A ​Note ​on ​N!



J. E. Maxfield proved following theorem (see DOI: 10.2307/2688966):

If \$A\$ is any positive integer having \$m\$ digits, there exists a positive integer \$N\$ such that the first \$m\$ digits of \$N!\$ constitute the integer \$A\$.


Your challenge is given some \$A \geqslant 1\$ find a corresponding \$N \geqslant 1\$.


  • \$N!\$ represents the factorial \$N! = 1\cdot 2 \cdot 3\cdot \ldots \cdot N\$ of \$N\$.
  • The digits of \$A\$ in our case are understood to be in base \$10\$.
  • Your submission should work for arbitrary \$A\geqslant 1\$ given enough time and memory. Just using e.g. 32-bit types to represent integers is not sufficient.
  • You don't necessarily need to output the least possible \$N\$.


A            N
1            1
2            2
3            9
4            8
5            7
6            3
7            6
9           96
12           5
16          89
17          69
18          76
19          63
24           4
72           6
841      12745
206591378  314

The least possible \$N\$ for each \$A\$ can be found in https://oeis.org/A076219


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 40 560

26I... why did he prove that theorem? Did he just wake up one day and say "I shall solve this!" or did it serve a purpose? – Magic Octopus Urn – 2019-04-25T19:53:39.467

11@MagicOctopusUrn Never dealt with a number theorist before, have you? – Brady Gilg – 2019-04-26T16:16:17.417

2Here's the proof it anyone's interested. – Esolanging Fruit – 2019-04-29T02:39:19.087



Python 2, 50 bytes

f=lambda a,n=2,p=1:(`p`.find(a)and f(a,n+1,p*n))+1

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This is a variation of the 47-byte solution explained below, adjusted to return 1 for input '1'. (Namely, we add 1 to the full expression rather than the recursive call, and start counting from n==2 to remove one layer of depth, balancing the result out for all non-'1' inputs.)

Python 2, 45 bytes (maps 1 to True)

f=lambda a,n=2,p=1:`-a`in`-p`or-~f(a,n+1,p*n)

This is another variation, by @Jo King and @xnor, which takes input as a number and returns True for input 1. Some people think this is fair game, but I personally find it a little weird.

But it costs only 3 bytes to wrap the icky Boolean result in +(), giving us a shorter "nice" solution:

Python 2, 48 bytes

f=lambda a,n=2,p=1:+(`-a`in`-p`)or-~f(a,n+1,p*n)

This is my previous solution, which returns 0 for input '1'. It would have been valid if the question concerned a non-negative N.

Python 2, 47 bytes (invalid)

f=lambda a,n=1,p=1:`p`.find(a)and-~f(a,n+1,p*n)

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Takes a string as input, like f('18').

The trick here is that x.find(y) == 0 precisely when x.startswith(y).

The and-expression will short circuit at `p`.find(a) with result 0 as soon as `p` starts with a; otherwise, it will evaluate to -~f(a,n+1,p*n), id est 1 + f(a,n+1,p*n).

The end result is 1 + (1 + (1 + (... + 0))), n layers deep, so n.


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 55 648

Nice solution by the way. I was working on the same method but calculating the factorial on each iteration; implementing your approach saved me a few bytes so +1 anyway. – Shaggy – 2019-04-25T20:58:36.867


For your True-for-1 version, you can shorten the base case condition taking a as a number.

– xnor – 2019-04-27T03:40:49.933

@xnor I would have not thought of `-a`in`-p`, that's a neat trick :) – Lynn – 2019-04-27T14:20:33.423

If the proof still holds if N is restricted to even values, then this 45 byte solution will always output a number.

– negative seven – 2019-05-27T12:25:01.797


Brachylog, 3 5 bytes


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Takes input through its output variable, and outputs through its input variable. (The other way around, it just finds arbitrary prefixes of the input's factorial, which isn't quite as interesting.) Times out on the second-to-last test case on TIO, but does fine on the last one. I've been running it on 841 on my laptop for several minutes at the time of writing this, and it hasn't actually spit out an answer yet, but I have faith in it.

         The (implicit) output variable
   a₀    is a prefix of
  ḟ      the factorial of
         the (implicit) input variable
ℕ₁       which is a positive integer.

Since the only input ḟa₀ doesn't work for is 1, and 1 is a positive prefix of 1! = 1, 1|ḟa₀ works just as well.

Also, as of this edit, 841 has been running for nearly three hours and it still hasn't produced an output. I guess computing the factorial of every integer from 1 to 12745 isn't exactly fast.

Unrelated String

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 5 300

2The implementation of the factorial predicate in Brachylog is a bit convoluted so that it can be used both ways with acceptable efficiency. One could implement a much faster algorithm to compute the factorial, but it would be extremely slow running the other way (i.e. finding the original number from the factorial). – Fatalize – 2019-04-26T09:28:06.500

Oh, cool! Looking at the source for it, I can't tell what all it's doing, but I can tell you put a lot of good thought into it. – Unrelated String – 2019-04-26T09:37:20.700


C++ (gcc), 107 95 bytes, using -lgmp and -lgmpxx

Thanks to the people in the comments for pointing out some silly mishaps.

auto f(auto A){mpz_class n,x=1,z;for(;z!=A;)for(z=x*=++n;z>A;z/=10);return n;}

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Computes \$n!\$ by multiplying \$(n-1)!\$ by \$n\$, then repeatedly divides it by \$10\$ until it is no longer greater than the passed integer. At this point, the loop terminates if the factorial equals the passed integer, or proceeds to the next \$n\$ otherwise.

Neil A.

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 2 038

You don't need to count flags anymore, so this is 107 bytes.

– AdmBorkBork – 2019-04-26T12:37:15.397

Why do you need the second semicolon before return? – Ruslan – 2019-04-26T15:34:14.477

You could use a single character name for the function, save a couple of bytes. – Shaggy – 2019-04-26T16:38:25.140


Jelly, 8 bytes


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Takes an integer and returns a singleton.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 38 134


05AB1E, 7 bytes


Try it online or verify -almost- all test cases (841 times out, so is excluded).


∞.Δ      # Find the first positive integer which is truthy for:
   !     #  Get the factorial of the current integer
    IÅ?  #  And check if it starts with the input
         # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 67 575


JavaScript, 47 43 bytes

Output as a BigInt.


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Saved a few bytes by taking Lynn's approach of "building" the factorial rather than calculating it on each iteration so please upvote her solution as well if you're upvoting this one.


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 24 623

Sadly, _Ês bU}f1 in Japt doesn't work – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-04-25T21:12:47.500

@EmbodimentofIgnorance, yeah, I had that too. You could remove the space after s. – Shaggy – 2019-04-25T21:13:39.107

@EmbodimentofIgnorance, you could also remove the 1 if 0 can be returned for n=1. – Shaggy – 2019-04-25T21:45:33.587

3 bytes less: x=i=1n;f=n=>\${x*=++i}`.search(n)?f(n):i` – vrugtehagel – 2019-05-02T16:08:55.293

@vrugtehagel, that wouldn't be reusable. – Shaggy – 2019-05-02T20:12:00.680

Does it have to be? As a full program, it outputs the correct number for a given input. I'm fairly new to code-golf, so enlighten me if this is some unwritten rule I didn't know about – vrugtehagel – 2019-05-02T20:51:45.470

@vrugtehagel, yes. It's one of our rules. – Shaggy – 2019-05-02T20:52:28.503


Pyth - 8 bytes


f              filter. With no second arg, it searches 1.. for first truthy
 !             logical not, here it checks for zero
  x    z       indexof. z is input as string
   `           string repr
    .!T        Factorial of lambda var

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Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 25 023


C# (.NET Core), 69 + 22 = 91 bytes

a=>{var n=a/a;for(var b=n;!(b+"").StartsWith(a+"");b*=++n);return n;}

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Uses System.Numerics.BigInteger which requires a using statement.

-1 byte thanks to @ExpiredData!


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 2 541

169 + 22 – Expired Data – 2019-04-26T16:56:32.937


Python 3, 63 bytes

f=lambda x,a=2,b=1:str(b).find(str(x))==0and a-1or f(x,a+1,b*a)

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-24 bytes thanks to Jo King

-3 bytes thanks to Chas Brown


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 26 575

@JoKing nice, thanks – HyperNeutrino – 2019-04-26T01:13:09.183

61 bytes – Chas Brown – 2019-04-26T08:17:59.647

@ChasBrown thanks – HyperNeutrino – 2019-04-26T17:43:33.250

I think the f= that you've got in the header is supposed to count towards your bit count. – mypetlion – 2019-05-01T22:20:30.750

@mypetlion You are correct; thanks for catching that. – HyperNeutrino – 2019-05-01T22:33:26.477


Jelly, 16 bytes


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‘ɼ                | Increment the register (initially 0)
  !               | Factorial
   ³;             | Prepend the input
     D            | Convert to decimal digits
        ⁼   ¥¥/?  | If the input diguts are equal to...
         Lḣ@      | The same number of diguts from the head of the factorial
      ®           | Return the register
       ß          | Otherwise run the link again

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 11 829


Perl 6, 23 bytes


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{                     }  # Anonymous code block
   [\*](1..*)            # From the infinite list of factorials
             ...         # Take up to the first element
                /^$_/    # That starts with the input
 +(                  )   # And return the length of the sequence

Jo King

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 38 234


Charcoal, 16 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Push 1 to the empty list so that it starts off with a defined product.


Repeat while the input cannot be found at the beginning of the product of the list...


... push the length of the list to itself.


Print the last value pushed to the list.


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 95 035


Perl 5 -Mbigint -p, 25 bytes


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Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 7 671


J, 28 22 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to FrownyFrog


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original answer J, 28 bytes

>:@]^:(-.@{.@E.&":!)^:_ x:@1

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  • >:@] ... x:@1 starting with an extended precision 1, keep incrementing it while...
  • -.@ its not the case that...
  • {.@ the first elm is a starting match of...
  • E.&": all the substring matches (after stringfying both arguments &":) of searching for the original input in...
  • ! the factorial of the number we're incrementing


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 8 729

(]+1-0{(E.&":!))^:_&1x – FrownyFrog – 2019-04-26T14:07:07.597

I love that use of "fixed point" to avoid the traditional while. – Jonah – 2019-04-26T14:15:37.713


C (gcc) -lgmp, 161 bytes

f(a,n,_,b)char*a,*b;mpz_t n,_;{for(mpz_init_set_si(n,1),mpz_init_set(_,n);b=mpz_get_str(0,10,_),strstr(b,a)-b;mpz_add_ui(n,n,1),mpz_mul(_,_,n));}

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Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 2 499

Suggest strstr(b=mpz_get_str(0,10,_),a)-b;mpz_mul(_,_,n))mpz_add_ui(n,n,1) instead of b=mpz_get_str(0,10,_),strstr(b,a)-b;mpz_add_ui(n,n,1),mpz_mul(_,_,n)) – ceilingcat – 2019-04-26T22:07:58.240


Jelly, 11 bytes


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Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 26 575


Clean, 88 bytes

import StdEnv,Data.Integer,Text

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Defines $ :: Integer -> Integer.

Uses Data.Integer's arbitrary size integers for IO.


Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 7 916


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 62 bytes


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Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 15 931


Ruby, 40 bytes


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Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 11 099


Icon, 65 63 bytes

procedure f(a);p:=1;every n:=seq()&1=find(a,p*:=n)&return n;end

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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 13 815


Haskell, 89 bytes

import Data.List
a x=head$filter(isPrefixOf$show x)$((show.product.(\x->[1..x]))<$>[1..])

If anyone knows how to bypass the required import, let me know.

Mega Man

Posted 2019-04-25T19:44:54.180

Reputation: 1 379

It seems that you output $N!$ and not $N$ as required. – flawr – 2019-05-03T21:49:10.137