Interpreter for number theory, modulo n



A sentence of number theory (for our purposes) is a sequence of the following symbols:

  • 0 and ' (successor) - successor means +1, so 0'''' = 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
  • + (addition) and * (multiplication)
  • = (equal to)
  • ( and ) (parentheses)
  • the logical operator nand (a nand b is not (a and b))
  • forall (the universal quantifier)
  • v0, v1, v2, etc. (variables)

    Here is an example of a sentence:

forall v1 (forall v2 (forall v3 (not (v1*v1*v1 + v2*v2*v2 = v3*v3*v3))))

Here not x is shorthand for x nand x -- the actual sentence would use (v1*v1*v1 + v2*v2*v2 = v3*v3*v3) nand (v1*v1*v1 + v2*v2*v2 = v3*v3*v3), because x nand x = not (x and x) = not x.

This states that for every combination of three natural numbers v1, v2, and v3, it is not the case that v13 + v23 = v33 (which would be true because of Fermat's Last Theorem, except for the fact that it would get 0^3+0^3=0^3).

Unfortunately, as proved by Gödel, it is not possible to determine whether or not a sentence in number theory is true.

It is possible, however, if we restrict the set of natural numbers to a finite set.

So, this challenge is to determine whether or not a sentence of number theory is true, when taken modulo n, for some positive integer n. For example, the sentence

forall v0 (v0 * v0 * v0 = v0)

(the statement that for all numbers x, x3 = x)

Is not true for ordinary arithmetic (e.g. 23 = 8 ≠ 2), but is true when taken modulo 3:

0 * 0 * 0 ≡ 0 (mod 3)
1 * 1 * 1 ≡ 1 (mod 3)
2 * 2 * 2 ≡ 8 ≡ 2 (mod 3)

Input and output format

The input is a sentence and positive integer n in any "reasonable" format. Here are some example of reasonable formats for the sentence forall v0 (v0 * v0 * v0 = v0) in number theory modulo 3:

("forall v0 (v0 * v0 * v0 = v0)", 3)
"3:forall v0 (((v0 * v0) * v0) = v0)"
"(forall v0)(((v0 * v0) * v0) = v0) mod 3" 
[3, "forall", "v0", "(", "(", "(", "v0", "*", "v0", ")", "*", "v0", ")", "=", "v0", ")"]
(3, [8, 9, 5, 5, 5, 9, 3, 9, 6, 3, 9, 6, 4, 9, 6]) (the sentence above, but with each symbol replaced with a unique number)
"f v0 = * * v0 v0 v0 v0"
[3, ["forall", "v0", ["=", ["*", "v0", ["*", "v0", "v0"]], "v0"]]]
"3.v0((v0 * (v0 * v0)) = v0)"

Input can be from stdin, a command line argument, a file, etc.

The program can have any two distinct outputs for whether the sentence is true or not, e.g. it could output yes if it's true and no if it's not.

You do not need to support one variable being the subject of a forall twice, e.g. (forall v0 (v0 = 0)) nand (forall v0 (v0 = 0)). You can assume that your input has valid syntax.

Test cases

forall v0 (v0 * v0 * v0 = v0) mod 3

forall v0 (v0 * v0 * v0 = v0) mod 4
false (2 * 2 * 2 = 8 ≡ 0 mod 4)

forall v0 (v0 = 0) mod 1
true (all numbers are 0 modulo 1)

0 = 0 mod 8

0''' = 0 mod 3

0''' = 0 mod 4

forall v0 (v0' = v0') mod 1428374

forall v0 (v0 = 0) nand forall v1 (v1 = 0) mod 2
true (this is False nand False, which is true)

forall v0 ((v0 = 0 nand v0 = 0) nand ((forall v1 (v0 * v1 = 0' nand v0 * v1 = 0') nand forall v2 (v0 * v2 = 0' nand v0 * v2 = 0')) nand (forall v3 (v0 * v3 = 0' nand v0 * v3 = 0') nand forall v4 (v0 * v4 = 0' nand v0 * v4 = 0')))) mod 7
(equivalent to "forall v0 (v0 =/= 0 implies exists v1 (v0 * v1 = 0)), which states that every number has a multiplicative inverse modulo n, which is only true if n is 1 or prime)

forall v0 ((v0 = 0 nand v0 = 0) nand ((forall v1 (v0 * v1 = 0' nand v0 * v1 = 0') nand forall v2 (v0 * v2 = 0' nand v0 * v2 = 0')) nand (forall v3 (v0 * v3 = 0' nand v0 * v3 = 0') nand forall v4 (v0 * v4 = 0' nand v0 * v4 = 0')))) mod 4

This is , so try to make your program as short as possible!

Leo Tenenbaum

Posted 2019-08-15T01:07:36.270

Reputation: 2 655

1Are variable names always in the format v number? – Jo King – 2019-08-15T01:20:34.567

1@JoKing They can if you want them to be- you can use var number, or even just 1 + number (so 1 would be v0, 2 would be v1, etc.) – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T01:21:29.967

Can we then assume there won't be more than 9 variables, so we don't have to go into double digits? – Jo King – 2019-08-15T01:26:41.810

1@JoKing You should allow for (theoretically) an infinite number of variables. It's okay if the maximum number of variables is bounded by the maximum size of an integer, but you shouldn't have such a low limit. You can choose one of the other input formats if this is a problem for you. – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T01:29:50.573

Are variables necessarily numbered, or would a format using alphabetical tokens be valid? – Unrelated String – 2019-08-15T03:48:50.777

1@UnrelatedString Sure, so long as they can be arbitrarily long. – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T03:51:57.683

(the sentence above, but with each symbol replaced with a unique number): I think it's best to clarify, only unique numbers would be considered reasonable? (I'd recommend so, because otherwise I can see a lot of potential loopholes) – Mr. Xcoder – 2019-08-15T08:01:18.747

1Can one use 'v number instead of v number' if we choose the prefix-syntax option? – Mr. Xcoder – 2019-08-15T10:40:53.117

I can't get the 8th testcase to work. Even WolframAlpha says it should be false.

– TFeld – 2019-08-15T11:32:05.260

@TFeld You're right. I meant to do forall v0 (v0 != 0 implies exists v1 (v0 * v1 = 1)) - that'll be a lot longer – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T11:53:54.957

If possible, please add some test cases that contains more than one variable. – Mr. Xcoder – 2019-08-15T11:58:13.917

@Mr.Xcoder You can use 'v number or even ' v number – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T12:05:49.807

@TFeld Okay I think I've fixed it (it works for 4 and 7 with your solution, at least) – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T12:12:00.813

What is the precedence of nand? – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-08-15T15:44:09.200

@EmbodimentofIgnorance In the test cases, nand is applied last, but you can have any precedence you want, as long as you allow parentheses. You can even insist on your input being fully parenthesized, e.g.: (forall v0 (((v0 * v0) * v0) = v0)). – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T16:10:56.510



Python 2, 252 236 bytes

def g(n,s):
 if str(s)==s:return s.replace("'","+1")
 o,l,r=map(g,[n]*3,s);return['all((%s)for %s in range(%d))'%(r,l,n),'not((%s)*(%s))'%(l,r),'(%s)%%%d==(%s)%%%d'%(l,n,r,n),'(%s)%s(%s)'%(l,o,r)]['fn=+'.find(o)]
print eval(g(*input()))

Try it online!

Takes input as the nested prefix-syntax, with f instead of forall and n instead of nand:

[3, ["f", "v0", ["=", ["*", "v0", ["*", "v0", "v0"]], "v0"]]]


Posted 2019-08-15T01:07:36.270

Reputation: 19 246

Right now it's outputting Python code, but it should have two distinct outputs for if the sentence is true or false. You can use print(eval(g(*input()))). – Leo Tenenbaum – 2019-08-15T12:09:35.443

@LeoTenenbaum Yeah, I had that on the first version, but forgot to add it back in after golfing – TFeld – 2019-08-15T13:31:37.660


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 129 bytesSBCS

{x y z←3↑⍵⋄7≤x:y×7<x⋄5≡x:∧/∇¨y{⍵≡⍺⍺:⍵⍺⋄x y z←3↑⍵⋄7≤x:⍵⋄6≡x:x(⍺∇y)⋄x(⍺∇⍣(5≢x)⊢y)(⍺∇z)}∘z¨⍳⍺⍺⋄y←∇y⋄6≡x:1+y⋄y(⍎x⊃'+×⍲',⊂'0=⍺⍺|-')∇z}

Try it online!

Takes a prefix syntax tree as in TFeld's python answer, but using an integer encoding. The encoding is

plus times nand eq forall succ zero ← 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

and each variable is assigned a number starting from 8. This encoding is slightly different from the one used in the ungolfed version below, because I tweaked it while golfing the code.

The task involves only two inputs (the AST and the modulo), but writing it as an operator instead of a function avoids mentioning the modulo many times (as it is always carried over recursive calls).

Ungolfed with comments

⍝ node types; anything ≥8 will be considered a var
plus times eq nand forall succ zero var←⍳8
⍝ AST nodes have 1~3 length, 1st being the node type
⍝ zero → zero, succ → succ arg, var → var | var value (respectively)

⍝ to (from replace) AST → transform AST so that 'from' var has the value 'to' attached
  ⍵≡⍺⍺:⍵⍺             ⍝ variable found, attach the value
  x y z←3↑⍵
  zero≤x: ⍵           ⍝ zero or different variable: keep as is
  succ≡x: x(⍺∇y)      ⍝ succ: propagate to y
  forall≡x: x y(⍺∇z)  ⍝ forall: propagate to z
  x(⍺∇y)(⍺∇z)         ⍝ plus, times, eq, nand: propagate to both args
⍝ (mod eval) AST → evaluate AST with the given modulo
  x y z←3↑⍵
  zero≡x:   0
  var≤x:    y                    ⍝ return attached value
  forall≡x: ∧/∇¨y replace∘z¨⍳⍺⍺  ⍝ check all replacements for given var
  succ≡x:   1+∇y
  plus≡x:   (∇y)+∇z
  times≡x:  (∇y)×∇z
  eq≡x:     0=⍺⍺|(∇y)-∇z         ⍝ modulo equality
  nand≡x:   (∇y)⍲∇z              ⍝ nand symbol does nand operation

Try it online!


Posted 2019-08-15T01:07:36.270

Reputation: 16 616