Count digits in a string, check if there its a fibonnaci number


  • There's a question with a comment with some code thats far too long.
  • For a site that has counting fetish, this code just seems so wrong.

  • Solve this meta-riddle, and explain it with a rhyme.

  • Winner is the shortest code in a fortnights time.

The challenge:

  1. Open a file as input.
  2. Count and output the number of digits (0,1,...9) and non-digits (everything else).
  3. If the number of digits and non-digits are consecutive fibonnacci numbers, with the number of digits is fibonnacci number f(n) and the number of non-digits is f(n-1) the file is "valid", otherwise it is "Invalid"
  4. Output this information as exactly as shown below.

Example 1:

Digits: 34 Nondigits: 21
Valid program

Example 2:

Digits: 33 Nondigits: 21
Invalid program


Posted 2014-01-21T01:13:51.580


Question was closed 2014-01-21T15:46:35.727

You may want to clarify the order of the consecutive Fibonacci numbers in Rule 3. It is currently a bit ambiguous and possibly opposite to the other question.

– Darren Stone – 2014-01-21T01:21:51.177

1Also, your examples are contrary to each other: 34 & 21 should not be both valid and invalid. Probably a typo. – Darren Stone – 2014-01-21T01:36:14.180

looks good now! :-) – Darren Stone – 2014-01-21T01:45:19.627

I see you like my validator. Interesting how my code is forked 5 times... – Justin – 2014-01-21T05:06:07.100

@Quincunx Completely a duplicate! Sorry about that folks! – None – 2014-01-21T06:06:10.467

1Ouch, that rule about explaining in rhyme; it hurt my brain more than any program I wrote here. – Justin – 2014-01-21T06:13:51.800



Ruby, 151

d=[0,0];$<.read.chars{|c|d[c>?/&&c<?:?0:1]+=1};puts"Digits: %d Nondigits: %d"%d
a=b=1;while b<d[0];b=a+a=b end;print ([b,a]==d)??V:"Inv","alid program"

Darren Stone

Posted 2014-01-21T01:13:51.580

Reputation: 5 072


Java - 334

import java.nio.*;public class a{public static void main(String[]i)throws Exception{String s=new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(i[0])));int l=s.replaceAll("\\d","").length(),L=s.length()-l,a=1,b=2,c,d=0;while(a<L){if(a==l&&b==L)d=1;c=b;b+=a;a=c;}System.out.printf("Digits: %s Nondigits: %s\n%salid Program",L,l,d==0?"Inv":"V");}}


import java.nio.file.*;

public class Testing {

    public static void main(String[] i) throws Exception {
        String s = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(i[0])));
        int l = s.replaceAll("\\d", "").length(), L = s.length() - l, a = 1, b = 2, c, d = 0;
        while (a < L) {
            if (a == l && b == L) {
                d = 1;
            c = b;
            b += a;
            a = c;
        System.out.printf("Digits: %s Nondigits: %s\n%salid Program", L, l, d == 0 ? "Inv" : "V");


Reads the input from the file

supplied by command line

Puts the contents in a String

oh no! I'm thinking of quines.

Regex swaps digits of that thing

for the one and only empty String.

Then by String#length() I find

the charcount nondigit, yes that kind.

From the length of the first String

I subtract the charcount nondigit thing

to find the char digits count.

Next I sweep it all under the rug

so I can say "Help I'm a bug!".

Then I retrieve it - please have patience.

Now the first terms of the Fibonacci sequence

used to find the rest of the numbers.

What to rhyme with? I'll just use "others".

And when small num is greater than non-digits

I know if it's true, so wait a minute.

Uses printf to format output.

"alid Program" at the start puts

"Inv" or "V" according to the answer

Before is the counts, not one thing fancier

Thank you for lis'ning to this tale

Of the program that validates according to your rules

Whew, it was hard to write that.

I decided to assume the input is from the command line, in the form of a String. Please correct me, because if I can simply take a File as input, I can shorten this by a few chars. Also, I'd like to know if a method is okay.


Posted 2014-01-21T01:13:51.580

Reputation: 19 757


Bash, 244

f=`cat $1`&&d=`sed 's/[0-9]*//g' $1`&&echo Digits: ${#d} Nondigits: $[${#f}-${#d}]]
a=1&&b=1&&while [ $b -lt ${#d} ];do z=$b&&b=$[a+b]&&a=$z;done&&if [ $b -eq ${#d} -a $a -eq $[${#f}-${#d}] ];then echo Valid program;else echo Invalid program;fi

call using ./script filename.

I'm not particularly good with bash and I'm sure there are a few ways to get this smaller.


Posted 2014-01-21T01:13:51.580

Reputation: 2 302