Algorithm to print the Minimum number of adjacent character swaps necessary to remove all instances of "VK" in a given string?



For example, how many adjacent swaps are at least needed to convert some string such as BVVKCV to one without any instances of VK?

Input-length of the string will be within the range 1 <= length <= 200.
VK will be hardcoded across all test cases.

Input string examples:

Output: 8

Output: 3

Input:  JUSTIN
Output: 0

Justin Case

Posted 2018-12-06T09:22:38.557

Reputation: 39


I've formatted your post a bit. As mentioned by @JoKing above, is the "vk" hard-coded, or given as second input? Also, you will need a winning criteria tag. [code-golf] is the most common one to use.

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-12-06T09:50:22.577

The "VK" is hard coded. – Justin Case – 2018-12-06T09:54:24.830

3Lowercase vk or uppercase? Also, I'd recommend rewriting the title to something less "I need help with my homework" sounding – Jo King – 2018-12-06T10:55:36.283

I would appreciate some more test cases =D – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-12-06T19:04:32.803

bvvkcv does not contain any instances of VK. Perhaps a test case like VKVKVKVK? – Jo King – 2018-12-09T08:39:00.720

1Suggested test case: KV => 0 – Kamil Drakari – 2018-12-10T17:38:45.580

This question seems really unclear... so I'm making character swaps to position Vs in front of Ks, so they can be removed as an ordered pair? Will I always have an equal number, or might I end up with extra Vs or Ks? Must I make all the swaps before removing anything? Or can I remove each VK as it appears, which reduces the number of letters in the way for remaining swaps? – BradC – 2018-12-11T15:29:01.870

@KamilDrakari Shouldn't that be 1? – BradC – 2018-12-11T16:03:09.413

@BradC My reading of the challenge is that the original string is only reordered using swaps until "VK" is not a substring of it. Characters are never removed. "VK" is not a substring of "KV" so no swaps are necessary. – Kamil Drakari – 2018-12-11T16:17:22.077

@KamilDrakari Ohhh, that kind of makes sense? Still very unclearly worded. – BradC – 2018-12-11T16:27:25.457

Substring or subsequence? Should 'VXK' return 0 or 2? – user202729 – 2018-12-13T07:10:53.397

@user202729 it should return 0 – Justin Case – 2018-12-14T08:30:39.377



Japt, 44 bytes

m£Z¯Y cZtY2 Ô cZsY+2Ãrc
Ve ?ß:W

Try it online!

It times out on the first test case because it's super inefficient (something like O(n^n)?) but it should be a viable algorithm. Input is weird; it is a singleton list containing the input, but the input itself is formatted as a list of upper-case characters. I think that would typically be valid, but if not let me know.


#Step 1: try all the swaps
m                          #For each string Z reachable with n swaps (n starts at 0)
 £                  Ã      # For each letter Y in Z:
  Z¯Y                      #  Get the letters before it in Z
      c                    #  Concat
       ZtY2 Ô              #  Y swapped with the following character
              c            #  Concat
               ZsY+2       #  The rest of Z
                     rc    #Flatten by one level
                           #Result: A list of all strings reachable with n+1 swaps

#Step 2: Check for "VK"
®¬         #For each string from Step 1:
  ø"VK"    # Check whether it contains "VK"
           #Result: A list where 1 indicates there was "VK" and 0 otherwise

#Step 3: Increment the counter appropriately
W+      #Increase the counter by
  VÌ    #The value for the original string when run through step 2
        #Result: 0 if 0 swaps were required, the current number of swaps otherwise

#Step 4: Iterate or end
Ve ?       #If all the reachable strings contain "VK"
    ß      # Repeat the program with the current values
     :W    #Otherwise return the counter
           #Result: Outputs the counter when a non-"VK" string is found.

Kamil Drakari

Posted 2018-12-06T09:22:38.557

Reputation: 3 461


A couple of quick savings to get you down to 44 bytes.

– Shaggy – 2018-12-11T09:41:05.027


Python 3, 125 bytes

while all("VK"in q for q in s):a+=1;s={a[:i]+a[i+1]+a[i]+a[i+2:]for a in s for i in range(len(a)-1)}

Try it online!

Basic BFS.


Posted 2018-12-06T09:22:38.557

Reputation: 26 575