Rotation invariant fingerprinting


Imagine we have some polyomino and would like to uniquely identify them, however the polyominos can be rotated, so blindly hashing them won't give us the same fingerprint for a piece and a rotation thereof (in general).

For example if we have the L-tetromino


we would like it to have the same fingerprint as any of these:

  x       x      xxx
xxx  ,    x  or  x

Note: We only allow rotations on the plane (ie. they are one-sided polyominos) and therefore the following polyomino would be a different one:



The task for this challenge is to implement a fingerprinting-function/program which takes an \$m\times n\$ Boolean/\$0,1\$-valued matrix/list of lists/string/.. encoding a polyomino and returns a string - the fingerprint of a polyomino. The fingerprint must be equal for all of the possible rotations (in general 4).

Input / Output

  • \$m \geq 1\$ and \$n \geq 1\$ (ie. no empty polyomino)
  • you're guaranteed that \$m,n\$ are as small as possible (ie. all \$0\$ are trimmed to fit \$m\$ and \$n\$
  • you're guaranteed that the input is
    • simply connected
    • has no holes
  • output must be a string which is the same for each possible rotation of a polyomino


Here are some equivalence classes, for each class the fingerprint must be the same & for any two polyominos from two distinct classes they must differ.

The rotations of the L-tetromino from the example:


The J-tetromino:


The unit polyomino:


A \$5\times 1\$ bar:


A \$2\times 2\$ corner:





Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 15 345

Related. – ბიმო – 2018-12-16T17:20:14.327

If I always output "" (the empty string), have I satisfied all the requirements? – Daniel Wagner – 2018-12-17T12:13:05.743

@DanielWagner: "[..] for any two polyominos from two distinct classes [the fingerprints] must differ" - so no, that would be invalid. – ბიმო – 2018-12-17T14:59:31.430

Is outputting all possible rotations of an array, consistently sorted valid? Example

– Shaggy – 2018-12-17T17:12:40.417

1@Shaggy: Yes, that would meet all the criteria. – ბიმო – 2018-12-17T17:15:38.587



Python 2, 48 bytes

f=lambda l,z=5:z and max(l,f(zip(*l)[::-1],z-1))

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Takes the largest of the four rotations in terms of list comparison. Based on FlipTack's solution.

The code uses Python 2's ability to compare objects of different types. The base case value of 0 is harmless for max because it's smaller than any list. Also, zip produces a list of tuples while the input is a list of lists, but tuples are bigger than lists so the input list-of-lists is never a contender. This is why we rotate 5 times rather than 4, so that we get back to a tuplified version of the initial list. (Taking a list of tuples would also work, if that's an allowed form of input.)


Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 115 687


Python 3, 63 bytes

def f(m):M=[];exec("m=[*zip(*m[::-1])];M+=m,;"*4);return min(M)

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Finds the rotation with the lexographical minimum, and prints that.

A lambda form comes in at the same byte count:

lambda m,M=[]:exec("m=[*zip(*m[::-1])];M+=m,;"*4)or min(M[-4:])

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Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 13 242

Rewriting as a lambda can get you to 58. lambda m,M=[]:exec("m=[*zip(*m[::-1])];M+=m,;"*4)or min(M). Works because exec always returns None. – nedla2004 – 2018-12-16T17:54:11.133

@nedla2004 That can only be run once, and then gets dodgy as M is already populated... – FlipTack – 2018-12-16T17:55:37.140

@nedla2004 ... but accounting for the problem with M[-4:] can get you to the same byte count. – FlipTack – 2018-12-16T18:10:58.173

I see, the test I was using was just checking inputs with the same "hash", so I never ran into that. That makes sense. – nedla2004 – 2018-12-16T18:11:47.643


Jelly, 5 bytes


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Full program.

Simply generates all possible rotations and picks the lexicographical minimum.

Note that singleton lists aren't wrapped in [] in the output. That doesn't matter, since the only case where singleton lists would exist in the input would be a vertical line (including the unit polyomino), which is the same as a horizontal line with the same size (where the ones aren't wrapped). The only case where the outer [] will not exist either is the unit polyomino.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 38 134

when i read the challenge i knew this would happen :) – ngn – 2018-12-16T18:18:15.223


K (ngn/k), 16 bytes


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min of rotations

{ } function with argument x

{+|x} rotate, i.e. reverse (|) and transpose (+)

3{ }\ apply 3 times preserving intermediate results; this returns a list of the 4 rotations

a: assign to a

< ascend (compute the sort-ascending permutation)

* first

a@ index a with that


Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 11 449


Clean, 136 bytes

import StdEnv,Data.List
$l=[if((a==b)==(c==d))'x''X'\\a<-f l&b<-f(r(map r l))&c<-f(r(t l))&d<-f(t(r l))]

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Includes test verifier.


Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 7 916


Japt -g, 6 bytes


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           :Implicit input of 2d-array U
4Æ         :Map the range [0,4)
   z       :  Rotate U 90 degrees
  =        :  Reassign to U
    Ã      :End map
     ñ     :Sort
           :Implicit output of first element


Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 24 623

Is the -g flag necessary? Sort should mean that all initial rotations end up with the same list so that full list should work fine as the fingerprint unless I'm missing something. – Kamil Drakari – 2018-12-17T15:58:35.933

@KamilDrakari, you could well be right - like I said, I'm not sure I fully understood the challenge. No harm leaving it in, though, it's not costing any bytes. – Shaggy – 2018-12-17T17:11:03.013

@KamilDrakari: It is not necessary, but it's no harm either as it's not counted towards the bytecount. – ბიმო – 2018-12-17T17:17:06.430


J, 16 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Shaggy


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J, 18 bytes


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Returns the first item in the list of the lexicograpically sorted rotations of the polyomino.


            ^:(<4)  - do the verb on the left 4 times, storing all the steps
       |.@|:        - tranpose and reverse
    /:~             - sort up the 4 matrices
  [:                - cap the fork
0{                  - take the first matrix  

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 13 815

@Shaggy Thanks! – Galen Ivanov – 2018-12-17T18:02:50.033


05AB1E, 10 8 bytes


-2 bytes thanks to @Shaggy.

Try it online or verify all test cases.


3F  }       # Loop 3 times
  Â         #  Bifurcate (short for Duplicate & Reverse) the top of the stack
            #  (which is the input-matrix implicitly the first iteration)
   ø        #  Transpose: swap rows/columns
     )      # After the loop, wrap everything on the stack in a list
      Σ˜    # Sort this list of matrices by their flattened array (and output implicitly)

NOTE: Taking the minimum with ß or W will implicitly flatten, so will output 0. And sorting with { doesn't seem to work for a list of matrices, which is why I use Σ˜ instead.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-12-16T17:20:05.257

Reputation: 67 575

1@Shaggy Thanks! :) In that case the last two bytes can be removed, since the } is done implicitly if nothing comes after it. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-12-17T17:31:27.143

1Today I learned something about 05AB1E! :) It's the same in Japt. – Shaggy – 2018-12-17T18:35:14.760