Mutual exclusive equinox


  1. Your sourcecode must not contain any of the characters it outputs (case sensitive).
  2. Your program must not output more than 500 characters/bytes. 1 byte = 1 char. Newline counts as 1 character.
  3. Your program should not take any input. (from user, filename, network or anything).
  4. Your program must output words/phrases worth a total of minimum 700 points according to the following score table (case sensitive):

Score table:

me                        - 2   points
ore                       - 3   points
freq                      - 5   points
pager                     - 7   points
mentor                    - 11  points
triumph                   - 13  points
equipage                  - 17  points
equipment                 - 19  points
equivalent                - 23  points
equilibrium               - 29  points
unubiquitous              - 31  points
questionnaire             - 37  points
Mutüal 3xcLUs1ve_Equino>< - 400 points
  • 4.1 Each word can be repeated but lose 1 point for each repetition (with exception for the last phrase worth 400 points, you must not repeat that in the output). For example:

four of equilibrium (in any place) in the output = 29+28+27+26 points.

  • 4.2 Letters in the output can be used in more than one word, for example:

equipager = equipage and pager = 17+7 points.

This is code-golf, shortest sourcecode in bytes wins! Good luck, have fun!


Posted 2014-01-19T10:56:41.697

Reputation: 1 740

Can my program contain the command "print" for example? because the letter 'i' appears in the source code and therefore most of the letters cannot be printed. – Gari BN – 2014-01-19T11:31:19.920

If your program contain the command print you cannot output any p, r, i, n or t and only get points for the word: me and I doubt you can reach 700 points using only that word ;). I foresee sourcecodes with most code in upper-case ;) – Plarsen – 2014-01-19T11:37:26.903

Is the fourth repetition of "me" worth zero points, or -1 point? – John Dvorak – 2014-01-19T11:41:32.220

The fourth is worth zero points. No penalties (except for the 400 points phrase.) – Plarsen – 2014-01-19T11:42:54.250

Who wins? The shortest sourcecode or the best score? – Gabriele D'Antona – 2014-01-19T13:06:45.100

It is code-golf, shortest code wins. The score is only part of the rules – Plarsen – 2014-01-19T13:07:43.813



Golfscript, 24 characters


Way too easy.

36 repetitions of "questionnaire" = 36*13 characters = 468 characters.

36 repetitions of "questionnaire" = 37+36+...1 point = (37+1)(37)/2 points = 703 points.

John Dvorak

Posted 2014-01-19T10:56:41.697

Reputation: 9 048

Oh, darn! Thought I did the math correct, invalidating an option like this.. should have set it to 800 points instead ;) good work! +1 – Plarsen – 2014-01-19T12:01:08.057

Then I would output some two words multiple times instead :-) Unfortunately, "equipager" is the only good overlap, and its repetition is worth way too few points. – John Dvorak – 2014-01-19T12:01:54.870

Yes, you are correct. I tried to weight the challenge so that the 400 points phrase actually should have been an option, but did the math regarding output-limit and score points wrong :( – Plarsen – 2014-01-19T12:21:18.010


JavaScript, 391 chars

Could be golfed further. Port of Jan Dvorak's answer; alerts "questionnaire" 36 times (although, hardcoded instead of via a loop). T contains the string "true", F the string "false" and O the string "[object Object]". From these (and (1/0)+[] = "Infinity"), R = "return" and C = "constructor" are constructed. From this, we create a function $ that does alert("QUESTIONNAIRE"["toLowerCase"]()) and invoke it 36 times.



Posted 2014-01-19T10:56:41.697

Reputation: 7 107

Neat! good job. – xem – 2014-01-19T17:26:25.203


Perl 6 (33 chars)


13 chars * 35 repetitions = 455 chars total output
+ == 700 points; (3..37).elems = 35 repetitions.


Posted 2014-01-19T10:56:41.697

Reputation: 519

How come EVAL works? Is it defined both in uppercase and lowercase (if so, why?!) or are function names case-insensitive in Perl 6? – FireFly – 2014-01-19T20:57:50.747

2@FireFly eval has been deprecated for EVAL not so long ago, to make it stand out you're doing special stuff I guess. Sorta like BEGIN, TOP, ... The change just happens to suit me here :) – Ayiko – 2014-01-20T20:47:25.580

I guess that makes sense, it just seemed kinda weird. I guess you got lucky. :P – FireFly – 2014-01-20T20:50:10.497


C64 BASIC, 64 PETSCII chars

enter image description here

Should output 13 times the string "questionnaireunubiquitousequilibrium", with a score of:

equilibrium = 29+28+27+26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18+17=299
unubiquitous = 31+30+29+28+27+26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19=325
questionnaire = 37+36+35+34+33+32+31+30+29+28+27+26+25=403


(output is 481 chars long)

Gabriele D'Antona

Posted 2014-01-19T10:56:41.697

Reputation: 1 336


JavaScript (88342)

alerts Mutüal 3xcLUs1ve_Equino>< once + unubiquitous 12 times

Score: 706


Posted 2014-01-19T10:56:41.697

Reputation: 5 523

You didn't even make an attempt at golfing. None of $_=; are present in your output, so why not use them in the code? – John Dvorak – 2014-01-19T12:05:22.657

Because JSfuck outputs only those 6 characters. Also, I don't think we can do better with JavaScript, because to output we can use alert(), console.log(), document.write() or element.innerHTML, and these functions contain letters that are too present in the required words. – xem – 2014-01-19T15:40:52.347

alert == this["alert"] == Function("return this")["alert"] == ""["constructor"]["constructor"]("return this")["alert"], and the strings could be encoded similarly to how JSfuck works. I'll post a submission to prove you wrong. :-) – FireFly – 2014-01-19T16:40:57.110