Is there are exactly one partition, given length of partition and maximum number?


It is Restricted Integer Partitions, but with maximum number.


Three positive integers are given. First number is number to divide, second number is length of partition, and third number is maximum number. First number is always largest, and bigger than other two.

For example, 5, 2, 3. Then, make partition of 5 which have 2 parts, and maximum number you can use is 3. Note that you don't have to use 3 : maximum number can be 2 or 1.

In this case, there is only one partition : 3, 2.

Partition is unordered : which means 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 is same.

But in case like 7, 3, 3, there are two partition : 3, 3, 1 and 3, 2, 2.

To make it sure, You can use third number as largest number, but you don't have to use it. So 5, 4, 3 is true.

Question is : Is there are more than one partition, given length and maximum number?

Output is True or 1 or whatever you want when there is only one partition, and False or 0 or whatever you want where there are more than one partition, or no partition.

Winning condition

This is code golf, so code with shortest byte wins.


Input -> Output

7, 6, 2 -> True (2+1+1+1+1+1) : 1 partitions
5, 4, 4 -> True (2+1+1+1) : 1 partitions
5, 4, 3 -> True (2+1+1+1) : 1 partitions
5, 4, 2 -> True (2+1+1+1) : 1 partitions
5, 3, 2 -> True (2+2+1) : 1 partitions
7, 2, 3 -> False no partitions
7, 2, 2 -> False no partitions
7, 2, 1 -> False no partitions
9, 5, 3 -> False (3+3+1+1+1), (3+2+2+1+1), (2+2+2+2+1) : 3 partitions
6, 3, 3 -> False (3+2+1), (2+2+2) : 2 partitions


Posted 2019-05-26T06:32:32.923

Reputation: 799

Are the input number guaranteed to be positive integers? – xnor – 2019-05-26T06:34:33.663

Ah, I forgot that. Yes. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-26T06:35:23.293

It would be good for the challenge to have test cases that include subtle cases where a solution might fail. Also, I'd suggest saying that you're talking about unordered partitions, meaning the 2+3 and 3+2 don't count as two different partitions. – xnor – 2019-05-26T06:38:33.413

@xnor I added some examples, but I couldn't find subtle cases. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-26T06:49:20.377

How do you get 7, 6, 2 -> True? With dividing 7 into 6 parts, I only see 2+1+1+1+1+1. Also, you say that the first number is always the largest, but it's not with 2, 7, 3. – xnor – 2019-05-26T06:51:50.600

@xnor because there are only one partition. In 2+1+1+1+1+1, 2 is maximum number. And I mistyped 2, 7, 3. I'll fix it. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-26T06:55:53.823

shouldn't the second test case be 5, 4, 2? – attinat – 2019-05-26T07:08:21.453

@attinat You don't have to use third number as largest number : it is largest number that you 'can' use, not you 'must' use. Sorry if it is not clear. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-26T07:11:44.630

When you say that the first number is the largest, is it always strictly bigger than the other two, or can it be equal? – xnor – 2019-05-26T07:19:01.750

@xnor It can't be equal. Sorry for unclear question, and I'll fix it. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-26T07:21:13.263

Currently a rule that fits all your test cases is "the first number is exactly one bigger than the second number", which makes it easy for a solver to mistakenly think an incomplete solution of theirs is right because it passes the test cases. – xnor – 2019-05-26T08:06:40.977

Doesn't 9, 5, 3 also have (2+2+2+2+1)? – Jonathan Allan – 2019-05-26T15:23:14.280

@JonathanAllan My fault. I'll fix it. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-27T08:13:12.780



Python 2, 38 bytes

lambda n,k,m:m>n-k<2or-1<k*m-n<2+2/m*k

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Characterizes the cases where there's only one legal partition.

Consider the partitions of \$n\$ into exactly \$k\$ parts each between \$1\$ and \$m\$ inclusive. There's only two ways to for there to be only one such partition.

  • The number \$n\$ is close to as small as possible (\$n=k\$ or \$n=k+1)\$ or as large as possible (\$n=mk-1\$ or \$n=mk)\$ for such a partitions. This leave only enough "wiggle room" for only one partition in each case:
    • \$n=1+1+\cdots +1+1\$.
    • \$n=2+1+\cdots+1+1\$.
    • \$n=m+m+\cdots+m+(m-1)\$.
    • \$n=m+m+\cdots+m+m\$.
  • We allow only \$m=2\$ maximum, forcing a unique partition made of 1's and 2's. Such a partition requires \$k \leq n \leq 2k\$.

The challenge lets us assume that \$n>k\$, so we can omit the \$n=k\$ case and \$k \leq n\$ check, and, as feersum observed, can let us check \$n=k+1\$ as \$n<k+2\$. The \$m=1\$ case makes it impossible to make a partition with \$n>k\$, so we make sure it's always rejected. This gives the condition

\$n \in \{ k+1, mk-1, mk\}\$and \$ m>1\$, or \$n \leq 2k \$ and \$m=2\$


Posted 2019-05-26T06:32:32.923

Reputation: 115 687

1n-k==1 can be n-k<2. – feersum – 2019-05-27T08:25:35.513

@feersum Thanks, edited. – xnor – 2019-05-27T21:21:06.427


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 39 38 bytes

-1: first argument > other arguments (no length-1 partitions)


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Posted 2019-05-26T06:32:32.923

Reputation: 3 495

1Ah, wolfram language. There is always built-in to solve something about math. Nice one. – LegenDUST – 2019-05-26T07:24:25.610


Jelly, (10?) 11 bytes


A full program which accepts N numberOfParts maximalSizeOfAnyPart as arguments and prints 1 if exactly one solution exists and 0 otherwise.

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Œṗṁ«⁵ɗƑƇL⁼1 - Main Link: N, numberOfParts
Œṗ          - integer partitions (of N)
       Ƈ    - keep those (P) for which:
      Ƒ     -   is invariant under:
     ɗ      -     last three links as a dyad - i.e. f(P, numberOfParts):
  ṁ         -       mould (P) like (numberOfParts)
    ⁵       -       3rd argument (maximalSizeOfAnyPart)
   «        -       minimum (vectorises)
        L   - length
          1 - literal one
         ⁼  - equal?
            - implicit print

If we may print 1 if exactly one solution exists and 0 OR nothing otherwise then Œṗṁ«⁵ɗƑƇMỊ is a 10 byte full program.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2019-05-26T06:32:32.923

Reputation: 67 804

Minor comment: « is minimum. – Nick Kennedy – 2019-05-27T22:41:00.170

Thanks Nick, fixed up the commentary. – Jonathan Allan – 2019-05-27T23:50:46.577


05AB1E, 8 bytes


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Outputs truthy when there’s exactly one partition, falsy otherwise. (All numbers except 1 are falsy in 05AB1E, which makes this convenient).

Ŝ                    # integer partitions of the first input
  Iù                  # keep only those with length equal to the second input
    ۈ                # take the maximum of each one
      @               # test if the third input >= each one
       O              # sum


Posted 2019-05-26T06:32:32.923

Reputation: 12 521


Jelly, 7 bytes


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A full program taking the arguments in the order maximum part, number of parts, sum (i.e. reversed from original question).


œċ      | Combinations with replacement (using maximum part size and number of parts)
   §    | Sum (vectorises)
    ċ⁵  | Count occurrences of desired integer from question
     =1 | Check if equal to 1

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-05-26T06:32:32.923

Reputation: 11 829