08T22:07:10.407

Reputation: 5 582