ASCII art H trees



An H tree is a fractal tree structure that starts with a line. In each iteration, T branches are added to all endpoints. In this challenge, you have to create an ASCII representation of every second H tree level.

The first level simply contains three hyphen-minus characters:


The next levels are constructed recursively:

  • Create a 2x2 matrix of copies from the previous level, separated by three spaces or lines.
  • Connect the centers of the copies with ASCII art lines in the form of an H. Use - for horizontal lines, | for vertical lines, and + whenever lines meet each other.

Second level

-+-   -+-
 |     |
 |     |
-+-   -+-

Third level

-+-   -+-   -+-   -+-
 |     |     |     |
 +--+--+     +--+--+
 |  |  |     |  |  |
-+- | -+-   -+- | -+-
    |           |
    |           |
-+- | -+-   -+- | -+-
 |  |  |     |  |  |
 +--+--+     +--+--+
 |     |     |     |
-+-   -+-   -+-   -+-


  • Input is an integer representing the level of the ASCII art H tree as described above (not the actual H tree level), either zero- or one-indexed.
  • Output is flexible. For example, you can print the result or return a newline-separated string, a list of strings for each line, or a 2D array of characters.
  • You must use -, |, + and space characters.
  • Trailing space and up to three trailing white-space lines are allowed.

This is code golf. The shortest answer in bytes wins.


Posted 2018-11-25T11:29:21.950

Reputation: 10 037


Related: Create an “H” from smaller “H”s

– nwellnhof – 2018-11-25T11:45:45.297



Canvas, 20 19 bytes


Try it here!


ø                    push an empty canvas
 ⁸«╵[              repeat input*2 + 1 times
     ↷               rotate clockwise
      L⇵             ceil(width/2)
        ;l⇵          ceil(height/2); leaves stack as [ ⌈½w⌉, canvas, ⌈½h⌉ ]
           └┌        reorder stack to [ canvas, ⌈½w⌉, ⌈½h⌉, ⌈½w⌉ ]
             ├       add 2 to the top ⌈w÷2⌉
              -×     "-" * (2 + ⌈w÷2⌉)
                ╋    in the canvas, at (⌈w÷2⌉; ⌈h÷2⌉) insert the dashes
                 ‼   normalize the canvas (the 0th iteration inserts at (0; 0) breaking things)
                  │  and palindromize horizontally


Posted 2018-11-25T11:29:21.950

Reputation: 19 048


Charcoal, 22 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 0-indexed. Explanation:


Print the initial three -s, leaving the cursor in the middle.


Repeat for the number of times given.


Repeat twice for each H. Each loop creates a slightly bigger H from the previous loop, but we only want alternate Hs.


Rotate the figure.


Draw half of the next line.


Reflect to complete the step.

The result at each iteration is as follows:


|   |
|   |

-+-   -+-
 |     | 
 |     | 
-+-   -+-

|   |   |   |
+-+-+   +-+-+
| | |   | | |
  |       |  
  |       |  
| | |   | | |
+-+-+   +-+-+
|   |   |   |

-+-   -+-   -+-   -+-
 |     |     |     | 
 +--+--+     +--+--+ 
 |  |  |     |  |  | 
-+- | -+-   -+- | -+-
    |           |    
    |           |    
-+- | -+-   -+- | -+-
 |  |  |     |  |  | 
 +--+--+     +--+--+ 
 |     |     |     | 
-+-   -+-   -+-   -+-


Posted 2018-11-25T11:29:21.950

Reputation: 95 035

If you wonder how a 5-th level H looks like, a quick zoomed-out glance:

– Paul – 2018-11-25T17:59:20.550


Python 2, 227 bytes

def f(n):
 if n==1:return[['-']*3]
 m=[l+[' ']*3+l for l in f(n-1)];w=L(m[0]);y=L(m)/2;x=w/4-1;m=map(list,m+[' '*w,' '*x+'-'*(w-x-x)+' '*x,' '*w]+m)
 for i in range(y,L(m)-y):m[i][x]=m[i][w+~x]='|+'[m[i][x]>' ']
 return m

Try it online!


Posted 2018-11-25T11:29:21.950

Reputation: 19 246


Perl 6, 118 bytes

{map ->\y{map {' |-+'.comb[:2[map {$^b%%1*$b&&6>=$^a/($b+&-$b)%8>=2},$^x/¾,y/2,y,$x/3-$_]]},2..^$_*6},2..^$_*4}o*R**2

Try it online!

0-indexed. Returns a 2D array of characters. The basic idea is that the expression

b = y & -y   // Isolate lowest one bit
b <= x % (4*b) <= 3*b

generates the pattern

--- --- --- ---
 -----   ----- 
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- ---
 -----   ----- 
--- --- --- ---


{ ... }o*R**2  # Feed $_=2**$n into block
map ->\y{ ... },2..^$_*4  # Map y=2..2**n*4-1
map { ... },2..^$_*6      # Map $x=2..2**n*6-1
' |-+'.comb[:2[ ... ]]    # Choose char depending on base-2 number from two Bools
map { ... }  # Map coordinates to Bool
  # Horizontal lines
  ,$^x/¾  # Modulo 8*¾=6
  ,y/2    # Skip every second row
  # Vertical lines
  ,y      # Modulo 8
  ,$x/3   # Skip every third column
   -$_    # Empty middle column
# Map using expression
$^b%%1*$b&&  # Return 0 if $b is zero or has fractional part
6>=$^a/($b+&-$b)%8>=2  # Pattern with modulo 8


Posted 2018-11-25T11:29:21.950

Reputation: 10 037